MADERA, GEORGE E. DEC (PR 154) 1. Petition April 1871. George E. Madera (alias Madra) died in Tippah, Nov. 26, 1862. His wife died soon afterward. Minor children are Ida S., George E., and Lucy, who petition by their next friend, John Martin of Henry Co., Tennessee. 2. Citation to C.C. Terry of Benton County, Sept. 16, 1870.
MADDOX, MRS. PAULINE JOSEPHINE JONES (070826) died Oct. 22, 1925/ buried at Little Hope/ born in Georgia, Jan. 31,1846,/ married J.B. Maddox, Feb. 5, 1866/ had 8 children-living are Mrs. Bessie Smith, Mrs. Todd Meyram, Mrs. John Benson, and L.T. Maddox.
MADDOX, COX (012826) died Jan. 11, age 79/ wife nee Ella Jordan/ brother Joe Maddox.
MALONE, MRS. BOB (030823) died Jan. 20/ leaves husband and five children-David, Katherine, Medaline, Homer, Jobie.
MAJORS, MRS. A.J. (030624) died Nov. 23/ born June 3, 1837/ married first to a Jernigan/ 3 sons: Lee of Hornsby, Tenn., Alex, and Rev. J.F. Jernigan of the Shiloh community/ married second to a Majors, who is dead.
MALONE, MRS. FLORENCE (060530) died Friday/ buried at Harmony/ wife of E.W. Malone/ daughter of E.T. Frazier of Walnut/ leaves husband, 7 daughters, 3 sons.
MALONE, MRS. JOHN (102616) died Sat./ buried at Providence.
MANNING, FRANK A. (051524) died Wed. in Texas, age 76/ CSA vet./ to Texas many years ago/ brother to H.C. and James Manning of Tippah/ many relatives in Texas/ last wife was a daughter of the late Rev. Joseph Pearce.
MANNING, H.C. (040936) died recently, age 85/ buried st Shady Grove/ married in 1873 to Susan Elizabeth Foster, who died in 1881/ their daughter was Mrs. D.B. Day/ married in 1888 to Lula Whitehead/ their children were Lee (Memphis), Dewitt, Mrs. Charles Grisham/ daughter, Mrs. Mamie Sue Kennedy, died in 1918/ was a brother to J.S. Manning.
MANNING, J.S. (Nov 1936) died Sunday, Oct. 25, with burial at Shady Grove/ born on June 6, 1856, son of Hezekiah Manning/ married Mollie Ann Pugh who died two years ago/ children are Mrs. W.O. Lence, Mrs. Edd Walker, Mrs. Nick Morgan of Blytheville, Ark., James A. Manning, Hez Manning.
MANNING, MRS. MOLLIE (021435) or Mary Ann Manning/ died Wed./ buried at Shady Grove/ was a sister to J.D. Pugh of Ripley/ was nother - of Mrs. W.O. Lence, Mrs. Nick Morgan, Mrs. W.E. Walker, Hez, and Jimmie Manning.
MANNING, T.J. (0711316) died last Monday, buried at Shady Grove.
MANNING, WAYNE (091527) died Memphis Tues., age 9/ buried at Shady Grove/ son of William Manning.
MANNING, WILLIAM (052831) died Tues., age 47/ buried at Shady Grove/ son of Jim Manning/ leaves wife, three children, parents, 2 brothers, 3 sisters.
MANSFIELD, MRS. MOLLIE (050527) died at Soberly, Louisiana, April 10, age 92/ husband, Lafayette Mansfield, died 40 years ago/ was the oldest daughter of the late James S. McGill of Dumas half sister to Gus McGill, Mrs. Sue Nabors, Mrs. Cynthia Kelly/ daughter is Mrs. Lula Vincent of Louisiana.
MARKHAM, RALPH (022234) died Feb. 3 at Holland, Texas, age 24/ son of John B. Markham who died Feb. 12/ brother to Lynn Markham of Temple, Texas, Mattie Belle, and Maxine/ mother is nee Inez Anderson, daughter of late Frank E. and Mattie (Henson) Anderson of Tippah/ parents moved to Texas years ago.
MARMON, JEFF B. (031633) died reeently at Fort Lauderdale, Florida, age 73/ born at Hickory Flat/ wife was Hilda Monroe/ children are Jeff A. Marmon, Mrs. J.B. Hutcherson of Roanoke, Va., Hilda Marmon of Memphis.
MARSH, BRYAN (012832) suicide at Jacksonville, Fla., recently, age 32/ son of late Dr. N.B. Marsh/ brother to Dr. W.M. Marsh, Mrs. Flem Boyd, Mrs. S.H. Caradine (Jackson Tn.), Mrs. L.O. Wool (Willard, Ohio), Mrs. M.R. Woodward, Mrs. Irene McNeil, and Alton Marsh, all of Jacksonville.
MARSH, EDD (042430-050130) died recenty at Los Angeles, California, age 43/ son of Dr. N.B. Marsh of Jacksonville Florida/ first of his family to die/ brother to Dr. W.M. Marsh of Ripley Mrs. Muriel Woodward of Jacksonville, Mrs. Flem Boyd, Mrs. Henry Caradine of Jackson, Tenn./ married Alice Holmes of Henderson, Tenn./ buried at Henderson.
MARSH, MRS. MARY ELIZABETH (021435) died Thurs./ b. Pocahontas, Tenn., Dec. 31, 1859, nee Nelms/ wife of late Dr. N.B. Marsh/ children are Dr. W. M. Marsh of Ripley, Alton Marsh and Mrs. M.R. Woodward of Jacksonville, Fla., Mrs. H.S. Caradine of Jackson Tenn., Mrs. Flem Boyd, Mrs. Frank Vermelia of Miami, Mrs. L.O. Woolf of Semmes, Alabama.
MARSH, MOTHER OF DR. N.B. (121124) died recently.
MARSH, DR. N.B. (082830) died Tues./ age 69/ buried at Ripley/ son of Dr. Marsh brother to Mrs. Houston Coston and Mrs. Sudie Hayden (Hickory Flat)/ children are Dr. William M. Marsh, Mrs. Flem Boyd, Mrs. H.S. Caradine (Jackson Tn.), Mrs. L.O. Woolf (Willard, Ohio), Mrs. M.R. Woodward, Mrs. Irene McNeil, Bryan Marsh and Alton Marsh, all of Jacksonville,Fla. son, Edd Marsh, is dead.
MARSH, DR. WILLIAM MARLIN (022835) died Sunday, age 50/ son of late Dr. N.B. Marsh/ married Mottie Ray/ children are Mrs. B.B. Little and W.M. Marsh Jr.
MARSHALL, MISS NETTIE (070815) died Sun., with burial at Dumas/ daughter of Jim Marshall of Dumas.
MARSHALL, MISS ICIE (020321) died recently.
MARTIN, MRS. AMANDA (050433) died recently, age 73/ buried at Wiers Chapel/ nee Roach/ children are Hubert, Rob, Everett, Mrs. Cleve Jernigan, Mrs. Luther Koon, Mrs. Roy Koon, Mrs. Luther Smith (Jefferson City, Tenn.), Wine, Alvie (Texas), Homer (Memphis), Mack (Memphis)/ wife of J.E. Martin.
MARTIN, MRS. E.M. (052825) died April 24 age 82/ buried at New Oak Grove Cem./ wife of Joseph Martin.
MARTIN, JOE (062828) died recently at Myrtle, age 104/ formerly of Tippah.
MARTIN, MISS KATE (042033) died Sat., age 39/ daughter of J.D. Martin Sr./ sister to Lee, Jim, Joe, Morgan, Mrs. N.S. Harrison, Mrs. R.D. Welch (Memphis), Mrs. Claude Day, Elijah Martin.
MARTIN, PHILIP DEC (PR 145) 1. Will, made Aug. 12, 1869. Wife: Mary. Wife's nephews: John F. Braddock and Thomas W. Braddock. Filed June 7, 1873. 2. Receipt for tombstone for P. MARTIN born Aug. 15, 1807, died May 4, 1873. 3. Receipt for tombstone for MARY, WiFE. OF P. MARTIN, born Laurens Co., South Carolina, August 10, 1795, died January 5, 1873.
MARTINDALE, DAN (012633) died - Oct. 5, 1932, age 82 yrs 5 mo 13 day/ married to Lizzie Bishop, Seabell Steward, Eliza Craig, Jane Steward (was sister to Soabell children are Mrs. N.F. James, B.W., T.W., Mrs. L.H. Richardson/ brother to John, Dave, and Fin Martindale, Mrs. George Joyner, Mrs. John James/ buried at New Salem.
MARTINDALE, JOHN (041829) died Jan. 19/ buried at New Salem/ born March 18, 1848/ leaves wife and five children.
MARTINDALE, NAOMI RUTH (031231) died May 18, 1930/ buried at New Salem/ born March 2 1930, daughter of Ernest Martindale/ leaves parents and a brother/ aunt: Ora Yopp.
MARTINDALE, PERRY TRAVIS (041135) died April 5, age 18/ son of B. Martindale/ brother to Troy, Ruth, Lois.
MARTINDALE, SIBYL (022223) died Nov. 20/ born March 30, 1919, daughter of Chesley Martindale/ grandfather: Reed/ cousin: Naomi/ aunt: Hermie/ buried at New Salem.
MARTINDALE, THOMAS J. DEC (PR 606) 1. Petition filed Nov. 4, 1881. He died Nov. 1, 1881, leaving no children but leaving brothers. 2. List of heirs. Riley Martindale, Mary Cheetwood, and T.M. Lokey of Tippah W.A. Alsup of the State Pen, Mary Blanton of Tishomingo County A.J. Martindale and Adline Owens of Sweet Lips, McNairy Co., Tenn. Sarah A. Ash, Rachel Clem, Martha Moore, Sam Moore, Riley Dial, E.A. and Riley Dowdy, p.o. unknown. Mealey Ferguson of Hardeman Co., Tenn. Hulda Ann Sartin of Saulsbury, Tenn.
MASK, MRS. J.B. (101222) died July 29/ buried in Brock cem./ born Dec. 8, 1838/ married at age 30/ husband died 28 years ago/ had 6 children (3 sons), all live.
MASK, MRS. JANE (011616-12016) died Dec. 31, 1915, age 60/ buried at Rucker/ wife of Lemuel K. Mask/ leaves husband, 1 daughter, 4 brothers, 3 sisters.
MASK, LEE (041631) died April 2/ buried at Peoples/ born March 20, 1931, son of William Mask/ leaves parents, 2 sisters, and 2 brothers, including a twin.
MASK, S.W. (0322-1867) licence to marry as a Presbyterian Minister.
MASK, WATT (011619) died recently/ father of Marion Mask.
MATHIS, MRS. ALLEN (071724) died on June 15/ buried in Henry Cem. in Corinth/ husband and one daughter, Margaret Sue.
MATHIS, ELIZABETH DEC (PR 698) 1. Petition for letters of administrstion, Feb 17, 1868. She died 1866
MATHIS, HOMER (073130) died Monday/ son of Charlie.
MATHIS, MRS. JULIA WILSON (082130) died Saturday at Memphis, age 27/ buried in Jackson, Tenn./ wife of J.Z. Mathis, formerly of Ripley/ leaves husband and a 18 mo. old son.
MATHIS, MRS. KATHERINE (091229) died Aug. 30, age 50 last Nov. 19/ leaves 5 sons and a daughter.
MATHIS, LUTHER (101029) died July 21/ buried at Mt. Pleasant.
MATHIS, MRS. MARGARET JANE (081628) died Aug. 9/ buried at Providence/ born in Tenn., Sept. 12, 1843, dau. of John Crook/ mother died when she was nine/ father was a Baptist preacher/ married Jan. l, 1871; to Turner Mathis/ had four boys and 3 girls, living are Mark, Homer, Mrs. Porter McMillin/ sister to Mrs. Sallie Norris of Rolling Fork, Miss.
MATHIS, MRS. MYRTIE (050527) died April 18/ buried at Shiloh/ daughter of Frank Stoddard/ wife of Mallie Mathis, whom she married 18 months ago/ leaves an infant son.
