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Thursday, April 5, 1894

-Wm. C. Riddle, of Elkhorn, is in the city

-Ed O’Rourke came up from Billings this morning

-M. A. Miller, of Dillon, is visiting the capital city

-A. B. Hamilton, of Choteau, is in the city on business

-John Deegan and family are in the city from Bald Butte

-Dr. J. M. Sligh and wife, of Granite, are at the Helana

-John Buckley, of Benton, is registered at the Grand Central


Mrs. Emma Hildenstab, wife of the late Louis Hildenstab, died suddenly Sunday, after a brief illness of two days. Deceased was a sister of Frank J. Kenck. She leaves one child, four years old. Funeral took place from the residence of Mr. Kenck, Fifth ward, at 2 o’clock p.m. today.


From the Daily Herald of March 31
The Quartette Charges With Horse Stealing Up To-Day
Justice Votaw’s court room in the Galen block was crowded this morning to hear the developments in the horse stealing case, in which Peter Wiegan implicates Chas. Reed, Tad Kelly, James Luke and Antone Zimmer. Wegan, J. F. Hall and J. Hall were witnesses on the stand this forenoon. At noon the hearing was adjourned till 1:30. At the afternoon session it was decided to continue the hearing in the police court and hither the crown went, completely filling the room. Wiegan, the complaining witness, testified that about three weeks ago he found two of his colts missing. He heard that a bunch of horses had been driven off the range. He followed the trail of this bunch down and across the Missouri. He went on and stayed at a rancher’s whose name was Burk. Here he found Chas. Reed and James Luke. During some conversation these two said they had brought a bunch of horses down from the Prickley Pear valley, and while crossing the river they lost five head by their breaking though the ice. Weigan also heard Antone Zimmer had helped drive the horses down to the river then going back to Reed’s ranch, and also that Tad Kelly had had a hand in gathering the horses before they were taken down. The other winesses told of seeing a man, supposed to be Antone Zimmer, drive a bunch of horses from the Leland Corrall, in the northern part of the Prickley Pear valley off in a northwest direction.Wm. Burk, the rancher with whom Reed and Luke were stopping, told how he accompanied Reed, Zimmer and Luke when they drove the horses down to the river crossing. He said he understood that they were to be taken up to the Milk river country and as he was soon to drive a bunch up to that country, he thought that they could take them all up together. He also said that he had hired Reed to break horses for him. Burk denies the presence of a roan-sorrell colt or a bay colt in the bunch, such as Wegan says he lost, but says there were two sorrell colts in the bunch, one of which was lost through the ice.There are many witnesses yet to hear from, and the case will no doubt last all day Monday.


A Falling Rock Strikes Willie Norris on the Head
Yesterday afternoon Willie Norris, the ten-year-old son of W. E. Norris, while standing in his yard on Lyndale avenue, was struck on the head with a fragment of rock, which was thrown from a blast near by and seriously hurt. The rock which struck young Norris was thrown fully two hundred feet in the air and descending struck the boy on the side of the head, cutting a gash an inch wide from the top of the head down the side fully two inches long and crushing in a part of the skull. The boy, who had been knocked senseless by the blow, recovered consciousness when Dr. Miller, who was in attendance, after removing a number of pieces of splintered bone, raised the bone that was pressing against the brain. The Doctor thinks the injury is very serious.Dr. Miller visited the little sufferer again this morning. He found him a little more conscious than he was yesterday. He could speak a little and said more words than he could command last night. Except this additional brightness there was no change in his condition. The Doctor says his injuries are of the gravest nature and that it will be three or four days before he can hazard an opinion as to whether or not the patient will recover. The chances are against
the recovery.

-Gus Alhe, of Avon, is registered at the Grand Central

-M. T. Linden, of Butte, is in the city on business

Pope & O’Connor to Give Up Ming’s Opera House
Today the lease which Pope & O’Connor have had on Ming’s Opera House for the last three years, expires. It is understood that the management is to be taken in hand by the Ming boys. Messsrs. Pope & O’Connor, during their term of management, have treated the public to some excellent productions by standard companies in comedy, drama and tragedy and have always treated the theater-goers with great liberality. They retire with the best wishes of all theatergoers and of the public in general.


-D. W. Middlemas, of Milton, Oregon, is visiting Helena, his former home

-Rev. J. H. Crooker leaves Monday for a trip to the Pacific coast, to be absent for two or three weeks. He expects to visit the Midwinter Fair.

-H. A. Holmes is in from St. Louis, Mont.

