--- Family History of Elizabeth White and Joseph Bollinger ---
Joseph Bollinger was the son of Nancy Savits and David Bollinger. His wife
Elizabeth White was the daughter of Pressia Addington and John White.
- David and Nancy Bollinger -
In late 1799 David Bollinger and his wife Nancy Savits were living in North
Carolina when a number of David's brothers and nephews, led by his
youngest brother George Fredrick Bollinger, moved their families from NC
to MO. At that time Missouri was still under Spanish rule and the men were
given land grants by the Spanish government on the condition that they would settle on the land with their families and improve it. David did not
make the move to Missouri with that initial band of relatives. Apparently,
he waited until the ownership of that territory passed into the hands of the
US government in 1803 before going west to determine whether he wanted to move his wife and children that far from "civilization."
David's name was recorded as a head-of-household in the Cape Girardeau district in 1803. However, since his son Henry was born in North Carolina
in 1806 while son Joseph was born in Missouri in 1808, it must have taken
him a few years to transport his family there. Some have said David was the
Methodist minister who built the first stone church in southern Missouri.
If so, his first years there may have been as an itinerant minister and he
may have waited until he had a permanent home before be finally moved his wife and children out to live with him. The land on which David Bollinger
settled his family was in Cape Girardeau Co. near Baker's Mill, an area of
Missouri that later became Bollinger county in 1851. David and Nancy lived there with their seven children who survived to adulthood: 1) "Polly"
Mary Magdalene, 2) Andrew, 3) David, 4) John, 5) Henry, 6) Elizabeth and
7) Joseph Bollinger. David died in 1821 before any of his children married.
However, within a year, his eldest daughter Polly married his nephew Phillip Bollinger and the following year sons Andrew and David also married.
Nancy probably depended on these older children to help with raising her youngest three children.
- John and Pressia White -
Years after David and Nancy settled in Cape Giradeau Co., another North Carolina couple heard about promising land that was available in the
West. In the late summer of 1817 John White and his pregnant wife Pressia decided to pack up their one-year old daughter Matilda along
with their few slaves and head out to seek their fortune in those western
lands. However, as they passed through Missouri that fall, Pressia went
into labor and delivered a new daughter whom they named Elizabeth. John decided to give his wife and newborn child a chance to recover for
several days before resuming their journey west. During this delay, John road around the nearby country side and was so impressed by what
he saw that he decided to settled there in what later became Madison County Missouri. Thus, Elizabeth, the first of the White Family children
born in Missouri, played an instrumental part in how the White family set down roots in Madison County.
John bought land near the Castor River. His home was reportedly located on the Post Road between St. Louis and New Madrid some
ten to fifteen miles east of the crossroad at St. Michael's (just north of present day Fredericktown). Not only did John and Pressia farm
their land with the help of their slaves but they also ran a stagecoach stop and inn at their home where spent horses were exchanged for
a fresh team and where weary travelers could find good food and/or comfortable accommodations for the night.
In 1818 Madison County was formed from land that included the White's property and in July of 1819 John was selected to serve
on the first Grand Jury of Madison County. Over the next 30 years John and Pressia worked hard and prospered. Their household was
blessed with five more daughters and three sons giving them a total of ten children who lived to adulthood: 1) Matilda, 2) Elizabeth,
3) Jonathan, 4) Susannah, 5) Nancy B., 6) Julie Ann, 7) Pressia, 8) Jeannette, 9) President Jackson and 10) Joseph H. White.
Around 1830, two of John White's brothers (David Alexander and William) moved their families from northern Georgia/Alabama to
Missouri and settled in Madison County also. Because records in northern Georgia indicate that these two brothers were about
to be brought up on assault charges at that time, it is suspected that the brothers moved west to avoid their difficulties with the law.
These three White brothers with their wives and children formed a large extended family group in Madison County. Most likely they
enjoyed each other's company and they visited with each other quite often. More importantly, they could count on each other for help for
any problems that arose. There is even a family story that Elizabeth Yokely White, the widowed matriarch of the family, sold her property
in NC and, with the money in her pocket, setout on foot by herself to
join this large group of her descendents in MO. When she arrived, her teenage granddaughter Elizabeth White (later Bollinger) was very
impressed that such an old woman would not only attempt to make such a journey by herself but also arrive safely.
By 1850, John and Pressia owned eleven slaves: two older than 45, three younger adults over age 17 and six children under age 11.