MATHIS, OSCAR (113022) died Thursday at New Albany/ buried at Bluff Springs Cem./ son of D.W. Mathis/ leaves wife and three children.
MATTOX, ELLA JORDAN (011834) died Dec. 2/ buried at Little Hope/ wife of T.T. Mattox/ born Aug. 16, 1852, dau. of E.F. Jordan.
MAULDIN, B. SANFORD (101018) died at A & M College Tues./ buried at Little Hope/ his father lives at Walnut.
MAULDIN, MRS. JENNIE LIND CROOK (082130) died in Texas on May 26, age 77/ married F.M. Mauldin/ leaves husband and eleven children.
MAULDIN, MRS. MYRTLE (021429) died Friday/ buried at Little Hope/ wife of J.H. Mauldin/ daughter of A.N Thompson/ sister to Mrs. H.D. Mauldin and Ellis Thompson.
MAULDIN, MRS. VIOLA WELLS (060723) died Sept. 23, 1922/ born Oct. 3, 1899/ married Wesley Mauldin Dec. 24, 1921/ daughter born Sept. 17, 1922.
MAUNEY, B.E. (030222) suicide Sunday, age 17/ son of Lee Mauney.
MAUNEY, CAMERON (011029-051635) died in May, 1935, age 92/ buried at New Bethel/ CSA vet. from North Carolina/ in 1929 had sons living named John, Willie, and George (of Arkansas)/ in 1935 Willie and George were living.
MAUNEY, CEPH (060530) died May 25, age 81 yrs 2 mos/ children are Manuel C., Mark, Dave C., Mrs. Jim Chapman, Mrs. J.E. Pegram, Mrs. Fannie Smith/ son, Ike, dead.
MAUNEY, CHARLIE (121130) suicide Sunday, age 52/ buried at Lebanon/ son of Jasper Mauney/ brother to Jap, Wince, Lee, Mrs. Grover Childs, Mrs. Luke Childs, Mrs. Willie Richardson/ father of Arnold, Mrs. Clifton Essary, Mrs. Lester Moore, Mrs. Oliver Richardson, Zora, Omie, Emma, and Allene.
MAUNEY, GRACIE (012931) died Jan. 12, age 14/ daughter of Mark Mauney/ buried at Lebanon.
MAUNEY, MRS. HEZ (062035) died Monday, age 34/ buried at Lowry/ nee Martha, daughter of Ed Richardson/ children are Quinton, Morton, Ozella, Fannie,/ sister to Milton Richardson and Mrs. Jap Mauney.
MAUNEY, J. PINK (031721) suicide Tues./ born North Carolina, May 1858/ to Tippah at age 12/ married first to Miss Kitchens/ married second to Miss Moffitt, who died 18 years ago/ children by first wife are Frank Mauney, Mrs. Fannie Carmichiel, George W. Mauney, Annie Mauney, Grady Mauney/ children by second wife were Mrs. Ora McDonough, James P. Mauney, Joseph Roy Mauney/ was a brother to the late Jasper Mauney and Michael Mauney.
MAUNEY, JAMIE CATHERINE (111931) died recently/ daughter of James Mauney of Greenwood/ buried at Ebenezer near Cotton Plant.
MAUNEY, JOHN (010335) died Dec. 3, age 61/ buried in Childs Cem./ wife nee Mary Childs/ children included Mrs. Lee Robbins, Mrs. C.A. Criswell, Vardaman Mauney, Randall Mauney, Mrs. L.H. Crawford.
MAUNEY, CAPT. SAMUEL (1112818-121218) died in France on Nov. 1/ son of W.V. Mauney of Blue Mountain.
MAUNEY, MRS. SARAH (080818) died Thurs./ widow of George Mauney.
MAUNEY, VADA (031815)died March 5, age 3 yrs 4 months/ buried at Lebanon/ daughter of Mark Mauney.
MAUNEY, VIBRAIT (101123) died Tuesday, age 5/ son of Willie Mauney.
MAUNEY, WALLACE VALENTINE (053029) died Monday at Blue Mt., age 72/ was married to Harriett Elizabeth McAlister who died in 1907/ son, Dr. Sam Mauney, was killed in France in WW I/ other children are Presley Mauney (Baker, Oregon), Mrs. W.L. Gunn of Brownfield, Dr. Jessie Mauney, Annie Mauney.
MAUNEY, ZORA (122530) died Sunday, age 21/ buried at Lebanon/ was wounded by her father, Charlie Mauney, when he committed suicide.
MAXWELL, LEWIS DEKALB (101134) died Monday, age 53, at Lamar/ marrted Emma Barnett, daughter of A.G. and Kate/ children are Lois and Louis/ brother to R.C. Maxwell.
MAYS, DICK (041625) died Monday, age 75/ buried at Antioch/ married first to Bettie South/ married second to Mrs. Nancy Rucker/ had four children, living are Mrs. J.W. Brown and Mrs. Jim Orman/ wife is dead.
MCAFEE, MRS. R.F. (121824) died Fri., age 52/ buried at Ripley/ married 35 yrs.
MCALISTER, DR. ALBERT H. (080421) died recently at Blue Mountain, age about 75/ buried in family cem./ CSA vet./ was married to Josephine McKenny/ had 3 sons and 2 daughters/ Dr. James McAlister is dead./ living are Mark L. McAlister of New Albany, John B. McAlister of Lula, Mrs. Mary M. Norris of Blossom, Texas, Emma McAlister/ was an inventor.
MCALISTER, HOMER THORNWELL (072121) died at Denver, Colo., Friday/ buried at Academy/ born Abbeville Dist., S.C., Dec. 12, 1859/ leaves wife and three children - Wylie, Dolph, and Grace, all of Colorado.
MCALISTER, JAMES OLIVER (091736) died Sept. 12, age 45/ buried at New Hope/ son of late Tom and Sally McAlister/ leaves mother, 2 brothers (Frank and Henry) and children-Orville, James, Ray, Junior, ??IB., Rone, J.E.
MCALISTER, MRS. JESSIE (070721) died in Colorado last Friday, age 55/ buried at Academy/daughter of the late Randle Palmer.
MCALISTER, JOHN R. (101134) died Sun., age 68/ son of B.F. and ____ McAlister/ brother to Mrs. Meek Richardson, Mrs. John Thomas, Mrs. Nath Chism, Mrs. Lula D. Clayton, Mrs. Callie D. Guyton, Jim McAlister, W.A. McAlister/ children are John R. (Shaw, Miss), Thomas (New Albany), Mrs. Herbert Nix (Monroe C0.,)/ wife was Lena Graham/ son Jim laves in Texas.
MCALISTER, MALINDA (032118) died Feb. 18, age 76/ mother of T.T. and S.H. McAlister/ granddaughter is Bertha McAlister.
MCALISTER, MISS MANALINE (011316-012716) died Jan. 9, age 74/ buried at Mt. Olive/ leaves a brother (Will McAlister) and 3 sisters/ never married.
MCALISTER, MRS. MARY (040115-042215) died Wed./ buried at New Hope/ widow of Benjamin F. McAlister, who died 3 years ago/ mother of W.A. McAlister.
MCALISTER, MISS SARAH (011619-031319) died Jan. 15/ buried at Mt. Olive/ born Oct. 3, 1846, daughter of Smmuel and Nancy McAlister/ sister to the late W.J. McAlister/ sister is Myra Heath of Arkansas/ nephew is John William Holliday.
MCALISTER, WILLIAM A. (090121)(092723) (020724) died Feb. 6, 1924/ buried at New Albany/ born August 27, 1831/ father of A.L. McAlister, Mrs. Elias Aldridge, Mrs. Walter Covington, Mrs. J.W. Yates of Shelby.
MCALISTER, WILLIAM J. (080118) died July 28, age 69/ buried in McAlister Cem. near Mt. Olive/ brother to Sarah McAlister, who is about 75, and Mrs. Taylor Heath, who has lived in Texas 40 years/ other sisters were Mrs. John Holliday, Mrs. W.V. Mauney, Mrs. Tolbert, all dead.
MCALISTER, WILLIAM ROBERT (l12217) died at Camp Pike on Nov. 13/ buried in Bryant Cem. near Hopewell/ born June 6, 1888, son
MCATEER, WILLIAM v. JANE MCATEER (divorce) Bill, filed Dec. 12, 1873. William McAteer and Jane Scott were married in Marion Co., Florida, in 1866. In June of 1868 moved to Macon Co., Georgia. She now lives in Florida.
MCBRIDE, DANIEL DEC (PR 288) Wlll, made May 29, 1873. Filed Oct. 24, 1873. Wife: Sarah E. Children: George M., Martha E., Granddaughter: Melinda J. Morgan.
MCBRYDE, FRANK (042127) died recently at Harlengin, Texas, age 58/ moved from Blue Mt. to Texas 30 years ago/ brother to Mrs. P.A. McBryde of Ripley/ leaves wife and 2 sons.
MCBRYDE, HUGH (060618) died at Cotton Plant today/ buried at Ebenezer.
MCBRYDE, J.O. (120121) died Sun, age over 75/ buried at Ebenezer/ CSA vet./ brother to P.A. McBryde.
MCBRYDE, MRS. JAMES B. (041928) died at Williston, Tenn., on April 13/ sister to Mrs. Albert McBryde of Ripley/ was the daughter of J.R. Gaither of Tenn./ leaves husband, 3 daughters, 2 sons.
MCBRIDE, MRS. MARY F. (112631) died at Patrick, Texas, Sat., age 78/ with burial at Ferris, Texas/ wife of D.M. McBride, who died in 1898/ aunt of Sheriff W.B. McBride of Tippah/sons: J.F. McBride of Patrick and D.B. McBride of Frederick, Oklahoma.
MCBRYDE, MRS., NANNIE HILL (030823) died Feb. 26 at Waco, Texas/ daughter of Capt. R.I. Hill of Tippah/ sister to Mrs. J.C. Fant/ married Clark McBryde of Cotton Plant/ to Texas in 1891/ had 5 children.
MCBRIDE, MISS NATALIE (022620-040820) died in New York on Feb. 22/ buried at Chalybeate/ daughter of W.B. McBride of Chalybeate.
MCBRYDE, PATTON ANDERSON (022036-022736) died Thursday, age 73/ born at Cotton Plant/ married Jessie McBryde on Nov. 30, 1882/ had 5 children; surviving are James R. (Williston, Tn.) and Albert G. McBryde of Ripley and Mrs. Robert McBryde.
MCBRYDE, SAM (040633) died recently at New Albany, age 64/ widow is nee Nodie daughter of Dr. S.A. Gassaway/ nephew of P.A. McBryde of Ripley.
MCCARLEY, FRANK (061335) died Monday, age 49/ buried at Ripley/ son of Charles and Mary McCarley/ grandson of Surpeyton Parks/ descendant of a Chickasaw chief/ children are Charles Duncan McCarley, Mrs. Frances Strickland/ was a brother to Minnie Belle McCarley.
MCCARLEY, G.M. (030426) died at Booneville, Wednesday, age 64/ brother to Dr. Howard McCarley of Oklahoma and Mrs. Katie Cox/ father of Mrs. Roy Cox of Alberquerque, New Mexico, Mary, Katie Lillian, Mildred, and Smith of Paris, Tennessee., and E.C. McCarley of Sanitorium, Miss.
MCCARLEY, DR. JOHN W. (081424) died yesterday at Memphis, age 68/ buried in Elmwood Cem./ wife: Mollie/ son is L.H. McCarley/ sisters are Mrs. Fannie Parks, Mrs. Etta Giles, Mrs. T.C. Hines.
MCCARLEY, MRS. MARY E. (103129) died Sat., age 73/ buried in family cemetery/ married in 1877 to Charles L. McCarley who died 31 years ago this month/ had 2 sons and 2 daughters/ surviving are Francis and Minnie Belle.
