Part VIII - Pike Family
John Pike was born about 1640, in St Marys, Alderberry Parish, London, England.
A merchant tailor, he was married/1 to Mary Lorville.
He was married/2 about 1667, in England, to Emma Blount, who was born about 1650 in England, the daughter of Edmund Blount and Judith Rhodes. See Blount Family.
John died 1 October 1681 in London and was buried in St. Mary Alderberry parish: Emma died 8 June 1718 in North Carolina
The Birth And Marriage Records, were destroyed by The great fire of London, 1666. He was made a Freeman by the Merchand Freeman County of London, England, and therefore a Freeman of London.
From: Harleian Society Registers, Vol. V.
Records of St. Mary Aldermary, London, England.
Records of Tom W. Simons, Solvang, Calfornia
William Perry Johnson, Raleigh, North Carolina
Samuel Pike, son of John Pike and Emma Blount, was born 29 October 1678, in St. Marys, Alderberry Parish, in London, England
Some say that he was married between 1607-1700, in Pasquotank County, North Carolina, to Jean McGregor, who was born in 1680, in Orange County, North Carolina, and died between 1732-1752 in Orange County, North Carolina.
Some genealogists assert he is the son of Joseph Pike and Elizabeth Jackson of Ireland. In his will he refers to his wife Jane, not Jean, which discounts his being married to Jean McGregory at the time of his death. Not too clear
Samuel & sister Africa Pike came to the USA with their mother about 1684.
In the Court minutes, at the house of Diane Foster, February 1693, colonial & state records of North Carolina, Edward Mayo has proved his rights being Edward Mayo Sr., Edward Mayo Jr., Sarah Mayo, Elizabeth Mayo, 3 Negroes, John Nixon, Em Nixon, Ann Nixon, Africa Pike, Samuel Pike.
A landowner and slave-holder, he was married/2 about 1700/1 North Carolina, to Jane Nixon.
His will was dated 11 December 1716, but was not probated. Samuel died 8 May 1718 in Pasquotank County, North Carolina.
The children were all born in Pasquotank County, (Old Albemarle) North Carolina.
John Pike, adopted son of Samuel Pike, was born 14 May 1702, in Pasquotank Monthly Meeting, Perquimans County, North Carolina, and died 15 March 1774, Snow Camp, Orange County, North Carolina;
A blacksmith and an overseer, he was married 4 November 1731, in Pasquotank County, North Carolina, to Abigail Overman, who was born 19 May 1709 in Elizabeth City, Pasquotank County, North Carolina, and died 23 April 1781 in Deep River Monthly Meeting, Guilford County, North Carolina. Abigail�s parents were (See C.Ephraim Overman (Overman Family, Part VII)) and Sarah Belman.
John and Abigail have a grave stone in the cemetery of Cane Creek Meeting, in Orange County (now Alamance County) North Carolina, though Abigail is not actually buried there. Abigail, who was a recorded Friends minister, was on a visit (of ministry) to Muddy Creek Meeting when she sickened and died. She is buried there (no markings), though the death is recorded in minutes of Deep River Monthly Meeting, because Muddy Creek was part of Deep River Monthly Meeting. John is buried at Cane Creek, which was their home meeting. The stone for both of them was put up at a later date. �John Pike 1772-1774 Overseer� and �Abigail Overman 1709-1780 Minister.�
Samuel Pike Jr, adopted son of Samuel Pike Sr, was born about 1712, and died before 1790, probably Wayne County, North Carolina.
He was married 7 February (or 2nd July) 1737, Pasquotank County, North Carolina (now Camden) to Sarah Overman, born 21 1m 1732, daughter of Ephraim Overman and Sarah Belman (See Overman Family, Part VIII)). Their marriage was out of Unity, and disavowed. He was a merchant/planter & tavern keeper.
He was married/2 on 2 March 1763, in Pasquotank County, to Tabith Scott, and married/3 on 16 April 1774, in Rich Square Monthly Meeting, Northampton County North Carolina, to Anne Ducely, born about 1712.
Suzanna Pike, daughter of John Pike and Abigail Overman, was born 27 October 1737, in Winchester, Fredericks County, West Virginia, and died in 1827 in Economy, Wayne County, Indiana.
She was married 12 July 1758 in Cane Creek Monthly Meeting, Orange County, North Carolina, to William Lee IV, who was born 12 October 1729 in Ulster Province, Derry County, Ireland, and died about 1818 in Orange County, North Carolina. (See Lee Family, Part VIII)
Nathan Pike, son of Samuel Pike Jr and Sarah Overman, was born 22 August 1760, in Pasquotank County, North Carolina, and died 13 June 1844, in Wayne County, North Carolina.
He was married 15 August 1781, in Contentnea, Wayne County, North Carolina, to Rachel Maudlin, who was born aboutm 1764 in Perquimans District, Wayne County, North Carolina. She died 5 May 1850, in Wayne County, North Carolina
She was the daughter of Edmund Maudlin (born after 25 March 1732, Perquimans Dist, North Carolina) and Sarah Perisho (She might be the Sarah Perisho born 1733/4, daughter of James Perisho 3, (See Perisho Family, Part IV)