ADAMS, JOSHUA dec. (UN PR) 1. Admin bond, 3-18-1867. L. D. Adams,
Admin- E. F. Jordan and D. A. Burnett, sureties. 2. Antwer of W. J. Adams,
guardian at litum of T. J., R. B., T. Y., Samuel W., Mary M., and Ida Adams,
minor heirs of Joshua Adams, dec. 9-16-1867.
ADKINS, ALLEN dec. (UN PR) 1. Will, made 4-8-1867, recorded 7-15-1867, wife Ann.
BASS, EDWARD dec. PR 629 1. Letters of admin. to David S. Bass 1-5-1866, Edward Bass died at his home Fayette Co. TN.
BELL, JASPER N. v. MARGARET A. BELL (RB, p.206) 1. Were married 8-22-1845. Were separated in Harrison Co. TX, in 1850. He remarried in 1852 and lives in Texas. Decree 3-8-1859.
BETHUNE, JOHN J. dec. (UN CR) 1. True bill against Thomas Moore, 12-2-1870. Accused of killing John J. Bethune on 11-26-1870. (later convicted).
BILLS, JOHN dec. (UN CR) 1. Citation to Ransom Bills, 11-26-1868.
BLYTHE, ROBERT M. dec. (UN PR) 1. Petition, 8-19-1867. Blythe died in Texas more than a year ago, perhaps two years, leaving no relatives In Tippah but his father-in-law, Elijah Ward. Heirs are Martha L. Blythe, Elijah L. Blythe, C.C. Blythe, Mary C. Blythe, and Josephine E. Blythe, all of Hatfield, Texas.
BRASELMANN, N. T. dec. (UN PR) 1. Will, made 11-30-1858 filed 10-25-1861. Bequests to wife Mary A. T. and children (unnamed). wit. R. McAlister. 2. Citation to G. C. Guyton, Agnes Davis, and Rosa Liddell, 9-27-1882.
BROCK, JOHN dec. (UN PR) 1. Petition of Mary Brock, widow, 2-18-1867..John Brock died 4-14-1865.
CAMPBELL, CHARLES dec. (UN PR) 1. Petition Jan. 9. 1858 of Isaac N. Campbell of Hardeman Co., TN, who states that his father, Charles Campbell, died in Hardeman Co. in 1853 leaving 13 heirs Carolina Lamberh (wife of A. M. Lamberh); Jane, (wife of J. K. Newland); Nancy Lillard (wife of J. M. Lillard); Margaret Newland; Elizabeth (wife of E. T. Grissom); Isaac N. Campbell; Calvin Campbell; Amanda (wife of Thomas G. Parks); Charles H. Campbell; Garner D. Campbell; Martha J. Campbell; Eliza A. Campbell; James J. Campbell.
CARPENTER, F. H. dec. (UN CR) 1. Note to arrest William J. Pollard for the murder of F. H. Carpenter on March 10, 1875. Ordered 3-18-1875. 2. Statement of F. W. Carpenter that Pollard killed his brother, F. H. Carpenter.
CHILDERS, PLEASANT dec. (UN PR) 1. P. C. Childers admin. 1-14-1867. 2. Note of P. Childers to Asa J. Robertson 3-22-1863.
CHITSINGER, MICHAEL dec. (UN PR) 1. P. A. Norton admin. 10-19-1857. William Norton surety.
COLEY, AMANDA & A. J. minors (UN PR) 1. Petition of Lucretia Coley, guardian 5-20-1861. cite W. H. Coley and P.J. Rhodes.
COLEY, WILLIAM dec. (UN PR) 1. Rebecca Coley admin. 4-16-1867.
COLSON, JOHN dec. (UN PR) David Colson, Admin. 8-31-1869.
COX, THOMAS dec. (UN PR) 1. Petition 11-19-1860. Heirs- Allen Cox (Bradley Co. Ark.); Joseph Cox (Vanzant Co., TX.); Cunningham Cox (Hardeman Co., TN,); Thomas Cox (Bedford Co., TN.); Rebecca Galloway (wife of William Galloway, Hardeman Co., TN.); Jemima Brantley (Hardeman Co., Tn.); Anna Floyd (wife of George F. Floyd, Marshall Co., MS.); Sarah Gray (wife of Samuel Gray, Tippah); Margaret Ellison (Tippah); and the heirs of Ellison Cox: Thomas Cox, C. J. Cox, John A. Cox, Wiley Cox, Whitman Cox, Rebecca J. Prescott (wife of William Prescott), Lillie Crawford (wife of Rufus Crawford), Catherine Norris (wife of John Norris), Elizabeth Cox, James Cox, and Dock Cox, all of Tippah except Wiley (Ark), Whitman (TX), and Crawfords (Ark).
CRUMP, WILLIAM dec. (Case of Loeb & Bloom vs. P. F. Burns & John Besinger) 1. Desposition of P. F. Burns of Russellville, Pope Co., Ark., 9-6-1881. His wife, Mrs. M. J. Burns, recovered property from the estate of her father, William Crump.
CURRIN, ISAAC dec. (UN PR) 1. Admin bond 4-17-1854. J.Y. Murry admin. Levi S. Holcombe and Daniel Hunt sureties.
DAZEY, N. A. dec. (UN PR) 1. Petition 2-18-1861. His sons are N. L. Dazey and J. N. Dazey. Sureties - Philip Holcombe, W. A. Crook.
ELLIOTT, WILLIS J. dec. (UN PR) 1. Admin. bond 8-16-1858. William H. Elliott, admin William Norton and A. J. Suggs sureties.
FIELDS, B. D. dec. (UN PR) 1. Petiton of H. C. Fields, son of deceased. Deceased died June, 1862.
FOWLER, MARY dec. (UN PR) 1. Bill review, 4-19-1866. H. F. Maxwell appointed Admin. 2-20-1855. Only heir is her son, John W. Fowler, Thomas M. Hall was guardian but is dead. His widow, Sarag J. Waldon, is now guardian.
GAMBRELL, DAVID dec. 1. Receipt for tombstone for "David E. son of D. & C. Gambrell born March 20th 1820 - died January 6th, 1847". 2. Receipt for tombstone for "David Gambrell died Oct. 23rd 1857 Aged 68 years 8 mo 10 days". 3. Receipt for tombstone for "Catharine the wife of D. Gambrell died Nov. 6th 1857 aged 76 years". 4. List of heirs 12-28-1858 - J. B. Gambrell, G. V. Gambrell, Heirs of Ira G. Gambrell dec., heirs of Hon H. Gambrell dec., Harrett L. Berry (wife of W. H. Berry), Mahala C. Antley (wife of Antley). 5. Final account 7-18-1860. Heirs Harriett L. Berry and husband W. H. Berry of Lafayette Co. MS; Mrs. M.C. Autly and husband J. S. Autley of Rankin Co. MS; Ann A. and Mary E. Gambrell, Infant, heirs of J. H. (Gambrell dec. of Hines Co. MS; William W., Jane C., George G., John J., and Joseph E. Gambrell, heirs of Ira G. Gambrell dec. of Florida. 6. Petition 12-21-1857. Children of David Gambrell were J. B. Gambrell, G. V. Gambrell, Mrs. Harriett L. Berry, Mrs. Mahala C. Autly (Rankin Co.), John H. Gambrell (died Holmes Co. MS) leaving children Ann A. & Mary Ellen), Ira G. Gambrell (died Fla.) 7. List of property received by Ira G. Gambrell from his father in his lifetime, 2-15-1860. Attested to by Mary Gambrell of Marion Co., Florida.
GAMBRELL, GEORGE V. dec. (UN PR) 1. Citation 10-24-1865 to Sarah A. Gambrell (guardian to Mary, D. M. and Carry Gambrell and widow of deceased) and Mahala Webb (wife of H. T. Webb). J. B. Gambrell, admin. 2. Final account 3-29-1870. cite Sarah A. Gambrell (widow), H. T. Webb & wife Mahaly, W. B. McCarly and wife Mary, David V. Gambrell (age 17), Corry (Carry?) Gambrell (age 12).
GIBSON, MOSES (UN PR) 1. Will made 11-11-1854, recorded 12-21-1857. Sons - John P. Gibson, Andrew F. Gibson, William P. Gibson. Dau. Anna Jane Bouton. Deceased son - Lemuel N. Gibson who left children Albert, Whitfield, and Virginia; Deceased son - Joseph W. Gibson who left children William and Josephine. Brother - Joseph Gibson of North Carolina had 1/6 of his father's estate left him by will in NC. exrs. - R. L. Bouton, J. P. Gibson.
HANSEN, ANDREAS J. (UN PR) H 2085 1. Petition for citizenship 8-5-1874 Is a native of Norway.
HARLAN, DAVID dec. (RB p 273) 1. Petition of Sarah Ann Black (formerly the widow of David Harlan) and her husband, William W. Black. Harlan died Feb. 1855 leaving children - John, Columbus M., Idotha, Ann, & M. E. Harlan.
HARRIS, LAWSON dec. (UN PR) 1. Citation 4-17-1860 to Wiley Rogers & wife, Laswon Harris, Wm. Harris, Milton Harris, Hewlitt Harris, Mary A. Harris, F. M. Harris, Joseph Harris, Taliferro Harris, Irene Harris, Anminta Harris, George Harris, Miles Harris, Elizabeth Anderson and Columbus Anderson, all of Tippah - Anna Harris Admin. 2. Petition 3-12-1860. The above are children of Lawson Harris dec. Wiley Rogers wife is named Elizabeth, Andersons are children of Christiana Anderson dec.
HELLUMS, NANNIE M. et al, minors (UN PR) 1. M., Elizabeth N., Sallie L., and Jacob P. Hellums, minors - Epsy Hellums, guardian - James W. Hellums and Issac N. White sureties 3-1-1859. 2. Guardians bond for removal of estate to Arkansas, 10-28-1858. 3. Jacob Hellums surety 11-21-1854. 4. Jacob Hellums admin of Margaret Elkins dec., 3-18-1858.
HINDMAN, THOMAS C. dec. (CR 5545) 1. Deposition of Thomas C.. Hindman of Helena, Ark., 9-2-1868. He is a son of T. C. Hindman dec. and Sarah J. Hindman. Is a brother to Mrs. Sarah J. Puckett. His mother and sister lived with James B. Ellis (son-in-law of Mrs. Hindman) in Marshall Co. MS, 1858-1861. Ellis had daughters named Fannie and Susie.
HINES, HIRAM dec. (RB p. 288) 1. Petition of Martin W. Guy 2-22-1859. Hiram Hines died since 6-21-1858 leaving a will providing for his wife, Serena, and children - J. W., Henry C., Theodocia, Hiram Jr., Benjamin F., Harriett Ann, Mary Ann, Susan Simmons wife of G.W. Simmons of TN, Clarissa Blanchard wife of H. H. Blanchard, Louisa Carolina Simmons wife of H. C. Simmons.
HINES, JAMES dec. (RB p. 284) 1. Petition 6-21-1858. James Hines died 1849 leaving 4 children Clarissa Dunlap (who died leaving no children); Hiram Hines; Hester Ann Fulghum; Sherrod Hines (who died in 1854 leaving children Sarah, Mary, Robert, Andrew, James, and Jesse, all of Texas except Sarah, who lived in Tippah). 2. Case of Newton H. Dunlap V. Hiram Hines (RB p. 557) Dunlap is admin. of George W. Hines who died in May 1849. George was the youngest son of James Hines, who died in Nov. 1849. 3. Petition of Martin W. Guy for guardionship of Virginia W. Hines, age 12, daughter of G. W. Hines dec. 9-20-1858.
HOBSON, NATHANIEL dec. (UN PR) 1. List of heirs 12-30-1857 - A. C. Townsend and wife Nancy T., George W. Bates and wife Elizabeth, Hohn A. Powell and wife Winney M., A. P. May and wife Tillitha, T.S. May and wife Mary E., Samuel S. Smart and wife Martha J., William L. Hobson, John P. Hobson, Hohn H. Williford and wife Jacintha, the unknown heirs of James F. Hobson dec., William May, Mrs. Nancy Hobson, N. B. Hobson, and W. A. May.
HUGHEY, THOMAS dec. (UN PR) 1. Petition, 11-20-1866. Heirs are Elizabeth Miller wife of Mark Miller, Samuel Hughey, Nancy Hughey, Mary Goolsby wife of W. C. Goolsby, John Hughey, Ann Hewitt wife of C. Hewitt, Rebecca J. Montgomery wife of Samuel W. Montgomery, George W. Hughey, all of Tippah, and William L. Austin, age 12, a son of Martha Austin who was a sister to deceased and a resident of Arkansas.
MEDLIN, John, dec. (UN PR) 1. Petition of Widow, Malissa Medlin, 2-19-1867; died in Federal prison, 3-23-1862.
MILLER, Mary, minor; (UN PR) 1. Petition of Isaac Graham for writ of habeas corpus 8-17-1870. Mary, age 9, is in the custody of Martha Dodds. Her mother is dead, her father unknown.
MORGAN, Thomas H., dec. (UN PR) 1. Will, made 9-30-1857, recorded 6-24-1858, rec. p. 233-4; executors - James Morgan, Henry M. Gaines; nephew, Thomas Morgan, son of William Morgan; other bequests: Nancy Yargin, Margarette Gary; Sarah Norris, Elizabeth Gaines.
MORGAN, LEWIS M., dec. (UN PR) 1. Petition of heirs (undated ) Heirs Felix Norris, Sarah Norris, Elizabeth Gaines of Marshall county, Miss.; John Gary, James Morgan, Margaret Gary (wife of John), Wiley Yergin and wife Nancy of Alabama, and Thomas Morgan.
ORMAN, JAMES, dec. (UN PR) 1. list of heirs, 11-24-1870. P. C. Orman, admin. Heirs: Samuel Orman, John Orman, Jacob Orman, H. Orman, Sarah Helms, Elizabeth Wright, C. Jones, all of Tuppah, and James L. Orman of Grant county Ark.
PARK, MARY J. v. ROBERT PARK (divorce RB) 1. Mary J. Park petitions by next friend James Kelly. Were married Jan. 11, 1853, and had one child. Park left 1855 and in 1856 married a Price in Tishomingo county and has now left the state. Decree 9-16-1857.
PRINCE, Daniel, dec. (UN PR) 1. Letters of Admin. to Emily Prince 10-18-1858. John Hudson and S. H. Hudson, sureties.
RAINEY, Margaret, dec. (UN PR) 1. Petition of Booker Pate, guardian of the heirs of Hiram and Margaret Rainey; Susannah, William, Charles, Hiram, Medorah (6-15-1857) 2. Bond of appraisers, 10-18-1854 3. James Morgan, admin. 2-17-1855
NELMS, SAMUEL, dec. (UN PR) 1. petition to sell slaves, 5-21-1860; William Nelms and James Turner, admins.; Heirs John, T. F., and J. M. Nelms of Arkansas; B. F. Nelms of California; A. C. Nelms and Samuel Nelms, Jr. of Tennessee; Mary A. Wallace of Texas and Matthias Nelms and Nancy Box (wife of A. R. Box) of Tippah county.
NELSON, William R. (dec.) (UN PR) 1. Will written Sept. 1861, filed 4-3-1866, Bk. B, pp.8-9; wife Ellinor M Nelson; brother, James 0. Nelson.
NORTHCROSS, THOMAS, dec. (PR 173) Letters of Admin. to S. Y. Ragan 10-24-1837. James M. Northcross, surety.
NORTON, P. A. dec. (UN PR) 1. Petition for dower by Rebecca Norton, widow, 12-18-1866, 2. Citation 1-28-1867 to N. B. Leatherwood, Evelina Samples, J. R. Samples, James M. Norton, Haywood Norton, Almond Norton.