MCCARLEY, MRS. MOLLIE (102534) died at Memphis Sat., age 71/ widow of Dr. J.W. McCarley/ to Memphis 30 years ago/ daughter of late Capt. Lee Harris of Ripley/ son is Harris McCarley of Ripley/ brother to Jim Harris of Sheffield, Ala., Mrs. Dora Thurmond and Mrs. Jesse Belote of Memphis.
MCCARLEY, MRS. ONIE ADELINE (083133) died Sunday, age 69/ widow of R.O. McCarley, who died 32 years ago/ daughter of the late Chesley Hines/ sister to T.C. Hines, Mrs. Frank Bostwick, Mrs. J.J. Robertson, Mrs. W.E. McClamroch (Jackson, Tn.)/ children are R.O. McCarley, Mrs. Fred Smith.
MCCARTY, J0HN DEC (PR 528) 1. Bill, filed July 23, 1880. Heirs are J.J. Clark and wife E. Clark of Hardin Co., Tenn.: F.W. McCarty and John C. McCarty of Texas; Polly Beaver and husband John Beaver of Hardin Co., Tn.; Synthia Clark and husband J.A. Clark of Tate Co., Miss; Jerry McCarty (son of Jerry McCarty Sr., dec., of Tippah); William McCarty (son of John McCarty dec); unknown heirs of Nancy and Charles Garrison and William Butler of Alabama; Martha and Richard Farmer of Adamsville, Tenn.
MCCASKILL, MRS. MAGGIE (021336) died at Little Rock, Ark., Feb. 9, age 80/ nee Maggle, daughter of John and Mary McBryde of Cotton Plant/ sister to Mrs. P.A. MeBryde of Ripley/ married Judge J.M. McCaskill of Pine Bluff, Arkansas.
MCCLAIN, JAMES MILTON (032030) died March 8/ born Dec. 16, 1928, son of Leland.
MCCLAIN, JOE (032234) died March 19, age 64/ buried at Antioch/ children are Mrs. Lona Murry, Mrs. William Reece, Mrs. Clefton Pickens, Mrs. William Miskelly, Louis, Duncan, W.E., Roy, Virgie, Vesie, Violet.
MCCLAIN, WARREN (072033) died July 5, age 78/ buried at Rucker/ wife dead/ leaves a son and a daughter.
MCCLUSKEY, MRS. HULDA (012319) died Jan. 1, 1919/ buried at New Prospect/ born May 27, 1838/ children are Jim, Mrs. Lon Bryan, Mrs. Dave Novel (Corinth), Mrs. Joe Harris (Clarksville, Texas).
MCCLUSKEY, MRS. J.M. (031027) died recently buried at Prospect/ daughter of Harvey Smith/ leaves husband and four sons.
MCCOLLUM, BEN (060425) died May 23, age 75/ buried in Harden Cem.
MCCOLLUM, MRS. WESLEY (052428) died at Dumas/ buried in Hall Cem./ daughter of Theodore Forshea.
MCCORD, ROBERT (092524) died Sunday, age 45/ buried at Ripley beside parents/ unmarried/ son of Hugh McCord/ brother to late Willie Reed McCord, Mrs. Ira Clayton, Mrs. Lawrence Clayton/ halfbrother to Daniel Tigret of Ferris, Texas.
MCCORD, WILLIE REED (041223) died Tues. at Ferris, Texas, age 47/ born Tippah, son of Hugh McCord and Mrs. Sallie McCord Tigret/ leaves wife, daughter age 18, son age 16/ brother of Robert McCord of Dallas, Texas, Mrs. Ira Clayton, Mrs. Lawrence Clayton/ halfbrother to Dan Tigret of Ferris.
MCCOWN, MRS. FRANKIE CONNER (072628) died Monday, age 35/ buried at Mt. Zion/ daughter of Mrs. A.L. Conner/ wife of Ernest McCown/ leaves 5 children, two brothers, a sister, parents.
MCCOWN, G.L. (011432) died recently, age 75/ buried at Mt. Zion./ children are Ernest, Trammel, Mrs. L.S. Pearce, Mrs. Grover Hudson (died 15 years ago).
MCCOWN, MRS. LEE (042215) died March 15/ buried at Little Hope/ born Nov. 1, 1876/ married Lee McCown, Dec. 23, 1895/ children are Thelma, Joyce Mae, Gertrude and Frank/ nee Tellie Ruth Young.
MCCOWN, MRS. MARY MCCLAIN (071730) died Monday, age 72/ buried at Little Hope/ widow of Jim McCown /son: Wade of Little Rock, Arkansas.
MCCOY, ELIZABETH (052026) died April 19, age 14/ buried at Tiplersville/ mother is Mrs. W.C. McCoy.
MCCRUM, AUNT JANIE (013019) died Jan. 24 at the home of W.S. Foley of Cotton Plant/ buried at Ebenezer/ born Jan. 29, 1849/ leaves a sister and a brother.
MCCULLUM, JULIUS (010528) murdered at Chatfield, Ark., Thursday of last week, age 11/ son of Bung McCollum, formerly of Tippah/ mother nee Lena Hopper of Tiplersville/ brother to Hulbert (age 8), Charlotte (age 7), Frances (5), Billy (age 2).
MCCULLUM, R.J. (012429) died in Tippah on Jan. 5, age 2/ buried at Camp Ground from Hughes, Arkansas.
MCCRUM, MISS RACHEL (012534) died Sun., age 88/ buried at Ebenezer/ aunt of Will Foley and Mrs. Joe Warrington.
MCDONALD, T.J. (082119) died recently, age 68/ to Ripley from Alabama/ married a daughter of A.M. Galliard/ leaves wife and 8 children, including Fred McDonald, former legislator.
MCDONALD, WILLIAM ROY (022234) died Sunday, age 53/ son of Dan and Georgia (Deering) McDonald/ grandson of Judge Jim McDonald of Ashland/ married Maude Shannon/ brother to John P. of Sherman, Mrs. C.F. Morgan of Jackson, Tenn., Dan of Corinth, James M. McDonald of El Centro, California.
MCDONELL, FRED J. (012920) died July 19/ born Huntsville, Ala., March 4, 1852/ to Ripley in 1876/ to Okolona/ married Corrie Gaillard of Ripley, 1876/ had 9 children: Mary (who died 6 years ago), Fred, Archie, Augustus, J.S., Mrs. L.P. Haley, Mrs. J.R. Buford, Mrs. K.C. Rogers, Elizabeth. SEE T.J. MCDONALD PREVIOUS PAGE.
MCDOWELL, ALMA (110415) died May, 1915/ born Jan. 20, 1903/ adopted daughter of H.P. Lancaster/ parents died a few years ago.
MCDOWELL, FRANK V. PRISCILLA MCDOWELL (divorce) l. Decree, Nov. 15, 1882. were married in 1870.
MCDOWELL, MARY (112917-121317) died Nov. 10, age 72 yrs 8 mos/ buried at Pleasant Hill beside husband and 3 children.
MCELROY, MRS. ANDY (032923) died Mon./ buried in New York cem./ former widow of Tony Mercer.
MCELROY, HENRY C. (091323) died recently at Cotton Plant, age 81/ buried at Academy/ born in Georgia/ married three times-all his wives are dead/ 4 children.
MCELWAIN, E. CALVIN (062123) died Sat./ buried at Little Hope/ born North Carolina, Dec. 13, 1850/ to Tippah with parents, 1855/ married Martha E. Rogers, 1875/ leaves wife and children: Mrs. H.L. Conner Mrs. J.D. Richardson, Ruth, James E., Lee/ one child is dead.
MCELWAIN, HENRY (030133) died Wed., age 24/ son of Sam McElwain/ brother to Mrs. Allie Brown (Corinth), Jess, Lee, Mattie, Emma, Mary, Ernest, Orbrey, Mrs. Katie Jackson.
MCELWAIN, JOE (072331) died Tues., age 55/ buried at Little Hope/ leaves wife and children.
MCGAUGHEY, ROBERT BELL (041636) died April 11 in Benton Co., age 65/ buried in Liberty Cem./ married Mary Hicks in 1894/ she died in 1902/ children were John, Myrtle, Mattie/ married Lillie Hudspeth in 1909/ children were Ira, Jim, Fred, Charles. ~
MCGEE, JOHN (112934) died Sun. age 53/ buried at Jacobs Chapel/ brother to Mrs. Albert Childers.
MCGEE, JOHN (091025) died July 10, 1924/ buried at Jacobs Chapel/ born Feb. 24, 1848/ had two children by first wife/ married second to Mary Jane White.
MCGEE, MRS. MARY (022036) died recently at the home of her brother-in-law, W.T. Kent, age 83/ buried Pleasant Ridge.
MCGILL, ALONZO BURROW ("Lonnie") (100924) died Oct. 4/ born Dumas, Dec. 31, 1848, son of James and Mary McGill/ never married/ brother to Mrs. Sue Nabers (widow of Sam P. Nabers), Mrs. Cynthia Kelly (wife of Buck Kelly), H.A. McGill/ half-brother to Mrs. Mollie Mansfleld.
MCGILL, H.A. (012534) died Thursday, age 84/ buried at Walnut Creek/ born at Dumas/ married first to Martha J. Elliott/ children were C.A., J.W., Mrs. Myrtle Norton, L.E., R.B. (West Point), Mrs. W.D. Peeler (Sheffields, Ala.)/ married second to Vashti Tare/ children were R.T., S.A., Mrs. Young Graves.
MCGILL, MRS. LILLIAN (021826) died Fri./ buried at Blackjack/ nee Smith/ wife of Claude McGill/ leaves 2 children and stepchildren.
MCGILL, W.L. ("Fate") (071421) died recently, age 90/ formerly of Dumas/ brother to Lon and Gus McGill/ moved to Texas many years ago.
MCINTURFF, JOE R. (072132) died Friday, age 71/ never married/ brother to Avie, Jimmy, John Henry HcInturff.
MCINTYRE, A.J. (112934) died Wed./ was a Judge at West Point/ born Tippah/ brother to Tom (Jackson), Mrs. Ira Hopkins of Walnut, Jasper of Covington, Tenn./ children are Elmer S. of West Point, James and John of Louisville, Miss.
MCINTYRE, DR. J.W. (072325-110525) died July 16/ born in West Virginia, Oct. 7, 1844/ educated in Ohio/ to Chalybeate 40 or 50 years ago/ married Dora Price in 1887/ daughter is Mr. C.A. Hughes/ 2 infants are dead.
MCKEEL, MISS RUTH (020520) died at Burkburnett, Texas, age 26/ buried at New Hope, daughter of John F. McKeel/ granddaughter of R. Blake Henderson.
MCKENZIE, A. (032316) died Monday at Chalybeate/ Irisman.
HCKELVEY, CLAUDIS (091935) died at Walnut Sept. 16, age 10/ buried at Providence/son of Tom F. McKelvey/ leaves a sister and 5 brothers.
MCKEWEN, J0HN W. (050422-051122) died Thursday, age 64/ buried in Alcorn Co., married Sallie Romine of Alcorn/ a son lives in Alcorn/ to Ripley 3 years ago.
MCKEWEN, ODELL (070523) died near Clear Creek Thurs./ buried in Alcorn County.
MCKINNEY, DICK (040826) died Mon./ buried at Antioch.
MCKINNEY, MRS. MIRTES (030933) died on Feb. 22 at Antlers, Oklahoma/ oldest child of John Colson/ children are Mrs. Ora Mae Calyion, Mrs. Dora Calytion, Olen McKinney/ sister to James Colson of Pine Grove, Noah, Colson of Ripley, Melvin Colson of Ardmore, Oklahoma, Dovie Colson of Baldwyn.
MCKNIGHT, F.S. (092034) died at Aberdeen Sept. 18/ buried odd Fellows Cem./ wife survives/ formerly of Tippah/ brother to Charlie McKnight of California.
MCMAKIN, JOHN E. DEC (PR 462) 1. Petition, Nov. 19, 1878. McMakin died May 17, 1878. 2. Petition Sept. 8, 1880, by M.E. McMakin, widow and admin., cite heirs J.E. McMakin, W.E. McMakin, Annie McMakin.
