St. Clair Circuit Court

St. Clair County
Circuit Court Records


Circuit Court Document – 4 May 1892

St. Clair County Republican
12 May 1892

Wednesday, May 4, 1892:
Bond and mortgage of J.L. Daugherty to school fund in sum of $300 approved.

Bond of R.S. Thurman for ferry at Crow Island, approved.

Bond of G.W. Crawford, for ferry at Howard’s Mills, approved.

Abstract of fees assessed at march term, 1892, of circuit court approved.

Annual settlement of W.F. Maddox, overseer district 18, approved.

Taxes on lot 7, block 8, Osceola, stricken from the tax books.

Bond and mortgage of J.M. Ballard to school fund in sum of $500 satisfied, the same being paid off in full.

Bond and mortgage of W.H. Hammond to school fund, in sum of $200 satisfied, the same being paid off in full.

Annual settlement of R.D. Lough, overseer district 36, approved.

Bond petitioned for by J.B. Rains, C.L. Haups, et al, entered open.

Application of J.R. Vaughn for loan of $300 from school fund, approved.

Application of Jennie Garnett for loan of $250 from school fund approved.

Road petitioned for by T.N. Jackson, Thos. Ragan et al, ordered surveyed.