When John died in the Fall of 1857, his will directed than his slaves would remain with his wife until her death when they were all to be
freed. However, as a result of the Emancipation Proclamation during the Civil War, his slaves were freed years before that provision of his
will could be executed or challenged by his descendents at the death of his wife Pressia The fact that John put such a provision in his will
speaks well for the kind of person he was. Possibly, John's example influenced his younger brother William to stipulate in his own will that
his two oldest slaves (siblings Uncle Dick and Aunt Hannah) were to remain with his wife Sarah until her death and then they were to
be freed.
- Bollinger and White Marriages -
As the White children grew up and married, other nearby families like the Bollingers, Whitworths and Higdons were brought into this expanding
family group by these marriages. In 1834 sisters Matilda and Elizabeth White (daughters of John and Pressia) married brothers Henry and Joseph
Bollinger (sons of David and Nancy). The two brothers may have met the two sisters while visiting or living with an older Bollinger brother David and
his wife Nancy Fulbright who had settled in Madison Co. before 1830. Matilda and Henry married about six months before Joseph and Elizabeth.
Both newlywed couples setup housekeeping not far from their White andBollinger relatives.
- David Bollinger and his wife Nancy Fulbright -
In 1836, brother David Bollinger died but his widow Nancy and only child
Sarah continued to live in Madison county. Sarah grew up to marry Napoleon Bonaparte Allen in 1841. Some years later during the Civil War,
one of Nancy's slaves Adam Bollinger attacked and stabbed to death another
slave Jack Matthews when he found out the other slave was sneaking
around visiting with his wife. The murderer escaped and was not brought
to trial until many years later after the murdered man's son grew up and
tracked down the murderer. He found Jack living in St. Louis under the assumed name Jonathan or John Allen (same last name as Nancy's son-in-law).
- Henry Bollinger and his wife Matilda White -
Henry and Matilda Bollinger seemed to prosper in the early years of their
marriage. In the 1840 Census for Madison county, Henry apparently was wealthy enough to own thirteen slaves: six adults over the age of 19, two
youths and five children under ten years old. However the 1850 census data reported that Henry owned only two slaves (one sixteen and one six
years old) indicating that Henry's financial situation may have taken a turn
for the worse and he had to sell most of his slaves. (Did he sell some of
those slaves to relatives? Were some sold "down the river" in New Orleans?) In 1853 Matilda Bollinger contracted measles and died,
leaving her husband to raise their five children.
In 1860 Henry lived with his four older children near Fredericktown while
his youngest child Sarah lived with grandmother Pressia White at Castor.
It is not known what happened to Henry and his four older children after 1860 but Sarah remained in Missouri at least until 1880 when she
lived in Madison County MO with her aunt and uncle Pressia White and John Whitworth. Reportedly, she eventually married an H. H. Woods
of Texas.
- Joseph Bollinger and his wife Elizabeth White -
Joseph and Elizabeth Bollinger lived in Madison Co. MO in 1850 but in 1854 they bought a farm near Sabula in Iron Co. and moved there. In
1850 Joseph owned only four slaves: one adult male age 25, one teenage male aged 14 and two children, a 4-year-old male and 2-two-year old
female. After moving to Iron Co. Joseph probably needed more slaves
to help him work his farm since he no longer had relatives near by to help him. According to the 1860 slave census, Joseph Bollinger
owned 11 slaves: eight males aged 27, 22, 14, 8, 7, 6, 5, and 4; three females aged 26, 12 and 10. Three of these slaves probably had been
owned by Joseph in 1850: the two males aged 27 and 14 and the female aged 12. This young female slave was probably the Hannah Allen who
was interviewed in 1937 about her memories of slave life before the end of the Civil War. The man she married in 1866 was probably
Adam Wernecke, the 37 year old Blacksmith, who was married to 22
year old Hannah and listed in the 1870 Census for the St. Michael township of Madison Co. Hannah was most likely listed in the 1900
Census for St. Michael township as the 53 year old widow Hannah Wernecke who had borne no children and in the 1920 Census as the
65 year old Mary H. Allen, married to preacher William C. Allen. (NOTE - Hannah Allan was not the older Aunt Hannah owned by
William White and she apparently misstated in the interviews her age, claiming to be 107 when she was actually about 20 years younger.)