MCMILLIN, JOE E. (021435) died Dec. 16/ buried at Ripley/ born Oct. 19, 1894, oldest son of J.M. McMillin/ married Ethel Elliott/ leaves wife, 1 child, parents, a sister, 6 brothers./ obit of Dec. 20, 1934: died at Jackson, Tenn./ uncle is T.E. Pegram/ son of James M. McMillin of Falkner/ wife is daughter of Benton Elliott/ a dau. was born in March/ brother to Ellis, Ernest William Earl, Clarence, Everett, Thurston, Mrs. Kittie Lee Shappley.
MCMILLIN, MERRITT (060635) died Wed., age 75/ buried at Crawford Cem. in Benton Co./ leaves 2 daughters in Benton.
MCMILLIN, PEARL (111115) died Sept. 20/ buried at Providence/ born Aug. 20, 1907, leaves parents and a sister.
MCNEAL, MRS. CAROLINE (062922) died April 21/ buried at Beulah Cem./ born Dec. 8, 1858, oldest child of John Malone/ married J.T. McNeal at age 18/ he died March 17, 1894/ had 6 children/ oldest died at age 2/ leaves 1 daughter and 5 sons.
MCNEAL, DOCK (032030) died Mon./ buried at Chalybeate.
MEADOWS, ARNOLD (070534) died June 23, age 74/ born May, 1860/ buried at Antioch/ was first married to Fannie McKinnie/ had one daughter/ married second to Mrs. Sarah Morgan/ daughter was Mrs. Laura McClain of Mason, Tenn./ married third to 0nie Brotherton/had two sons.
MEADOWS, GRACIE VIRGINIA (011619) died Dec. 4/ buried in Hopkins Cem./ daughter of W.T. Meadows.
MEADOWS, HENDERSON (012021-012721) died Nov. 5/ born Jan. 4, 1843/ married 45 years ago to Martha McBryde/ she died when their only child, Andrew J. Meadows, was 1/ was married second to Mary Jane Brotherton on Jan. 5, 1888/ children were Mrs. James A. Elrod and Johnnie B. Meadows/ last obit. states that he was born in Sumpter Co., Alabama, Jan. 4, 1846.
MEADOWS, NOBLE (050830) died April 18, age 79/ children are James A., Jacob J., Callie.
MEADOWS, MAVIS LEE (013030) died Dec. 23/ buried at Antioch/ born Sept. 12, 1929, daughter of John.
MEADOWS, RUBY FAYE (012330) died Dec. 4, age 5 yrs 2 mos 5 days/ daughter of James.
MEDFORD, ISOM M. (030630) died Feb. 7, age 82/ children are P.C. and E.A. Medford of Corpus Christi, Texas, J.A. Medford, Walter L. Medford, Mrs. Tom Britt (Corinth)
MEDFORD, MRS. J.A. (042733) died Thurs., age 53/ buried in Medford Cem./ nee Minnie Conner/ leaves husband and 13 children-Mrs. Harris Chase (Memphis), Mrs. Conn (Corinth), Walter, Albert, John, Almath, Mildred, Marey, Casey, Thomas, Travis, Nannie Mae, Lillian Ruth/ sister to Albert Conner, John Conner (Shelby, Ms.), Mrs. T.L. Gay, Mrs. W.N. Wright, Mrs. Lizzie Echols (Greenwood), Mrs. Martin (Colorado).
MEDFORD, P.C. (120535) died Friday at Corpus Christi, Texas, age 64/ son of the late Isom Medford of Ripley/ moved to Texas 28 years ago/ wife, nee Bytha Britt, was sister to J.W. Britt of Cotton Plant/ a daughter is in Texas/ brother to E.A. Medford of Corpus Christi, J.A. Medford, Walter Medford, Mrs. T.L. Britt of Corinth.
(120915) died today at Corinth/ would be 97 next
Feb. 18/ buried at
Ebenezer near Chalybeate/ leaves 3 daughters and 2 sons/ one daughter is
Mrs. Henry Jackson of Corinth/ grandson is H.N. Briley of Corinth.
MEDFORD, R.J. (062035) died Tues., age 83/ buried at Ebenezernear Chalybeate/ leaves second wife/ children are Allen (Memphis), Mrs. B.M. Skinner, Mrs. J.A. Hopper, Mrs. W.E. Wilbanks, Mrs. W.M. Love/ brother to Bill Medford of Texas, Mrs. Callie Jackson, Mrs. Charlie Burgess.
MEDFORD, MRS. SUSAN J. (030630) died at Corinth Jan. 27, age 83/ wife of Isom Medford/ 62nd anniversary would be in 4 days/ buried in Medford Cem.
MEDLIN, CHILD OF SPENCER (101321) died Tuesday.
MEDLIN, MRS. BEULAH (072716) died July 19 at Annanna, Ala./ born and raised in Miss./ leaves husband and 7 children/ daughter of George Gibson of Tippah and granddaughter of W.H. Duncan.
MEDLIN, JACKSON DEC (PR 553) (PR470) 1. Bill, April 27, 1881. Medlin died Nov. 26, 1878. T.J. Medlin was named admin. The widow has since died. Children are William Medlin, T.J. Medlin, L.J. Britt (wife of Newton Britt), N.L. Beaty (wife of Elijah Beaty), Clinton Smith (daughter of Jackson Medlin was Elizabeth Smith dec), Caroline Williams (wife of James Williams), Rebecca Witt dec (wife of Smallwood Witt and mother of Louisa and Robert L. Witt).
MEDLIN, MRS. NANCY ELIZABETH SMITH (091736) died Sat./ wife of W.A. Medlin/ children are Mrs. W.E. Mofitt, Mrs. H.A. Cassaway, John William Medlin/ grandsons are Ralph Moffitt, Roy Cassaway, Boyd Medlin.
MEDLIN, TROY (090926) died Sun., age 22/ buried at Mt. Pleasant/ son of Joe.
MEDLIN, MRS. NANCY ELIZABETH SMITH (091736) died Sat./ wife of W.A. Medlin/ children are Mrs. W.E. Mofitt, Mrs. H.A. Cassaway, John William Medlin/ grandsons are Ralph Moffitt, Roy Cassaway, Boyd Medlin.
MEDLIN, TROY (090926) died Sun., age 22/ buried at Mt. Pleasant/ son of Joe.
MEDLIN, W.A. (062735) died Tues., age 80/ buried at Fellowship/ married Nancy Elizabeth Smith/ children are John W., Mrs. Walter Moffitt, Mrs. H.A. Gassaway.
WEEKS, BEN (071934) murdered Wed., age 47/ buried at Shiloh/ wife nee Mittie Childs/ adopted son is Almuth Meeks.
MEEKS, BILLIE DORIS (091328) died Aug. 23/ buried at Harmony/ born Aug. 13, daughter of Charles.
MEEKS, JAMES WILLIAM (052627) died April 17/ buried at Tiplersville/ age 13-8-2/ son of Talmadge Meeks/ nephew of Mrs. Vilie Meeks (his mother's sister), Mrs. W.C. Piekens/ grandmother: Mrs. W.P. Hopper/ brother to Albert Stevens Meeks/ also leaves a sister.
MEEKS, MRS. KITTY (111732) died recently, age 84/ buried in Smyrna Cem./ wife of Ike Meeks, who died 20 yrs ago/ sister to Mack Drewery of Oklahoma and Charlie Drewery of Eassary Springs, Tenn./ mother of Jim, Seth, Mrs. Tom Hopper, Mrs. Nath Hopper, Mrs. John Rutherford, Mrs. Luther Simpson.
MEEKS, LILLIE MONTGOMERY (110823) died July 23/ born May 10, 1874/ member of Brush Creek Church/ leaves 5 sons, 2 daughters.
MEEKS, MRS. M.L. (032030) died Feb. 4, age 74/ buried at Ebenezer/ leaves 4 sons/ grandmother of J.W. Sullivan's wife.
MEEKS, NETTIE (020415) died Jan. 26, age 14 mo./ buried at Harmony/ dau. of J.C. Meeks.
MEEKS, SIDNEY OWEN (091615) died last week, age 7/ buried at Walnut Crcek/ son of Hardy Meeks/grandson of Sidney O. Love.
MEEKS, WILLIAM G. (052516) died May 4, ago 23/ buried at Providence.
MELTON, CARL DUDLEY (040429) died March 19/ buried at Blackjack/ born Aug. 18, 1927, son of Marlin/ sisters are Valeria and Bobbie Mae.
MELTON, MARLIN (073130) died Sat., age 17/ son of R.J. Melton/ buried at Hamilton in Benton Co./ mother is a daughter of tbe 1ate J.T. Graves of Tippah.
MELTON, MRS. RACHEL (102435) died Sat. age 83/ buried at Mt. Moriah/ son: J.J. Melton/ obit of 1-2-1936 states that she died Oct. 5/ born Feb. 14, 1854/ son, J.J., lives at Ashland/ husband dead 60 years/ one son was born after he died/ son, Will, is dead.
HELTON, WILLIAM T. (042132) suicide Wed. near Walnut/ wife dead/ leaves mother and children./ born Sept. 14, 1874/ buried at Mt. Moriah.
MERCER, FRED (021534) died Sun., age 15/ buried in Nance Cem./ son of J.L. Mercer of Tupelo.
MERCER, MRS. JANE (022421) died Feb. 18/ buried at New Salem.
MERCER, LULA HUGH (060232) died May 12/ buried in Nance Cem./ father was Len Mercer/ leaves 7 brothers and sisters in Tupelo and New Albany/ born July 24, 1911.
MERCER, OLIVER (021231) died Jan. 6/ buried at New Salem/ born Dec. 12, 1917/ son of Jessie/ leaves parents and a brother.
MERCER, VIRGINIA (062525) died Thurs., age 13/ buried at Ripley/ daughter of Steve.
MERLEY, MURRY (071724) died Nov. 5, age 23/ buried at County Line Cem./ niece is Ethel Carroll.
MERRITT, DR. FRANK JR. (052224) died Tues., at Blue Mt., age less than 50/. buried at Blue Mt./ son of late Dr. J.F. Merritt/ leaves wife and four children.
MERRITT, MRS. J.F. SR. (080118) died Fri./ buried at Blue Mt./ wife of J.F. Sr./ children are Dr. J.F. Jr., Mrs. Nannie Bryson, Mrs. Beulah Howard, Dick of Clarendon, Ark., Mrs. Mollie Rowan of Baldwyn.
MERRITT, MRS. MARTHA JANE NORTON (062624)died Feb. 26/ buried at Pine Hill/ born Dec. 7, 1853/ married on Dec. 1876 to W.S. MERRITT/ children are Pink of Arkansas, Mrs. Emma Harrell, Mrs. Wade Parham, Mrs. Jennie Nance, Nick, Frank Lonnie/ see also obit of 02-28-24.
MERRITT, NICK F. (053134) died Mon., age 52/ buried at Harmony/ son of Sam/ married Lillie, dau. of T.J. Moore/ children are Fred of Jackson, Mrs. Hubert Clemmer of Milan, Tenn., Hugh Moore Merritt/ brother to Frank of Blytheville, Ark., Lon of Covington, Tn., Mrs. W.A. Parham of Blytheville, Mrs. A.B. Nance, Mrs. Emma Harrell.
MERRITT, PINK (010825) died in Arkansas first of this week, age 42/buried at Pine Hill/son of Sam/ leaves wife and six children.
MICHAEL, B.F. (091422) died July 19/ buried in Carolina Cem., Prentiss Co./ born Sept. 19, 1859/ married G.A. Michael on May 20, 1878/ married second to Varda Brinkley on May 14, 1911/ 2 sons and 1 dau. by first wife/ leaves wife, 3 children, father, 1 brother, 2 sisters.
MICHAEL, MRS. D.C. (041631) died March 31, are 69/ buried at Concord/ children are Willie, Henry, Joe, Mrs. J.M. Green, Paul (Rienzi), Hilliard, Kirt.
MICHAEL, DUANE (050328) died Nov. 28/ born April 26, 1920/ son of Hilliard B. Michael.