NORTON, WILLIAM SR. (dec.) (UN PR) 1. payments to heirs 11-12-1861: John Horton (Utah) Mary Pollack, H. H. Smith (guardian of Messer Norton's children), J.H. Norton, ___ Lynch, P. A. Norton, W. J. Norton; William Norton, admin. 2. Citation to Daniel Hunt, guardian of William, J.H., M.C., D.F., and E.K. Norton, 9-22-1857. 3. Admin. bond 4-21-1857, P. A. Norton and William Norton, Jr. admins. 4. Receipt of Darius Lynch of Lawrence county, Ala., 5-11-1860 from P. A. Norton and William Norton Jr., the share of estate due Mary E. Ellis (formerly Norton, now the wife of George W. Ellis), Joseph M. Norton, Louisa Norton, Susan A. Norton. 5. Petition to sell land 8-17-1857. William Norton Sr left heirs [a] Polly, wife of John Pollack of Tippah [b] Messer Norton and wife Martha and first wife Betty, dec., and children W.J., J.H., M.C., D.F., and E.K. Norton, all of Carroll co., Miss. [c] Sarah, wife of Isaac Norton, dec. [d] Ann Crisp (dau. of Isaac Norton and wife of W. B. Crisp of Tennessee) [e] John Norton (Utah) [f] Tabitha, widow of Jacob Norton and her children of Lawrence county, Ala. [g] Petition of M. K. Norton, William Norton died 3-17-1857. M. K. is son-in-law of deceased, having married first Elizabeth Norton and leaving 5 children. He than married her sister Martha, had 3 children.
ROGERS, ELIZABETH, dec. (UN PR) 1. Admin. bond 1-17-1855. Washington Wray, admin.; Joseph Wray, surety. 2. Final account, 4-21-1857, heirs: W. R. Rogers, Hiram K. Rogers, George Rogers, James Rogers, Jefferson Rogers, Comdus Rogers, Jane James, Eliza Franks, John Rogers. 3. Will, written 10-28-1854, filed 4-5-1855 Ap 176-177 bequests to Emily C. Wray, Lavinia Cartwright (dau.), William R. Rogers (son), James M. Rogers (son), J. C. Rogers (son), John C. Rogers (son), Catherine Wray (dau.) and Rachel C. Wray. WITNESS G. W. Carter, Joseph Wray.
ROGERS, Sion (dec.) (UN PR) 1. Joseph E. Rogers appointed admin. 11-19-1857.
ROWLAND, CHARLES, dec. 1. Petition for dower 5-21-1867 by Nancy Rowland, widow. Heirs are W. T. Rowland (admin) and J. E., C. W. and A. P. Rowland.
RUCKER, William J., deceased (UN PR) 1. Petition, June 20, 1859, Elizabeth Jane Rucker Wesson, widow and petitioner; Rucker died leaving three children - Henry T. (age 14), Lindsey P. age under 4, and Francis A. (under 14). 2. Letters of Admin. 2-20-1854 to Abbott C.Rucker, Henry Rucker, Marshall Duncan, sureties.
RUFF, BENJAMIN F., deceased (UN PR) 1. Petition for dower by widow Martha Kirk, Nov. 1866. Ruff died April 1861. T.L. Ruff, admin. 2. Citation to Thomas L. Ruff, John F. Ruff, Jas. R. Ruff, John Rogers and wife Julia, A.G. Cook, (assignee of Newton Ruff) and Leman, William, and Martha Ruff, minors, 8-23-1869. 3. Cite J. R. Ruff and Miss Elizabeth Cook (assignee of N. F. Ruff) all of Union county, Miss. 3-6-1871.
SAYLORS, JAMES, deceased (UN PR) 1. Petition 11-28-1868. Heirs - Sally Ann Brown (wife of L.G.W. Brown), J. C. Saylors and minors L.V., H.C., A.B., and G. W. Saylors.
SIMPSON, DANIEL L. v. MATILDA S.Divorce (RB) 1. Were married 8-8-1848. She left Sept. 1853. She was nee Burke. Decree 3-13-1857.
SMITH, BENJAMIN, deceased (UN PR) 1. Petition of widow, Rachel Smith for dower, 1-2-1867. Heirs are Nancy Henry (wife of Elijah Henry), Joseph Smith (who died 1863 leaving heir B.C. Smith), Sarah Medlin (wife of T.J.Medlin), Elijah Smith (died 1862 leaving heir Willie Smith), Benjamin Smith (minor), Winney Smith, Elizabeth Hill (wife of Andrew Hill, nonresident, Frances Coltharp (wife of Newton Coltharp) John Smith (minor), Jane Smith(mlnor), A. J. Smith (minor).
SMITH, JOHN P. (minor) (UN PR) 1. Letters of guardianship to Richard S. Smith 11-15-1858.
SMITH, RICHARD, deceased (UN PR) 1. Petition 10-3-1868. A. C. Smith, Admin. Cite Elizabeth (wife of Ban Ussary), William Smith, Richard Smith, S. A. Perkins (agent for Edward Smith), Mary (wife of C. Hicks), Sarah Crenshaw, Adaline Smith, Melvina Smith, Mary E. Smith, and ___, Smith. 2. Affedavit of non-residence, 5-25-1871, Caleb Hicks and wife Mary live in Texas, Benjamin Ussary and wife Elizabeth live in Grand Junction, Tenn., James R. Smith lives in Louisiana. 3. Relinquishment of heirs 5-21-1867. Richard Smith died 10-20-1864. 4. Will, made 10-11-1864, filed 2-23-1867, Recorded Book B, p. 21; wife: Adeline. Children: Alvis C. Smith, Elizabeth Ursury, William Smith, Richard Smith Jr., Sarah Crenshaw, Mary Hix and heirs of Levi Smith, dec. Caswell Tate, executor. 1. Petition 7-17-1867. Heirs, all of Tippah, are William M. Stark, W. C. Garett (wife of Robert H. Garrett), Lawson G. Stark, Susan (wife of Daniel Bills), Fanny C. Stark, Amelia J. Stark, Monroe R. Stark, and the minor heirs of Eliza Bills dec. (James and Amelia Bills).
STARK, Thomas W. (PR) 1. Petition of Ross S. Stark, 2-22-1859. "The said Thomas W. without any known cause suddenly and misteriasly (sic) left the state of Mississippi and has never been heard of since" (April or May 1856). Thomas left a wife, Nancy J., and a child. Two other children are dead.
STREET, PELMIA, dec. (UN PR) 1. Petition, 11-19-1855, She was an heir of George McCown, dec. Her heirs are Caroline Baggerly (wife of D.L.), Calvin Street, Emily Cole, wife of John B., Louisa Randolph (wife of J.J.) Permella Street, William Street, Columbus Street, Wade Street, Alfred Street and Elizabeth Street, all of Lincoln county, Tennessee; and Simpson, Russell, and Oliver Street of Tippah county.
TERRY, ASBERRY, Dec. (UN PR) 1. Will, made 11-23-1866, filed 10-4-1867 Wife: Winnifred; children Nancy Williams, James S. Terry (Desoto county, Miss.), S. M. Terry, Charles Terry, Eliza J. Terry, Mary K. Terry, W. H. Terry, Martha A. Terry, George A. Terry, T. G. Terry; executor John H. Terry. 2. Notice to heirs to reinstate will 11-23-1866; heirs: Winnifred Terry (widow), J.S.Terry, S.M. Warren and husband William, Eliza J.Terry, Mary K. Terry, Martha A. Terry, George A. Terry, L.G. Terry, Chas. M. Terry, Emma Williams & Clara Williams (children of Nancy Williams, dec.).
TERRY, DR. W. L. (dec.) (UN PR) 1. Petition 7-16-1866. Terry died in Arkansas in early 1865. Petitioner, W. T. Stricklin, is the husband of Terry's oldest daughter.
THOMPSON, Robert, (dec.) (UN PR) 1. Guardians report 2-15-1856, of James R. Thompson, guardian of A.M., B.F., Richard, Joseph W. James. R. Thompson was appointed guardian in Feb. 1855. Their mother was Mary Thompson, deceased, daughter of Benjamin Wofford, deceased, and wife of Robert Tompson.
TREAS, GREEN L., dec. (UN PR) 1. Petition 9-17-1866. Treas died April 1863; wife is also dead. 2. Citation 9-9-1870 to Louis Dawson and wife Darnen, William Doughterty and wife Malissa, Henry Wadkins and wife Frances, George W. Treas, Martha Treas.
WALDON, ABRAHAM, (dec.) (UN PR) 1. Appointment of estate 9-28-1861. Appraisers: P. Morton, William H. Elliott, Malichi Stark. 2. Petition to sell land 9-17-1866 - Heirs Isaac Waldon, Elizabeth Pendaris (wife of George), Mary J. Yancey (wife of L.B.), Edney Rimer (wife of Wm.), unknown children of Rosannah Crisp (wife of Whit), Susannah Garrett (wife of William). 3. Will, made 4-12-1861, filed 9-21-1861. Wife Martha, son, Issac; witnesses Pascal Morton, Thomas L. Morton, L. D. Morton. 4. Petittion (undated) Abraham Waldon, died 1861, his widow died in 1863.
WALKER, J. D. (dec.) (CR 1200) John D. Palmer and Mary H. Walker, admins., 10-12-1874.
WALKER, SAMUEL, minor (UN PR) 1. Dr. John W. Walker, guardian, 2-16-1857.
WESSON, J. M. (dec.) (UN PR) 1. List of heirs, Nov. 7, 1874: Henry Wesson of Antoine, Pike Co., Ark.; William Parks and wife M.E. Parks of Union county, Miss.; Martha A. Wesson (widow of E.A.F. Wesson and mother of Willie J. Egbert, Edward C., Joseph J., Eugene A. of Pontotoc county,Miss.; Sarah Melvina Cox (widow of Isaac) of Tippah; and the widow of Joseph S. Wesson
MALONE, LOUISA C. v. GILBERT D. T. MALONE divorce, RB, p. 106 - Petition 7-14-1855. Were married in 184? when she was 14. She is a daughter of Martin W. Guy of Hardeman county, Tennessee; has 3 children. Bond signed by James M. Boyd, 7-20-1855.
MATHIS, BENJAMIN (dec.) (UN PR) 1. A. Slover, guardian of John and Benjamin Mathis, minors, 5-19-1856. 2. A. Slover, guardian 12-18-1854, Ford Mathis surety.
MATHIS, FORD (dec.) (UN PR) 1. Wyatt Mathis and James W. Oakes, executors, 9-18-1855. 2. Receipt of Giles Mathis, 9-18-1855
MCALISTER, WILLIAM, (dec.) (CR 6068) 1. Citation to Bluford Roberts, Susan Roberts, David M. Jones, Augusta Jones, C. C. Jones, Adreanna Jones, John A. McAlister and Mary McAlister, 7-6-1871. 2. Case of Samuel McAlister v. H. W. Stricklin. Samuel McAlister is admin. of William McAlister who died 1860.
McCOWN, GEORGE, (dec.) (UN PR) 1. Will made 10-29-1854, filed 6-18-1855, Book A Pp. 177-181; wife Nancy. Children Lindsey S., Pelmla Street, Serena Smith, James B., Milas W., Alfred, and Martha McClain's children: Nancy Elizabeth and Sarah Jane.
McELROY, JOHN, (dec.) (UN PR) 1. Citation 9-17-1856 to non residents John S. Walker and wife Lucinda and to R. D. Lindsey and wife. Joel H. Berry, Admin. 2. Petition 10-12-1855. Widow of Emiline McElroy. Heirs- John S. Walker and wife Lucinda; R.D.Lindsey and wife Permelia, and minors Emily E., James E., Louis J., and John W., Mary M. and Christian J. McElroy.
McMILLAN, ANGUS (dec.) (RB p. 243) McMillan died May or June 1855 or 1856. Children are A.J., D.B., G.H., Angus A., all of Kossuth; Martha Jane Carter, wife of J.W. of Buckville, Alabama; Sarah Freeman, wife of J.T. of Jackson; William A. McMillan and Elizabeth of Jackson.
WEBSTER, ELIZABETH ANN (dec.) (UN PR) 1. Petition 5-2-1867. Webster died 9-10-1866, leaving a 5 year old child. Petitioner, J. R. Nolen, is deceased's brother.
WHITEHORN, L. G. (dec.) (UN PR) 1. Sale of estate, 3-19-1858. Purchasers include Sarah Whitehorn, widow Whitehorn, Mary Whitehorn, and A. W. Campbell.
WISEMAN, H. J. (dec.) (UN PR) H. H. Wiseman, Admin., Sept. 1867.
WOFFORD, BENJAMIN, (dec.) (UN PR) 1. Petition for dower by widow, Elizabeth Wofford, 11-23-1854.
WOLFF, ISABELLA, (dec.) (UN PR) 1. Receipt from William C. Wolff of Fannin county, Texas, for his portion of the estate of Isabella Wolff, Sept. 1860. 2. Admin. bond to F. A. Wolff, 1-17-1860. 3. Petition for letters of admin. by Francis A. Wolff, her oldest child. She died 8-9-1859.
YOUNG, ROBERT M. et al, minors (UN PR) 1. W. T. Young named guardian 2-20-1861 of Robert John C., Mary E., William B., Tandy K., and Isabel Young, minors. E. A. Cox, surety.
ADAMS, T. J. et al, Minors: (1) Cover #637. (2) Bond & letters, 16 Sept. 1867; W. J. Adams gd., C. A. Green and W. H. Lokey bd. Named were T. J., R. B., S. W., M. M., and Zela Adams. (3) Election of gd., 16 Sept. 1867: Heirs of Joshua Adams, dec'd, all age 14 and over, choose their brother, W. J. Adams as gd. (4) 1871 settlement, Wm. J. Adams gd. of T. J., S. W., Mary and Ida Adams heirs of Joshua Adams. R. B. Adams was in TX.
ALEXANDER, ARCHIBALD dec'd: (1) Appraisement May 1856; report 2 June 1856 by W. T. Young, John H. Suggs and M. W. Smith. W. C. Bell, J. P.
ANDERSON, CHARLES, Minor: (1) Bond & letters 15 Feb. 1869, J. W. Simmons gd., B. D. Colson and W. M. Simmons bd.
ANDERSON, LEROY H. Murdered 1 Feb. 1866; John A. Keith charged with the murder.
AUSTIN, JOHN L. dec'd: Granville Austin Adm. vs J. W. McCall Mar. 1868 (Circuit Court case).
AUTRY, JACOB dec'd: (1) Cover #138. (2) Letters granted 18 Dec. 1856; (3) Adm. bond 2 Jan. 1857, James Autry Adm., William Hudspeth bd. (4) Cite James Autry Adm. of Jacob Autry 25 Apr. 1857. (5) Note for $80.00 payable to James Sargant 25 Dec. 1856, signed, Lewis (x) Renfrow and J. B. Autry.
BACCON/BACON, Minors (names not given). Report of sale of land 3 Sept. 1855 of R. J. Thomas dec'd. SW1/4S1T3R2E purchased by Thos. J. Patton and B. F. Crawford.
BASS, SARAH E. vs WILLIAM NELMS: Chancery Court case filed 8 May 1885-27 Oct. 1885. Names her husband, James M. Bass and her grandfather, Ford Mathis. (Several depositions/large packet).
BATT, W. W. dec'd. Circuit Court case. Geo. B. Jackson Adm. vs Mary E. Turner and her husband Callaway Turner.
BILLS, JOHN dec'd. Circuit Court case. Moses McCarley Adm. vs B. Jones and James Kinney 16 Feb. 1867.
BLYTHE, R. M. dec'd: Elijah Ward adm.; Notice of Publication 5 Sept. 1870 (2 copies). Cite Laura Blythe, John N. Blythe and Samuel D. Blythe adults. Martha L. Blythe, Elijah L. Blythe, C. C. Blythe, Josephine C. Blythe and Mary C. Blythe, minors, the distributees of said estate and non-residents of this state now living in Chalfield, TX.
BOYD, JOSEPH LYMAN AND SARAH A., Minor heirs of John L. Boyd, W. A. Boyd guardian.
BOYD, R. S. AND A. J., minor heirs of John L. Boyd, cover #58. 15 Jan. 1858, Abbeville District, SC, Court of Ordinary, Petition to transfer funds from SC to MS by Wade Cowan gd of Alice J. and Roseline S. Boyd (Each received $5,511.50 from estate of John L. Boyd.) 35 vouchers and receipts for Alice Boyd (dress materials, ribbons, thread etc; books and envelopes; shoes) and 2 receipts from Mary J. Buchanan for schooling. In 1859 tuition was $15.00; music (lessons) $20.00; use of piano $5.00 and (sheet) music, $.20. Jan. 1860 shows boarding 4 1/2 months; $40.00, tuition, $13.50; music lessons $22.50; cash loaned, $.75. 8 items for Roseline Boyd including one by M. J. Buchanan (1859). Sarah A. Boyd (Sally), W. A. Boyd gd, 7 items. Joseph Lyman Boyd, 11 items, including a receipt from E. Newton Hunt for tuition for 5 months, $10.00 (1859). Final account filed 21 Aug. 1865, W. A. Boyd gd to Joseph L. and Sarah A. Boyd, minor heirs of John L. Boyd dec'd.: Guardian reports that both wards are dead leaving Alice J. Boyd, now Alice J. Stansell, the only heir to the above estate. (Roseline also is evidently dead.)
