St. Clair County Locations


Missouri History Encyclopedia, 1901:
Osage River – Next to the Missouri and the Mississippi, the largest of Missouri rivers, and the largest of all rivers lying mainly in the State. It is composed of the main stream rising in Franklin County, Kansas and known there as the Osage; Grand River, which rises in Miami County, Kansas; the Sac, which rises in Lawrence County, Missouri, and the Pomme de Terre, which rises in Green County, Missouri. The main stream, after leaving Kansas, flows through Bates, Vernon, St. Clair and Benton Counties; Grand River flows through Cass, Bates, Henry and Benton Counties; the Sac flows north through Greene, Cedar and St. Clair Counties; and the Pomme de Terre flows north through Polk, Hickory and Benton Counties. The four branches which, with their smaller tributaries, abundantly water twenty counties of the State unite and form the great Osage, which flows through Camden, Miller, Cole and Osage Counties to the Missouri twelve miles below Jefferson City. It has been greatly improved by works made by the United States government, and is navigable for steamboats as far as Warsaw, two hundred miles from its mouth. The region through which it flows abounds with oak, walnut and sycamore, and rafts of this timber are constantly brought out for manufacture. The river takes its name from the powerful tribe of Osage Indians which in early days dwelt on its bank

Missouri History Encyclopedia, 1901:
The Osage River enters the central west and flows eastwardly to Osceola and thence to the northeast. Its principal tributary is Sac River, which enters the county near the central south and discharges into the Osage near Osceola. The Osage receives Big Monegaw Creek from the northwest, the Peshaw, or Big Clear Creek from the south west, and Little Weaubleau Creek from the southeast. Coon and Brush Creeks flow into Sac River from the southeast. There are numerous fine springs, the most noted of which are the Monegaw Springs.