MICHAEL, KIRK (091235) died Thurs., age 49/ buried at Concord/ brother to Joe of Booneville, Wittie of Corinth, Henry, Paul of Booneville, Mrs. Doshia Green of Rienzi, Hilliard of Kossuth.
MICHAEL, MRS. KIRK (111032) died recently, age 42/ buried at Little Hope/ daughter of late John Childers/ sister of Mrs. W.O. Whittman, Mrs. Jim Clemmer.
MICHAELS, JOSEPH DEC (PR 571) 1. Will of Joseph Smart, made Sept. 26, 1852. Wife Elizabeth Smart. Bequests to Joseph D. Smart, A.W. Smart, Nancy Smart, Louisa Puckett, Leah Smart, David R. Michael, Elizabeth Michael. 2. Non-resident notice to Thomas Smart, William Smart, Leah B. Sweat (wife of John Sweat), Betsy Ann Brooks, Louisa Brooks, Thomas Brooks, Oct. 11, 1881. 3. Citation Oct. 11, 1881, to Leah Michaels and her husband Jeremiah Michaels and Louisa Puckett of Tippah. 4. Bill, filed Oct. 11, 1881, by Joseph Michael, Daniel Michael, Thomas Michael, Elizabeth Smith (wife of Elisha Smith), Barbara Adair (wife of B.B. Adair), who are children of Elizabeth Michael, who was a daughter of Joseph Smart dec. Petitioners are also David A. Michael, Mattie E. Michael, John M. Michael, minor children of Elizabeth Michael by their next friend and father, D.R. Michael. Also J.W. Smart, Polly A. Smart, T.J. Smart, J.P. Smart, Wade L. Smart, minor children of Elizabeth W. Smart and A.W. Smart dec. Also Polly Green, daughter of J.D. Smart who was a son of Joseph Smart. Joseph Smart died 185- leaving heirs (the complainants in this case) and in addition Leah Michael and her husband Jeremiah Michael; Louisa Puckett and her husband Jack Puckett; Thomas Smart of Texas; William Smart of North Carolina: Leah Brooks Sweat and her husband John Sweat of Brownsville, Tenn.; Betsy Ann Brooks, Louisa Brooks, and Thomas Brooks, all children of Peggy Brooks dec who was a daughter of Joseph Smart; Martha Bridges, daughter of Joseph Smart dec., of Dyrrun, Prentiss Co., Miss.
MILLEDGE, DR. F.A. (113016) died recently/ was principal of Ripley School 12 years ago/ native of Canada/ wife nee Nellie Bland Stanley of Booneville/ had two boys, 6 to 8, when at Ripley.
MILLER, GEORGE (122132) died Dec. 25 at Wilburton, Okla., are 77/ first cousin to Governor Miller of Alabama/ formerly of Blue Mt./ wife died 2 years ago/ born in South Carolina/ to Hines Co., Miss., where he married Sallie Graves/ to Blue Mt. 40 years ago/ to Oklahoma 17 years ago/ his children are John of Myrtle, Florence (Supt. of Education in Latamere Co., Ok), Mrs. Ada Blackwood (wife of Charles) of Wilberton.
MILLER, HENRY GOOLSBY (060921) died April 20, age 5 or 6/ buried at Blue Mt./ son of Jess Miller/ cousin: Delia Goolsby.
MILLER, JOHN (101729) died Mon., age 80/ buried at Friendship in Benton Co./ children are George, John, Mrs. Vird Orman, Mrs. Modie Spencer (Missouri), Mrs. William Brock of Missouri.
MILLER, SAMUEL HOUSTON (062426) died May 22, age 79/ leaves seven children.
MILLER, THOMAS W. DEC (PR194) died Jan. 9, 1862. George Miller, heir. C.P. Miller, next friend.
MILSTEAD, SADIE K. (070418) died June 22, age 17 mo./ buried at Harmony/ daughter of W.T. Milstead.
MILSTEAD, ZEAL M. (082323) died Monday at Walnut/ buried at Harmony/ born in Lincoln Co., Tenn., Dec. 9, 1826/ CSA VET./ wife dead 12 years/ had eight children, surviving are J.J., W.T., Mrs. Paseur, Mrs. Whitten.
MISKELLY, MRS. E.W. (022322-052522) died Feb. 6/ buried at New Salem/ born Sept. 13, 1856, nee Elinor Marhilda Rowland, daughter of Joseph A. Rowland/ married Philemon M. Higgins Jan. 27, 1876/ had 3 girls, the oldest dead/ husband died Aug. l, 1881/ oldest girl was 3, youngest 1/ married to Sam Miskelly, Dec. 27, 1894/ leaves husband, 2 children, 1 stepdaughter, 2 brothers/ first husband and father buried at New Salem.
MISKELLY, SAM (070225) died Monday, age 80/ buried at Antioch.
MISKELLY, SAVANNAH ELIZABETH (092519) lost, Aug. 24, 1919/ born July 26,1918, only child of C.E. Miskelly.
MITCHELL, BOBBIE SAM (091130) died Sat. age 12/ son of Robert S. Mitchell of Holly Springs/ father is a brother to Mrs. Joe Shackelford and Mrs. Mansel Jones of Tippah.
MITCHELL, CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS (0516315) died May 5, age 55/ buried at Ripley/ born at Walnut, Jan. 12, 1880/ married to Margaret, daughter of Rufflin Nance/ had four children/ a daughter died in infancy/ other children are Ruffin, Charles, Lorena/ brother to B. Mitchel of Kerberville, Texas, and Mrs. J.T. Luna of Blue Mountain.
MlTCHELL, DAUGHTER OF R.S. (041234) died at New Albany Tues. age 6/ buried at Houston, Miss./ native of Tippah/ leaves parents, 2 brothers, 2 sisters.
MITCHELL, GROVER (011933)died at Dallas Texas Tues., age 39/ son of Sam Mitchell of Tippah/ to Arkansas 14 years ago then to Texas/ brother to R.S. Mitchell of New Albany, Mrs. J.L. Shackelford and Mrs. Mansell Jones of Tippah.
MITCHELL, MRS. MARY JANE ESKRIDGE (091131)died recently at Blue Mountain, age 88/ buried there/ born Gainesville, Ala., Oct. 17, 1843/ to Blue Mt. in 1896/ married W.W, Mitchell, an Alabama CSA vet/ mother of Mrs. M.L. Haynie.
MITCHELL, THOMAS J. (111931) died at Elliston, Miss., Nov. 3/ born Union Co., Miss., March 17, 1851, son of D.E. and Nancy Porter Mitchell.
MITCHELL, WILLIAM DEC (PR 559) Case of W.G. Mitchell et al v. Samuel McAlister Sr. 1. Letter of S.M. McAlister of Ripley to Jewett Cooper Of Trion, Alabama, July, 1853. William Mitchell died June 21,1853; Mitchell was a cousin of Cooper. "Cousin Anney" wanted McAlister to keep her child until Cooper came after it. 2. Deposition of Robert Mitchell, May 5, 1882. His father, William Mitchell, died when he was 9. He then went to live with cousin Samuel McAlister. His brothers, William, George, and Reuben also went. George was older, William younger. George left when he was 17 or 18. Reuben left, came back, left again at age 17 or 18 and entered the CSA about 1861. George died in prison at Camp Douglas in 1861 or 1862. Reuben died at Chattanooga in 1862. Samuel McAlister's daughter, Mary, treated Robert when he was Sick, Robert was born Nov. 24, 1844. He left McAlister's in 1870 or 1871. William G. Mitchell was born June 24, 1846. 3. Petition filed by W.G. Mitchell, Robert Mitchell, and S.A. Mitchell, May 4, 1881. Samuel McAlister was appointed their guardian in 1854 and also for their brothers, George M. Mitchell and R.P. Mitchell, who died in 1862, and for their sisters, Sarah and Nancy, who have since married 4. Deposition of J.J. Shackelford, filled May 5, 1882. William Mitchell died 1853 or 1854. His wife had earlier died. James Mitchell was also one of his sons. An uncle from Alabama took S.A Mitchell to live with him after his father died. 5. Deposition or Samuel McAlister, filed May 15, 1883. McAlister is 79. He took the Mitchell boys in 1853 or early 1854 when William was 6 or 7, Robert was 9, Samuel was 1. A younger sister lived with her older sister. Dewitt Cooper was an uncle of the boys. S.A. Mitchell later lived with Mrs. Gaillard.
MITCHELL, ROBERT (061020) died Thurs., age above 70/ wife died last year/ children are James W. Mitchell and Ione Mitchell.
MITCHELL, WILLIAM G. (030327) died Sun., age 80/ buried in McAlister Cem./ CSA vet./ wife and 2 daughters dead/ surviving daus. are Mrs. Lula Smith and Mrs. Robie Crawford/ grandson: Aubrey Smith.
MITCHELL, CHILD OF J.W. (062817) died Sat., age 2 weeks/ buried at Wiers Chapel.
MOAK, MRS. WILLIE (090628) died recently, age 28/ buried at Blue Mt./ wife of Ben F. Moak of Okmulgee, Ok./ daughter of W.M. Peeler of Blue Mt./ sister of Mrs. Drucilla Lockhart of Fondren, Miss., Mrs. Marion P. Thompson of New Albany, Jesse Peeler, Wiseman Peeler, John, Peeler, George L. Peeler of Birmingham, Joe Peeler of Calif.
MOFFITT, MRS. A.I. (042033) died Wed., age 75/ buried at Rucker/ nee Martha Owen of Pleasant Ridge/ married 51 years/ children are ?.E. (Jackson), Mrs. T.G. Gentry of Baldwyn, W.E., Mrs. O.P. Reaves, Mrs. H.O. Branyan of Saltillo, J.L. of Columbia.
MOFFITT, MRS. ALLIE (032223) died yesterday at the home of her brother-in-law, J.V. Gossett/ buried in Green Cem./ sister to late W.A. Green/ widow of John Moffitt.
MOFFITT, BEATRICE (022729) died Dec. 19/ born Feb. 16, 1920.
MOFFITT, DAUGHTER OF WALLACE (101922) died last night age 2 weeks.
MOFFITT, HARDY (010329) died Sun., age 66/ buried at Wiers Chapel/ married first to Dolly Story/ child was Wallace Moffitt/ married second to Docia Long/ children were Jennie Lee, Mrs. Maybelle Haynes, Vance, Harvey/ brother to Adam, Albert, Bob, Mrs. Neely Milligan of Corinth, Lizzie.
MOHUNDRO, CARROLL (061522) died Mon., age 5/son of C.M./ buried at Mt. Hebron.
MOHUNDRO, LEROY (071322) died Sat., age 9/ buried at Mt. Hebron/ son of Lucian.
MOHUNDRO, MRS. NANNIE (111732) died Thurs., age 80/ buried at Mt. Hebron/ widow of J.H. Mohundro/ husband died 40 years ago/ children are Mrs. Ada Stinson, Mrs. E.H. Woltz (San Antonio, Texas), J.M., Tom, Putt Mohundro.
MOHUNDRO, PITSER MILLER (021832) died Oct. 7/ born at Walnut, Dec. 4, 1850/ married Martha Adams, Jan. 1870/ had 11 children/ a daughter died young/ sons are Lucian, Willie, Charlie, Fount, Obie.
MOHUNDRO, SULLA (120832) died Sat., age 20, at Riverside, Calif./ buried at Mt. Hebron/ Son of P.B. Mohundro of Ripley.
MONTGOMERY, MRS. MARY E. (022729) died Jan. 18, age 75/ buried at Campground/ daughter of late John Skinner/ sister to Z.P. Skinner, Mrs. Sarah Horton, Mrs. J.D. Smith, Mrs. Nannie Mathis, Dock Skinner of Brownwood, Texas, Mrs. Hall Ray of Brownwood, Texas, Joe Skinner of Forest Hill, Tenn./ dead children are Mrs. Lill?? Meeks, Ida, Carrie, Gilda/ surviving children are Minnie (New Augusta, Miss.), Mrs. J.W. Rowell (Greeneville Texas), Mrs. D.W. Baker (Greenville, Texas), Z.C., Luther, Mrs. Hosea Fr??? (Corinth)/ husband, T.J. Montgomery died April 9, 1909.