BOYLES, JOSIAH C., dec'd. (1) Letters file 23 Sept. 1857; Will approved; Ex, W. F. Boyles and W. H. Elliott. (2) Cite sheriff of Oktibbeha Co., MS for Malinda Elliott, wife of J. A. Boyles and Eliza Boyles and Talbert Boyles. (3) 16 Nov. 1857 bond to sell land signed by W. H. Elliott, M. Stark and H. A. Stephens. (4) 16 vouchers and receipts (only a portion of the original packet as one voucher is numbered 112). One is a note signed by J. C. Boyles for $100.00 to J. R. Boyles. (John R. Boyles was in Oktibbeha Co. 19 May 1858.) (5) Annual report 10 May 1857: payments to estate from A. H. Stephens, S. Graham, J. W. Norton, L. D. Alexander, Wm. A. Gray, S. V. Riddlesperger and W. Coley: paid from the estate to Peeler and Suggs, A. Brown, R. J. Thurmond, C. P. Miller and Son, Jno. Y. Murry, Wm. Norton, Booker Pate, Cox and Alexander, J. M. Braddock, Tom W. Miller, W. L. Graham, W. H. Elliott, D. Hunt, Fuller (for tomb stone), J. F. Ford. (Receipt #19 signed by Lucinda Boyles to L. H. & J. Z. Fuller corresponds to "Fuller for tomb stone" above.) (6) Cite 17 Dec. 1860; Oktibbeha Co. for J. A. Elliott and wife Malinda, Eliza Boyles, James Boyles, William Spikes and Letha Spikes, Josephine Mathis, Angeline Mathis and Sophronia Mathews.
BRYANT, DOROTHY, ELIZABETH AND HENRY, minors (1) Cover #275. (2) Guardianship letters and bond (original); Thomas Prewett, gd, J. W. Simmons and L. W. Brown bd. 18 Apr. 1859.
BRYSON, THOMAS dec'd: (1) 1859, July, 3 citations (2) 3 annual reports. (3) Report of notes due estate from; A. C. Simmons & J. T. Humphres; William Brice and wife; John Boland, J. C. Bonds and A. G. Conscopy; Pleasant Thomas, G. A. Woods and A. G. Crocket; Pleasant Bryson and M. H. Bryson; Levi Tapp, M. H. Bryson and W. E. Coldwell; James Bryson (4) Rutherford A. Bryson, minor, Samuel Bryson of Itawamba Co. gd. (Letters and bond signed by L. T. Bryson, Samuel Bryson and Porter Bryson - several pages of papers.) (5) Receipts of heirs and agreement of Wm. Scott and Levi Tapp Adm. with heirs of Thos. Bryson. Heirs were: Jane, wife of Levi Tapp; Martha A., wife of William Scott; Mary E. Bryson, widow of Luda T. Bryson, dec'd; and Rutherford A. Bryson, post humous child of Luda T. Bryson dec'd.
BUCK, JOSEPH H. died 30 July 1854. Incomplete-found inside wrapper #88, (Jas. Stephens, dec'd). To the Honorable James Rogan Judge of Tippah Co., MS. Richard J. Thurmond petitioner---"That said Buck in his life time made his last will and testament bearing date of Feb. 11, 1854 and is written and signed wholly in his own handwriting --the whole of his estate --- to Nancy F. Henderson--- a minor under 21 years of age---" Thurmond was gd of Nancy. (Note: See pp. 66, 67 of TIPPAH DEATH NOTICES VOL. III by Don Martini for more about Joseph H. Buck.)
BURNS, JOHN dec'd: (1) Exc. bd 27 Apr. 1856, A. W. Bills and W. A. Davis Exc., H. L. Needham and J. B. Rimmer bd. (2) Appraisement files 18 Aug. 1858, signed H. L. Needham, J. H. Kennedy, J. 0. Nelson. Notes due estate on Bennett Wallis, Josiah E. Wallis, Thos. B. Stubbs, T. R. Ford, P. M. Johnson, A. W. Bills, Henry H. Burns and J. B. Rimmer. (3) 7 misc. receipts. (4) Report of final acct. (5) Will: Alvin W. Bills to have rent claims held by Burns against Bills and $200.00 of note because Bills was bonded in 1850 "to take care of and support" Burns and pay funeral expenses. Names Nancy E. Bills and Mary M. Bills, daughters of Elizabeth Bills, deceased, who was a daughter of John Burns. Dated 27 Feb. 1856. Recorded 3 May 1856. Wit., J. B. Rimare (?) and H. S. Needham.
BYRN, HARDY W. dec'd. (1) Cover #680. (2) 10 vouchers which included coffin and funeral expenses and one signed by S. R. Byrn dated 16 Mar. 1868, which says: "Received of L. H. Byrn Adm. of the estate of H. W. Byrn dec'd., $25.00 to buy provisions for myself and family under allowance made by the commissioners appointed by the court."
CAMPBELL, J. G. dec'd. (circuit ct. case) E. A. Campbell, Adm., vs John Young and W. L. Wilburn, Mar. 1867.
CARTER, JOHN dec'd. 1857 (Partial packet) Nine vouchers paid by Daniel Hunt, Adm. to: W. M. Moody (medical visits etc.); E. J. Jordon by M. H. Montgomery; Josiah Crawford "for making coffin"; J. W. Beaty, appraising estate; James Carter "fattening hogs"; James Hodges; J. C. Williams; settlement with Montgomery Carter and Calvin Carter; and receipt of L. M. Gray and Mary Ann (x) Gray "Our distributive share of the estate of John Carter".
CHEAIRS/CHEIRS, LOUISA AND ALBERT, minor children of Wm. Cheairs dec'd --- J. D. Rogers agent for Jefferson Alexander, gd of Henry Co., TN, 10 Mar. 1858. On 14 Mar. 1858, Jeff Alexander received slaves and money from estate of Mrs. Mary Cheairs dec'd. for Albert and Louisa Cheairs. Also money for J. B. Hughy/ "it being the amount left to Almesa Cheairs by Mrs. Mary Cheairs."
CHEAIRS, MARY, dec'd.: Thomas Hamer and William H. Hardaway, Exc. and Samuel Lambert bd. 15 Dec. 1856. Packet includes 20 items. Purchasers at sale runs to 9 pages. Citation Mar. 1857: Thomas Hamer guardian ad litum of Martha L. Hamer, Clarence Cheairs, M. H. Cheairs, Thomas Hamer, W. B. Hardaway, J. G. Hamer, W. T. Hamer, J. L. Hamer, Calvin Cheairs and wife, All to answer petition of H. H. Morgan. Exc. Benj. Cheairs dec'd and other heirs for sale of land. Citation, Aug. 1857 to Daniel Hunt, guardian ad litum to P. B. Cheairs, John Cheairs, Clarence Cheairs, W. H.Cheairs, M. L. Hamer, A. Cheairs, L. Cheairs, M. E. Hardaway, Lusie L. Hardaway and Minerva E. Hardaway to answer petition of W. B. Hardaway and Thos. Hamer, Exc. of Mary Cheairs dec'd. and J. H. Morgan, Exc. of Benj. Cheairs dec'd. for sale land Citation Oct. 1859 to James G. Hamer, W. L. Hamer, Martha L. Hamer and Calvin Cheairs for final settlement of Mary and Benj. Cheairs dec'd. Note of interest: Mrs. Mary Cheairs "to building committee for Davis Creek School House ... $25.00 ... Nov. 1856" Committee was W. L. McKinzie, Thomas Bouton and L. M. Mullins.
CHILDERS, MARTHA J. et al minors: (Cover #255. (2) Guardian's bond and letters 22 Dec. 1858, names Elizabeth Childers gd of her children: James A., Mary E., W. A., Martha Jane, Jesse J., Nancy A., Asa A. and Thomas J. Childers. A. C. Jackson and John B. Morgan bd. (3) Nine vouchers, two of which follow: Received of Elizabeth Childers eleven dollars in full payment for the tuition fee of her children for the year 1856. 18 Nov. 1856, signed D. R. Childers; Received of Elizabeth Childers three 90/100 dollars for tuition for her three sons in full of all demands, Apr. 2, 1859, signed G. W. Willis. (Note: Elizabeth Childres was nee Elizabeth Street, widow of Jesse Jones Childers.)
CHILDERS, PLEASANT dec'd. (circuit ct. case) P. C. Childers, widow, admrx. vs Elias Wicker, Sept. 1866.
COCKRAN, W. M. minor. Cover #196. He is over 14 but under 21 years of age and selects Jesse C. Cockran as guardian. Not dated.
COLSON, JOSEPH dec'd. Cover #661.
COLLINS, MOSES dec'd. (circuit ct. case) E. W. & J. R. Collins Exc. vs J. W. M. Kington and T. M. Hamleton Feb. 1861.
COX, E. A. Durgist affidavit 15 Feb. 1857, Ripley.
CRAWFORD, PORTER, (circuit ct. case) James McNeil gd vs H. P. Maxwell and J. A. McDonald Mar. 1867.
CUTBIRTH, DANIEL dec'd. (1) Cover #263. (2) Adm. bd & letters; F. M. Cutbirth Adm., G. F. Scott and J. G. Simmons bd, 21 Mar. 1859. (3) Claims against estate. (4) Appraisement by W. R. Walker, Thos. D. Monhundro and Abner McCoy. (5) Petition for sale. (6) Report of sale. (7) Several vouchers including those for provisions for the widow, not named. (8) Heirs (no date): Benjamin Cutbirth; William Cutbirth; Jane Hefley and husband John Hefley; Malissa Tudder (Tuddor), widow, are non-residents, living in Texas; Eliza Tuddor and her husband J. Tuddor; Elizabeth Patton and Husband Math Patton, Daniel B. Cutbirth; Robert Cutbirth, Caroline Cutbirth, residents of this county of age. Columbus Cutbirth and T. B. Cutbirth minors who have no guardian in this county. (9) Final account 22 Apr. 1861 does not name heirs.
DALTON, LACY W. dec'd: This is a partial packet and some of the papers have been burned. Letters Oct. 1856 -- Robert R. McBryde, gd of minor heirs, James H., Lacy W., and Georgia Ann Dalton; Wm. C. Thornton and John M. Wiseman bd. Bond and letters 20 June 1859; R. R. McBryde gd, E. A. Cox and W. H. Goot sec. Another bond (torn) 17 Jan. 1860. Petition of W. H. Foot for release as security 19 June 1860. There are number of vouchers for each of the three children. In addition there are vouchers for Richard L. and Haywood Dalton with R. R. McBryde as guardian (No bond or letters found.) Most receipts are from New Albany, Cotton Plant and Orizaba. one receipt for (school) tuition for James H. and G. A. Dalton is signed by Matthrew R. Moore, Tutor, New Albany 1859. On the same page is a receipt for James and Elisha McBryde, sons of Robert McBryde. 1862 -- A receipt from James A. Nelms for tuition of Rachard and G. A. Dalton. Receipts for Haywood Dalton concern medical attention. Also-Pontotoc Co., Dec. 1859--"Received of John H. McBride ----- being payment in full for the bringin and delivry of a sertain lot negrows belngin to the estate of L. W. Dalton decised ---- J. B. Smyth, Test. B. Foot."
DICKSON, A. M. dec'd. (2 items) Petition for final settlement by V. B. Dickson, Adm. 15 June 1868. Adm bond 17 Nov. 1868, W. C. Falkner Adm. de bonis non.
DICKSON, V. B., Drugist affidavit 27 Nov. 1859, Cotton Plant.
DODDS, JAMES A. dec'd. (#707) 1 item: H. W. Stricklin Adm. Final account filed 19 Nov. 1870/recorded Jan. 1871. Paid to distributees 9 Jan. 1871 (They each received an equal amount.): Mrs. S. J. Moore; Grizzle A. Deaton; Miss C. H. Dodds; J/I. N. Dodds; I. N. Dodds gd of J. H. Dodds; R. L. Moore gd of R. S. Dodds; R. L. Moore gd of J. T. Dodds. Note says "The above guardianships in Union Co., MS".
DREWRY, AZARIAH dec'd. 1856 Wrapper/Cover only, #123.
DUNCAN, JESSE Lunatic, Cover only, #96, 15 Oct. 1855.
ELLIOTT, NANCY 3 items dated 1861-1862, account with William Hamilton (Circuit ct. case). Allowed 16 Aug. 1866 by A. J. Suggs Judge of Probate.
FERGUSON, VIRGINIA H., minor, age 18, with no mother or father living, asks for her sister, Sarah A. Ferguson, as guardian. Letters and bond 15 Nov. 1858. Security W. A. Roffe and M. Marsh. (Cover #251 has Hugh B. Tomlinson data written side.)
FOWLER, THOMAS, dec'd. Cover #166. Letters filed 7 July 1857; Elijah Hill Adm., Sec., J. E. Woods.
GAMBRELL, ANN et al minors: Cover #276. Ann A. and Mary E. Gambrell are minor children of John H. Gambrell dec'd. J. B. Gambrell is guardian to "receive their distributive share of the estate of David Gambrell dec'd." Appraisal 20 Apr. 1859 by J. H. Simpson, M. F. Berry and Joseph Agnew.
JENNINGS, AGNES d 31 Aug. 1869 in Caldwell Co., TX (Had lived there 16 years but still owned Tippah Co. land on Mud and Cain Creeks.) Circuit Court case of Wm. H. Jennings et al vs E. L. Bell. Declaration filed 10 Feb. 1880. Names W. H. Jennings, Joe P. Jennings, Sarah S. Alsup, Jesse G. Jennings and John B. Jennings who "demands of E. L. Bell the possession of the following land ---53 acres SW1/4S19T3R4E---" Several depositions: (1) Joseph P. Jennings, Sarah Southern and her husband Robt. Southern before commissioners of Guadalupe Co., TX. (2) W. H. Jennings, John B. Jennings, Robert J. Crunk and Agnes Crunk before the commissioners of Caldwell Co., TX. (3) Letter (original copy) written by W. H. Jennings of Hardshell, TX 17 Dec. 1871 to Mr. S. W. Jennings, nephew ---- address not given but was either Tippah or Pontotoc counties. (S. W. Jennings died Pontotoc Co., MS ca 1872.) (4) Copy of deed of Agnes Jennings to E. L. Bell by Leroy Luker agent for said Jennings, 19 Dec. 1869. Cite in Tippah Co: Robert Luker; Allen H. Luker; James Bell; Math Bobbith; D. R. Childers; Jeff Renfro; H. H. Hopper; Berry Coley, Sr. 23 Aug. 1875. Note of Leroy Luker to Jno. W. T. Falkner asignee and attorney for W. H. Jennings et al for $1020.00.
JOHNSON, E. C. dec'd: Moses McCarley gd of John Johnson, et al, minors of Julia A. and E. C. Johnson. One report filed 21 Sept. 1868. Cover #723. Vouchers dated 1859-1868.
JOHNSON, JOHN T. minor, under age 14, Drew Co., AR, Aseal D. White gd. Samuel J. Matthews Clerk of Circuit Court, Monticello, AR.
JOHNSON, NANCY M. (under age 14), Jacob Hellums, gd. Also Margaret J. Johnson, under 14, Drew Co. AR 13 Feb. 1860.
JOHNSON, WILLIAM S. dec'd: L. J. Owen Adm. 1856. Vouchers for payments on Wm. S. Johnson estate by W. M. Nowlin, E. R. Smith, J. F. Berry, Wyand Pennebaker, A. R. Meeks (for coffin 1856), and Allen Ayres, J. P.
JONES, A. J. FREDONIA dec'd: B. T. Worsham Adm. vs A. J. White and Co. Mar. 1867/ Circuit Court.
JONES BENJ. Drugist affidavit 13 Apr. 1860, Tippah Co.
