Tallahatchie County, MSGenWeb Queries 2000-2003

Tallahatchie County, MSGenWeb Project Queries

Posted Queries for Tallahatchie Co., MSGenWeb Project March thru April 2000



BROWN posted by Sue Berry on Friday, March 3, 2000

I'm looking for Jack Brown who was born in TALLAHATCHIE COUNTY. He had a daughter by the name of Daisy Brown. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

BOOTH, CLONINGER posted by Doy Cloninger on Monday, March 6, 2000

J.C. and wife E. BOOTH lived in Tallahatchie Co in the late 1800's and early 1900's They had daughters Dolly 1879-1900 married John CLONINGER and Nannie B. 1872-1893 also married a CLONINGER both burried at Woodlawn Sumner-Webb MS

BELL, CLONINGER, GREEN posted by Doy Cloninger on Monday, March 6, 2000

Jessie P. CLONINGER 1894-1966 WW1 vet. m.Mary GREEN 4-15-1915 aso married Velma BELL 1909-1979 in Sumner MS 11-15-1925 Both are Burried at Woodlawn Sumner-Webb Tallahatchie Co. Jessie died in Ft.Worth TX

BURKHALTER, GRAY posted by Sue Berry on Saturday, March 11, 2000

I'm searching for a Paul Frank GRAY who married Daisy BROWN. Paul Frank was born in Enid, Miss. (Tallahatchie County). I don't have anything on him at all. Daisy was born 12/4/1892 and was buried in Lewis Memorial Cemetery, Asheville, NC. She married Paul Frank 10/10/1921 in Tallahatchie Co., MS. I believe that Paul Frank's mother's maiden name was BURKHALTER. I received quite a lot of information on the Brown family, but I need any information that anyone may have on the Gray/Burkhalter families. Thanks, Sue Berry

BRYAN, BRYANT posted by Fay Roberts on Sunday, March 19, 2000

I am looking for information on Benjamin Robert Bryant. He was born in July 1878. He may have spent some time in Tallahatchie Co. We know he was from Carrollton Ms, but we don't know if he was born there. The family name my have been O'Bryan at that time. If anyone has any informaiton on this family please e-mail me at [email protected]. Thanks, Fay Roberts

CLARK, MITCHELL, WILLIAMS posted by Mona Lynn Williams OUELLETT on Tuesday, March 21, 2000

I was born in Clarksdale, Mississippi, COAHOMA County. But only because that was the nearest hospital. I lived in TALLAHATCHIE County most of my life. My mother's maiden name is Clark. My father's surname Williams. My Grandmother's name on my mother's side is Norene Clark. Her husband's name was Hugh. I do not know their middle names. Also, I do not know my father's parent's names. I am in the military and have lost touch with my roots. Can you help me? I would like to know something about my family but my "folks" do not talk much and my grandmother has altimizers. Mona Lynn Ouellett (Maiden Name Williams) [email protected]

ASHMORE, HALL, MCKNIGHT posted by Toni Ervin McEvoy on Wednesday, March 29, 2000

I am looking for information on the following line: Phillip S Hall m Paralee Matilda Mcknight date unknown, son Phillip P Hall m Della R Ashmore 28 Nov 1883 in Tall, Co son Lee Jackson Hall m Nellie Irene Mauldin 14 Aug 1915 in Tall co Also note that Della Ashmores father Ellot Doak Ashmore married Louisa Allen 24 Apr 1866 in Tallahatchie Co, MS Any and all information on these lines are welcome and will share info freely.

OGLESBY, OVERBY, SCREWS posted by Peggy Young on Tuesday, April 4, 2000

I am interested in finding informantion on the following family. I believe Matilda's Maiden name to be Overby (Oglesby?) before marriage, I also believe her to be half Indian. Is there anyone that can Help? 1870 Census 9a-9bHouse 1 House240 TALLAHATCHIE County, MS Page 1 Dist #5 Charleston-9-1-1870
173 Screws, Obadiah 37 M/w Farmer 300 Ga
173 Screws, Matilda 22 F/w KpHouse Ga
173 Screws, Josephine 8F/w AtHome Ms
173 Screws, Albert R.3/12 M/wAtHome Ms
173 Screws, Alice R. 3/12 F/w AtHome

ALLISON, BREWER, MCKEE, OSBORNE posted by Jill "OSBORNE" SHORT on Thursday, April 6, 2000

Looking for any information for John Spencer Osborne and his parents John was b.1899 in Tallahatchie Co. MS.I know nothing of his father. His mother I believe was a Daisy Allison.They were my great grandparents. He was manager for John Mckee, planter of Friars Point. Allso looking for info. on Hayden Brewer from Tallahatchie Co. and his brother Luther Brewer. Please any help on the Brewers or Osborne's in this co. would be great.

NEWSOM, SMITH, TRIBBLE, WORSHAM posted by Judy Newsom Curry on Friday, April 21, 2000

I am researching information about my grandfather, LEE HOLCOMB NEWSOM (10-21-1895/6-19-1977) married to REBECCA BURNS WORSHAM(10-27-1897/6-22-1984). They lived in CHARLESTON, MS.and at some point in PAYNES and/or CASCILLA. They are both buried at Paul Cemetery in CASCILLA, MS. LEE NEWSOM parents were WILLIE NEWSOM and VICTORIA SMITH. REBECCA WORSHAM parents were CAREY WORSHAM(b.7-16-1866 d. 3-19-1925) and REBECCA BURNS TRIBBLE(b. 2-14-1871 d.10-1932). I have no info about my gg-grandparents Willie & Victoria Newsom or Rebecca & Carey Worsham. Please help.

CORNELIOUS, GORDON, SPRINGER posted by Mary Gordon Gainer on Friday, April 21, 2000

Looking for my grandfather WILLIAM DUDLEY GORDON and my grandmother FLORENCE CHEROKEE CORNELIOUS. Grandfather born 11/10/1879 not sure what county. My grandmother born in Aberdeen, MS 2/22/1885. She was first married to Jeff Gordon at 16 yrs of age. This is listed in the Tallahatchie County marriage book #7. He was an uncle to my grandfather WILLIAM DUDLEY GORDON. One daughter was born to this first marriage, named Alice Lula Gordon born 9/01/1902. Following the death of her first husband she then married my grand- father WILLIAM DUDLEY GORDON. My father, GEORGE WILLIAM GORDON, was born 10/06/1905 the first child of this marriage. This marriage is not listed in Tallahatchie Cty records. My grandfather lived throughout his life in Sunflower Cty and Coahoma Cty. WILLIAM DUDLEY GORDON's parents died in the flu epidemic when he was 5 yrs old and his sister Annie was 1 yr old. They then lived with a family by surname SPRINGER, (no relation).

HOLLIS posted by Rex Hollis on Thursday, April 27, 2000

My GGGrandfather was BRUNSON HOLLIS, and is listed in your 1841 census for TALLAHATCHIE COUNTY. I have tried for years to find information on the name of his wife, and your listing is the first time I have even seen a reference to her. I believe her name may have been Eleanor, but had no document that confirms this. Brunson is listed in Marion County AL in 1850, with no wife. She gave birth to a son Daniel in 1841 in MS. Any help you could give would be most appreciated. My name is REX HOLLIS, [email protected].

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