Part VI - Hogle
The first Hoghils are supposed to have come to America about 1740. Family tradition has it that two brothers came to this country from Holland and parted in New York. One brother went to Canada. The other married a girl in Albany, stayed in New York, and founded our branch of the family.
The 1st Hogle of whom we have definite knowledge was Pieter Hoghil. He was born about 1725.
He married about 1744, to Cattrina Vosburgh, who was born 21 April 1728, daughter of Abraham Vosburgh and Geertje Van Den Bergh. (See: Dutch Families, Part VI)
We are indebted to the records of the old Dutch Reformed Church, Schaghticoke, Renesselaer County, New York, for data on the children of Pieter and Cattrina. These records are published in the New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Volumes 59-63, incl., and �History of Albany, New York, by J. Munsell, Vol IV, p 133.
John Hogel, the son of Pieter Hoghil and Cattrina Vosburgh, was baptized 11 December 1757, in Renesselaer County, New York.
John was a private in the 1st Regiment, New York line, under the command of Colonel Goose Van Schaick. He was also a corporal in the 14th Regiment, Albany County militia, commanded by Colonel John Knickerbocker and Colonel Peter Yates, in the Revolution. John Hogel appeared on a list of estates forfeited in New York, in the Revolution.
From the �Daughters of the American Revolution Transcript� for Mrs. Elsie (Hogle) Hunt, we find the following information.
Certificate 31020, issued 3 April (year burned) for 8s, 10 1/4 deed to John Hogal for services as private in Lieut. Isaias J. Swarts� detachment of Colonel Frederick Fisher�s Regiment. (3) of Tyron County Militia. (Mohawk District)
Certificate 31063, issued 25 April 1779, for (amount burned) to John Hogel for services as private in Lieut. Peter V. Olinde�s company (detachment) of Colonel Frederick Fisher�s Regiment (3) of Tyron County Militia (Mohawk District) Certificate of Treasurer. (Manuscript Record, Vol 5, p 117, and Vol 7, pp 19, and 21)
Certificate 23726, issued 1 June 1780, for 15s, 2d, to John Hagell for services as Corporal in Captain Gerret Tuness Burtt�s Company, of Colonel John Yates� Regiment (14) of Albany County. (Hoosick Schaghticoke.)
From the �Hogle History,� by Peter Cartwright Hogle comes the following story about John. John spelled his name Hogel. A neighbor persisted in calling him �Hog-gal,� and when he refused to stop the practice, John took the matter to court, and collected damages. After that he spelled his name �Hogle.�
In 1787, John Hogle was one of the first settlers of Highgate, Vermont. John had decided to settle in Canada, but when the land was surveyed, he found he was in Vermont. He went to mill at Plattsburg, New York.
He was married to Polly Maria Lampman, who was born 29 June 1759, the daughter of John Michael Lampman and Maria Brouwer. (See: Lampman Family, Part VI)
John Hogle died 12 January 1818. After his death, Maria went to Henryville, Canada, and died there, 12 January 1855, aged 95 years, 6 months, 13 days.
Michael Hogle, the son of John Hogle and Maria Lampman, was born in the community of Highgate, near Plattsburg, New York, and baptized at Brunswick, New York. The �NY Gen. & Bio. Rec.� (Vol 63, p 197) gives his birthdate as 26 February 1781, but that probably was his baptismal date, because his tombstone says that he was born 8 February 1781.
He was married 15 August 1802, in Highgate, Vermont, to Polly Langdon, who was born 17 September 1781, at Dorod, New York, according to some records.
They moved to Bethlehem Township, Coshocton County, Ohio in April of 1814, when it was a wilderness, inhabited by Indians and wild animals. He built the first schoolhouse at his own expense, where school was kept for a number of years. His son, Leander, was one of the first teachers.
Polly�s tombstone record in the Prairie Chapel Methodist Episcopal Church Cemetery, Warsaw, Bethlehem Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, reads �Polly Hogle, died 5 September 1823, aged 42 years and 12 days. That would make her date of birth 24 August 1781. She had 15 children.
