Quarterly Newsletter |
PO Box 13 Marshfield, MO 65706 https://sites.rootsweb.com/~mowebste/wchs.html | Volume 2 Number 3 -- September 2000 |
Notes From The President... A wonderful time was enjoyed by all who attended the Ice Cream Social held as our regular meeting August 22nd. The Society was dedlighted to have many of the volunteers who have helped staff the museum, as this was the night we chose to express our appreciation to everyone who helped, whether it was for an hour or several days. For those of you who were unable to attend the August meeting, I will repeat some of the comments made concerning those who volunteered: Sincer the Museum opened on May 8th, more than 100 individuals have volunteered, including those who helped out during school tours and the 4th of July. The Museum is open 33 hours each week, which requires 25 different volunteers. We have had approsimately 2800 visitors during the past 4 months, and this would have been impossible without all the wonderful volunteers. So, we say thank you. The Museum could not operate without you. Pl.ease keep the enthusiasm going. Don Rost
Webster County Historical Society memberships are available for $5.00 annually, or $50.00 for a lifetime membership.
The Webster County Historical Museum will be host to a quilt exhibit now through October. If you have not already done so, drop by and see the beautiful and intricate handwork. Amonth the display are several "friendship" quilts. |
The Society is looking into the possibility of reprinting the Webster County History book. If you missed out on our first printing, and may be interested in purchasing a history book, please call the Museum at 468-7407, giving your name, address and phone number. A list is being compiled to determine the amount of interest, and it may also allow you to take advantage of any pre-publication reduced price. *Putting you name on this list does not obligate you to purchase.*
The limited edition Christmas ornaments have arrived and are available at the Museum for $12. This is the fifth in the series; it features the a Hubble Telescope.
Volunteers Keeping Busy Several volunteers have been working on indexing the Webster County Historical Society Jurnals. When complete, this index will be made available to anyone interested. The Meseum volunteers have also been busy extracting obituaries form the local newspapers. These, too, will eventually be indexed, put into book form, and used in our resource room. In addition, we are in the process of compiling records from the local funeral homes.
Meeting Dates September 26 October 24 November 27 Please note that the meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday at 7pm. |
Museum News The Webster County Historical Museum continues with its regular hours through Ocotber 31, when it will close for the season: Sunday 1pm to 4pm and Monday-Friday 10am to 4pm. The Museum will also re-open for the Christmas Open House on November 12th. Special groups that have toured the Museum durning the past few months include Faith Baptist Church and marshfield Child Development Center. Also, over 200 people signed the Museum guest register on July 4th. Call the Museum at 46807407 if you are interested in arranging a group tour. A local stained-glass artist has agreed to craft a sign for the Museum's gift shop at a cost of $75.00. The sign would be approximately 12x20, and would hang from the doorway at the north entrance to the shop. Consideration is also being given to having a second sign made to hang in either the other doorway or the south window so it could be seen from the street. If you are intersted in helping defray the cost of the sign(s), please see Pauline Wertz, or leave a donation at the Museum.
Bake Sale On a related note, Pauline will be holding a bake sale at the Museum on Friday, October 13 beginning at 8am. All proceeds will go toward the purchase of the stained glass sign(s). If you would like to hlep by providing baked goods, please call the Museum at 468-7407. |
Mark your calendar and be sure to attend our September 26th meeting. Thanks to the generosity of Mike and Kathy Brown, we will be returning to Walnut Springs Farm for an old fashioned "pie auction." Bake a pie and tell others to attend this evening of excitement, food, and fun. All proceeds got to the Historical Society to help with Museum upkeep and other programs. If you need a ride to this meeting, come to the Museum at 6:30 p.m. The meeting begins at 7 p.m.
The following is a list of new members: Empire Bank* Linda Burrows Becky Davis Margaret Golden Joyce Inman* (renewal) Imogene Sartin John Terry Jack and Etta Jean Watters* (renewal) Viola Weeks *Denotes Livetime member
Harvest Days The Society had a booth at Harvest Days, September 15-16. Displays included a poster depicting the renovations completed at the Museum, as well as Society Journals, the History Book, and the limited edition Christmas ornaments. A lot of interest was shown in the Museum and the Society's work. |
Century Club memberships and Memorial are available to anyone making a tax-deductible donation of $100 or more. |
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Monday, 10-Sep-2018 08:55:45 MDT