According to the former slave Hannah Allen, at age two she and her brother George (probably the 4-year old slave of 1850) had been
separated from their mother and three older siblings because her "white people" sold the mother and children at New Orleans. She
and her brother were kept by Joseph and Elizabeth Bollinger and, as a child, her main job was to help Betsy (Elizabeth) Bollinger take
care of the smaller Bollinger children. The young slave girl often slept on a Buffalo skin rug on the floor next to the Bollinger couple's
bed so she would be handy should Elizabeth need help with a child in the night. The Bollinger's young son Billie became so attached to
her brother George that he would often go to George's quarters near the main house to sleep at night. The former slave also reported
that the Bollingers moved from Madison Co. where she was born to Sabula, MO, before the Civil War.
Hannah indicated that around the beginning of the Civil War "oldman" Bollinger planned to take all of his slaves to Texas but only got them as
far as Rockport, Arkansas. That is how Hannah came to be in Arkansas
when Joseph Bollinger's eldest daughter Olive Higdon died there around
1863. Olive had married John R. Higdon around 1859 in Madison Co.
and her son John H. Higdon was born in 1861. Hannah's interview recounts the many difficulties Olive's husband John encountered when
he and Hannah brought his son back to Missouri after Olive died in Arkansas during the Civil War. When they finally arrived in Ironton at
the store of Olive's uncle Isaac Whitworth (married to Nancy White), John Higdon was arrested by Union soldiers. The soldiers took
Hannah and the young boy on to the Bollingers' farm near Sabula before transporting John Higdon to prison.
Some of the stories of the former Bollinger slave seem to be in agreement with Bollinger family stories told by Joseph's granddaughter
Mamie Bollinger Coleman. According to Mamie, Joseph Bollinger and his family had a fairly comfortable relationship with their slaves and their
slaves usually ate at the same table with the Bollinger family. Mamie also indicated that Joseph Bollinger had taken his slaves to Arkansas at
the beginning of the Civil War in hopes that the Union government would not be able to free the slaves if they were in a Confederate state.
According to Mamie, a short time later some members of the Union army in Missouri came to the Bollinger homestead looking for Joseph and the
family presumed that if these men had found Joseph, they probably would have killed him. Fortunately for Joseph, who was hiding up in the loft
where his children normally slept, his wife Elizabeth convinced the Union
men that Joseph was not at home. In addition, she persuaded them not to burn down her home for the sakes of her young children, saving both
her house and her husband.
Joseph and Elizabeth had six sons and six daughters (Jonathan, Nancy Olivia, Jane "Jenny," Precia Matilda "Tilda", John H., Susan, Francis,
Joseph Samuel "Joe Sam", William "Billie", Samantha, Augustus and Charles "Charlie". Joseph and Elizabeth resided on their farm near
Sabula for the rest of their lives and most of their children and grandchildren lived near by. The large family enjoyed getting together
for family occasions and participating in their church social life, especially church picnics and all-day camp meetings with dinner on
the grounds where there was plenty of roasted meats and baked pies. Joseph died in 1886 and his wife Elizabeth died eleven years later.
Both are buried in the Bollinger family cemetery along with a number of their descendents.
Their oldest son Jonathan died at age 19 while on his way to visit his White grandparents in Madison Co. MO in 1855. He was buried near
the grandparents' farm in the McClanahan Cemetery where many of his White relatives are also interred. Second son John H. was sent
with the family slaves to Arkansas when he was 17 and was conscripted into the Confederate Army in Arkansas soon after he turned 18 in 1862.
He fought with 34th Infantry, Regiment D until he was put under arrest in 1864. He soon deserted and signed the Oath of Alligence to the Union
in April 1864. Sadly, he developed a fever and died in 1865. Later, in
the mid 1880s the Bollinger's lost a third son, young happy-go-lucky Billie
Bollinger, when a tree fell and struck him on the head while he was hauling lumber for his brother-in-law William Coleman. Billie lingered
four to five hours at the home of his sister Samatha Coleman before he died and left his young widow to raise their three small children.
The other three sons of Joseph and Elizabeth all lived until after 1910 apparently on the family farm. While the youngest son Charlie never
married, the other two sons, Joe Sam and Augustus, both married and had five or six children each. After his mother died, Charlie lived first
with his brother Joe Sam's family and later with brother Augustus' family.
The six Bollinger daughters (Nancy Olivia, Jane "Jenny," Precia Matilda "Tilda", Susan, Francis and Samantha) all married and had between one
and six children each. Most of these daughters (except Olivia who died young) raised their families in or near Iron County, not far from their
parents farm. After Joseph and Elizabeth both died, their daughter Samantha Coleman moved to south Texas with her husband and children.