JONES, H. C. (Circuit ct. case) died 1 Aug. 1866; Nancy Jones surviving widow. Heirs at law: P. Josephine Maddox and her husband Joseph B. Maddox; K. H. Braddock and her husband, Perry Braddock; Silas L. Jones; Rufus C. Jones; H. C. Jones; P. G. Jones; N. C. Jones; A. Z. Jones; (Nancy the widow); and M. G. Jones widow of Silas S. Jones dec'd. and Luella Jones infant daughter of Silas L. Jones dec'd. Papers dated 1869-1870. See No. 1009, James Q. Keer vs Silas L. Jones et al.
JONES, SILAS L. dec'd: Heirs, widow Martha G. Jones and infant daughter Luella Jones (B. F. Worsham gd) and heir of H. C. Jones dec'd. 1869. See n009 James Q. Kerr vs Sials L. Jones et al.
KELLY, G(EORGE) W. minor: (1) Cover #669. (2) Final Report of James L. Kelly, gd of G. W. Kelly. Received of John O'Kelly Adm. of the estate of James Kelly, the 23 Mar. 1867 (total of $99.40). George W. Kelly is now of lawful age--17 Dec. 1867, Receipt ofr $99. 40 from James L. Kelly, signed G. W. Kelly.
KETCHUM, WILLIAM dec'd: (1) Cover 659. (2) Adm. Bond: Dicey Ketchum Adm., D. R. Childers and B. R. Mauldin bd, 22 Oct. 1867. (3) Appraisal by Rufus C. Jones, J. Hugh Mauldin and Colby Jackson. (4) Notes due Wm. Ketchum: James Rutherford, Hugh Mauldin, Peter Jackson, Mary E. Jackson and John Jones. widow (Dicey) and children (not named).
KEY, JAME & HENRY MELVIN Bound to Thos. Stark by Police Court 25 Feb. 1856: "the parents of said children incapable of supporting them and bringing them up in honest way....".
KING, SAMUEL H. dec'd: (1) Cover #195. (2) Letters & bond; Richard J. Thurmond Adm., 0. R. Miller and E. N. Hunt bd, 23 Dec. 1857. (3) Appraisal by C. J. Hardy, V. N. Garrison, Turner Ward and W. M. Mixon, 23 Dec. 1857, Ezeckiel Wall, J.P. (4) Petition to sell slaves Oct. 1859 names the heirs: Samuel King, John King and W. McKenzie, guardian of infant, W. Overby, dau of Wm. Overby dec'd. Signed, S. D. King and D. W. McKinzie gd of W. Rebecca Overby. (5) Claims against estate by R. H. & R. G. Graves, J. W. Moran, Thos. McDougal, T. Williamson, Mays and Cook, Humphry and Bro., Davis and King (security for W. P. King note), M. Jones & Bro., Thos. S. Hardway, W. P. King, Joel Wall, W. M. Mixon, J. S. Day, J. E. Sparks, Adm. vs V. N. Garrison, John Z. King. (6) Purchasers at sale 23 Jan. 1858: John King, W. P. King, P. G. Turner, H. P. Maxwell, J. G. Hamer, R. Wall, C. C. Wall, J. Moran.
KING, WILLIAM P. dec'd. (1) Cover #671. (2) Receipt for coffin 20 Jan. 1860, Thos. Ray. (3) Report of inventory states the estate is insolvent; J. G. Hamer, Adm. (4) Report of claims filed 22 Oct. 1861 (2 pages). (5) Annual report 1866.
KING, WILLIE L. (Mrs.) dec'd: (1) Cover #271 (2) Appraisal 19 Jan. 1859 by Willis P. Moran, C. C. Wall and J. S. Davis. (3) Purchasers at sale of Mrs. Willey S. King dec'd. 19 Feb. 1859: S. D. King, R. A. Allen, N. W. Gunnell, J. F. McKenzie, W. T. Turner, B. Myreck, R. Graves, C. Roling, V. N. Garrison, C. Rowlin, T. Woodson, John Myrick, J. C. Evans, T. H. Pepper, J. G. Hamer, N. C. Devers, C. C. Wall, A. Rose. (4) Final acct. of S. D. King Adm. of W. L. King dec'd. Heirs: Mary H. Walter M of AR; John Z. King; Elizabeth C. Allen, wife of R. A. Allen; Laura F. King, James J. King, Alexander King, Mary M. King, four last named are minors, Ezekiel Wall is gd, 13 Oct. 1860. S. D. King Adm.
LEAK, F. T. dec'd. (Circuit ct.) H. W. Stricklin Adm. 1867/vs G. W. Braddock and Adam Braddock.
LEAK, T. T. dec'd: H. W. Stricklin Adm. vs J. T. Crawford, G. W. J. Crawford, A. C. Crawford and A. M. Ayers filed 16 Feb. 1867. Circuit ct.
LEWELLEN, WILLIAM C. dec'd: (Numerous loose papers concerning estate settlement) Sarah W. Lewellen waves right to Adm. estate, asks that son John be appointed; 21 Oct. 1856. Test. John Walker. Bond Oct. 1856: John D. Lewellen, G. W. Lewellen, Sarah (x) Lewellen and T. G. Lewellen. Purchasers at sale 19 Dec. 1856 by John D. Lewellen Adm: G. W. Lewellen, S. C. Rutherford, Green Lewellen, R. L. Bryan, John Friar, A. W. Fackson, S. P. Park, Jordan Garrett, Elias Aldridge, Sarah Lewellen, C. A. Green, S. R. Spight, F. W. Lewellen, John D. Rogers, L. F. Green, Levi S. Holcomb, W. Coman, Samuel White, Josiah Rogers, W. E. Rogers, Rucher & Parr, J. M. Shultz, W. A. Gray, C. C. Potts, Wm. Patterson, David Tigart, Samuel W. Echols, Sam'l Blythe, T. J. Henson, F. A. Wolff, John T. Burton, Benj. Gaillard, J. A. Smith, B. D. Gaillard, W. H. Sanders, G. A. Woods, J. M. Jefferys, W. H. Lanndry, Sam'l C. Rutherford, V. D. Gossitt. 29 Mar. 1859 Sarah Lewellen petition for dower. 18 Apr. 1859-Withdraws that petition. (Adm. de bonis nun Bond Sept. 1857 Daniel Hunt, R. J. Thurmond, A. D. Berry and C. P. Miller.) Report of sale of slaves for $5660.00 filed 13 Jan. 1858. Among notes payable by W. C. Lewellen dec'd. and J. D. Lewellen were those to James L. Childers, John Walker and Thomas Smith. The following note payable by W. Lewellen in account with Wm. Persons is given for interest:
May 1856 ----- Repairing double Harness
$ 4.00
1 pr. Double lines 2.50
2 pr. stiff bitts
1 pr. martin gales
1 pr Double Harness 40.00
2 carriage collars
amt. assumed for Abel Hill, 10.00
interest 3.50
Notes due W. C. Lewellen estate on following (1849-1856): J. D. Lewellen, A. Y. Watson, John S. Leek, J. Ford, S. H. White, C. P. Lewellen, W. B. Moak, John Focher, Simpson Gossett, E. Rogers, A. Ledford, Henry B. Biggs, W. D. Hunter, John S. Walker, J. R. Rogers, E. F. Jordan, J. H. Buckanan, Frances A. Wolff, F. G. Lewellen, J. M. Clark, Wm. Hopper, L. S. Hobcomb, P. Holcomb, S. W. Echols, V. D. Gossett, W. T. Stricklin, J. M. Shultz, W. R. Shultz, S. C. Rutherford, W. D. Carter, G. W. Lewellen, Wm. Patterson, Sm'l. Blythe, W. Burton, Wade Cowan, W. A. Gray, G. A. Woods, Thomas Woods, D. P. Tigart, L. F. Green, B. Jefferies, J. S. Smith, K. A. Worsham, W. H. Sanders, F. W. Sanders, C. C. Pitts, J. C. Jackson, D. B. Gaillard, Z. Smith, A. M. Gaillard, Jno. H. Tapcott, Oliver Lewellen. Order for grave marker by Sarah Lewellen to L. H. & J. B. Fuller "Which is to be like the one J. D. Palmer contracted for with worked base and to be inscribed as follows: To My Husband/ The flowers that we most highly prize/ Are first to meat (sic) decay/ To those that we most dearly love/By death are snatched away/ Wm. C. Lewellen/ Born Jan. 5, 1803/ Died Oct. 3, 1856."
Guardian of minor Lewellen heirs was J. J. Cooper. Citation Oct. 1858--John Fryar, Thomas Fryar and Sarah Lewellen three of the nearest relatives of the minor heirs. Mar. 1860, Cite, John Lewellen of Tishomingo Co. Dec. 1871, cite Francis Lewellen Benton Co. MS (4 Jan. 1872 Francis Lewellen not found.) Jan. 1872 Cite F. E. Lewellen, John D. Lewellen, 3rd Dist., Prentiss Co. (party lives east of Baldwyn). (For heirs of W. C. Lewellen see p. 83, TIPPAH DEATH NOTICES VO. I.)
LEWIS, J. P. & W. T. MINORS. Cover only #388.
LEWIS, W. T. & JAMES P., minors: Benj. R. Maclin, gd. Letters filed 24 Dec. 1861. Bond Bk. No. 1, p. 506. Petition for settlement file 5 Feb. 1868. W. T. Lewis is an heir at law of the late James M. Lewis dec'd. Final settlement filed 17 Feb. 1868: James P. Lewis is now dec'd. leaving W. T. Lewis the only heir.
LUMBLEY, NORTON J. dec'd: Died 1864 during Civil War. Brother Joseph P. Lumbley, widow, Eveline and children Jincy F. Lumbley, Ary Alice Lumbley, John W. Lumbley and Ellen E. Lumbley. Feb. 1870: Commissioners to divide property were Jackson Jones, William Irby and Richard S. Smith. March 1870, Commissioners to divide land were William Nelms, Marlin Mullin and G. W. Prince.
LUNA, I. (ISAAC) D. dec'd: Cover #662. Loose papers include a number of vouchers. L. L. Luna Adm. Petition for sale of land 17 Sept. 1866 names heirs or distributees: L. L. Luna; W. L. Luna; Mary E. Jackson, widow of Wm. R. Jackson dec'd; Martha M. Luna; Amelia P. Luna, all of lawful age residing in Tippah Co. Also Peter L. Luna, W. S. Luna, Martha Jane Hurt, dau. of L. S. Hurt dec'd., the last named minors also residing in Tippah Co. Report of sale filed 4 Dec. 1867. Citation: (1) Oct. 1866 Martha Jane Hurt. (2) Nov. 1866, Mary E. Jackson, Martha M. Luna, Amelia P. Luna, Peter T. Luna, W. S. Luna and Martha Jane Hurt. (3) 28 Mar. 1871--W. L. Luna, M. E. Jackson, M. M. Luna, Robert Coley and wife A. P. Colley, P. T. Luna and M. J. Hurt. Receipts for "distributive shear (sic) signed by M. E. Jackson, M. M. Luna, W. L. Luna, W. H. Coley and A. P. Coley, L. L. Luna and P. T. Luna.
MCCAULEY, A. W. dec'd. (3 items) Appointed to appraise estate in Oct. 1866 were Daniel B. Wright, Richard Moody and D. Gatlin. Those who signed oath before G. B. Jackson, J. P., were D. B. Wright, W. J. Moran and F. M. Cargil 24 Dec. 1866. Cite 21 Aug. 1867: Wm. P. Pledge, P. McCauley, Adm. of A. W. McCauley dec'd. and C. C. Wall to answer complaint of Lewis H. Davis. A. C. Rucker, Clerk. P. C. McCauley (widow) was Adm. 13 Jan. 1869, Ezekiel Wall, J. P.
MCCORD & ROBINSON: Post office Box rent, Box #22, $75.00/not dated, signed E. W. Simpson, Postmaster (Ripley P. 0.?).
McCOWN, W. C. et al, Minors. Cover #281. Guardians bd & letters 16 May 1859. Mary Ann P. McCown gd of William C., Beunavista, Mary, Elizabeth and George S/L. McCown, minors. Linsey S. McCown and M. Marsh bd. Mary Ann McCown gd has in her possession 1 negro ---which is the only property to which said children have an interest -- Hire not enough to support them. 5 May 1860.
MCDONALD, JAMES dec'd. Elvira McDonald Admx. (widow)/Circuit court case.
MCDONALD, JOHN S. dec'd: A. M. Ayres Adm. Numerous vouchers, accounts due etc. 1857-1861. Petition of Jno. A. Moorman for widow, not named, of John S. McDonald to have one half of the lands----" in fee simple ------ Sale 1 June 1859 list as purchasers the following: W. L. Suggett, A. J. Adams, A. H. Godsey, J. L. Ayres, W. F. Ayeres, A. S. Richards, Nels Dickison, F. McDougle, H. Sullivan, C. C. Campbell, J. P. Hardeway, G. W. Crawford, H. P. Maxwell and Jas Elliott. 7 Oct. 1870 - Petition of A. M. Ayres Adm. "Sundry claims and judgements due estate of John S. McDonald late of Tippah (now Benton) County. Unmarked and undated list believed to belong in this file: W. M. F. McDonald, S. C. Sampley and wife, Mary, A. M. Ayres and wife Sarah. (Heirs?) McGraw, William Matthew, Minor: Matthew Miller guardian of his grandson (child of Matthew Miller's dau Nancy C.), 19 July, 1859. W. M. McGraw is between 14 and 21 years of age and chose his grandfather as guardian. Guardians bd signed by Matthew Miller, N. Vernon and Wm. Persons.
MCKINSTRY, JAMES Y. d June 1856. Appraisement 22 Nov. 1856/ signed by James A. Hopper, James L. Liddell and James M. Jones. Heirs were Martha Jane McKinstry, widow, and three children: Margaret Jane and William B. living in Tippah Co. and George W. resideing in Marshall Co. Citation 17 Sept. 1856 to Margaret McKinstry, E. H. McKinstry, Wilson B. McKinstry and George W. McKinstry. H. H. Robinson gd of M. J. and W. B. McKinstry in May 1858. Sale 24 Nov. 1856 lists purchasers as: Wm. Berry, J. L. McDaniel, J. M. Canfer, John Cole, W. C. Bennett, Robt. McDaniel, J. M. Shull, Jas Hooper, James Williamson, A. B. Hodges, C. G. Lee, J. Middleton, J. Wiseman, Wm. McDaniel, Wm. Sanford, W. C. Hall, C. H. Foster, J. W. Norris, L. T. Martin. Commissioners to set "dower" were John Cole, John Norris, Hugh Wiseman, A. J. W. Norris and W. P. Stewart.
MCKINZIE, ALEX 1855, D. B. McKinzie, Adm./ receipts.
MCNAIR, DR. MURDOCK dec'd: Cover #167 (changed from #639) Milton McKay Adm. McNair was deceased before 22 Feb. 1853. This is not a complete packet. Report of claims against estate not dated. Vouchers to support claims date 1849-1852. Bond & letters 20 July 1857 for Evander McKay and Benjamin D. Nabors filed for insolvency on the McNair estate. Item of interest is bill for medical supplies purchased by McNair in 1850 from T. McGown of Memphis, TN (See also p. 96 TIPPAH DEATH NOTICES VOL. I).
MACKEN, HENRY L. dec'd: Final settlement 23 Nov. 1859 (1 item/ 7 pages). H. L. Macken died Dec. 1852. Wm. Ayres and John H. Macken Adm. W. A. Berry was a clerk in Macken's store in Salem (present Benton Co.).
MALONE, MARY J. dec'd. Letters of Adm. issued 20 Feb. 1856, Wyan Pennebaker Adm. File includes a number of vouchers and receipts. Purchasers at sale Mar. 18, 1856 were: Thomas Linsey, John W. Malone, Jacob Beard, Edward Beard, G. N. Pope, Adkin Stephens, C. C. Smith, Penny Baker (Pennebaker?), Jesse Malone, Williams Collins, Thos. Golden, W. H. Hearn, 0. C. Smith.
MARSHALL, OLIVA: Cover #80. Infant child of James Marshall dec'd, Nehuer (?) N. Northcross gd., J. W. Oaks bd. 17 Sept. 1855. First report of N. N. Northcross shows that he received slaves from a former guardian, not named, Nov. 1856. (TIPPAH DEATH NOTICES, VOL. I, p. 90 gives James Marshall probate in 1847.)