-Jas. Winscott and family, of Anamosa, Iowa, have moved to Helena for their future home. Mr. Winscott is a brother of John Winscott.

-C. F. Booth, one of the county commissioners of Silver Bow, came over from Butte yesterday and is topping at the Helena.

-F. H. Dates, of Great Falls, is in town

-R. T. Bayliss, of Marysville, is at the Helena

-R. W. Raymond and C. W. Goodale came down from Maryville this morning

-H. H. Potting, the Marysville merchant, is in the city


-The case of the State vs. E. S. Kellogg, charging Dr. Kellogg with practicing medicine without a license, came up in Judge Buck’s court this morning. Col. Nolan appeared for the prosecution and Attorney Walsh for the defense. The jury found the doctor guilty of the charge and the court imposed a fine of $100 and costs. An appeal will be taken to the Supreme Court.-W. V. Meyers, of Toston, George Clark, of York, and A. P. McDonald, of Rimini, were in the city today-The Senate yesterday confirmed the nomination of C. P. Blakely as Register of the Land Office at Bozeman.

-B. H. Wilkerson, the man convicted of killing deer out of season, is at last free, the board of pardons approving the action of Lieut. Gov. Botkin.

-The Ford boys, charged with the murder of Hans Thompson near Marysville, pleaded not guilty this morning. They will be tried on the return of Judge Hunt.

-It is reported that the Haynes party who have just returned from the Yellowstone park, found the carcasses of eleven more buffalo. This make seventeen that have been killed there this winter.

-Mr. H. C. Sterling has been appointed and took charge on the 1st inst. As foreman of the Helena Rapid Transit railroad and power plant, relieving Mr. Fred Montgomery, who has so acceptably filled the position, but contemplates a trip to Colorado.

From the Daily Herald of March 28
Are of the Opinion That the Ford Boys Killed Thompson. Coronor Pleasants, who left here Monday evening for Marysville, to hold an inquest over the body of Hans Thompson, who was reported to have been killed by A. W. And E. S. Ford returned to Helena today. The inquest was held yesterday. The post-mortem examination revealed the fact that the bullet had entered the body just over the heart, passed through the heart and spinal column and lodged just underneath the skin of the back. Death was instantaneous. As a result of the inquest the coroner’s jury found that they believed that Thompson had met his death at the hands of the Ford boys. The evidence was all circumstantial, but the jury were of the opinion, that instead of the gun being discharged while all three men were engaged in the scuffle one of the Fords deliberately shot Thompson and shot to kill.During the inquest the Ford boys refused to make any statement whatever, and the killing of Thompson, as told by other witnesses, is about as follows:The Fords were in Marysville Sunday, leaving there about 11 a.m., after purchasing some cartridges for a Winchester rifle and a couple of bottles of whiskey. When they left town they were accompanied, for about four miles, by a wood chopper who rode in the sleigh with them. This man did not notice any gun in the sleigh, although he saw the package of cartridges. Another man, at whose ranch the Fords stopped on their way home, saw them load a gun with seven or eight cartridges, after which the gun was placed in the sleigh. When about half way between Marysville and their ranch they met Van Velit, Thompson’s partner, to whom they offered a drink. Van Velit refused and after a short conversation passed on. As he was going away one of the Fords shouted, with an oath, that they were ‘going to kill old man Thompson.’Other evidence before the coroner is as follow: On reaching the cabin of Thompson, which is some distance off the main road, one of the Fords entered the cabin, the other remaining in the sleigh. After some time had passed the Ford outside went to the cabin door and told his brother to ‘come on and go home.’ This he started to do, but as he was crossing the threshold Thompson struck him from behind, felling him. Thompson then jumped over the prostrate man and running past the other brother seized the gun in the sleigh and, grasping it by the mazzle, turned to strike the man that was nearest to him. As the gun descended Ford threw up his left hand to ward off the blow and caught the gun at the hammer in the palm of the hand between the thumb and first finger, the stock striking him just over the right eye, cutting a gash in his head. As the gun descended it was discharged with fatal result and the stock was broken.After the tragedy the Ford boys, still under the influence of liquor, visited several ranchmen in the vicinity telling the foregoing story and asking them to go down to Thompson’s cabin, saying that Thompson had killed himself and they wanted them for witnesses.From these witnesses the above story of the killing was obtained. The evidence in entirely circumstantial but very strong. The threats of the Fords that they were going to kill Thompson. Their turning off the main road to go to Thompson’s cabin was done for some reason. Nothing had been said to Thompson regarding the presence of the gun in the sleigh. How did he know it was there? A rancher had seen the Fords load the gun with seven or eight cartridges; of these five loaded ones were still in the magazine, an empty shell in the barrel, and a loaded cartridge was found near the door of Thompson’s cabin, which looks as if one of the men, wishing to make a sure shot and not being sure there was a cartridge in the barrel, had worked the lever, throwing out the loaded shell and placed another one in its place. The absence of powder burns on Thompson’s shirt, which, had the gun been as far away as three or four feet at the time of the discharge, would have been noticeable; and most important of all, the course of the bullet tended upward from the place of entrance at an angle of about thirty degrees.One of the statements made by the Fords was to the effect that Thompson staggered fifteen feet after the shot was fired. This would have been impossible, as the spinal cord was severed, thus paralyzing the lower part of the body.All this evidence was carefully considered by the jury before the above verdict was reached.Under Sheriff Hoss and Constable Hendricks brought the men down from Marysville this morning and placed them in the county jail. They also brought down the gun with which the deed was done, the stock of which was split from end to end, the bullet that so suddenly terminated Thompson’s career, and a piece of the shirt worn by the murdered man showing the hole made by the bullet. A. B. Ford, one of the men, is married and has a family.