MONTGOMERY, MRS. FORD (010335) died last week at Claremore, Okla., where she moved 15 years ago/ Leaves husband and six children/ husband is a son of J.H. Montgomery of Tippah.
MONTGOMERY, ZACK C. (092436) died at age 55/ son of late T.J. Montgomery/ brother to Luther, Mrs. H.A. Fryar of Corinth, Mrs. Birdie Baker of Greeneville, Texas, Mrs. Leticia Rowell of Greeneville, Texas, and Minnie of New Augusta, Miss./ married Quila Wilbanks/ children are Mrs. Willa Surratt of Corinth Mrs. Bernice Meeks, Mrs. Aulene Jones, Mary Ethel.
MOORE, MRS. C.M. (072033) died Sun., age 76/ buried at Jumpertown/ children are Guy Michael, C.M. Michael (Merietta, Okla) Mrs. S.L. Downs of Booneville, C. Michael, Mrs, John W. Green/ wife of Charlie Moore/ sister of Bill Humphrey of Texas/ adopted daughter, Mrs. Jim H. Greer.
MOORE, CECIL (012132) died Dec. 30 at the home of father, Murry Moore/ born Feb. 2, 1930.
MOORE, FANNIE DEC (PR 185, 199) l.Petition, filed Dec. 14, 1871. Fannie Moore died Sept. 11, 1871, leaving minor heirs James Smith, Catheine Smith, Richard Smith, O. Smith, George Smith, L.M. Smith, W.L. Smith, M.E. Smith, J.L. Smith. T.A. Hunt, guardian. 2. Citation to M.F. Smith, R.O. Smith, L.M. Smith, W.L. Smith, Mary E. Smith, and J.L. Smith, children of R.S. Smith, March 23, 1876. 3. Citation to George Smith of Benton, June 13, 1876. Citation to James Smith, Catherine Smith, Richard Smith, O. Smith, George Smith, children of William Smith, William Nelms guardian. 5. Bill, filed Jan. 9, 1872. Frances Moore died and her husband, R. Moore, died. Only heirs were E.C. Smith and C. Smith. William Smith is father of James R., M.C., M.O., Richard, and G.W. Smith.
MOORE, H.A. ("Gus") (121119) died this week 10 miles northeast of Ripley/ leaves wife and children.
MOORE, HARVEY (080515) murdered by his father-in-law, P.D. Rushing, at Blue Mt., on July 29/ buried at Blue Mt.
MOORE, MRS. HARVEY (122116) died at Blue Mt. last week/ leaves 3 children.
MOORE, J.B. ("Berry") (112024) died Nov. 5/ buried at Jumpertown/ born Dec. 2, 1850/ sister is Mrs. Sylvia Cartwright/ leaves 9 children.
MOORE, JOHN LAMAR (022829) died Fri., age 2 and a half/ buried at New Hope/ son of John Moore.
MOORE, JOHN SILAS, minor (PR 222) 1. Petition of John Silas Moore, filed Oct. 20, 1868. He is the only child of Silas Moore, who died Dec. 4, 1863. Is also the son of Nancy E. Moore. Is under 21. Silas Moore was the only son of Thomas Moore who died Aug. 17, 1864, leaving a daughter, Emeranda B. Hawthorne, wife of H.A. Hawthorne. The Hawthornes were married in January or February, 1860. 2. Petition, Oct. 3, 1871. Silas Moore is the son-in-law Of T.A. Young.
MOORE, LUTHER E. (Jake) (011035) died Sept. 21/ born Feb. 13, 1892, son of Wilson Moore/ married Willie M. Beavers May 15, 1921/ had eight children, five living/ obit. of 9-27-1934 states that he was a brother to Ed, Zeke, John, Porter, Tom, Fannie, Ora, Ethel, and Doyle/ buried at Little Hope.
MOORE, MRS. MARY ELIZABETH (010533) died Dec. 18/ buried at Little Hope/ born, Feb. 14, 1851/ married Wilson Moore 63 years ago/had 6 sons and 5 daughters/ 3 children are dead/a sister in Arkansas is 86.
MOORE, MRS. NANCY (040120) died this week at Dumas, age 80/ buried at Pine Grove/ daughter of late Joseph Bartlett.
MOORE, W.E. (020228) killed in Memphis Thurs./ leaves wife and a 7 year old son/ wife is a daughter of Elisha Bryant/ she first married Josh Dillard, who committed suicide/ buried at Antioch.
MOORE, MRS. WATT (041631) died Sun., age 34/ buried at Jacobs Chapel/ daughter of W.C. Garner.
MOORE, MRS. W.H. (012027) died Jan. 15 at Tiplersville/ leaves husband and children.
MOORE, W.S. (111027) died at Dale, Okla. Thurs., age 84/ buried at Sulphur Rock Arkansas/ went west 35 years ago/ was first married to Miss Jacobs, then to Miss Vaughn, both of Tenn./ children are T.J. Moore of Ripley, Mrs. Oliver Brown of Dale, J.C. of Shawnee, R.L. of Duston, Ok., Mrs. Cora Scogner of Shawnee, Mrs. Maud Shrefflen of Oklahoma City, L.J. Moore of Newport, Ark.
MORAN, MRS. ANNIE BARNETT (030729) died Wed./ buried at Ripley/ sister to John A. Barnett of Benton Co., Mrs. Sam E. Crawford of AShland, Mrs. G.H. Taylor of Hickory Flat, Albert Barnett of Union County/ wife of Joe Moran.
MORGAN, CHILD OF NICK (022328) died Mon./ buried at Shady Grove.
MORGAN, MRS. E. ANN (022736) died Mon., age 100/ born South Carolina, Oct. 23, 1835/ moved to Chickasaw Co., Miss., then to Tippah/ husband, James Morgan, a CSA vet., died 60 years ago/ children are Mrs. Bettie Bridges of Ripley and Jim Nathan Morgan of Corinth/ buried at Shady Grove.
MORGAN, MRS. ETHEL DAVIS (032526) died Sun., age 42/ buried at Lebanon/ wife of Joe Morgan.
MORGAN, JOHN B. DEC (unnumbered PR ) 1. Petition, Aug. 12, 1867. Morgan died at Memphis, March 27, 1864. His wife, Mary A. Morgan, has since moved to Marshall Co., Miss., and is now married to a Wilson.
MORGAN, MANUEL ROWLAND (081733) died Sat., age 18/ buried at Shady Grove/ son of Nick/ brother to Ross, age 15.
MORGAN, NAT (101332) died Mon., age 72/ buried at Lebanon/ leaves 9 children.
MORGAN, MRS. NAT G. (012426) died Tues./ buried at Lebanon/ born May 17, 1861, nee Emilee Johnson/ sister to former Sheriff N.W. Johnson/ married in 1881/ had twelve children-living are Mrs. H.B. Shackelford, Mrs. Hezzie Martin, Mrs. Morgan, Martin, Mrs. Curt Carter, Joe, Nick, Charlie, John, Wes.
MORGAN, ELIJAH (021126) died yesterday, age70/ buried at Lebanon/ brother to Nat/ leaves wife, 5 daughters, 3 sons.
MORRIS, MRS. RILEY (040936) died April 5, age 52, at Tupelo/ buried tn Little Brown Cemetery in Prentiss Co./ sister to Tom Murphy of Dumas.
MORRISON, ELLA (120518) died Sept. 19/ buried in Tatum graveyard/ born July 28, 1883/husband is John Morrison/leaves 7 children, 3 sisters, 1 brother, parents.
MORRISON, JAMES (050824) died July 7, 1923/ buried in Criswell Cem./ son of Ira/ born Aug. 25, 1921.
MORRISON, MRS. JANE (061224) died March 28, age 76/ mother of John and Jule/ a brother lives in Texas.
MORTON, ELLINOR (083023) died recently at Lonoke, Ark., age 22 mos./ buried at Wiers Chapel/ daughter of Willie/ leaves a bro.
MORTON, GEORGE (011327) died Thurs./ buried at Wiers Chapel/ born in l858/ married Fannie M. Jeffries, Dec. 18, 1877/ children are Mary (who died in 1900 at age 19), W.N. Morton, Mildred Morton, J.W. Morton of Memphis, T.Y. Morton of Kansas City.
MORTON, REV. H.F. (022620) died recently in New York/ formerly Of Ripley.
MORTON, ROBERT LEE (030834) died Sat., age 63/ buried at Rucker/ married in 1896 to Edna Stansell/ children are Robert Lee, Charlie Murry, William Terry Morton.
MORTON, T.L.(070523-72733) died in Dallas, Texas, July, 1933, age 93/ brother to Newt and Bob Morton of Tippah. THIS COULD BE TWO THOMAS MORTONS).
MORTON, MRS. THOMAS L. (070225-072325) died last Friday in Dallas, Texas, age 79/ nee Fannie, sister of M.R. Stark/ buried at McGregor, Texas/ married 39 years/ husband survives.
MULLENS, MARTIN N. (022124) died Sun. at Corinth/ leaves wife (a daughter of the late Sam Nelms), 3 daughters, 1 son.
MULLIKIN, LEE W. (012628) died Dec. 29/ buried at Mt. Olive/ children are Mrs. W.J. Grisham, Mrs. W.L. Scott, Mrs. M.D. McKinnon, W.A. Mullikin, Mrs. A.B. Heavener, F.T. Mullikin of Corinth/ one daughter is dead/ age 83/ CSA vet.
MULLIKIN, RACHEL EVELINE (111925011426-020426) died Nov. 13, age 73/ buried at Mt. Olive/ only living child of late Rev. A.C. Vandiver/ wife of L.W. Mullikin/ children are Mrs. Belle Grisham, Mrs. Eddie Heavner, Mrs. June Scott, Mrs. Lillian McKinnon, Andy Mullikin, Frank Mullikin.
MUNN, C.W. (050124) died April 18, age 44.
MUNN, MRS. REBECCA (012523) died recently at Walnut, age 76/ buried at Mt. Moriah/widow of Bill Munn who died 15 years ago/ sister to Mayor Sam Nelms of Ripley/ born Aug. l, 1840/ had 12 children, living are W.C., C.W., Tobe, E.L., Mrs. Emma Burgis, Mrs. Effie Gatlin, Mrs. Audrey Hubbard.
MURLEY, A.E. (102633) died Oct. 20, age 53/ buried at County Line/ leaves wife (Myrtle), 4 daughters, 2 sons.
MURLEY, BITHA (010820) died Dec. 30/ cousin to Ida Shelton/ wife of Ped Murley/ daughter of Mr. Walker and Mrs. Eda Wallis/ son is age 5.
MURPHY, MRS. BETSY (040324) died March 23/ buried at Box Chapel/ mother of George Gibbens.
MURPHY, JEFF (012330) died Jan. 20 at Dumas/ buried in Little Brown Cem. in Prentiss Co./ age 74/ children are Tom, Mrs. Fannie Harbor, Jim (Cherry Valley Ark.), Mrs. Effie Morris (Fulton, Ms.), Mrs. Josie Majer (Beeville, Tx).
MURPHY, THOMAS E. (051320) died May 10 in Arkansas/ wife dead/ youngest of 2 sons is 11/ also leaves a daughter.
MURRY, A.W.T. DEC (PR 799) l. Petition of J.K.P. Murry, July 20, 1891. Murry died April ll, 1891. Widow: M.G. Murry.
MURRY, JOHN Y. JR. (092629) died at Tulsa, Oklahoma Monday, age 67/ burial there/ wife is a daughter of the late Tom Hunt of Ripley/ children are John Young Murry, Tom Hunt Murry, Sarah Hickerson, Mrs. Wilson McClure/ daughter, Mary Hunt Smith, wife of Allen Smith, died last year/ brother to Dr. C.M. Murry, Mrs. E.R. Richey, Anna, Etter, Mrs. R.A. Cox of Austin, Texas/ half sister, Mrs. Lizzie Hunt of Portland, Oregon, who was former librarian at Oxford, Miss./ deceased half-brother is Dr. Will M. Murry, who died April, 1928/ was a son of Dr. John Y. Murry.