MASON, NATHANIEL dec'd, Jane Davis Plaintiff vs S. G. Pegram, Thos. S. Hardaway and R. L. Bouton, Adm. of Nat'l. Mason dec'd. Circuit Court Case.
MATTHEWS, J. W. dec'd. Circuit Court; J. H. Matthews Adm. vs W. G. Bookout, 25 Feb. 1867.
MATTHEWS, JNO E. & wife, MARTHA L. vs James Crouch & B. B. Rutherford. Mar. 1867/ concerned note due Thos. Hamer by Crouch and Rutherford. Matthews' received $971.00 and costs.
MATTHEWS, KINCHEN dec'd. Died 18 Feb. 1856, Tippah Co., MS. Adm bd, 17 Mar. 1856, Jesse Elliott Adm. Jesse Elliott's wife Nancy was a dau of Kinchin Matthews. Appraisement by Talbert Smallwood, N. Y. Moss, W. H. Barry, A. H. Sanders and J. T. Norwell. Expense bill of Jesse Elliott to bring back slaves which Moses Matthews removed outside limits of state. Purchasers at sale: (very hard to read) J. B. Day, Wm. McDougal, A____ Saunders, Jesse Elliott, Allen Hines, L. H. Elliott, J____ Marnon, J. E. Beard, Witon, Talbert Smallwood, B. Cox, Jas. Day, J. A. Smith, T. H. Denton, Lem Elliott, and others which could not read. (See p. 90 TIPPAH DEATH NOTICES VOL. I.)
MATTHEWS, NANCY, Citation to Choctaw Co., MS to answer petition of W. F. Boyles and Wm. H. Elliott for sale of following land NW1/2NW1/4S32T3R4E and negroes --- 21 Sept. 1857.
MAXWELL, H. T. Makes oath that John, a freed negro boy about 13 years old is an orphan and has no visiable means of support, 7 Mar. 1866. W. W. Robinson, Clerk.
MAYS, JAMES M. dec'd: Cover #710. Bond & letters 19 Oct. 1868: John H. Macken, Jr. Adm., George N. Dickerson bd. Appraisal: G. N. Dickerson, Jr., Wm. Ayres, A. M. Manning, W. G. Dickerson, 7 Nov. 1868. John Macken, Jr. was a brother-in-law of Mays (Matt Mays).
MEDLOCK, MARS. B. W. dec'dL Cover #709. Bond and letters 16 Nov. 1868, R. L. Bouton/Bowton Adm., G. B. Jackson and F. L. Foster bd. Note signed by Ben Medlock requesting of Judge B. F. Worsham that R. L. Bouton "settle the estate business of my daughter, B. W. Medlock, dec'd, widow of Thomas Medlock...." Appraisal 4 Dec. 1868 by John H. Godsey, Charles W. Davenport and Solomon Kinney. Final account 30 Mar. 1872 states that L. E. Medlock, minor, is only heir of estate. Purchasers at sale 16 Nov. 1868 were: Benj. Perkins, Solomon Kinney, Wm. Rogers, Saml Pankey, John Foster, D. M. Gatlin, V. C. Gibson, Scott Pankey, J. T. Mallery, Jas. Scott, J/ P. Samples, Jo Scott, Tind Hood, Chas. Dennis, Randle Perry (col.), J. H. Golden, N. W. Bouton, J. Hutchings, J. S. Crowder, A. V. Jones, M. Queen, J. V. Allin, W. T. Wellings, R. L. Johnson, J. H. Godsey, J. P. Gibson, John Riley, Cle Bouton (col.), Mrs. Crenshaw, Labe W. M___ , Mat Stewart, N. W. Bouton, H. C. Gibson, Tom Cox, Elum Bastie (col.), T. J. Arnett, Jas. Colyer, D. P. Galtin, C. J. Cox, F. M. Anderson, F. Foster, Pleas Jey (col.), Green Morgan, J. V. Godsey, Ed Morrow (col.), H. C. Couch, W. R. Rayner, Taylor Kinner, Tom Norwell (col.), James Bouton (col.), J. W. Mathis, Eli Wells, P. L. Brenchcomb, Lem Craig, Tom Minor, Ed Doyl, Lem Denny (col.), Edwin Bostwick (col.).
MICKERSON, ALEX & HENRY AND LOONEY, THOMAS: Violating the sabbath Sept. 1866: "unlawfully did hunt with a gun on the sabbath day commonly called Sunday."
MILLER, JAMES dec'dL Bond 20 Sept. 1859, David A. Black Adm. W. H. Wiseman and Hugh Wiseman bd. Large file of vouchers, claims against estate etc. Cite: Mary Johnson and husband George Johnson, Elizabeth Drumond and Husband N. G. Drumond, F. P. Riddlesperger and her husband S. V. Riddlesperger, 29 Nov. 1865. List of heirs included those named above and A. J. Miller Pontotoc Co., R. E. Burns and husband, W. L. Burns, Tishomingo Co., Allen, Henry, John and George Miller, Sarah Marrow and her husband, J. B. Morrow, non residents. Receipts as follows: Elizabeth R. Drummond and husband and A. J. Miller says "part of money willed to me by by father (James Miller". F. P. Riddlesperger says "money willed to me by my grandfather .... James Miller."
MILLER, N. N. Drugist Affidavit 1 Nov. 1859, Tippah Co., MS.
MILLER, THOMAS W. Drugist Affidavit, 4 July 1859, Tippah Co.
MILLER, T. W. Dec'd: Cover #704. one item, "List of Notes belonging to estate".
MILLER, T. W. & 0. R. Dec'd. Circuit Court Case: R. J. Thurmond Adm. vs W. L. Davis and C. P. Miller and H. Manning (1 item).
MISKELLY, SAMUEL, Minor: Cover #100. One item showing Andrew Miskelly as gd and 0. Davis as receiving payment for obtaining monies from SC. Later papers show W. N. Miskelly as gd. 2nd Annual report of W. N. Miskelly, gd 7 Oct. 1859.
MOODAY, W. C. Drugist Affidavit, Ripley, Jan. 1858.
MOODY, ELIZABETH F. dec'd: Cover #664. Bd 21 Jan. 1868, Franklin Moody Adm., H. D. Hardin and A. J. Suggs bd. Will 27 Dec. 1867/ 20 Jan. 1868, names sons Joseph and Franklin, daughters, Sarah Childers and Fannie Smith. Daniel Hunt, L. D. Adams and James Rogan Wit. Son Franklin, EX.
MOODY, JOSHUA L. dec'd: Circuit Court Case Mar. 1867. Mary C. Moody Adm. vs J. B. Jefferies.
MOODY, WM. dec'd; one item, unmarked-Chancery Court, Apr, 1871, Frank Moody Adm. of Wm. Moody dec'd final settlement. Minors mentioned but not named.
MOORE, JAMES H. dec'd: Cover #652. Jan. 1866, Petition names Widow, Kiziah, and surviving heirs, Minerva E. Ray, James M. Moore and Robert M. Moore. Report on division of personal property.
MOORE, RUBEN dec'd: Richard S. Smith Adm. 20 May 1856. Appraisal by John C. Miller, Samuel Nelms, Isaac James, Washington Miller, Samuel Ragan. Several vouchers.
MORMAN, RICHARD D. dec'd: Will dated 15 Nov. 1857, proved 23 Dec. 1857. Wife Elizabeth Jane (apparently remarried to Matlock). Two daughters Mary T. (receipt from Mary J. Buchanan June 1858 for Telusha Morman: Ovicia E. Morman. Appraisal by John L. Barker, and F. S. Wier. Eli Crum to serve as Exc. and gd of the children. Large file of vouchers etc.
NAPPER, G. W. dec'd: Cover #658. Napper died Apr. 1867. Bd. & letters 16 Sept. 1867, Thomas Minor Adm.; Thomas M. Hume and R. C. Arnett bd. Thomas Minor was a brother-in-law. No relatives in Tippah Co. except Minor's wife. Writ of Appraisement 23 Oct. 1867 by J. S. Mathis, A. Morgan and A. J. Roffe.
NELSON, JONATHAN T. dec'd: Cover #189. Nelson died Mar. 1868. Wm. Ford of Pontotoc Co., in his claim against estate states that Nelson's wife---"long since deserted his bed and board and took up residence in the state of AR"----Ford was made Adm. 20 Apr. 1868. On 20 Oct. 1868, W. T. Stricklin was made Adm. as Ford had died. Writ of appraisement filed 4 May 1868 by Larkin Gaslin, John Wray and Thomas G. Miller. Also Circuit Court records Noah Vernon and wife vs J. T. Nelson, Wm. Ford and Thomas Ford 21 Aug. 1866-2 Sept. 1867 and Norah Vernon and wife vs W. T. Stricklin Adm. Et Al Feb. 1, 1874. Citation: Rachel Foster and husband Booker Foster, Thomas Ford and wife, Catharine, Joseph Johnson and wife A. Bell, William Ford, minor, Booker Ford and his foster dau. Nancy Nelson, Missouri Babb and husband Frank Babb, J. G. Nelson minor, George Nelson, minor and Elizabeth A. Nelson widow of J. T. Nelson dec'd. and L. Rogan assignee in bankruptcy of J. T. Nelson dec'd.
NELSON, J. 0. & S. J. Minors. Cover #714. William S. Nelson gd J. W. Falkner and S. M. CmClain bd. Oct. 1868. A. C. Nelson, dec'd. brother of Wm. S. Nelson, died 20 Jan. 1868, leaving 2 daughters, Sarah J. and Jonthia Olivia Nelson whose mother is dead; and a second wife, Sarah Nelson. Girls age aged 8 & 10.
NORTON, JOHN H. dec'd: Exc. bd 19 Mar. 1856; Nathan B. Leatherwood and Pinkney A. Norton, Exc. and J. W. McDonald, J. M. McDonald, Hardy W. Stricklin and Edward Norton, bd. Large file of loose paper, notes, vouchers, receipts etc. Appraisement 1 Mar. 1856 by John H. McDonald, J. T. Craig, James Childers. Citation 3 Oct. 1859: J. M. McDonald and wife, Penelope E., and Richard Smith gd of John P. Smith. 15 Feb. 1870 cite J. M. McDonald, David McDonald, John McDonald, Sarah B. McDonald and Pinkney McDonald, minors of estate and John P. Smith, Eveline Samples and her husband Robert Samples, Elsemener Ford and her husband James Ford. Proof of publication 22 Jan. 1870-19 Feb. 1870: D. H. Cunningham and her husband Arron Cunningham, R. A. Cummingham and her husband M. J. Cunningham, S. C. Homsely and other heirs.....Final Account Jan. 1870----"following are proper and lawful parties in interest in said estate: Daniel and John McDonald and Sarah Burton (McDonald) and Pinkney McDonald, all minors living in Tippah Co. and children of J. M. McDonald who is also gd. John Pinkney Smith adult, Evelene Samples and husband Robert; Elsemeres Ford and husband James Ford living in Tippah Co. The following reside beyond the limits of said state--D. H. Cunningham and husband Arron, R. A. Cunningham and husband M. J.; S. C. Homesely and husband (believed living in TX) and uncertain parties believed living in California. Added at the end are two names, James M. Norton and Haywood Norton, minors living in Tippah Co.. The widow of John H. Norton, Polly Norton died by 21 July 1860. Purchasers at sale 17 Apr. 1856: P. A. Norton, Sol Street, W. A. Roffe, Joseph Morgan, Jackson Lumpkin, James M. McDonald, W. A. P. Jones, T. George Queen, Jos. W. Matthews, Eli Clemmer, J. M. Robinson, Andy Cism, P. P. Ford, Wm. Street, P. Brantley, A. Furgerson, E. Barger, Jos. Ketchum, N. B. Leatherwood, W. S. Nail, Alfred Shelly, Jas. T. Craig, Phil Brantly, J. P. Clark, Sam. Shelly, R. P. Drennon, W. T. Sanders, L. M. Gray, W. T. Sanders, Thos. Cox, James Perry, James Blake, Wm. Crenshaw, James Childers, A. K. Sandes, Allison Gray, Thomas Dean, David R. Childers, T. E. Bratton, Wm. Bookout, F. J. Holland, N. Wheller, Mrs. Polly Norton, W. A. Roffe. Purchasers at sale 2 Mar. 1860: J. W. McDonald, S. L. Stewart, W. B. Norton, J. T. Craig, Wm. Greer, John Conard, F. B. Holland, F. A. Mathis, W. J. Hopkins, P. Childers, Levi Smith, Levi Hopkins, J. M. Nance, David McBride, W. F. Childers, John A. Norton, S. G. Street, F. G. Harlond, F. J. Dean, W. A. Street, James A. Roffe, J. W. Gray, John Kenedy, J. W. King, M. S. Jackson, D. B. Childers, G. M. Rennolds, S. D. Bookout, Henry Wright, Samuel Floyd, Allison Gray, Freeman Walker, Isaac Pollock, Wm. Davis. Jesse Thrasher, Mrs. B. Norton, A. B. Wright, W. A. H____, W. H. Sanders, Mrs. Street, J. M. Nance, G. B. Hopkins, W. A. Street, Mrs. Leatherwood, C. L. Harris, Wm. Gales, Martha Norton, A. Shelly, M. J. Hopkins, L. Smith, S. Roberts, P. Childers and E. Clemmer.
NORTON, MARTHA, Minor. Cover #290. P. A. Norton gd. Bd & petition of Martha to get her part of estate of her grandfather, William Norton, 19 July 1857.
NORTON, P. A. dec'd. N. B. Leatherwood Adm. Proof of publication 27 Feb. 1869. Estate is insolvent.
OWEN, MARY F., Minor. Cover #72, Apr. 1852; unsigned bd for orphan, not named. Bond dated 19 June 1855, names, Wm. E. Owen bd, Jesse F. Owen and Daniel Hunt bd. on top margin is written Emely F. Owen, dec'd. Mary Owen chose her father, Wm. E. Owen as gd. She has in interest in the estate of her grandfather, Wm. Johnson, late of Morgan Co., AL. In 1859 Mary F. Stewart signs that she has received final settlement from her gd, William E. Owen.
OWEN, SILAS B. dec'dl Letters 20 June 1855; Adm. Lucinda Owen and W. E. Owen. Appraisement 12 Nov. 1855 by Michael Cox, James P. Rogers and George Tucker. Voucher for medical expenses from W. G. McGill.
For Circuit Clerk: E. N. Hunt, 57; J. R. Plamer, 87; R. O. McCarley,
24; W. P. Alvis, 9; A. J. Rolin, 2; L. F. Carmichael, 2; E. C. Grace, 8.
For Corner and Ranger, W. C. Richardson, 153.
List of voters:
J. E. Crawford
A. H. Little
T. C. Harrison
Ben Ratliff
L. D. Gibson
J. H. Moony
J. N. McCown
W. M. Russel
J. W. Johnson
J. C. Young
J. W. Weir
J. W. Bennett
George Toddy
J. H. Stewart/Stuart, Jr.
J. P. Ashley
Peter Gammon
N. B. Cox
J. D. Martin
C. C. Smith
Henry Ratliff
Thomas B. Weir
Dick Foot
W. H. Duncan
T. W. Stewart
J. A. Miller
J. B. Wiseman
Joe Kindrick
R. W. Hodges
Joe Robinson
Bill Hickman
S. J. Brotherton
L. J. Suggs
J. H. Britt
S. T. Barkley
Charlie Hatch Jr.