-- Sources --
1) 1803 Census Cape Girardeau County MO,
2) 1840, 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1900, 1910 & 1920 Madison Co. MO Census
3) 1860, 1870, 1880, 1900 & 1910 Iron County MO Census
4) 1870 & 1880 Census Hopkins Co. TX
5) 1880, 1900, 1910 & 1920 Census San Diago, CA
6) 1900, 1910 and 1920 Census for Johnson Co., Dallas Co. & LaSalle Co. TX
7) Andrews, Mrs. J.W., Madison County Historian column on the White
Family, Madison County Press, Fredericktown, Missouri, Wednesday,
December 18, 1940.
8) Bollinger, Orenia, "The BollingerConnections," copyright 1984, Printed
in U.S.A. by McMinn Printing, Ferdericktown, MO.
9) "Bollinger, John H." , http://www.couchgenweb.com/civilwar/misc255.html
10) Coleman, Paul David; related stories his mother Mamie Bollinger Coleman
told about the Bollinger family during the Civil War.
11) Confederate Infantry, 34th Regiment, Company D, Arkansas Infantry,
12) Forsythe, Roger W., staff writter for Daily Journal, "History of Slaves Slavery in Area from Early 1700s,"
13) Gonsa, Paula, White Family genelogical collection.
14) Hale, Effie, unpublished article about story related by her grandmother
(thought to have been her paternal grandmother Elizabeth White
Bollinger since her maternal grandmother died before Effie was born).
Story was about Effie's grandmother's grandmother walking from NC
to MO by herself in the early 1800s.
15) Mackley, Sandy, unpublished manuscript on the family of Luke White.
16) Miller, Michael and Higdon, Ulysses Sidney, "The Higdon History,"
17) "Remarkable Murder Case," The Plaindealer, January 2, 1879,
18) "Reminiscent History Of The Ozark Region," article about Napoleon B.
Allen pub. Goodspeed Brothers, Publishers, Chicago 1894,
https://sites.rootsweb.com/~momadiso/bios/allen_n.htm.19) Slave Narratives -- Missouri, 1936-1938, George P. Rawick Papers,
20) Warner, B. , abstract of obituary for Matilda Bollinger taken from
the St. Louis Christian Advocate published by the Methodist
Episcopal Church, South, at St. Louis, July 28, 1853 and posted at
21) "William 'Billie' Bollinger, d. Dec 1885,"
-- Proposed Genealogy of Joseph Bollinger Family --
corrections are welcome
1 Heinrich BOLLINGER b: 1710 in Switzerland + Elizabeth WOHLRABER 2 Johannes "John" BOLLINGER b. 28 Mar 1750 in PA; d. 15 Oct 1811 MO
+ Anna Catherine FULLBRIGHT 2 Heinrich (Henry) BOLLINGER b. Jan 1 1752 PA, d. abt 1803 in NC + Mary Magdalene SAVITS, daughter of George SAVITS, m. Dec 20, 1775 2 Phillip BOLLINGER b. Jul 6, 1757 Longswamp, PA, d. Feb 23, 1813 MO + Elizabeth SLINKARD 2 Daniel BOLLINGER b. 01 May 1755 in PA, d. 1843 MO
2 Adam Joseph BOLLINGER b Mar 20, 1860, d. 1844 KY 2 Peter BOLLINGER - b. Apr 28,1761 Mertztown, Berks,PA; d. Mar 22, 1835 TN 2 Doval (Jacob?) BOLLINGER, b. Feb 1763 PA, d. 1818 MO, + Catherine SAVITS - daughter of George Savits) 2 David BOLLINGER b. 23 JUN 1765 in Longswamp, PA. d. DEC 1821 MO + Nancy SAVITS, b: abt 1767; daughter of George SAVITS
