Scott Co Poorhouse

This page last modified Friday, 14-Oct-2005 19:30:15 MDT

Scott County Poor House in Benton MO
Scott Co Poorhouse Records

The pages begin with the year 1917. There are page
numbers in the left upper corner of the page on the
left.  Centered in the  page is the title "REGISTER OF
INMATES OF POOR HOUSE.  The date is written on a line
just under the page number. 

Columns start with Name of Pauper, Residence, then
there is a sub heading Length of Residence In, and
just below that section is State County
Town,City,Village. Next column has Nationality then
Former Occupation, and last column on the 1st page is
Cause of Pauperism.

The next page which is straight across from the 1st on
continues with different column headings....The title
for that page is has a line ___________ and then
COUNTY,__________.  The date is written in some of
these blanks and I will give you the info exactly as
it is written.  The other column titles along the 2nd
page are as follows... When Admitted and in a small
subcolumn underneath that is Month, Day, Year, Next
column is Condition When Admitted, Next is Date of
Birth(Month day and year are underneath as
subtitle)Date of discharge (month, day, year again as
a small subtitle underneath)Date of discharge(again
Month day year underneath)Date of death(month,
day,year,underneath) Next column is Cause of Death,
then Name of Physician,  then lastly is Remarks.   I
will try to set it up on Excel spreadsheet tonight
when I get in from work to make it easier to imagine.
Thank you for the opportunity to share this with you.
I have already gotten a request for a lookup on some
names.  This is exciting.

Scott County Poor House in Benton MO

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