J. A. Hunt
Turner Gray
J. F. Hodges
David McDaial(McDaniel?) Wm. Smith
Whit Brandon
S. D. Thurmond
L. E. Starks
J. T. Thurmond
Thom. Gray
Y. W. Kelly
J. W. Ashley
Sanders Miller
W. P. Story
Thomas Lwellen
H. T. McAllister
W. W. Hill
Henry Leatherwood
R. B. Henderson
Julius Foot
Jno McBride
W. T. Turner
S. Witt
J. L. Payne
D. A. Stewart Alford Robinson
G. G. Barkley
E. M. Kent
D. M. Palmer
W. M. LIndsey
S. V. Riddlsperger
Thos. J. Watt
Hence Cole
T. J. Medlin
E. Y. Falkner/Faulkner C. P.
W. H. Cox
Charles Winchell
J. R. Cox
J. L. Clark
J. L. Gibson
W. A. Medlin
T. M. Medlin
J. B. Simms
Jon Foot
J. E. Williams
Prince Zambrell
J. L. Witt
Henry Foot
J. W. Little
C. H. Cacy
Y. W. Yocum
J. R. Smith
Andy Hunt
Dick Spears
Sam Roberson
J. Y. Jones
W. H. Smith
F. L. Drumhan
J. A. Kent
J. A. Griffin
J. W. Jamison
J. S. Beaty
Geo. Gray
Wm. Luster
R. A. Weir
Allen Tliming
W. R. Winston
M. H. Bumpus
W. F. Sims
R. T. Hill
W. T. Ratliff
J. G. Smith
M. N. Colthrop
S. D. Little
R. H. Patterson
T. E. Stewart
A. A. McBryde
J. C. McBryde
J. Z. Watson
Will McBryde
W. Y. Barkley
H. R. Miller
Frances Watson
G. M. Hanks
Wm. Davis
H. M. Ratliff
C. M. Smith
Auther Norville
Aaronn Martin
Fagen Powel
Jno Bales
Henry Adkins
W. C. Garnner
S. M. Richardson
Y. B. Hodges
R. A. Stewart
R. B. Smith
Ned Cook
R. C. Hill
J. W. Sanders
C. Clayton
Jim Jackson
W. P. Pennebaker
Ben Gambrell
Dall Foot
Landen Walker
Henry Hill
Frank Griffin
H. W. Smith
Andrew Bails
H. R. Palmer
Mose Ribison
Monro Walker
A. N. Clayton
R. C. McBryde
Noal Roberts
J. Y. Smith Sr.
H. H. Snell
Joseph Jamieson
W. T. Thurmond, Jr.
W. H. Miller
J. H. Stewart Sr.
B. C. S. McAllster
R. A. Jones
J. W. Whilite/Wilhite
W. H. Foot
J. W. Witt
J. L. McBryde
Jeff Earl Sr.
Marion Foot
P. A. McBryde
W. F. Hollday
Jim Jackson
Morris Gray
R. E. Palmer
___ W. Hodges Sr.
___ Young
M. B. Kelly
Jim Lindsey
D. S. Bradock
Autry (W)illiams
Titus Palmer
Henry Cole
Jesse Ratliff
Clerks: J. G.? Smith & D. A. Stewart
Tom Barkly
Judges: W. H. Foot, R. A. Jones &
Miley Gordon
J. L. MCBryde
Lee Barkly
Bob Earl
Horace Fleming
S. E. Stewart
Andy Foot
Anyelo Riddle
Tom Clark
Isaac Little
PALMER, J. D. Landlord, and STRICKLIN, Henry, Freeman & tenant: Contract for year 1870 for plantation--known as the place where John Starks resided in 1869--on the Ripley and Oxford road 3 1/2 miles southwest of former place ---- $300.00. Signed, John D. Palmer and Henry (x) Stricklin, Wit. W. T. Stricklin, P. S. Stricklin and W. R. Stansell.
PALMER, PINKNEY "PINK" C. dec'd. John D. Palmer Adm. 17 Aug. 1857. Appraisement 21 Sept. 1857 signed by S. N. Pryor, Thos. J. Hill, and D. A. Hill. Sale 18 Dec. 1857: Purchasers--Joseph Pierce, R. Palmer, S. N. Pryor, William Gossett, R. E. Palmer, W. A. Boyd, J. B. Jefferys, William Parr, William R. Gossett, J. J. Pigues, W. P. Kenndy, J. S. Berry, T. J. Hill, Moses McCarley, V. D. Gossett, F. W. Whitten, J. W. Parr, Reves Pickens, Isaac Buckanan. Palmer left widow and children, not named. Creditors were: A. Brown and Co., W. R. Cole, W. D. Carter, Noah Down, M. W. Hardy, Terry Dalton, J. H. Buckanan, J. W. Cook, C. P. Miller & Son, R. Prince, L. Rogan (J?), Cox & Alexancer, J. M. Patrick, Wm. Persons, J. H. Pickens, Mary A. Davix, R. R. Palmer, Jno. Y. Murry and J. H. McNeill.
PALMER, RANDOLPH dec'd. John D. Palmer Adm. Circuit Ct. Case.
PATTERSON, MATTHEW DEC"D. Cover #85. William Patterson Adm., Joshua Adams bd. 15 Oct. 1855. Large file of claims and receipts. Receipt for "coffin made for Mathew Patterson Aug. 22, 1855." Appraisal 3 Nov. 1855 by W. L. Young, Thomas B. Weir and L. D. Adams. Petition for sale of land names heirs: (The petitioner, Wm. Patterson); Benj. Patterson of GA; Warren W. Patterson of TX; Andrew J. Patterson, Matthew Patterson, minors; Rebecca Adams, wife of Joshua Adams of Tippah Co., MS; John Quinn, Henry Quinn, minors of Tishomingo Co. and Robert Quinn, minor, children of Elizabeth Quinn dec'd. Purchasers at sale 17 Nov. 1855 were: S. T. Jackson, T. Frier (Fryar), Wm. Lett, J. Rogan, F. Green, J. Wallis, J. Smith, J. Adams, Patterson, J. Garrett, L. D. Adams, Wm. Patterson, F. C. Bell, W. T. Young, P. B. Thomas, W. M. Smith, Wm. Hopkens, W. C. Lewellen, J. Downs, W. H. Bell, J. Clark, F. M. Patterson, R. Storey, J. Dungen, D. Tigret, F. P. Storey.
PEPPER, P. G. dec'd. Cover #163 (Phillip Green Pepper) Citation to Zack Pepper Adm. of P. C. Pepper dec'd. 19 Nov. 1858. Receipt for coffin shows it was ordered 8 Feb. 1856.
PICKENS, CASANDRA K.Circuit Court Mar. 1867: Guardian of J. M. Pickens--Concerns note of Zachariah Smith & Benj. Rutherford payable to her as gd of the minor heirs of George Gray dec'd.
PRATHER, ANDREW dec'd. Cover #286. Died 1858. Lydia Prather, Adm. 20 July 1859. Heirs: Widow, Lydia and 6 children. Cite M. C. Bell, William Prather, Isaac Prather, Lydia Terneberson(?), L. C. Conner and wife, W. Murry and wife. Will mentioned but not found.
PRATHER, BARZELL dec'd. Bond 18 Jan. 1858, William H. Prather Adm. John L. Prather bd. Appraisal 18 Feb. 1858 by St. Clair Lawrence, John D. Chism and Elias McCarley. Citation 23 Feb. 1859 to J. L. Prather, agent of record for Wm. King and wife Margaret; A. Hooper and wife, Mary. Also King Prather; Sarah Wesson, Thomas Davis and wife Martha; Josiah Prather and J. F. Prather.
PRINCE, ORPHANS BOND Undated: MARION, JOHN NATHAN AND CARY PRINCE bound until age 19 to Isaac Cox. Signed Isaac Cox and Joseph M. Wesson. He is required to teach them the business of farming; also "reading, writing and common arithmetic including the rule of three" and furnish each at the end of the apprenticeship, "with a genteel suit of clothes of not less than $20.00 in cost and $10.00 in money."
PRINCE, RICHARD dec'd. Died 15 Nov. 1857. (See NEWS AND JOURNAL VOL. 11, pp. 76-82, 1985) Heirs; Wm. S. Prince, T. A. Prince; E. M. Rucker wife of A. C.; E. S. Leverett; Mary Prince, widow; Mary J. Prince; Jno. M. Simpson, minor, J. A. Simpson gd; and Martha Griffin, minor.
PRINCE, WILLIAM S. dec'd. Cover #746. A. C. Rucker Adm., Jesse Peeler and J. Rogan bd. 16 Oct. 1869. Appraisal 11 Nov. 1869, signed by Jas. Simpson, Jesse Peeler and Moses McCarley, shows tailing supplies. Another receipt shows $808.50 in gold, 64.50 in silver and $2602.45 in greenback or U. S. Curency Mentioned Apr. 1871 are Mrs. Mary Prince and Miss Mary Jane Prince.
REDFEARN, HARRISON et al, minors. Cover #70. Bond & letters 2 July 1855 (filed June 1855); Boling Branch gd of Harrison, A. J., James N. and Elizabeth Redfearn, Daniel Hunt bd. 18 Nov. 1861 Settlement of Jno. H. McClellan Adm. of Boling branch, dec'd. on account of guardianship of the children of John Redfearn dec'd.
REDUS, RACHEL dec'd. Caswell Cock Adm. vs A. C. Crawford et al Aug. 1867. Circuit Ct. case.
RHODES, S. D. dec'd. G. N. Dickerson Adm. vs, A. L. Tyler, Thos. A. Craft and John H. Macken. Mar. 1867, Circuit Ct. case.
RIPLEY ADVERTISER Received of Col. Thos. Hamer $2.00 subscription for 1860. Jno. F. Ford, 16 Jan. 1860.
ROBERSON, WM. A. dec'd. Cover #253. Roberson/Robinson died in state of TN in 1857. 0. Davis Adm., R. J. Thurmond bd. Owned personal property in MS.
ROBERTS, B. B. et al vs STOKE, THEOPHILUS et al, Chancery Court: A. C. Rucker appointed gd ad litem for Fred M., James C. and Sarah A. Brougher and Wm. C., Sarah S., David S., Charles G., and Thos. T. Hubbard, minor defendants in case, Sept. 1858.
ROBINSON, GEORGE P. dec'd. Cover #685. Bond 16 Mar. 1868, A. C. Crawford Adm., D. B. Wright and Benj. Bright bd.
ROSE, GEORGE dec'd. Alexander P. Rose Adm. Large file misc. vouchers. Platt for land. Purchasers at sale 10-11 Dec. 1856: R. Hunt, A. Rose, Wm. Whitlock, E. Wall, H. Luley Wall, J. Pugh, D. W. McKinsey, T. J. Woodson, B. Houston, J. P. Bagley, J. H. Chrisp, B. F. Smalldon, J. Evins, J. Perkins, C. Harder, W. Scott, Sam Bagley, W. P. King, R. Winham, M. Bagley, F. D. Cossett, John Hais, Kilpartick, N. Beas, P. Graves.
RUCKER, W. J. K. dec'd. A. C. Rucker Adm. 2 receipts 21 Jan. and 21 July 1855.
RUFF, AMBROS dec'd. Creditors Nov. term Court 1856 were: A. Brown and Co., A. B. Waldon, A. D. Berry, John Stewart, Elizabeth Prather, Israel Mathis, J. M. Skinner, L. Norman (Noomon), A. W. Whitten (original signatures).
SAYLORS, JAMES dec'd. W. S. Davis Adm 3 receipts 1859. 1 note signed by James Saylors and John H. Saylors.
SCISSOM/SISSOM, WILLIAM dec'd. Report of sale of 12 May 1856, Inv. Bd. G, p. 254 & 255. Test. James M. Childress and James O'Kerr, ack by A. Scissom. Purchasers: James F. Jackson, Andrew Scism (sic), Franklin Sissom (sic), M. S. Jackson, Jas. H. Miller.
SINGLETON, POLLY LUNATIC. Cover #288. Petition May 1859. Guardians bd 27 June 1859, P. H. Singleton gd. A. C. Rucker, Moses McCarley, E. F. Jordan and W. R. Embry bd. Jurrors 24 May 1859 were Geo. T. Cotton, J. C. Wilson, G. W. Hefley, T. J. Hefley, Wm. Hefley, S. G. Pegram, James B. Taylor, Wm. K. Reed, B. R. Mauldin, Thos. J. Grace, T. B. Wilson and Sith Moore.
SMITH, BENJAMIN dec'd. Petition for letters 23 Nov. 1855. Bond Dec. 1855; William A. Smith Adm., H. A. Stephens and John W. Kendrick bd. Appraisal 17 Dec. 1855 by H. A. Stephens, James P. Partis, William (x) Aldreidge. Large file of loose papers. Heirs listed in July 1856 petition for sale of land were: Enoch H. Smith, James J/L. Smith, W. A. Smith, E. R. Smith, all of lawful age, residing in Tippah County; Richard M. Smith of Lafayette Co., MS; John Smith, Thomas Smith and Hugh Smith, Susan Smith all minors of Tippah Co. (Susan is wife of Barzell Smith); Margaret E. Smith and Julia A. Smith widow of deceased. In Sept. 1856 Barzell Smith and Susan C. Smith signed for sale of land. Citation Oct. 1859 to E. H. Smith, E. R. Smith, John Smith, Margaret E. Smith and Barzell Smith and wife. Also E. H. Smith, E. R. Smith and J. S. Smith three of the nearest kin of Thomas and Hugh Smith, minor children of Benjamin Smith. Notation on back of citation says E. H. Smith, E. R. Smith, John Smith and all the South Carolina Smith family to be found. Executed upon Margaret Smith Nov. 12 and upon E. R. Smith Nov. 14, 1859. N. Vernon Sheff. The rest of the SC Benj. Smith family not found in my county-Nov. 21, 1859. Signed N. Vernon, Sheff. by N. M. Childs, D. Sheff. 19 Oct. 1859 Cite E. H. Smith of Marshall Co., MS.
SMITH, CHARLES W. dec'd. Benjamin Jones Adm. Letters 20 May 1856. Left no widow or children. Heirs or distributees were: Mary Nelson, Martha Archer, Margaret Forbes, Robert J. Smith, Eliza J. Smith, the last named a minor and all residents of this state, John P. Smith, George P. Smith and Josiah G. Smith and there may be other heirs who are unknown. (These listed in petition for sale of land, relationship to dec'd. not given.)
SMITH, H. B. Minor. Cover #260. Guardians bd, James S. Smith gd; W. A. Smith bd. 21 Mar. 1859. (See Benj. Smith)
SMITH, JULIA ANN dec'd. Cover #261. Bond Mar. 1859. Harrison A. Stephens Adm., Jno. Y. Murry bd. Appraisal 26 Mar. 1859 by Malachi Stark, Jas. H. Nance, G. Washington McCarley. Purchasers at sale Apr. 10, 1859 were: M. Stark, J. H. Nance, J. B. Kennedy, Mills Norton, G. W. McCarley, H. D. Jones, Barzell Smith, Elizabeth Rowel, Wm. Nance, Wm. Kincade, Isaac Waldon, W. W. Caveness, Lewis Yancy, L. D. Alexander, Wm. Smith, John Cox, J. H. Robertson, Wm. Prince, S. R. Spight, W. A. Gray, J. B. Cox, T. T. 0. P. Jeanes, Jane Champion, Jas. L. Smith, R. J. Bell, M. C. Smith, Mrs. Hines, Thos. Lockhart, J. H. Jones, R. C. Stark. Cite Enoch Smith of Marshall Co., MS Jan. 1861.(See Benjamin Smith.)
SMITH, R. W. dec'd. T. A. King plaintiff vs R. E. Smith Adm. of estate of R. W. Smith dec'd. Mar. 1867. Vol. 12 #3 p. 74
SMITH, ROBERT W. dec'd. Cover #665-"Dolly A. Smith, widow of R. W. Smith dec'd, Dower." Robert W. Smith died 1867, Richard E. Smith, Adm. Cite 21 Mar. 1867: Ida Smith, minor heir of R. W. Smith deceased and Dolly A. Smith the mother and natural gd of Ida. Robert G. Smith minor and L. V. Smith, minor, also heirs of R. W. Smith. In her petition for dower in 1867 Dollie A. Smith states that R. G. Smith resides in Russellville, KY and L. V. and J. W. Smith reside in Lagrange, TN. Cite Feb. 1867 W. H. Harrison individually and as Adm. of the estate of G. E. Madara dec'd. to answer complaint of R. E. Smith Adm. of R. W. Smith dec'd. Also a number of summons and other circuit court material related to this case.
SMITH, S. D. et al minors. Bond 24 Jan. 1856, Seth H. McAnnulty gd, C. H. Medlock and Thomas (x) Brooks bd. Minors are Sinclair D. Smith, Clarence E. Smith, Nancy G. Smith, Edwin Smith and Gaines Smith. 12 Sept. 1856, Columbia Co., AR Seth H. McAnnulty Ex parte Asks guardianship of minors above, "Heirs of Andrew Smith, dec'd." Petition for sale of land states above wards have an undivided ninth interest in land in Tippah Co. The other 4 undivided interests in said lands belonging to the adult brothers and sisters of said minors.