MURRY, MRS. LINA (011029) died at Keownville Monday/ mother of Vance and Joe.
MURRY, ROBERT ALEXANDER (101823) died Monday, age 10/ buried at Ripley/ son of Dr. C.M. Murry.
MURRY, MRS. SAM ADA ADAIR (041724-042424) died Nov. 1/ born March 18, 1899/ married Jeff Beaty, June 25, 1917/ married Joel Murry, Sept. 8, 1922.
MURRY, DR. WILL M. (041928) died Monday/ buried in Ripley Cem./ born in 1852, son of Dr. John Y. Murry/ grad of Tulane Univ./ wife nee Victoria, daughter of Dr. Ellis of Sardis/ daughter, Emily, married Dr. T.L. Randolph of Dumas/ daughter, Patty, married Dr. R.M. Adams of Ripley/ other children are A.E. Murry, Mrs. C.C. Thompson of New Orleans/ sister: Mrs. Lizzie Hunt of Portland, Ore./ half-brothers: John Y. Murry of Tulsa and Dr. C.M. Murry of Ripley/ half-sisters: Anna, Etta, Mrs. E.R. Richey, all of Ripley, and Mrs. R.A. Cox of Austin, Texas/ Judge John Falkner of Oxford's mother was a sister to Dr. Murry.
NABORS, MRS. JOHN (080829) died Monday,age 65/ buried at Pleasant Hill/ children are Mrs. John Waldon, Mrs, Richard McDowell, Dalton, Robert, Allen, Albert, Clarence.
NABORS, JOHN T. (102115) died Sept. 9, age 60 yrs 9 mos./ lived east of Tiplersville/ leaves 3 sons.
NABORS, MRS. EUGENIA (052015) died Wed. at Corinth, age 42/ buried in Henry Cem. there/ raised in Tippah and Union County/ mother is Mrs. Missouri O'Kelly of Texas/ sister to Mrs. Tommie Stokes of Guntown/ children are Salome, Ottis, Beulah, Gertrude, Willis, Juan, Sammie, Tare.
NABORS, J.P. (090226) died Aug. 18, age 5-7-3/ buried at Pleasant Hill/ son of Clarence/ brother to Ruby and Rutha/ cousin to Mary Etta Whirley.
NABORS, JAMES LOWREY (082736) killed Thurs./ buried at Dumas/ son of Will/ born Oct. 6, 1891/ married Fannie Hall, Oct. 19,1912/ brother to Raymond, Mrs. Bessie Wages, Velma/ child: Rubye.
NABORS, MRS. JEMIMA MAUNEY (070330) died Friday/ wife of Will/ buried at Dumas/ children are Lowrey, Raymond, Velma, Mrs. Major Wages/ a sister survives.
NANCE, A.P. (Gus) (022234) died Tues., age 87/ buried in Nance Cem./ born in Tippah/ to Missouri at age 3/ CSA vet./ children are Fred, Will, Bonnie, Mary, Birtie, Mack/ wife died 2 years ago.
NANCE, BIRD SR dec (PR 479) 1. Original Bill Oct. 30, 1878. Case of Polly J. Brown v. J.H. Nance et al . Polly Brown is a daughter of Bird Nance, who died in the Chickasaw Nation in 1815
NANCE, C.T. (060116)died May 25 at Lockney, Texas/ brother to A.H. Nance of McGregor, Texas.
NANCE, MRS. C.T. (090331) died July 7 at Lockney, Texas/ buried in Silverton Cem./ born Tippah, Aug. 27, 1855, nee Mary Lanora Jamieson, daughter of late Rev. J.H. Jamieson of Falkner/ married in 1876 to Rev. C.T. Nance/ to Texas in 1897/ husband died 1916/ sister to J.L. Jamieson, Mrs. W.H. Thornton, Mrs. R.L. Clemmer, all of Falkner/ children are Mrs. Greenville Noland of Summerfield, Tx., Mrs. T.O. Humphries of Oglesby, Tx., Charlie Nance of Kensett, Ark., Tom Nance of McGregor, Tx. Mrs. Lilla Cox of Oklahoma City, Lonnie, Nance of Panhandle, Tx., and Wiley, Joel, and Morris Nance of Lockney.
NANCE, HENRY (061715) died recently,age 60/ buried at Walnut Creek/ brother to M.L. Nance, R.B. Nance, Mrs. Pate.
NANCE, HERMIE (072215) died July 8, age 66/ buried at Little Hope/ married to Jim Henry Nance 30-35 years ago/ he died a year ago/ daughter is Mrs. Lonie Smith.
NANCE, HOWARD (121532) died Mon., age 24/ buried at Pine Hill/ one of 12 children of Will J. Nance/ brother to Olgie Nance.
NANCE, IDA BELLE CLEO (012931) died Nov. 8, age 10-11-3/ daughter of Fred Nance/ buried at Providence.
NANCE, J. MITCH (032228) died Sunday at Blue Mt., age 72/ buried there/ moved there 25-30 years ago/ married first to Bettie Pate/ children were Claude, Mrs. Will Gurney, Mrs. Sam Godwin Jr./ married second to Mrs. Lizzie Spight Clark.
NANCE, JASPER (082328) is buried at old Pisgah Cem., according to his daughter, Mrs. D.H. (Lizzie) Rodgers of Olney, Texas.
NANCE, JOHN AND NICK NANCE (mentioned, 090529) John Nance and Nick Nance, and John's son, Worth Nance, are visiting Tippah for the first time in 52 years/ John and Nick are sons of the late Byrd Nance and are residents of Lometa, Texas.
NANCE, JOHN L. (101233) died Tues., age 33/ buried at Pleasant Hill/ son of Will/ was married to Lila Wright/ leaves wife, 5 children, parents/ brother to Almoth B. Nance, Mary Lou Merritt of Blytheville, Ark., Mrs. Frank Norton, Mrs. Grady Norton, Mrs. Bill Wright of Corinth, C.B. Nance of Tyler, Missouri, Lonnie Nance of Tyler, Missouri, Mrs. A.L. Beavers of Huffman, Ark., Olgie Nance, Willie V. Nance.
NANCE, JOHN OSBORNE (110415) died Aug. 27/ born in Tennessee, son of Terrell and Elizabeth Nance, on June 11, 1843/ married to Margaret Agnes Blackwell in Jan. 1865/ she died 3 years ago/ 3 daughters, two sons.
NANCE, MRS. LILLA DARNELL (070225) died Tues. in Dallas, Texas, age 65/ buried at McGregor, Texas/ wife of Allen Nance of Dallas/ leaves two brothers and a sister in Texas/ leaves husband and 3 children/ 2 other children are dead.
NANCE, MRS. LIZZIE SPIGHT CLARK (032829) died in Memphis Monday, age 75/ buried at Blue Mountain/ sister to Mrs. McKnight of Aberdeen and Mrs. Elixson of Aberdeen/ daughter of Coleman Spight/ married first to a Clark, second to J. Mitch Nance/ children are Jodie Clark, Frank Clark of Arkansas, Mrs. Fay Clark Jones of Memphis.
NANCE, LUTHER ROY (121521) died Sat. at Tupelo/ buried at Providence/ son of Fred.
NANCE, M.L. (031528) died Tampa, Florida, March ll, age 80/ former Mayor of Ripley/ moved to Florida 9 years ago/ brother to Ruff Nance, who is the last surviving member of the family/ wife was nee McCarley/ children: Mrs. Alma Owens of Florida, Mrs. Grant of Virginia, Dr. Charles Nance of Tampa, Bart Nance (dead), Mrs. J.D. Franks (dead).
NANCE, DR. MARK L. (092717) died at Yazoo City, Miss., age 38/ buried at Utica, Miss./ son of M.L. Nance of Ripley/ leaves wife and a child.
NANCY, ROXIE (070528) (080228) died June 29/ wife of Ruffin B. Nance/ was born Feb. 22, 1853/ parents came from South Carolina/ daughter of late L.D. Alexander/ sister to late Tass Alexander of Walnut/ stepsister to Dr. J.H. Giles of Ripley/ children are James H. Nance, Lee Nance, Walter Nance, Mrs. Jodie Street, Mrs. L.S. Dixon, Mrs. C.C. Mitchell, Mrs. Will Whitener of Tishomingo/3 children are dead.
NANCE, RUFFIN BROWN (031633) died Thurs., age 86/ CSA vet./ wife died 5 years ago/ children are Jim, Lee, Walter, Mrs. C.C. Mitchell, Mrs. W.L. Whitener of Tishomingo County, Mrs. J.D. Street, Mrs. L.S. Dixon.
NANCE, TERRELL DEC (PR 522) 1. Will, made Aug. 29, 1877. Recorded Sept., l, 1879. Daughter: Jennett J. Sparks. Daughter: Mary Ann D. Browder. Daughter: Martha O. Newman. Bequest also to heirs of Payton T. Nance. Also bequests to son James H. Nance, Jacob H. Nance, John O. Nance, Sarah E.E. McCown's children, George W. Nance. 2. Citation to Frances Newman of Tippah Aug. 31, 1885. 3. Citation to James Newman. Elizabeth Flake, J.O. Nance, G.W. Nance, A.L. McCown, Ed McCown, Callie McCown and their guardian, J.A. McCown, July 31, 1885. 4. Citation to Lee Newman and Tennessee Newmam, minor, July 31, 1885. 5. Non-resident notice to J.J. Sparks, T.T. Nance, L.D. Nance, Mollie Nance, Jemima Grigsby, N.J. McKenzie, Elizabeth Nance, Charley W. Jordan, M.A. Browder, Frances Newnan, Jacob H. Nance.
NANCE, MRS. VIRGIE (061632) died Sat., age 70/ nee Chism/ wife of Augustus P. Nance/ stepson is A.L. Nance of Okla./ children, are Fred, Bonnie, Mack, Mary.
NANCE, JESSE (062035) died June 16, age 69/ son of late John M. and Mary Greenville Nance/ to Tippah as a child/ married Viodie Mercer, Jan. 22, 1888/ had 6 sons and 6 daus/ sons Howard and John are dead/ living children are Almuth B., Lonnie, Willie V., Olga (Corinth), Charlie (Tyler, Mo.), Mrs. Frank Merritt (Blytheville, Ark.). Mrs. Frank Norton Mrs. Grady Norton, Mrs. A.L. Beavers (Huffman, Ark)./ brother of R.L. Nance and Mrs. Sam Barkley of Falkner.
NANCE, WILLIE ETTA (061516) died May 23/ buried in Nance Cem./ born Oct. 2, 19l3, daughter of Bonnie Nance.
NANCE, WILL H. (011321) died Mon., age 54/ buried at Walnut Creek/ son of late Capt. Will Nance/ bachelor.
NANCE, WILLIAM H. dec (PR 586). Case of John F. Braddock v. W.W. Nance. William H. Nance is dead. Widow-Polly Nance (now deceased). Children are John Nance, W.W. Nance, Martha (wife of John Stark),Cordie (wife of Ross Stark), Nancy (wife of William Chism), Elvira, Sallie (wife of ___ Norton; she is dead, leaving heirs Mary Jane Norton who married Uriah Wicker, William C. Norton, J.E. Norton, Nick Norton, Bird A. Norton, M. Pink Norton.
NEBLETT, MRS. E.A. (011525) died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C.M. Murry, Sat., age 84/ buried at Iuka beside her husband who died 40 years ago/ nee Eudora Adelaide Barbee, daughter of Horace Green Barbee and Ann Ogden/ born at Collierville Tenn., Feb. 4, 1841/ married Rev. Robert Alexander Neblett, Feb. 19, 1863/ he died in 1880/ had 7 children.
NEELY, MRS. IONE MITCHELL (070925) died Sat., age 43/ buried at Wiers Chapel/ only daughter of the late Robert Mitchell of Parks Chapel/ married first to William W. Neely/ sister to J.W. Mitchell.
