Businesses, Trade, and Commerce of Monroe County

Classified Advertisements from the 1917 Madison MO Telephone Directory


Wedding Ring Canned Goods

Phone 3

For Blue Barrel Flour

Cash Feed Store

Dealer in

Glasgow Flour, Perfection Hard Wheat Flour and Feeds of all kinds.

Plenty Ice Cold Ice During Summer Months.

S. D. Todd

Cash Feed Store. Phone 41

Chester Atterbury Hdw. Co

Incubators & Brooder

Tin, Enamel, and Aluminumware

Phone 30



Home of Quality

We Specialize in

Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods, Carpets,

Ladies Ready-to-Wear

Your Business Appreciated.

E. L. Howerton

We Repair any Make of Battery

Recharging a Specialty

Auto Livery Any-where, Any Time.

Phone No.  333 Calls Promptly Answered

Farmers & Merchants Bank

Organized 1905

Capital Stock $10,000.00

Surplus $19,000.00

S. H. Farrell    President

G. E. Dixon      Vice President

Edwin Bassett      Cashier

Arthur Dry      Ass’t Cashier

Directors: Geo. E. Dry, H. B. Ketchum, Edwin Bassett, S. H. Farrell, G. E. Dixon

Your Business Solicited


Funeral Director & Embalmer

Dealer in

Furniture Undertaking & Pianos

All Boxes and Vaults Delivered to Cemetery

Madison, MO

Phone 6412

Hello! Give me

Arthur Davis & Son.

The Up-To-Date

Grocers & Poultry Dealers

Fine Stock Wall Paper

Highest Market Prices in Cash for Poultry and Eggs and other Country Produce.

Phone 19


Let us be your ice man. 16 years in the ice business in Madison. Correct weights and moderate prices.

W. S. Brownfield, Madison, MO.

J. C. Frank

Lumber and Building Materials

Yards at Holliday and Madison

Let Us Figure With You

Phone No. 52

J. D. West

Whoesale Dealer in Poultry, Eggs, Hides, and Junk

On the job every day in the year.

Phone 30

Madison Bank

Capital and Surplus $60,000.00

J. W. Atterbury, Pres.

J. W. Atterbury, Jr., Cashier

J. R. Chowning, V-Pres.

G. M. forsyth, Ass’t

Phone 6

Phone 117

Groceries, Meat, Fresh Oysters

Also Buy Your Eggs, Meat And All Kinds Of Country Produce. I Sell For Cash And Can Save You Money On Your Groceries And Flour There Is No Company In My Store, Therefore I Can Sell Lots Cheaper. Try me and be convinced.



R. D. Broaddus

Real Estate, Farm Loans, Insurance

Home and Eastern Money to Loan

Robert Lokey

Harness and Shoe Repairing.

Also carry a line of Wear-U-Well Shoes

Ranging in price $1.98 to $3.98

Phone 135

S. P. Pickett

Prop’r of

The Madison Custom Mill

All Kinds of Custom Grinding

T. D. Walker

Garage and Blacksmithing

If it can be done we can do it.

Automobile Accessories and Competent Men in Charge

Phone 51

T. L. Warford, Druggist

Dealer in

Drugs, Sundries and Toilet Articles.

We carry a complete line of Drugs, Sundries, Toilet Articles, School Books and School Supplies, Varnishes and Alabastine. Many special line.

We serve all the popular soft drinks, soda water and delicious ice cream. Our fountain is new and absolutely sanitary and we give you the best that can be had with courteous and prompt service. We appreciate your business and strive to please you.

Warford’s Pharmacy Phone 40

W. M. Ownby

Dealer in

Hardware and Implements

Madison, MO