New York history is full of Langdon references, and much space is given in the �NY Genealogical and Biographical Record� to family dates and history. However, Polly�s direct descent is not known. Jonathan Langdon was a selectman in Highgate in 1799; thus he lived in the same time, same village as our Polly. The Langdons are traced back to Churston Fetters Parish in England, but no proof that they were the same family.
Michael was married/2 on 16 February 1825 in Coshocton County, to Rebecca Noble, who had been married previously 3 December 1820 to Daniel Cresap. She was born 20 May 1796, and had four or five children.
They moved to Illinois in 1845, to a town then known as Bunkum, then Iroquois, and now called Sheldon, Illinois. Michael also raised two grandchildren.
Michael died 18 June 1846, in Iroquois city, Illinois, and buried in old Liberty Cemetery, 2 miles east of town.
For information about the other children - See: Michael Hogle
Isaac Newton Hogle, the son of Michael Hogle and Polly Langdon, was born 21 February 1818, in Coshocton County, Ohio.
He was married 6 April 1843, Coshocton County, to Barbara Smith, who was born 12 November 1823 near Cadez, Harrison County, Ohio, the daughter of George Smith and Barbara Bash. (See: Smith Family, Part VI)
Genealogy, at best, is a drudgery of figures, names, and dates. When personalities are lacking, family history holds little appeal. We are indeed fortunate to have had so much of Isaac and Barbara Hogle handed down to us by people who knew them personally. They are just as real, as if we had met them in the 1800�s. They were real persons, leading real lives. Isaac was converted early in life and joined the Methodist Episcopal Church in which he spent his entire life. He first voted the Old Whig ticket, then the Republican, and as long as he lived, he was a staunch Union man, opposed to slavery. His life was filled with good deeds; he died in the triumph of the Christian faith.
We have three pictures of our Hogle ancestors. The first is their wedding picture - Isaac the plump Dutchman, smiling and even then a little bald. Barbara is thin and gentle, with straight hair and a severely plain dress. In the 1870�s we have a family group, with Margaret Elizabeth and William Nelson as young people, Peter in adolescent years and Mary, Sarah and Harry serious-faced little children. Last, there is the picture of Isaac, the patriarch, with full beard and high forehead. Barbara, more lines in her face, still is the gentle soul about whom we have heard so much.
Among their wedding gifts was six solid silver teaspoons. Worn and thin, three spoons of that set went to Indiana, Iowa, and finally to Kansas, where they now rest, carefully wrapped in cloth. Barbara had, also, an ivory crochet hook, owned by her mother, and brought to the new country when Martin Bash came to America, about 1760. The hook is nearly worn through by the countless yards of thread, which have passed across its polished surface. For years the family owned a chair, which Isaac made by hand, with mortised joints and woven seat.
There were two boys born to them in Ohio, but they both died. In 1853/4 they journeyed with the Nelson Hogle family to Hancock County, Indiana, in 1854, and to Winterset, Madison County, Iowa in 1865/6.
In 1865, the family moved to Madison County, Iowa, with Harry as a baby and Sarah only three years old. They moved in two wagons, one drawn by a team, the other by a single huge, draft horse. Accompanying them was a large St. Bernard dog, which had once fought off a tramp, when Barbara was alone in the Indiana Home. He wandered away one day, as the family was camped, and returned to find his master gone. He took the trail back to Indiana and went to the old home place but no one came. So he went to the only other people he knew and stayed out his life with the Nelson Hogles. The children were heart-broken.
When Barbara first went to housekeeping, she carded, wove and spun her own wool, made garments for all, and found time to dip candles, feed her brood and make a real home for the group.
