Jeptha Heathman


Jeptha Heathman

Dan Hendricks shot and killed Jeptha Heathman on the 11th day of December, 1877. On the morning of the 11th, Mr. Hendricks drove over to Mr. Heathman's in a two-horse wagon, taking with him two hands. The hands and the wagon were left standing in the road. Mr. Hendricks got over into Mr. Heathman's corn field and went to where Mr. Heathman and two little boys were gathering corn. After the wagon was loaded the two boys went with it to the house, leaving the two men alone. What occurred after that no one knows but Mr. Hendricks, for when the boys returned to the field they found their father in the agonies of death -too far gone to speak to or recognize 
them. Mr. Hendricks says after the boys left he and Mr. Heathman attempted to have a settlement, when Heathman disputed the account and in an angry and threatening manner began to roll up his sleeves. Hot words passed between the parties and Mr. Hendricks says Mr. Heathman assaulted him with his pocket knife. Then he drew his revolver-- -a small five shooter, and shot Mr. Heathman, the ball entering Heathman's left breast, about two inches above and to the right  of the heart. The two men then grappled and during the scuffle Mr. Hendricks again discharged his revolver, the shot this time missing. During the scuffle Mr. Heathman received two cuts on the back of the head, which appeared to have been made with the hammer of a revolver. It appears after the affray Mr. Heathman attempted to go to his own home, but fell and expired eighty yards from where the difficulty occurred. Hendricks surrendered himself to the constable.
Hendricks was finally acquitted.