SMITH, THOMAS, minor. Cover #259. Petition for guardianship 21 Mar. 1859 by William A. Smith. Petition for sale of land names co-heirs: petitioner W. A. Smith, James L. Smith, E. H. Smith, E. R. Smith, Susan C. Smith, wife of Barzell Smith, Hugh Smith minor, J. L. Smith gd, all of Tippah Co. MS---Richard M. Smith of AR, E. H. Smith, Marshall Co., MS; J. L. Smith, Pontotoc Co., MS. Also Susan & John in Lafayette Co. MS and Margaret in Lafayette Co., in Pontotoc Co. (See Benj. Smith.)
SPIGHT, AMANDA (col.) Murder of her infant child 1 June 1866.
STEPHENS, JAMES dec'd: Cover #88 (inside Cover is Joseph H. Buck data/filed under Buck.) Will, not found, was proved Nov. Term of court 1855, Harrison A. Stephens Exc. Appraisal 24 Nov. 1855 by Wm. P. Cotton, Isaac Cox and John Moffitt (original signatures). A number of receipts and claims including one by Jonathan (x) Medford for "breaking horse to work and ride, $10.00." Final account 16 Sept. 1859 names heirs: Exc. Harrison A. Stephens; James Stephens and Clark Stephens, Marshall Co., MS; Ervin Stephens and John Stephens, Lincoln Co., TN; Ellenmira Rowell and her husband Benjamin Rowell; Children of Mary Bouton/Boylin, widow of Thomas Stephens, M. M. Stephens and younger one, a girl, name unknown, think Nancy. Signed H. A. Stephens. Cite 28 Sept. 1859, Benj. Rowell and his wife E. Minerva, Solomon Bounton, gd ad litum to M. M. Stephens and Sarah Stephens --- Purchasers at sale 21 Dec. 1855: G. W. Chisum, H. A. Stephens, Jacob Hines, Mary Haris, John Moffitt, W. P. Cotton, J. P. Partus, Calvin Bostin, Wm. Nance, M. S. Jackson, B. Dogan, G. W. McCarley, Thomas Hayes, Clark Stephens, Isaac Cox, A. H. Johnson, James Graham, F. Camel, J. M. Spight, M. H. Norton, John Conner, Wm. Hatcher, Elias Aldrige, Z. Smith, Wm. Colley, R. W. Stark, W. Carter, W. Norton, James S. Smith, James Rimer, John Separd, Benjamin Rowel, Wm. Stinson.
STEWART, JAMES G. dec'd. Bond & letters granted 16 Oct. 1856, John H. Stewart Adm., James Miller and James L. Liddell bd. Petition for sale of land 22 Dec. 1857 names heirs: Matilda Caroline Gibson and husband L. E. Gibson; Samuel E. Stewart; Elizabeth Ann Stewart, both of full age; Mary Louisa Stewart, W. H. Stewart, Robert A. Stewart, David A. Stewart, Thomas T. Stewart, Sarah A. Stewart and Caroline B. Stewart, all of whom are infants under 21 years of age and Mary Ann Stewart the widow. Citation 20 July 1867: M. A. McBride, James McBride, M. C. Gibson, L. D. Gibson, E. A. Steely, B. H. Steely, S. E. Stuart (sic), M. L., D. A., T. T. and S. A. and C. B. Stewart minors. (M. A. McBride is perhaps the remarried widow of James G. Stewart.)
STEWART, JOHN H. Drugist Affidavit 26 Jan. 1859, Tippah Co.
STINSON, WHITLEY dec'd. Thomas Medlock Adm. Bond & letters Dec. 1858. J. M. Drury and Chas. J. Cox bd. Appraisal bd 23 Dec. 1858Joshua P. Clark, Wm. 0. Barger, Chas. J. Cox, P. A. Norton, J. P. Account on W. Stinson dec'd filed 23 Jan. 1860 by Thos. Medlock names heirs: Mary J. (wife of Adm.); Elizabeth Scott wife of David Scott; S. A. Stinson; Wm. Stinson; John Stinson; Anderson Stinson; Eliza Blanchard wife of F. J. Blanchard; Robert Stinson; Gatsy Ann Stinson. Robert and Gatsy are minors, the rest all of lawful age and all but Wm. Stinson live in Tippah Co. Large file--One paper dated 24 Jan. 1860 is a report of "money paid out by me, Thos. Medlock Adm. of the estate of Whitley and Jane Stinson deceased since my (last) annual report---" Receipt for coffin to T. R. Liming dated Dec. 9, 1858. Cite Feb. 1860: Mary J. Medlock, David Scott and wife Elizabeth, S. A. Stinson, Wm. Stinson, John Stinson and G. A. Stinson. Cite Mar. 1860-same persons.
STINSON, WHITLEY dec'd. Cover #257. Bd 20 Nov. 1865, R. L. Bouton Adm. de bonis non, M. C. Malone bd. 19 Dec. 1865 Cite S. A. Stinson of Yellowbusha (sic) Co., MS. Cite Dec. 1865: W. W. Stinson, Anderson Stinson, S. E. Scott, Eliza Cutbirth and her husband Beverly Cutbirth, Gatsy A. Stinson, W. W. Stinson, guardian to the minor heirs of John Stinson dec'd. (Note that John Stinson has died since 1860 and that Eliza C. Stinson Blanchard has perhpas remarried.) Sept. 1866, cite Gatsie (sic) Stinson. Petition of Sarah J. Roffe and J. A. J. Roffe, her husband, and Mary L. Craig and J. A. Craig her husband, states they are only surviving heirs of Mary Jane Medlock wife of Thomas Medlock, dec'd. (Mary Jane dau. of Whitley Stinson and her husband Thos. Medlock both evidently dead.) In Sept. 1869 Sarah E. Scott testifies that she has received $75.00 from the estate of her father. Also that Anderson Stinson was in the merchantile business with W. W. Stinson at Middleton, TN. Nov. 3, 1869, cite Dr. W. W. Stinson of Marshall Co., MS. Nov. court term 1869 --- Account of amount received by Anderson Stinson and W. W. Stinson from estate. Bro. John mentioned. 12 Feb. 1869, R. L. Bouton account of estate names heris: W. W. Stinson of lawful age; and G. A. Stinson; and minor heirs of John Stinson dec'd, namely W. J. Stinson, T. F. J. Stinson (residence unknown) also Robert Stinson if living; and Elizabeth Scott and E. C. Cutbirth wife of Beverly Cutbirth, all residents of Tippah Co.; Anderson Stinson Saulsbury, TN (Saulsbury and Ripley road north of Wolf River); S. A. Stinson, Harrisons Depo, Tallahatchie Co., MS; Mary L. Craig and John Craig, and Sarah J. Roffe, daughters of Mary J. Medlock dec'd. of Tippah Co. Receipts dated 1869-1873 signed by following: Elizabeth W. Scott; Anderson Stinson; Seaborn A. Stinson; V. A. Satterfiled (mother of Wm. R. A. and Theodocia Stinson, children of John Stinson dec'd.) (Editors Note: Whitley Stinson died 1858. His wife Jane was dead by 1860. Children were: Mary Jane, wife of Thomas Medlock, both deceased before 1865 leaving daughters Sarah J., wife of J. A. J. Roffe and Mary L., wife of John Craig. Sarah J. Roffe was dead before 12 Feb. 1859, leaving 2 sons, Thos. J. and Benj. P. Roffe. Other children were: W. W. Stinson, Sarah Elizabeth, wife of David Scott; Gatsie Ann Stinson; Seaborn A. Stinson; Robert Stinson; Anderson Stinson; Eliza C. Stinson Blanchard Cutbirth; John Stinson who was dead by 1869 leaving children W. R. A. and Theodocia Stinson.)
STRAWHORN, NANCY E., Petition for Dower. Cover @285. Nancy E. Strawhorn of Lafayette Co., MS is a widow of A. S. Strawhorn who died in 1852 in Monroe Co., MS. They married in 1840. He had owned land in Tippah Co. Which was sold in 1845 without her having received her dower rights. Filed Jan. 1859. Daniel Hunt was gd ad litum to N. S. Strawhorn, J. Strawhorn and J. A. Strawhorn. Nancy actually received a total of $18.00.
STRIBLING, W. M. B. S. dec'd. Guardians bd Jan. 1856, Levi Rogers gd of Wm. B. S. Stribling, infant child of W. M. B. S. Stribling. Receipt for tuition for 105 days signed Oct. 21, 1856 by James S. Helms. Tution Nov. 1858 signed by John McDaniel. Receipt of Jane M. Taylor 20 July 1859 for "boarding." Several receipts signed by W. M. Stribling for money received from "my guardian, Levi Rogers." Also on 30 July 1856: "Rec'd of the estate of William H. Sims deceased for W. M. B. Stribling $284.00. Signed, Levi Rogers, Guardian.
TAYLOR, THOS. Received of Moses Parnell a note on Francis M. Bradly for six hundred dollars dated 28 Sept. 1836 and due the first day of Mar. 1838 (?) for collection Jan. 19, 1837....
THOMAS, ELAM ANDERSON dec'd. Bond 16 July 1855, Susan Thomas (widow) Admx., M. M. Lacy and Thos. H. Wall bd. Large file. Commissioners for dower of Mrs. Susan Thomas were: H. P. Maxwell, Robt. McDonald, Jr., J. G. Hamer, J. S. McDonald and Calvin Chairs, 18 July 1856. Susan Thomas mentioned as gd
TOOMBS, SARAH dec'd. Bond & letters Aug. 1855. Thomas G. Toombs Adm., B. H. Henry and Isaac Wheatly bd.
WALKER, CHARLES dec'd. Letters 20 Feb. 1856, Hugh Walker Adm. Report of sale of land 9 Aug. 1856. Four receipts of money due Charles Walker dated 1838-1841.
WALKER, CHARLES AND THOMAS Several notes dated 1836-1845.
WALKER, JOHN C. C. minor. A. R. Johnson was gd in 1861. Johnson died 1867 and Wyand Pennebaker became gd of John C. C. Walker, minor heir of Hugh Walker dec'd. 16 Nov. 1868; 0. H. Owen, R. M. Stephens and A. J. Stephens bd. Amanda J. Stephens and John C. C. Walker are given as heirs of Hugh Walker in petition for sale of land 1869. Although incomplete this is a large file of vouchers, tax receipts (Union CO. MS) and reports. 0. H. Owen is step-father of John C. C. Walker. Mary E. Owen is the re-married mother of John C. C. Walker. Citation Nov. 1868 to John Newton, Mary Newton, and Mary E. Owen---"for division and sale of real estate of Hugh Walker dec'd."
WATSON, JOHN M. dec'd. W. T. Young Adm. Large number of loose papers relating to debts on estate. In Nov. 1865 W. T. Young filed a petition to the court saying "he cannot find papers and memorandums made in regard to the estate of Jno. M. Watson" (Papers misplaced or destroyed during the war.) Nancy L. W. Moorman and her infant dau. Ida W. Moorman reside near Hickory Valley, P. 0., Hardeman Co. TN, 27 May 1867 (relationship not given).
WESSON, WILLIAM J., minor. Cover #110. Thos. J. Adams gd of minor child of Luke Wesson dec'd.; Brazell Prather bd, Mar. 1856.
WEST, RICHARD minor--A number of receipts from James Richard (x) West to his gd A. L. Gatlin, Test. Wm. Stark (1859-1861). one of which is: "Mr. Andrew L. Gatlin, Sir please pay J. D. Peeler Adm. of Jesse A. West dec'd. $134.95 --- 24 Aug. 1869-James R. (X) West, Attest., J. D. Peeler; Ack. before Wm. Stark.
WEST, JESSE A. dec'd. Bond & letters May 1859, Joseph D. Peeler Adm., J. P. eeler bd. Appraisal made 14 June 1859 by Samuel Orman, Jacob E. Graves and Dawson D. Day. West left no widow or children. A number of claims against estate filed.
WILBANKS, COOPER, Non Compas Mentis. Cover #290. Petition for commitment signed by: Ambros Ray, Jas. M. Moore, R. L. Ray, W. R. Garrett, Jno. Northcross, W. A. Lancaster, R. W. Jordan, W. D. Lancaster, M. C. Goolsby, R. M. Moore, Jas. F. Tomlinson, Peyton T. Nance, Jonathan Richardson, Silas R. Whitten, Jr., A. W. Whitten and J. M. Northcross. of minor heirs of E. A. Thomas. Purchasers at sale 20 Nov. 1855: Mrs. Susan Thomas, M. M. Lacy, W. P. Green, A. Davis, John Rhodes, B. D. Thompson, J. W. T. Crawford, S. H. King, H. Evans, A. S. Richards, T. G. Hamer. Mrs. Thomas made the majority of the purchases. Signed by A. D. Matthews, J. P. Several receipts for school tuition for Michajah Thomas at "the school near A. Hollis's, Marshall Co., MS." Springhill is mentioned. One receipt says: "for sons Micajah and Anderson"--Jan.-June 1860 received of Mrs. Susan Thomas. Of interest is the following: 17 Apr. 1860--Thomas Cody signed, "Received of Susan Thomas Guardian of the heirs of E. A. Thomas $214.36 the amount set apart by the commissioners appointed to divide estate of Micajah Thomas dec'd. This amount to be paid by the heirs of E. A. Thomas dec'd. by report at Summerville (TN) to Thos. Cody." Report filed 17 June 1861 by Susan Thomas states"Guardian reports that her ward Edwin S. Thomas has died since May 1860." (mentions sale of land in TN.) Receipts for "board" for Sophia E. Thomas.
THOMASSON, FLORA ANN, JEFFERSON DAVIS, AND ISABELLA JANE, minors. Cover #250. Guardians bd 15 Nov. 1858, Flora Jane Thomasson gd. Francis A. Wolff, John W. Thomasson, 0. R. Miller and Duncan McKay bd. Report of Flora Jane Thomasson filed 12 Nov. 1861 states she is gd of the minor heirs of Wm. Thomasson dec'd.
TOMLINSON, HUGH B. (This incomplete data found inside Covers numbered 251 and 252. Tomlinson died 1854, Isaac Wheatly Adm. Feb. 1858--Joseph C. Abbott and Rebecca Caldonia Abbott, his wife, petition the court vs Isaac Wheatly. Rebecca C. Abbott is the niece of Hugh B. Tomlinson and is entitled to one fourth of his estate. Her uncle, John F. Tomlinson, has conveyed to her his one fourth in said estate, he being a brother of Hugh B. Tomlinson ---- Property in question was a slave, Lucinda.
TREECE, H. B. dec'd. W. J. McIntyre Adm. vs Valentine Treece 1868. Mar. 1869, Valentine Trease, Plantiff is a resident of TN near Saulsbury.
TUDOR, W. D. dec'd. Cover #666. Bond & letters Sept. 1867, Nancy S. Tudor, Adm.; Thos. D. Mohundro and J. W. Rutledge bd. Appraisal dec. 1867 by W. J. McIntryre, J. D. Hines and J. M. Johnson, T. W. Rowland, J. P.
TURNER, W. T. dec'd. Cover #702. Letters 24 Aug. 1867, Hardy W. Stricklin County Adm. Turner died several years ago, leaving wife and children (not named). Property was sold for debt.
TOOMBS, MARY E. Minor. Cover #79 (549) Aug. 1855, Thomas G. Toombs, gd; B. H. Henry and Isaac Wheatly bd. Mary E. is the infant child of said Thomas G. Toombs and Sarah Toombs dec'd. One receipt says: -- (payment) "for services rendered in removing ward's property from Green Co., AL to the State of MS--12 Apr. 1859."
WILHITE, GEORGE dec'd. (Partial packet) Wm. Stark and Josh. Siddall Adm. in 1858. Citation to J. E. Guyton gd of D. L. Wilhite 24 Mar. 1859. Jan. 5, 1861--Certification of heirs: Julius Wilhite, John C. Wilhite, Elizabeth Goodner, Miram, L. Goodner by Power of Attorney of Henry S. Goonder, W. H. Wilhite, David L. Wilhite, William (x) Holly and Amey (x) Holly, M. L. Wilhite, Joshua H. Siddall and wife, Margaret Siddall.
