The Clare Family
The Clare family is of Royal descent. Christopher Cleave (Clare) was a "subject in the colony at Jamestown," May 23, 1609.
William Cleve (Clare) is named in the will of Giles Cory of Lynn, Massachusetts, July 25, 1692, as "son in law", and Thomas Hire (Hare) of Surry County, Virginia, in his Will, March 6, 1704, names Thomas & William Clare as his "grand-sons". As the Hares moved to Perquimans County, North Carolina, we may very well say with a certain amount of certainty, that the William here spoken of is the same which Timothy Clare of Perquimans, calls "father" in his marriage certificate. William Clare is believed to be born in Scotland about 1614. According to the above, his father is listed as Ambrose Clare, it also indicates that he had a brother named Thomas and that his mother's maiden name may have been Hare. It seems they lived in Massachusetts for a time, and then various counties in Virginia. Mary Cory was born about 1618, daughter of Giles and Elizabeth Cory, who was born about 1598. Giles was born about 1584, in Northamtonshire, England. He may have been the son of Martyn Cory and Katheren RightonAmbrose �Bogue� Clare was born in 1589, in Scotland. He was married to Mary Hare, who was born about 1600.
William Clare, son of Ambrose �Bogue� Clare and Mary Hare, was born in 1614, in Auchencraw, Scotland.
He was married about 1639, in Scotland, to Elizabeth ____. He died in New Kent, Virginia.
Timothy Clare, son of William Clare, was born in Auchencraw, Scotland, probably in the 1650�s.
In a book entitled �Bristol and America Servants to Foreign Plantations,� Vol II, 1663-1679, (page 136), he is listed. He sailed in the middle 1660�s or early 1670�s from Bristol, England, and was bound for the Island of Nevis in the West Indies, 200 miles southeast of Puerto Rico, just west of Antigua.
By 1674, Timothy had been transported into Maryland. Maryland Hall of Records, Annapolis, Maryland-Land Office, Liber 18, folio 105:- �23th of November 1674-Came Thomas Hassald of Cecil County, and proved his Right to 150 acres of Land it being due him for Transporting himself, Thomas Davis, and Timothy Clare, into this province to Inhabit.� By 1681, Timothy Clare, with others, had removed to Albemarle, Berkeley precinct, later Perquimans County, North Carolina.
Timothy was married/1 about 1663 to Elizabeth ____, who was born about 1640, and died before 1701.
He was married/2 on 7 June 1685, to Mary Bundy, born about 1660, daughter of William Bundy and his first wife, Elizabeth. (See: Bundy Family, Part IV)
In May of 1693, in Perquimans County, North Carolina, he sat on Grand Jury, which meant he had at least 300 acres of land at this tune to qualify for Grand Jury duty.
Mary died 30 December 1694, in Perquimans County, North Carolina.
Timothy Clare was Keeper of the Tolles Books for west Perquimans in 1698. He was Burgess for Perquimans in October 11, 1709; Justice of the Peace. He was a Quaker and wielded a strong influence in the county (Perquimans County, North Carolina) for the betterment of settlers, and the usefulness of its citizens. He owned large bodies of land in Perquimans County, North Carolina. Numerous deed transfers, and his will indicate that he was probably quite wealthy.
He was married/3, on 1 March 1702 to Hannah Lawrence (Larance), who was born 1 December 1669, in Berkeley Precinct, North Carolina, daughter of William Lawrence and Rachel Welsh.
William Lawrence, son of Charles Lawrence, was born about 1629, in Berkeley Pct., North Carolina, and married in 1653, to Rachel Welch, who was born about 1633, in Berkeley Pct. Willliam died 13 Auguat 1694
Hannah Lawrence, daughter of William Lawrence, was the widow of Israel Snelling who was born about 1669 & died 31 8mo 1700, by whom she had two daughters:
In 1717, week-day Meetings were directed to be held at the houses of Timothy Clare and Samuel Nicholson.
Timothy Clare is known to have had at least eight children: six by his first wife, including twins; one by his second wife; and one by his third wife. Dates of birth for all eight are given by the Perquimans Monthly Meeting.
Timothy died 10 of 9mo (November) 1724, the day he made his will, in Perquimans Precinct., North Carolina.
A brief abstract of the will of Timothy Clare (�Cleare�) (Archives, Raleigh, North Carolina, File No. SS844-original wills) is as follows:
The Inventory of the Estate of Timothy Clare was taken 23 of 9mo, (November) 1724, by Gabriel Newby, William Moor, and Francis Toms, and in additional to much personal property, included five Negroes. Numerous entries in Hinshaw, attest to the fact that he was a trusted and loyal Quaker, quite wealthy.
One Ladd�s Family by Ruth Kline Ladd
Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy Vol.1
NC Historical and Genealogical Register, 3-201
Journal of North Carolina Genealogy Summer 1965 issue, p 1480-2