


Cyndi's List A great site for links to genealogy research material.

RootsWeb World Connect Project
This is the worlds largest free, on line, data base of Genealogy information.

Explore Billions of Individuals Records

Our Royal, Titled, Noble, and
Commoner Ancestors & Cousins
If you came from European stock this is a great site.

A genealogical survey of the peerage of Britain as well as the royal families of Europe

After The Flood
The Early post-Flood History of Europe

New Northvegr Center
An excellant Viking History, Mythology, Religious & Culture source

The Doomsday Book
Commissioned in Dec. 1085 by William the Conqueror an excellant research tool.

Europe in the 1400s
The Last Years of Medieval Europe

Coats of Arms by Eddie Geoghegan
Now featuring free coats of arms for over 9000 surnames

Brian Timms Collection
Early Rolls of Arms

Early Blazon
Early coat of arms from their onset to the end of the crusades

Armorial of Plantagenet
Coats of Arms borne by Geoffrey Plantagenet, and his descendants

European Heraldry
Heraldic art in Europe - 17th century to the present day

The Johnson Galleries
The realistic and fantastic art galleries of contemporary American Illustrator Howard David Johnson

Brother's Keeper
The best Free Genealogy Software Program
