Mother: Elizabeth COLEMAN |
_________________________________________________ | _Francis BROWN ______| | (1660 - 1708) | | |_________________________________________________ | _Daniel BROWN _______| | (1687 - 1747) | | | _________________________________________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |_________________________________________________ | | |--Francis BROWN | (1711 - ....) | _Robert I of Mobjack Bay COLEMAN "the Immigrant"_+ | | (1622 - 1675) m 1650 | _Robert COLEMAN II___| | | (1656 - 1713) m 1678| | | |_Elizabeth GRIZZELL _____________________________+ | | (1630 - 1682) m 1650 |_Elizabeth COLEMAN __| (1685 - 1747) | | _John SPILSBE ___________________________________ | | (1630 - ....) |_Ann SPILSBE ________| (1659 - ....) m 1678| |_________________________________________________
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Mother: Hanna VANCE |
_John PATTERSON "the Immigrant"_ | (1670 - 1731) _Robert PATTERSON ___| | (1694 - ....) | | |________________________________ | _William PATTERSON Sr._| | (1721 - 1782) m 1747 | | | ________________________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |________________________________ | | |--Hugh Vance PATTERSON | (1774 - ....) | _(RESEARCH QUERY) VANCE ________ | | | _Charles VANCE ______| | | (1706 - 1773) | | | |________________________________ | | |_Hanna VANCE __________| (1726 - 1787) m 1747 | | ________________________________ | | |_____________________| | |________________________________
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Mother: Keziah GATEWOOD |
Named in John Sandidge's as son, will dtd 6 Dec 1796, pr 21 Feb
1802; Item I give to my son Waller Sandidge one feather bed and
furniture one cow and calf three Barrels of corn and 300 weight
of Pork to be raised out of my Estate also my Gun & Shott
_John SANDIDGE I_________________+ | (1666 - 1708) m 1690 _William SANDIDGE Sr._| | (1698 - 1746) m 1715 | | |_Mary VAUGHAN ___________________ | (1670 - 1707) m 1690 _John SANDIDGE ______| | (1730 - ....) m 1752| | | _William PULLIAM ________________+ | | | (1665 - 1715) m 1687 | |_Anne PULLIAM ________| | (1700 - 1794) m 1715 | | |_Sarah or Ann? PATTERSON ________+ | (1665 - ....) m 1687 | |--Waller SANDIDGE | (1775 - ....) | _John GATEWOOD I "the Immigrant"_+ | | (1640 - 1706) m 1680 | _Henry GATEWOOD Sr.___| | | (1692 - 1777) m 1714 | | | |_Amy "Amie" MCGRAW (MAGRAH) _____+ | | (1660 - ....) m 1680 |_Keziah GATEWOOD ____| (1730 - 1796) m 1752| | _Richard DUDLEY III______________+ | | (1665 - 1716) m 1688 |_Dorothy DUDLEY ______| (1695 - 1751) m 1714 | |_Elizabeth SAXE _________________+ (1670 - ....) m 1688
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Mother: Susannah WALLACE |
Father: William WOODS (AFN: 1QGZ-M8) Family
Mother: Susanna WALLACE (AFN: 1QGZ-NF)
Spouse: Dorcus HENDERSON (AFN: J9R0-32) Family Marriage:
1818 Albemarle, Va
Spouse: Mourning SHELTON (AFN: GGHK-FK) Family Marriage: 13
Aug 1773, Albemarle, VA
Children: Martha Ann, Anna, Sarah, Lucy, Archibald,William,
Mourning, Thomas, Ann, Susannah, Mary Woods.
___________________________________ | _Michael WOODS Sr. "the Immigrant"_| | (1684 - 1762) m 1704 | | |___________________________________ | _William WOODS ______| | (1715 - 1783) m 1732| | | _JAMES CAMPBELL 5th of Archinbreck_+ | | | (1664 - 1756) | |_Margaret Mary CAMPBELL ___________| | (1690 - 1742) m 1704 | | |___________________________________ | | |--Archibald WOODS | (1749 - 1836) | ___________________________________ | | | ___________________________________| | | | | | |___________________________________ | | |_Susannah WALLACE ___| (1719 - 1797) m 1732| | ___________________________________ | | |___________________________________| | |___________________________________
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