St. Francois County MoGenWeb Home Page

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St. Francois County  
MoGenWeb Project

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Painted by Linda Burr as part of St. Joe's salute to Flat River's 50th Anniversary

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Welcome to the St. Francois County MOGenWeb Project! This site is constantly under construction so please pardon our "dust". We will be your guides during your "virtual"  journey to St. Francois County, Missouri. Please feel free to e-mail us with any  questions, suggestions or comments.   Please bookmark this site and come visit us again. This is an ongoing project and new items are regularly being added.    


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B. Warner

M. Rickmar

Please post look-up requests to the SFC Mailing List or Message Board.   Thanks!

 queries.jpg (2780 bytes)
Query/Message Board
(1000's of obits,etc.)
Old-Style Queries

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Obituary Database
Boyer Funeral Home Obits
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St. Francois County Cenus Page

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Cemetery Links
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Probate Records
Index 1822-1955

Join St. Francois
County Mailing List

Browse Archives of Mailing List

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Search Archives of Our Mailing List

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Surname & Family Website Registry

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Mining History
Chat Dumps, Etc. 

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Life & Death in the Mines of the Lead Belt

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Mining Riot of 1917
& Other Labor Disputes

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Railroad-Related Items

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Old Photos
This link is temporarily unavailable due to WebShots website going offline

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SFC Marriage Records (1819-1836)

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Marriage Book of Elder Wm. E. Coffer (1890-1913)

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Database of Early Marriages
(Note:  This link is offline for now due to death of the contributor.)

oldtown.jpg (3129 bytes)
s, Businesses & Farms

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History & Settlement of Farmington & SFC

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Sarah Barton Murphy

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Rev. William Murphy and Descendants (1798-1918)
Written by: Alice Murphy Sturgess (1918)

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What's in a name?

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Misc. St. Francois County Maps

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Church Histories

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School Days

Biographical Sketches of Notable People & Families of SFC

History of Slavery in
St. Francois County

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Misc. Birth/Death Records &
Coroner's Inquest Index

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Rev. W. Carl Ketcherside - Pilgrimage of Joy

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Feudin', Fightin', Killin' and Misbehavin'

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Tornadoes, fires, floods, and other disasters

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Newspaper Items
and History-Local Newspapers

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Misc. Circuit Court
and Legal-Related Items

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Fraternal and Benevolent Organizations, Lodges, Clubs & Secret Societies

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Scrapbooks, Albums & Old Photographs

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Mystery Photos

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Reunions, Celebrations, and Gatherings

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Special Collections
SFC USGenWeb Archives

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SFC  Deed Book C

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Links to Web Sites
For all   MO Counties

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SFC  Records on file with Mo. State Archives
Collection #1
Collection #2

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Sarah Stringer, Mo's Last Surviving "real" DAR

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Revolutionary War

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Civil War

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World War I

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World War II

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Korean War

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Viet Nam

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Other   Military

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Highways & By-Ways

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Unique, Eccentric,  & Interesting Characters

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Local Funeral Homes & Cemeteries
(contact info/history)

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Charlotte's Corner  

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SFC Publications

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Local   Web Sites

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Old Letters, Reveries
by E. Foley & Misc.

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Towns of Missouri

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Legends & Tall Tales

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Missing Children & Unsolved Mysteries

angeyes.gif (5017 bytes)
Genealogy Quips, Poetry & Cartoons

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Cyndi's List - Mo.
Fuller's Resources


We have most issues from 1981 through 2000.  If, after reviewing the table of contents, you need a look-up, please E-MAIL us, identifying title of article and in which issue it appeared, and we will be happy to assist you.  If you have issues from 2001-2003 you could contribute to our collection or from which you could do look-ups, your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

log_cabin (6K)

Frontier Families of Missouri from the
Upper Louisiana Territory


This database is based upon the PIONEER FAMILIES OF MISSOURI, by Bryan and Rose.  It consists of early tax lists, Spanish land grants, census records, military records, and extractions from the HISTORY OF MISSOURI by Louis Houck.  This is an on-going project with periodic updates.  There are over 20,000 linked families as of July 1999.  Coordination of data entry was done by the HANCOCK FAMILY ORGANIZATION, descendants of William Hancock who settled in St. Charles County in 1797.

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Main SFC Courthouse

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New Courthouse Annex

Please sign our Guestbook!  
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St. Francois County Courthouse
Farmington, MO 63640
Phone: 573-431-6505 (all offices)
St. Francois County Places on
National Register of Historic Places


Note:  Links open in new browser window.  Look down on your toolbar for icon if page doesn't pop-up as window may have opened behind window you're viewing.   Please let us know if you find that any of these links are broken by clicking HERE.  Thank you.

Ed & Sandy Mackley's Missouri CensusPage

History of Significant Tornadoes in St. Francois County (1894-1994)

Daily Journal Newspaper of St. Francois County -
Online Obits in Archives!

St. Francois County Historical Society

National Archives And Records Administration

Ellis Island Online

Farmington Public Library

Social Security Death Index

Passenger Lists on the Internet

MoGenWeb Project

Periodical Source Index (PERSI)

Missouri Archives Project

Links to Online Searchable Military Records

Missouri Census Project

Missouri Cemetery Transcription Project

Genealogy Related Newsgroups

Old Misouri Maps (1816-1860)

Missouri State Genealogical Association

Chronological History of Office of Sheriff of St. Francois County

Submit Lookup Request to
Mo. State Historical Society

Missouri Department of Tourism

Federal Land Patent Search

Western Historical Manuscript Collection - Columbia, Missouri

Mo. State Homepage

GNIS Geographical Locator

Western Historical Manuscript Collection - Rolla, Missouri

Historic Bridges
of  St. Francois County

Handy Relationship Chart

Free Genealogy Forms to Download


Any links to external web sites contained on this site are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or approval of any of the products, services or opinions contained in any external web site.

Please click HERE to report any broken links you may find on any pages in this website or to send us any comments or suggestions.  Note:  If you're reporting broken links, please be specific as to which links you're having problems with so we'll know what to check.  Also, most of  these links will bring up a new browser window.  Check to be sure the icon for the page is not resting down on your tool bar.  Also, if you have a pop-up killer program, that could be causing your problem.  You may have to temporarily disable program or add our site to the "white" or "accept" list.  Thanks for your assistance.   

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(Since Nov. 16, 2002)



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( 03/02/03)

Copyright 2002-2017 by B. Warner & M.  Rickmar
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