The Mayo-Henley
The Mayo family is first found in Cornwall, England, where they were granted lands by William the Conquerer for their distinguished assistance at the Battle of Hastings.
Edward Mayo (1), was born in 1650 in Glouster, England.
He was married 2 September 1666,in Christ Church Parish, in Barbados, West Indies, to Sarah Maggs, who was born in England, or Barbados, in 1648, and died about 1680, in Barbados.
Elizabeth�s (step?) daughter, Ann Keaton, married/1 19 September 1719, to William Bundy (2); married/2 on 7 March 1724, 2/wife to Thomas Symons, (See: Symons Family, and Bundy Family)
This seems to be in conflict with the following information on Henry, which names his second wife, Elizabeth Jordan. The term �well beloved brother�, may have meant �brother-in Christ�
More research needed here.
Following the death of his wife Sarah, Edward purchased 240 acres from Richard & Eliz Evans on Perisho's (Laker's) Creek in Perquimans County, North Carolina for 26 pounds 2, on 27 March 1680.
Edward Mayo, Esquire, settled by 1684 in Perquimans County, North Carolina. He was appointed Recorder of matters of the Quakers Quartlerly Meeting June 4, 1684. There is evidence that Edward held the office of Justice, and Clerk of Court in Albemarle variously from August 2, 1688, until August 16, 1698. At a Court held in Perquimans Precinct on the first Monday in May, 1693, the following record appeared: "I will well and truly as Clarke of this Court enter all such orders as shall be directed to me, and will be truly faithful in all such records as shall be committed to me in charge, I will be secret in what shall be required of me by this Court to be kept an according to the best of my skill and knowledge execute the office aforesaid so help me God. Edward Mayo."
Edward Mayo Sr. was married/2 to Em (Emma?) (___) widow Pike about 1690 at North Carolina.
Edward Mayo Sr. was married/3, to Hapsehah ____.
The Rent Roll of Albemarle (actual title: "Rent Roll of land upon Record according to their Several Precincts in Albemarle County with ye Rent of 2 per 100 acres"), undated, but around 1696, listed: "Edward Mayo, Pascotank, 277 acres."
Edward died in the late 1700�s in Pasquotank, North Carolina.
Sarah Mayo, daughter of Edward Mayo (1) and Sarah Maggs, was born in 1668, in Barbados.
She was married/1 to Valentine Bird; she was married/2, 23 October 1688, to John Harlow Culpeper and had a daughter Sarah, born 1689 in Philadelphia. (See: Culpeper Family)
She was married/3 about 1693-5, the 3/wife to Patrick Henley (formerly Henly) by whom she had 3 more children. Patrick was born in 1650, in Oldham, Lancashire, England.
Patrick Henley, who was red-headed, was in Barbados in 1686 when he and his 1st wife, Mary, had their daughter, Mary, baptized in the Parish of St. Michael. His wife died in September of 1691, in Albemarle County (now Pasquotank County,) North Carolina,
He was on the Census of Albemarle County, North Carolina in 1696. His will of that year.
He had a brother, Robert Henley, and a sister Ellinor Henley, who married Stephen Scott.
Patrick was married/1 1685 to widow Mary (Fulmer) Scott, who was born 1666, in England and had a daughter, named Elizabeth. They had 1 daughter, Mary Henley. Mary, the mother, died 4 September 1691.
He was married/2 in 1692, both in Perquimans Monthly Meeting, North Carolina, to Sarah Mayo.
Patrick was master of a ship named �The Jane and Sarah� which sailed between Philadelphia and Elizabeth City, North Carolina. He left a will dated 24 July 1696, in Albemarle County, North Carolina, but filed in Philadelphia. He died 20 May 1698 and was buried in Philadelphia in the Friends �Burrying ground,�
Sarah was married/4 to Matthew Pritchard, (See: Pritchard Family, Part IV), who took his new family to Pasquotank County, North Carolina in 1700. She was called the �much married lady.� She died before 1726, in North Carolina.
Edward Mayo (2), son of Edward Mayo Sr. and Sarah Maaga was married twice.
He was married/1 about 1701/2 to Elizabeth ____.
He was married/2 on 4 February 1729/30, in Perquimans County, North Carolina, to Mary Clare, daughter of Timothy Clare and Mary Bundy, (See: Clare Family), who was born 21da 12mo 1685;
The Quaker record of Perquimans Monthly Meeting lists the first four children separately from the next three, who were listed under Mary. From this one would assume that they were married between 1713 and 1716, however, one record states they were married in 1709.