WHITE, JAMES M. C. minor. Sumter Co., SC Nov. 1853; Edmund B. Blackwell gd of James M. C. White. Tippah Co. court 19 Dec. 1858, E. B. Blackwell states his ward is an infant child of Martin W. White dec'd. Letters and bd in Tippah Co. signed by E. B. Blackwell, M. J. Blackwell and James 0. Kerr. Numerous receipts, one of which is Mrs. M. E. Blackwell gd for James M. C. White. Final settlement of E. B. Blackwell, dec'd. gd for J. C. M. White, minor, presented by M. E. Blackwell Admx. with the will annexed, of E. B. Blackwell dec'd. 23 May 1866.
WOFFORD, BENJ. dec'd. Report of sale of land by H. P. Maxwell Adm.
12 Feb. 1855. Recorded 22 June 1855.
BERRY JAMES to WM. P. COTTON 1&(17?) Nov. 1866.
T. A. HUNT to D. W. BARTLETT 5 Dec. 1881.
D. W. BARTLETT, county Treasurer to T. A. HUNT 11 June 1887.
A. W. & J. L. MCDONOUGH and J. B. & BULAH E. FARE to S. S. FINGER 30 Sept. 1921.
CONTRACTS: (many on printed forms; some handwritten)
SAM'L. FRANK of Holly Springs to JOHN MARTIN col'd. of Tippah Co. to "carry on and make a crop on plantation of V. M. JOHNSON (printed contract) Feb. 1870.
SAM'L FRANK of Marshall Co. to RICH'D. W. HORTON of Tippah Co. $150.00 "furnish" to make a crop 18 Feb. 1867--near Hickory Flat.
SAM'L. FRANK TO BARNEY JOHNSON col'd. on plantation fo V. W. Johnson, Mar. 1870.
SAM'L. FRANK TO ALEXANDER (X) HOWARD conract for supplies 21 Apr. 1870.
LEWIS JONES col'd., Tippah Co.--J. M. MCDONALD to "furnish" Dec. 24, 1869.
JOSEPH A GRANNANER contract with JAMES T. NORVELL & MARTHE E., his wife & JAMES NORVELL, May 1869.
HAYWOOD SMITH "furnish" supplies to make crop 1870 to joHN W SMITH
L. D. SPIGHT contract for supplies to ANDRES SPIGHT colld. 1872.
JOHN W. KENDRICK & CO., Ripley to SAMUEL YANCEY on the L. D. ADAMS farm of his father LEWIS B. YANCY 1870.
ALBERSON, R. G. contract with J. M. MCDONALD 1 June 1867.
H. J. BRYAND & JOHN MEDLIN 25 Feb. 1870.
CRUM & ROBERTS of Holly Springs contract with MRS. JANE A HAWS Wit. J. A. ROBERTS, T. J. ORMAN 18 Feb. 1867--make crop on her plantation.
NORFLEET & MOORE of Marshall Co. & MESSER BALL of Tippah Co. contract to "furnish" for crop 1870.
JNO. I. COLLIER agrees to furnish F. M. HUDSON a plow mule for which said HUDSON agrees to pay three bales of midling cotton weighing 500 lbs each. Wit. W. J. HOUSTON & W. J. COLLIER Apr. 1868.
CRUMP & ROBERTS of Holly Springs furnish supplies to make a crop in 1867 to MONTOGMERY C. STREET AND GEO. W. STREET, Tippah Co.
DAVIS, J. H. & MARGARET contract with J. J. H. POREFIT against Cotton crop.
ROGAN & HUNT of Ripley contract with JOHN ROGERS May 1870.
MARTIN, PHILLIP $80.00 to JAMES T. BRADDOCK to enable him to cultivate his plantation the present year Feb. 1867.
TYLERS/SYLERS, F. G. & A. L.: license to sell liquors in town of Salem.
I. C. LEVY of Holly Springs contract with THOS. R. PEARCE OF Tippah Co. Feb. 1867.
I. C. LEVY TO C. S. AUSTON & W. R. AUSTON Nov. 1870.
I. C. LEVY & CO. to JAKE MCKERR to make crop on B. L. CRUM plantation about 1 mile east of Hickory Flat, Tippah Co. MS Nov. 1870.
JOHN J. COLLIER to ELI MCCOY both of Tippah Co. 13 June 1867 Crop.
JAMES M. NORVELL contract with J. C. LEVY of Holly Springs
A. J. GUYTON & ALFORD GRAHAM, Freedman 1870
ELLIOTT & CO. of Saulsbury, TN advance to make crop to W. T. SHAPPLEY & T. T. AKIN. 28 May 1867.
LEWIS D. HUDSON Contract with E. S. MINTER 1867.
I. C. LEVY -- J. PULLY Tippah Co. May 1867.
ROBERT PARIS contract with JAS. L. MCDONALD gd for R. S. & W. A. MCDONALD ---- furnish 30 acres to PARIS, 1870.
W. M. Bryant contract with Joel H. Berry
State of Mississippi, Tippah County--Articles of Agreement made and entered into between Joel H. Berry on one part and W. M. Bryant on the other witnesseth: That the said Berry has rented to the said Bryant the place occupied by John Stanfor for the present year on the following terms to wit. The said Bryant agrees to clean off the briars and bushes around the margins of the fields he cultivates and binds himself to cultivate the land well and to deliver to the said Berry one third of the corn and one fourth of the cotton made on the place for the rent of the same. The said Berry is to pay the said Bryant seventy five cts. per hundred for gathering and taking care of his, the said Berrys part of the fodder. The said Berry has furnished and delivered unto the said Bryant Fifty bushels corn purchased from Roberson & Mabry in order and for the purpose of enabling the said Bryant to make his crop. The said Bryant therefore agrees to pay the said Berry on or before the lst of Nov. next one Dollar and ten cents per bushel for said corn amounting to fifty five dollars. For the true and full payment of this sum I the said Bryant do hereby give the said Berry a lien upon my entire crop and I do hereby further promise that after said debt falls due the said Berry shall have the right and privelege at any time and at all times to take possession of so much of said crop rated at cash prices as shall be amply sufficient to pay said debt. If the said Bryant shall deliver to the said Berry a sufficient quantity of cotton to pay for said corn above spoken of it shall be rec'd. as a satisfactory equivalent for the same. Witness our hands and seals this Feb. 25th 1870. Signed Joel H. Berry and W. M. Bryant. Test. J. S. Berry. I the said Bryant hereby include in the above lien seven dollars & 50 cents (with int.) this day rec'd. from the sd Berry to buy corn from Wm. Roberson also the said lien is to embrace the bacon I have already recd 112 lbs from the said Berry-also what I may hereafter get. June 16th 1870 W. M. Bryant.
JACOB MORLEY, lean on crop to W. W. RUGHERFORD Aug. 1870.
JAMES MORMAN & P. M. MORMAN 40 acres 1870.
N. B. HICKS --- One bay mare to G. W. MORAN for $150.00, 1870.
CRUMP & ROBERTS, Holly Springs to MRS. MARY MCDONALD, Tippah Co. near Salem, A;r. 1869.
Grandjury Sept. Term 1866: (List inside cirucit court case
H. C. Jones
# 8643-Spight & Maddox V B. B.
W. R. Cole
Malea Jones
T. W. Smith
V. Pulliam Ex
J. J. Medford
John S. Conner
C. C. Terry x
A. C. Crawford x
James A. Dodds x
Wm. Knox
H. F. Wells
J. A. Hunt 7-21 $15.00
Wm. Nelms Excused Thomas Hudson
J. B. Nobly
J. W. Parr
J. W. King
B. B. Doxey
J. D. Palmer
R. C. Hill
Come to hand the day issued and executed by summoning the following named persons to appear at the court house in the town of Ripley on Monday the 10th day of Sept- 1866 at 10 O'clock A. M. to serve as jurrors in the case of the state of John A. Keith Sept. 7, 1866. Moses McCarley sheff.
Jospeh Martin G.
W. Lewellan J. L. Muckleroy
M. H. Montgomery J. C. Stewart
A. Amann
J. H. Jerrigan John Moffitt
E. J. G. Woods
W. A. Boyd
W. L. Barnett R. C. Jones
T. B. Weir
Robert Bryant H. A. Hawthorn
J. B. Nance
W. W. Rutherford J. L. West
John F. Stark M.
L. Simms A. J. Lexton
J. W. Wicker
J. D. Lokey J. M. Chism
Wm. Reed
A. W. F. Murry J. M. Childres
F. M. Jerringan Thomas
J. P. Lokey
L. D. Adams
J. W. P. Holliday N. N. Willis
E. F. Jordan
F. M. Gandy Wm. Covington
J. H. Buchanan W. M. Nabors
J. F. Pully
J. W. King
J. P. Adams John Coombs
Abe Wright
John Bills Booker Pate
P. H. Singleton W. L. Davis
W. D. Hunter
Thomas Spight John
L. Grace Wm. Persons
A. J. Joiner
W. T. Fleming J. Robinson
J. B. Jeffers W.
J. Arnett J. L. Page
Sam Clayton
John D. Pamer R. C. Hill
Elisha Davis
Van Shepherd W. M. Stanford
R. J. Thurmond Wm. Cheek
J. C. Spight
James Reed
J. Duckworth F. H. Linebarger
J. M. Childers H. Dunbar
Leroy Luker
W. B. Finley
Joseph Allsbrook D. H. Linebarger
These two lists found inside Circuit Court Case # 8632 (Elizabeth Griffin v W. L. Griffin/not dated.)
Petit Jury lst week No. 1 lst day
M. P. Harbin
W. S. Peeler
J. C. Jackson
W. M. Cockran
J. M. Purnell
F. G. Gatlin
E. W. Harris
Wm. Turner
M. E. Saunders x A. B. Wright
J. W. McCarley
G. A. Woods
J. C. Spight
No. 2
Wilson Covington
J. R. Rutherford
J. R. Thompson
John Moffit
Charles Bateman
M. L. D. Wilhite
M. S. Sims x Hardy Smith
N. S. Holland
W. McClusky
H. C. Jones x Lewis Glenn
J. B. Jeffery
J. N. Still
The next two lists found inside Circuit Court case #8644 (S. Mansfield v Spight, Stricklin & Byrn & Co.)
Jury No. 1 2nd day
N. N. Willis
Wm. Persons
J. T. Page
J. B. Sexton x E. W. Stricklin x Zach Smith x
J. J. Siddall
J. P. Lokey
W. D. Hunter
Wm. Covington
John Coombs
R. C. Hill
Jonathan Roberson x F. G. Hill x L. D. Adams
J. T. Pully
Jury No. 2
Wm. Reed
M. E. Sanders
Edward Norton
B. Q. Ayers
R. M. Job excused
J. D. Peeler
S. A. Gasaway
Wash Reed
I. J. Pollock
F. A. Hunt
J. C. Spight
Booker Pate
2nd Week 2nd Day Jury No. 1 (Inside case #8639)
J. C. Cockran
T. J. Murry
Zach Tate
Michael Mauney x R. T. Riley
S. D. Dees
B. R. Elder x H. J. Smith
M. S. Sims
Carroll Gregory
M. Maulden
Samuel L. Asbery
B. E. W. Harris
A. 0. Shell
Jury No. 2
W. J. Wesson
R. J. Morehead
J. H. Bills
N. J. Moore
Noah Verner
Henry Ratliff
Unmarked and undated list which may or may not have been a jury list:
Wm. Norton
T. B. Allbrook
Wiley Davis
Jesse Davis
Watt Pugh
Calvin _____
Martha J. McCarty
Richard Linville
Mary Huugins
Elizabeth Hugins
Siver White (not a jury list because there are women named.)
Undated Jury list:
S. Y. Keith
G. J. Dean
Jimes Lister
W. A. Story
T. J. Johnson
N. T. Hopper
W. T. Ivy
J. M. Bonnell
P. W. Hopper
Carroll Holly
C. W. McCoy
J. S. Liddall
C. C. Thornton
L. J. Grace
J. L. Rugherford J. D.
W. B. Grissom
J. B. Richardson
John Burges
Albert Crane
L. A. Meeks
Chas. Dawkins
T. W. Day
Shidrick Wilbands
A. R. Johnson
J. H. Drewry
C. C. Muinsl
W. P. Parnell
Milton Smith
J. S. Roundree
W. K. Settlemires
J. M. Nance
V. M. Mckinny
J. C. Melton
J. A. Barclay
Palmer Hopper
Robert Lumen
J. H. Sullivan
Robert Simpson
J. F. McKinzie
John Burges
J. M. Finger
J. D. Chism
B. B. Smith
Simeon Parnell
R. L. Miller
Jury List (inside case No.8636/no date)
lst Week, 5th day, Jury No. 1
M. P. Harbin
W. L. Peeler x W. T. Rowland
John C. Jackson
W. M. Cockran
J. M. Purnell
F. G. Gatlin
M. S. Sims
Wm. Turner
S. S. Jackson
R. M. Hamleton x John McGill
T. W. Hopper
L. C. Street x B. E. W. Harris
Jury No. 2
Wilson Covington
J. R. Rutherford
J. R. Thompson
John Moffit
Charles Bateman
M. L. D. Wilhite
E. W. Harris
J. C. Spight
H. C. Jones x S. S. Jackson
Saml White
R. C. Arnett x Nathan Brown
R. E. Smith x J. M. Childers
First Week 3rd Day Jury No. 1
M. P. Harbin
W. L. Peeler
J. C. Jackson
W. M. Cockran
J. M. Purnell
F. G. Gatlin
M. s. Sims x John Moffit
Wm. Turner
Wm. Fryer
Wm. Nelms
J. C. 8pight x L. C. Street
T. W. Hopper
Jury No. 2
Wilson Covington
J. R. Rutherford
J. R. Thompson
John Moffitt
Charles Bateman
M. L. D. Wilhite
E. W. Harris
State vs Lee Thomas
R. S. Bryant
B. B. Doxy
W. L. Hill
W. H. Lokey
Elias Aldridge
W. B. Sergeant
W. L. Griffin
M. Queen
G. S. Floyd
B. H. Perkins
J. Allsbrook
J. W.
Sept. Term 1867 Grandjury List(All except Hamer seem
to have
served 6 days each.)
W. L. Davis
L. H. Gyrn
Isaac Cox
John Coombs
J. T. Martin
N. S. Daizy
I. C. Loony
John P. Gibson
W. T. Hamer Ex 3 days & 44 miles $8.20
W. N. Baker
Moses Siddell/Liddell
Thomas Ford
J. J. Hicks
J. B. Noble
John T. Prather
P. F. Burns
Freeman Dixon
Jury List(inside cover No. 8231, R. J. Thurmond vs Tabitha Crook, Admx. et al) List marked through. Jury No. 1 4th day
J. P. Dunn
Milton Glenn
J. T. Beck
G. L. D. Smallwood
W. T. Dickerson
Jury No. 2 4th day
B. 0. Ayers
W. W. cavenss
Hiram Jackson
Booker Pate
Allen Ayers
S. R. Clayten
C. R. Wall
Wiseman H. Wiseman
B. B. Doxey
George Thomas
N. N. Willis
J. P. Gibson
(on back) Jury 1 4th day McAlister Case
J. P. Dunn
J. T. Beck
W. T. Dickerson
Milton Glenn
F. G. Hill
Saml Stewart
Stephen Ford
Booker Pate
L. M. Armstrong
J. L. Thomas
H. C. Jones
E. A. Walker
Jury List (inside cover No. 8646-G. W. Vaughn vs A. S. Butler)
No. 1 4th day
N. N. Willis
Wm. Persons
J. L. Page
J. D. Sexton
J. J. Siddall
J. P. Lokey
W. D. Hunter
Wm. Covington
John Coombs
R. C. Hill
Jonathan Roberson
J. L. Pully
No. 2
Wm. Reed x J. Allsbrook x J. M. Childers
M. E. Saunders x W. P. Finly
Edward Norton Ex. J. L. Grace
B. 0. Ayers
R. M. Job Excused (sick) H. W. Smith
J. D. Peeler find $2. 8th Sept. 1866
S. A. Gasaway
Washington Reed
I. J. Pollock
T. A. Hunt
J. C. Spight x E. Y. Jorden
Booker Pate x M. D. Phyfer
Melissa McCoy Bell
[email protected]
© 2003, by Melissa McCoy-Bell. All rights reserved.