-John McDermott, of Basin, is in town

-Chas. Thompson came in from Townsend this morning.


A Quartette of Men From the Valley Rounded Up
Chas. Reed, Jas. Luke, Antone Zimmer and A. J., better known as ‘Tad’ Kelley, were brought before Justice Votaw this morning charged by Peter Wegan with horse stealing. R. R. Purcel appeared for the defendants and County Attorney Nolan for the state. By the mutual agreement of the lawyers the preliminary examination was postponed until next Saturday morning at ten o’clock. Horse stealing, rustling, cattle killing and the like have been carried on in the part of the country with a high hand for a long time and it is fully time to stop such outrages. If it can be proved that these men are interested in any way with any of the above named crimes it will go hard with them. Sheriff Curtis says he is going to do everything in his power to bring the parties connected in this business to trial and will convict them if possible.

Missoula Has Two Delegates for the Reform School

A Missoula special says: A deep plan of burglary was unearthed this afternoon by the sheriff’s officers, who arrested two lads not more than 14 years old, who had been detected in a plan for wholesale housebreaking on the south side. For three or four days articles have been missed from houses in South Missoula and, by close watching, it was found that two boys, named Mott and Harley, had constructed skeleton keys of steel wire and had entered houses when the occupants were away. Nothing of great value had been taken yet, but the boys had evidently planned to make a wholesale raid as soon as they had got the lay of the land.


-Col. C. D. Curtis returned from a short visit to Great Falls last evening

-C. C. Cochran, local editor of the GREAL FALLS TRIBUNE, is in the city

-Frank Marion, of Great Falls, is at the Grand Central

-H. G. Swaney, of Choteau, is in the city on business

-J. E. Potter came in on this morning’s train from Three Forks.

-Charles Watson, of Marysville, is in town

-Adjutant General Lloyd was in the city from Butte yesterday

-Ed. Winston, of Billings, is registered at the Grand Central

-H. L. Simmons came down from Wickes this morning

-Jno. H. Cole, of Philipsburg, is at the Helena

-John Lucas arrived in town this morning from Castle

-H. E. Thompson came down from Marysville this morning on a business trip

-S. G. Ramsey, of Missoula, is at the Helena

-C. C. Cochran
and son of the GREAT FALLS TRIBUNE, are in the city

-C. M. Barden, representing Crane Bros., paper manufacturers of Bridgeport, Conn., is in the city

-S. H. Crounse
, from Chicago, is here at his old home to visit for some days. He came over the Great Northern. Snow through Dakota and up to Havre he reports deep, and the plains temperature severe

Dr. Kellogg Charged With Practicing Without One
An information has been filed by County Attorney Nolan against Dr. E. S. Kellogg, chargin him with practicing without a license since his certificate was revoked by the district court. It is understood that this was of the doctor’s own seeking as he admitted having continued to prescribe for those patients he had under his care at the time the decision of the district court was announced. T. J. Walsh, the doctor’s attorney filed a demurrer to the information and the matter was argued yestereay before Judge Buck, who took it under advisement. By agreement the doctor will appear for trial and a jury will be sworn. The defendant will object to the admission of any testimony and move that the jury be instructed to acquit. If the judge holds that way the prosecution will end. If he should decide against the doctor, the jury will be instructed to bring in a verdict of guilty, and the court will impose sentence.