Edward (2) died 16th of 8mo 1724.
Mary was married/2, second/wife to Joseph Newby, son of Gabriel Newby and Elizabeth Toms, who died 16 died 8mo 1724. Mary died 27 October 1739 (See: Newby Family, Part II).
John Henley Sr, son of Sarah Elizabeth Mayo and Patrick Henley, was born in 1694/6, in Pasquotank County, North Carolina.
He was married in the home of the bride�s father in 1716 in Pasquotank County, North Carolina, to Isabel Newby, born 28 October 1697, in Albemarle County, North Carolina, daughter of Gabriel Newby and Mary Ann Toms. (See Newby Family, Part II) insert link John died 30 April 1728, in Pasquotank County;
She was married/2 1729 to Benjamin Pritchard; and married/3 1744 Thomas Pierce. Isabel and Thomas died 3 August 1758
John (Jehu) Henley, Jr., son of John Henley Sr. and Isabel Newby, was born 7 December 1717, Pasquotank County, North Carolina.
He was married 2 August 1740 to Mary Jordan, who was born 5 February 1722/3-died 4 February 1751/2, in Randolph County, North Carolina, daughter of Joseph Jordan and Mary Ricks. He died 10 July 1753, Pasquotank County, North Carolina.
Mary was married/2 1 July 1756, out of unity with the church, 2/wife to Benjamin Morris, son of Aaron Morris, Sr and Mary Pritchard (See Morris family, Part IV). insert link Mary died 4 February 1762, just a few days after Benjamin died. The birth order of the children is not certain.
John Henley III, son of John Henley and Mary Jordan, was born 1745/6, in Pasquotank County, North Carolina.
He was married/1 in 6 March 1766, in Simons Creek Monthly Meeting, North Carolina to Mary Albertson, who was born 17 November 1745, in Pasquotank County, North Carolina, daughter of Elias Albertson and Mary Stanton. Mary died 30 September 1795, in North Carolina.
He was married/2 in 1797 to Elizbeth Newby of Randolph County, North Carolina, who was born 30 October 1738, Perquimans County, North Carolina, daughter of Samuel Newby and Elizabeth (Albertson) widow Sanders, widow of Esau Lamb, widow of Daniel Saint.
John died 16 March 1815, when a tree fell across the road, in Back Creek, Randolph County, North Carolina.
His Will:
I give unto my beloved wife one bay mare named Jin and saddle and bridle, two cows and calves her choice, two feather beds and furniture, three ewes during her natural life and at her death to my daughter Anney Henly.ITEM - I give my son Micajah Henly one bed and furniture, one cow and calf, two ewes.
ITEM - I give to my daughter Nancy Henly one feather bed and furniture, one large bowl, one small steer, one gray horse, known by the name of Jack.
ITEM - I give to my beloved wife Elizabeth Henly one sow and pigs also one years provision of meat, flour and corn.
ITEM - I give to my daughter Mary Hill two ewes.
ITEM - I give to my sons namely Elias, Gabriel and Micajah Henly all of my lands to be equally divided between them.
ITEM - I give to all my children the arising profits of a certain lawsuit now pending with Thomas Sanders of Currituck County about a certain tract of land lying in Pasquotank County provided they give equal part in raising money to support said suit then to be equally divided between them except one hundred dollars if raised to my loving wife Elizabeth Henly. If any of my children fail to support the said suit they they forfeit their right of said profits and to be equally divided amongst the rest.
ITEM - I give to my loving wife Elizabeth Henly 21 bushels of wheat outof the crops now growing also four chairs and one set cups and saucers.
ITEM - I give to my daughter Penelope Newby ten dollars.
ITEM - I give to my son Henry Henley's heirs six dollars.
ITEM - I give to my son Joseph Henly ten shillings.
ITEM - I give to my son John Henly ten shillings.
ITEM - I give to my son Jesse Henly ten shillings.
And all the money arising from my estate after the legacies, are paid to be equally divided between all my children.
ITEM - I likewise nominate constitute and appoint my beloved wife Elizabeth Henly executor, and my sons Joseph and Gabriel Henly execuros of this my last will and testament, etc. In witness where of I have set my hand and seal this 1st day of December 1808.
Signed John Henly (Seal)
witnesses: William Hobbs, Samuel Hill Proved May term 1815.