Gold Rush Letters-October 7, 1849

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October 7, 1849

From letter published in the Missouri Whig , Palmyra January, 1850

The last Paris Mercury published several California letters, from which we make liberal extracts. The following dated "California Mines, Oct. 7," is from Mr. S. S. Williams, who went from this county last spring, to his brother, A. G. Williams, of Monroe county:

I have written some three letters to you since my arrival here, but sopposing there is some uncertainty in the mails, I again write you, giving the time of our arrival here, as well as some description of the country andmines. We left St Joseph on the 3d day of May, and arrived in the gold diggings on the 10th of August, and reached Sacramento Valley on the 12th of the same month. ...............

In relation to the emigration this year, I think there is not over one half of them have yet reached California, though many have turned to Oregon in consequence of feed for their stock the grass being entirely consumed on every route to California. Gov. Smith of California, fitted out a company of men, with pack mules, which left Sacramento City some two weeks past for the relief of emigrants. I have no information of Heckarts or Kirklands, and think they have not yet reached the mines. Lasley, Hawkins and others, reached the mines some 6 or 8 days after we did, though I know of no others from Marion county having arrived.



Transcribed courtesy of Kathleen Wilham