-Hon. Granville Stuart proposes to leave for his post in South America in about a week

-The Ford boys were arraigned in court this morning. The information against them was read and the trial was set for next Tuesday.

-Articles of incorporation of the Bozeman Book and Stationery company have been filed. Operations are to be carried on in Bozeman. Capital stock is $50,000 divided into $100 shares.

-A rancher named Jellison, living near Big Timber, received a fatal wound from a revolver yesterday. While engaged in a playful wrestling match the revolver he carried fell to the floor and discharged. The bullet struck him in the chin and lodged back of the ear.


-Major T. H. Buck, formerly of Helena, is in the city from New York

-Mrs. M. B. Braiden who has been traveling in Europe during the past year, has returned home, and is a guest at the Helena.

-Chas. W. Cannon has returned from a trip of eighteen days to Salt Lake and Denver. Mrs. Cannon remained in Salt Lake, where she will visit for some days yet.


They Hold Their Annual Meeting and Elect Officers
Last evening Helena Lodge No. 193, B.P.O.E., met at the lodge room in the Parchen block to elect officer for the ensuing year. There was a large attendance and the following officers were elected:
Exalted ruler L.A. Walker
Esteemed leading knight S. C. Gilpatrick
Esteemed loyal knight W. H. Orr
Esteemed lecturing knight J. H. Murphy
Secretary C. W. Pitts
Treasurer Geo. B. Child
Tyler D. O. Becker
Inner guard H. L. Walker
Chaplin E. S. French
Esquire E. B. Braden
Organist W. C. Buskett
Trustee, 3 years A. S. Smith
Trustee, 2 years W. W. Stewart
Trustee, 1 year W. J. King
Representatives to Grand Lodge, E. D. Weed and G. O. Eaton


It is rumored that Harry J. Sterling, formerly of the Citizen’s Electric Light company, is to take charge of the Helena Rapid Transit Co. In behalf of St. Paul stock holders. It is understood that this is but a step looking to the establishment of another electric light company in Helena.

The Beautiful County Seat of Gallatin
Twenty of Helena’s solid citizen visited for several days at Bozeman last week. Among the things that pleased all, that surprised many, at the
modernized county seat of Gallatin were these:
-A new, big, grand hotel, conducted first class
-An opera house equal to the best in the state
-A long, broad, straight business thoroughfare, largely built up with
massive brick blocks
-A splendid street railway that outspeeds the Northern Pacific
-An electric plant, with lights for streets, business houses and
private houses
–Water works that supply the whole city for all purposes
-Sixteen foot wide sidewalks of solid plank
-A substantially built court house
-A forty thousand dollar high school building
-Grain elevators - three or four of them
-Flour mills - their product equal to the best in the world
-Private residences as elegant as any in the state
-Trees in every door yard; flowers in every window
-Two wide awake weekly journals
-Bank, with money enough to do the business of town and county
-Great coal mines in the near mountains
-Prodigiously productive farms in the surrounding valley
-An established State Agricultural College and Experimental Station, with the strongest staff of practical teachers in the Northwest
-A live, enlightened, ambitious citizenship that promises for the future years, as during the past, progress, prosperity Bozeman Well, Bozeman of today is worth going to see and, after that, talking about.

An Association of Hotel Proprietors Formed in ButteButte, March 28 (Special) - A number of managers and proprietors of various hotels of the state met at Butte yesterday and effected a state organization. L. A. Walker of the Hotel Helena called the meeting to order and H. J. Wilson was made temporary secretary.Nearly all the gentlemen who signed the call were present. ‘The Montana Hotel Association’ was adopted as the name of the organization. The constitution and by laws modeled after the constitution and by-laws of the Massachusetts State Association, was next adopted.The following officers, to serve until the next annual meeting, were elected:
L. A. Walker, Helena, president
J. J. Kelly, Great Falls, vice-president
H. J. Wilson, Butte, secretary
Executive Committee:
E. W. Stetson, Butte
G.G. Beckwith, Boulder Hot Springs
H. E. Chaney, Missoula
S. Schwab and L. A. Walker, Helena

Charlie Russell, the cow boy artist, has nearly finished an historical painting in oil which bids fair to surpass anything he has heretofore attempted, says the GREAT FALLS LEADER. The scene is laid in Kentucky during the pioneer days of the Blue Grass state. Some Indians are in the act of capturing Daniel Boone’s daughter as the latter is approaching the Kentucky river in a birch bark canoe. The Indians are dressed as was the custom in that period, quite differently from the regulation redman regalia of today. The faces are very striking and the painting contains a vast amount of detail work.



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