Life did not treat Isaac too kindly, as far as worldly goods were concerned. His niece, Nina Smith, said, �How we all liked to go to Uncle Ike�s for a meal. The house was small, but the hospitality made everybody feel at home.� A home in early Iowa had to be largely self-sufficient. All kinds of fruits, jams, jellies and preserves lined the cellar walls. Isaac worked with Barbara�s brother James to tap the hard maple trees and make maple syrup. When the run was nearly over, they had parties, where they threw the syrup into the snow and made candy. Sleigh rides, coasting, horseback riding, all were recreation for the young. The girls had side-saddles, and their own horses. Sarah bought a buggy, with her hard-earned money, secured by teaching school at some twenty dollars a month.
Isaac was superintendent of the Methodist Sunday-School for years. Everybody respected and like �Uncle Ike.� One night a man who had one too many drinks was driving his sled home from town over the drifts, and upset in the snow. Isaac pulled him out, and the now-penitent man, recognized his rescuer, and cried, �Oh, Mr. Hogle, it ain�t me, it ain�t me.�
Times were hard in the little community, and the needs were many. The children could not have overshoes and their shoes, worn pitifully thin, wore full of holes before the school term was out. They could not have new ones, so they blackened paper and put it over the holes to hide from the other children the fact that their shoes were worn out. Snow soaked feet remained wet all day in the little school-house, where the youngsters learned their ABC�s.
Christmas often found the family very low in funds and one year, the children were told that Santa Claus was very poor and could not come that year. The children�s faith was undimmed, however, and they hung their stockings on Christmas Eve, feeling sure that Santa Claus would not forget them. When they awoke to empty stockings, their grief knew no bounds. Isaac went to town, sold a gallon of maple syrup and purchased a few huge candies, about the size of our present-day round candy bars. One of these went into each stocking. Isaac fashioned a few crude toys for the boys and Barbara made rag dolls for the girls. Each child was given a polished apple. New Year�s morning, the children gazed with shining eyes on the Yuletide bounty.
Barbara must have been a wonderful cook, for her daughters knew how to set the groaning table, heaped with good things to eat. Some of these things we have never seen duplicated anywhere. First, there was corn pone. It was baked until it had a crust as black and hard as one can imagine. It cannot be appreciated unless the thermometer is hovering about the zero mark. Then there must be a huge bowl of sausage gravy to put over the delicacy. Is it any wonder that sons have instructed their wives to make it? Chess tarts were a special delicacy and Cottage cheese was always called Smierkase. Creamed cucumber salad was another thing handed down to the next generation. It is something out of this world. Add to this, the special mahogany cake, mince, pumpkin, and lemon cream pies that were Barbara�s, and you do not count the calories, especially if you had some of her special head cheese from the meat of the hog head. Her apple butter was black from countless gallons of apple cider, cooked and stirred into it for countless hours and days.
True, Isaac Hogle made no money of any consequence, but he made a home so dear to the children, that they missed it when they were sixty. Their children felt that nothing was quite as great as their parents and the home in which they were raised. Isaac and Barbara were stern disciplinarians, but it never lowered the love that their children had for them.
Isaac and Barbara spent the winter of 1885-86, on the farm with the Murphys and must have gone back when Sarah took the younger children. (See Margaret Elizabeth Hogle) Will Hogle, now Dr. Hogle, met her at Greenfield, Iowa, when she arrived with the two children.
Isaac died 11 September 1886, in Winterset, Madison County, Iowa. After Isaac�s death, Sarah and her mother went to Winterset, Iowa, to live with Aunt Betsy Ruby, but the children made her nervous, and the two women moved to Evanston, Illinois, where William Nelson Hogle also lived for a time.
In 1892, Thomas Parish Murphy was elected County Clerk of Harvey County, Kansas, and he invited Barbara and Sarah to come to Newton and keep house for him, which they did, and the family was reunited once more.
Thomas Murphy persuaded Sarah to marry him in 1893. Barbara died 23 October 1899, in Halstead, Kansas.
History of Albany, New York, Vol IV, p 133 by J. Munsell
NY Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vols 59-63
Vermont Historical Gazeteer, Vol I, II, III, IV
History of Iroquois County, H. W. Beckwith, 1880
Hogle History, by Peter Cartwright Hogle