NEELY, T.J. (011024) died Sunday, age 71/ buried at Clear Creek/ son: Will Neely.
NELMS, MACK (082334) died at Black Lake near Campti, Louisiana, Thurs., age 35/ son of late Sheriff Sam Nelms/ wife was nee Cora Strickland from Corinth/ brother to Ramsey Nelms, Charles T. Nelms, John Nelms of Campti, Walter Nelms of Corinth, Mrs. M.N. Mullens of Corinth, Mrs. Hugh Pitner of New Albany.
NELMS, SAMUEL (012523) died Wed./ buried in Ripley Cem./ born Dec. 13, 1852/ married Jan. 25, 1871/ had ll children, 4 dead/ Sheriff of Tippah County, 1900-1904, and Mayor of Ripley the past 12 years/ his children are John of Louisiana, Walter of Corinth, Mrs. Myrtle Mullens of Corinth, Mrs. Hugh Pitner of New Albany.
NELMS, MRS. SAM (040931) died Wed., age 80/ buried at Ripley/ widow of former Sheriff Sam Nelms/ daughter of late Sam Ragan/ children are Walter H. Nelms of Corinth, Mrs. M.N. Mullens of Corinth, Ramsey Nelms, Charlie Nelms, Mack Nelms, John L. Nelms of Montgomery, La., Mrs. Hugh Pitner of New Albany/ sister to J.T. Ragan of Corinth and Mrs. Asa Wilson of Texas.
NELSON, E.L. (061715) died Tues. at the home of his son, W.R. Nelson, of Valliant, Oklahoma/ wife- E.L./ sons are Marvin of Sobol, W.R., Luther E. Nelson.
NELSON, MRS. PATTY ELLIS (092315) died Friday at Center Point, Texas/ buried at Ripley/ born June 28, 1855/ married Thomas J. Nelson, Jan. 28, 1878/ son Howard has been dead several years/ sister to Mrs. W.M. Murry of Dumas.
NELSON, TOM J. (022824) died Feb. 22 at Corinth, age 72/ buried at Ripley/ dead brother is Sam Nelson/ brother-tn-law of Dr. W.M. Murry.
NEVELS, WILLIAM PERSHING (081628) died Nov. 5/ born Aug. 5, 1921.
NEWBY, KENNETH LEE (070236) died Mon., age 2/ buried at Providence/ son of Lester.
NEWSOM, MR. (030536) died Dec. 18/ was buried at New Salem/ born Nov. 7, 1871/ married Jan. 8, 1895, to Allie Richardson/ had 7 children/ the three oldest died as infants/ son, Edgar, died Nov. 6, 1919/ living are Floyd, Austin, Mrs. Lee Brown.
NOLEN, JOHN (012429) died Jan. 19 at the County Home/ buried at Rucker/ a native of Tennessee.
NOLEN, W.T. (divorce). Bill, filed April ll, 1883. Sallie lives in Hardin Co., Tenn. Were married in 1879, she nee Pickens. Married in Hardin Co. She deserted.
NOLEN, WILLIE (122017) died Tues. at Ripley/ buried at New Salem/ brother to George Nolen.
NORRIS, MRS. ADA CRAIG (090915) died Aug. 24/ buried at Ebenezer/ leaves husband and four daughters: Mrs. Minnie Whisenant, Mrs. Effie Walker, Miss Joe Norris, Miss Beulah Norris.
NORRIS, MRS. SALLIE WILSON (092635) died Sun., age 80/ buried at Ripley/ nee Wilson/ wife of Jim Norris/ aunt of Sam Fryar/ children are Mrs. W.L. Saddler of Tupelo, Mrs. R.E. Rowland of Winterhaven, Fla., R.A. Norris of New York City, William J. Norris of Memphis.
NORRIS, W.B. dec (PR 176). 1. Petition by Margaret F. Norris, Sept. 22, 1871. She is widow of W.B. Norris.
NORTHCROSS, J.M. (PR 234) 1. Petition Sept. 24, 1872. J.M. Northcross died in 1855 or 1856/ Children are (1) Thomas Northcross who has since died leaving one child, Sarah Northcross whose guardian is J.E. McMakin of Pocahontas, Tenn. (2)Martha Graham, wife of W.L. Graham, who has since died leaving one child, Martha, a minor (3)Mary McGhee, wife of Thomas L. McGhee, who has since died leaving two children, Anna McGhee and Clary Clark of Bolivar, Tenn (4) A.C. Northcross of Bayley Station, Tenn., (5)Sarah Ray, wife of H.H. Ray of Middleton, Tenn (6) W.S. Northcross (7) James M. Northcross.
NORTON, ARCHIE WILSON (070126) died June 11/ son of A.E. Norton/ brother to Bessie Norton/ born Dec. 21, 1918.
NORTON, BILLIE SUE (021534) died Tues., age 2/ buried at Pine Hill/ daughter of Charlie Norton.
NORTON, E.J. (033033) died Wed., age 78/ buried at Pine Hill/ wife nee Mary Elizabeth Stewart/ children are Mrs. Lillian Dixon of Blytheville, Ark., Frank, Grady, Charlie Norton.
NORTON, EDWARD dec (PR 427) John F. Norton, admin. Edward Norton died Oct. 16, 1877. Widow: Nancy. Heirs: Mrs. M.A. Stinson Mrs. Nancy Street, wife of G.M.D. Street Mrs. Sally Rowland, wife of W.M. Rowland Mrs. Fannie Paseur, wife of D.S. Paseur Mrs. Delilah Rowland, wife of H.P. Rowland Mrs. Ardima Paseur, wife of J.L. Paseur Mrs. Parthena Goodman, wife of Felix Goodman E.J. Norton (Petition dated Nov. ll, 1878, all adults of Tippah County also-Cyrus Stinson, John Stinson, William Stinson, Samuel Stinson, children of Mrs. M.C. Stinson dec., and grandchildren of said Edward Norton, who live with their father, A.F. Stinson, in Grand Junction, Tenn. also-Mrs. M.E. Pollack, wife of I.J. Pollack of Solum, Arkansas.
NORTON, JACOB N. (010230) died recently, age 80/ children are C.B. Norton of Ashland, Joe of Blytheville, Ark., Mrs. W.C. Linville of Huntsville, Ala., Mrs. J.W. McGill, Mrs. J.S. Conner.
NORTON, MRS. LUTHER (050615)died Friday in Benton Co./ daughter of John C. Tate.
NORTON, WILLIAM CARROLL (082824) died March 15/ CSA vet. in 34th Miss. Regt.
NORTON, WILLIAM JR. dec (unnumbered PR) 1. Citation for Mrs. Sophia Norton, W.K. Norton, Mary J. Elliott, and her husband, W.H. Elliott, Julia D. Cox and her husband Thomas M. Cox, Mollie A. Hewitt and her sister, Alice V. Hewitt, minors all of Tippah. 2. Citation to John H. Huddleston, Mary E. Huddleston, Wiley S. Huddleston, Robert L. Huddleston, and their father, John D. Huddleston of Itawamba Co., Mississippi.
NORTON, MRS. WILLIE COOMBS (071217-071917) died Wed. at Douglas, Arizona/ wife of Willie Norton/ sister to Mrs. Annie Wilson of Pine Bluff, Ark./ born Ripley, March 21, 1874.
NORWELL, JOHN (082626) died recently, age 51/ buried at State Line Cem./ brother to Will, Bart, Hill, Mrs. Lee McCown, Mrs. King (Memphis).
NULL, REYFORD (092431) died Fri., age 20/ buried in Nance Cem./ son of Hubert/ grandson of Tom Holly/ leaves parents, 2 bros., 3 sisters.
NUNNALLY, REV. J.B. (020735) died Tues./ buried at Chalybeate/ brother to Mrs. M.T. Finger of Ripley/ children are Grace, Mary Lois, Frances, Ruth, J.B., Mrs. Kenneth O'Kelly.
NUNNALLY, JAMES S. dec (PR 717) 1. Petition for sale of land Dec. 21, 1868. Widow: Parthenia Nunnally. Cite John Z. King and his wife Martha Jane King. Also cite: John Crawford and wife Martha, Henry Satterfield and wife Virginia Ann, Robert Nunnally, minor Simeon Nunnally, minor Mary Frances King, daughter of John Z. King by his first wife, Mary Frances King, who was a daughter of J.S. Nunnally dec., James Samuel King, brother to Mary Frances King, Pheba E. Taylor, wife of Hugh Taylor of Berlin, Illinois, Plancinia Nunnally, widow of James Nunnally dec, and her child, Martha Jane Nunnally, of Danville, Yell Co., Arkansas, Thomas Nunnally of Panola or DeSoto County, Miss (not found in either).
OGLESBY, MRS. CORRIE HUGHEY (081226) died Aug. 5, at the home of her son, Hardy Hughey, in Little Pock, Ark./ buried at Providence.
O'KELLY, MRS. MARY FRANCES LANDERS (032316), died Jan. 27/ born in Georgia, 1844/ married William F. 0'Kelly, Dec. 8, 1867/ moved to Miss., 1870/ children are Mrs. George Storey, James W. 0'Kelly, Charles L. O'Kelly, William M. O'Kelly.
O'KELLY, W.F. (042016-113016)died April 19/ born in Georgia, July 22, 184(7?), married in 1867/ to Georgia to Tippah in 1870/ buried at Dumas.
ORMAN, GEORGE (122431) died Oct. 29/ buried at Shady Grove/ born Aug. 28, 1882.
ORMAN, MRS. LUTHER (042127) died Sun./ buried at Jacobs Chapel/ daughter of Bill Garner of Dumas.
OWWEN, girls (052428) killed in a fire at New Albany were Elizabeth Owen (age 16) Dorothy Blake Owen (age 14) and Helen Owen (age 10/ children of S. Joe Owen who is 65/ sisters to Robert Owen of New Albany, Mamie of Jackson, Louise, Mrs. John F. Guyrton of Aberdeen, Mrs. David Malone of Clarksdale, Joseph Owen of Paris, Tenn.
OWEN, JOHN (071730) died recently at DeLeon, Texas, age 85/ brother to S. Joe Owen of New Albany.
OWEN, REV. NEWTON JASPER (070633) died Wed., age 73/ buried at Blue Mt./ married Lizzie Sanders, 1879/ children are Ernest (Tunica), Mrs. Daisy Foley, Mrs. Lillie Kennedy/ 2 sons and a daughter are dead.
OWEN, S. JOE (082036) died at New Albany Aug. 14/ buried there/ formerly editor of the SOUTHERN SENTINEL/ now editor of the NEW ALBANY GAZETTE/ wife is nee Lilla McAlee R. Owen/ children are J. Robert Owen, Joseph Owen (Detroit), Mrs. D.E. Malone, Mrs. John Guyton, Louise, Mamie(Jackson)/ brother to Mrs. W.O. Reynolds of Temple, Texas, Jim Owen of New Albany, and Dr. J.R. Owen of Eastland, Texas.
OWEN, MRS. SAM (042016) died near Pleasant Ridge last week/ nee Gassaway.
OWEN, WILLIAM dec (PR 637) 1. Petition for letters Sept. 22, 1883. E.S. Owen, petitioner. Owen died Feb. 10, 1883. Wife: Caroline S. Owen. Children are JohnR. Owen, Elizabeth J. Owen, E.D. Owen, Will T. Owen, Luther B. Owen, Martha J. Owen, Bob Owen, Lee Owen, Samuel J. Owen, Nancy W. Owen, James S. Owen.
OWEN, WILLIAM (050328) died at New Albany on April 30, age 33/ buried at Paris, Tenn./ second son of S. Joe Owen/ leaves wife, a daughter (Ruth), parents, brothers and sisters/ a brother and a sister are dead.
OWENS, MRS. CINDY (041928) died April 13, age 83/ buried at Pleasant Ridge/ widow of Tom/ leaves 5 sons and 2 daughters/ three children are dead.
Melissa McCoy Bell
[email protected]
© 2002, by Melissa McCoy-Bell. All rights reserved.