3 Mary Magdalene BOLLINGER b: 1790 in NC, d: Sept 1865 MO, m. 1st cousin + Daniel Bollinger b: 1791 NC, d: May 1866 MO, m: Jan 13, 1822 MO 4 David BOLLINGER , b. 3 APR 1823 4 Eliza BOLLINGER , b. 21 AUG 1824, he was twin of Elizabeth 4 Elizabeth BOLLINGER , b. 21 AUG 1824 4 Sarah (Sallie) BOLLINGER , b. 8 DEC 1826 4 Mary (Pollie) BOLLINGER , b. 21 FEB 1829 4 Catherine BOLLINGER , b. 28 JUN 1833 3 Andrew BOLLINGER b. ABT 1795 in NC, d. 1833 in Bollinger Co. MO + Barbara Seabaugh b. 1802, m. Abt 1823 in Missouri 4 David BOLLINGER , b. 1824 4 Henry Andrew BOLLINGER , b. 1825 4 Mahalah BOLLINGER , b. 1 NOV 1826 3 David BOLLINGER b. 2 MAY 1800 in NC; d. Nov 12, 1836 MO + Nancy FULBRIGHT/FULLBRIGHT, m. Jul 6, 1823 MO 4 Sarah BOLLINGER b. 1825/1828 MO, m. 12/30/1841 Madison Co. MO + Napolean B. ALLEN b. 1822 TN, d, MO 3 John BOLLINGER b. 1803 - never married; was lame 3 Henry BOLLINGER b. 1806 NC, m. on 1 JAN 1834, d. aft 1860 + Matilda WHITE, b. 3 APR 1816 NC, d. JUL 1853 MO;
sister of Elizabeth W. BOLLINGER, daughter of John & Pressia White 4 John BOLLINGER , b. 1836 4 David G. BOLLINGER , b. 1838 4 Elizabeth BOLLINGER , b. 1841 4 Henry S. BOLLINGER , b. 1845, d: 1883 4 Sarah P. BOLLINGER , b. DEC 1849 3 Elizabeth BOLLINGER b. abt. 1808, d. abt 1883, never married 3 Joseph BOLLINGER b. 25 DEC 1808 in MO, d. 15 April 1886 in Iron Co., MO + Elizabeth WHITE b. 1817 MO, m. 25 JUL 1834, d. 1897 Iron Co. MO,
Sister of Matilda White BOLLINGER, daughter of John & Pressia White 4 Jonathan BOLLINGER , b. Apr. 27, 1837, d. Mar. 1855 4 Nancy Olivia BOLLINGER , b. 1838 MO, d. abt 1863 AR + John R. HIGDON married 1859/1860 in Madison Co. MO
5 John H. HIGDON, b. abt 1861 + Elizabeth REINSTALDER 4 Melvina Jane "Jenny" BOLLINGER , b. 1840 + H. W. JANES/JAYNES, m. 01-14-1869 MO 5 Nona JANES/JAYNES, married UNK, had no children 5 UnknownSon1 JANES/JAYNES 5 UnknownSon2 JANES/JAYNES 4 Precia Matilda "Tilley" BOLLINGER , b. March 1842, d. 1918 Hogan, MO +Thomas Edmund/Edward "Ed" Benton HOLLOMAN,
b.10-08-1843 in Ste. Genevieve Co. MO; d. 03-05-1920, Iron Co. MO;
m. 05-22-1864 Iron Co. MO. 5 Lucinda Elizabeth HOLLOMAN, b. 11-22-1866 MO, d. 01-13-1930 MO; 5 Charles Wesley HOLLOMAN, b. 10-19-1870 MO, d. 03-18-1950 MO 5 Florence Ethel HOLLOMAN, b. 02-15-1872 MO, d. 05-13-1962 MS 5 William White HOLLOMAN, b. 02-27-1874 MO, d. 04-24-1940 MT 5 Joseph Walter HOLLOMAN b. 02-22-1878 MO, d. 06-27-1972 MS 5 Linn Edward HOLLOMAN, b. 12-14-1882; d. 03-09-1969 Hogan, MO 4 John H. BOLLINGER , b. 1844, d. 07 SEP 1865, 4 Susan E. BOLLINGER , b. 1846/1847; m. 1870 + William WILLETT b. 1839 Ironton, MO 5 Ellen "Ella" WILLETT, b. 1873, d. 1889 Iron Co. MO; no children 5 Mirtland/Mirt WILLETT, b. May 1874 Iron Co. MO + Etta COLLINS, b. Apr 1878, m. abt.1896 MO 5 Charles WILLETT, b. Nov. 1879; no children 4 Frances S. BOLLINGER, b. Apr. 1848, d. 1910-1920, + Leroy "Bud" LEWIS, b. May 1848 TN; d. aft.1920; m. 02-27-1884 Iron Co. 4 Joseph Samuel "Joe Sam" BOLLINGER , b. May 1850; d. Sept. 20, 1917 + Margaret "Meg" Permelia Sutton, b. Feb 1851 MO;
d. aft 1920 OH; m. Dec. 25, 1872 5 Effie Bollinger , b. Oct 5, 1873 Sabula, Iron Co., MO; d. Aug 8, 1957; + Dr. Jesse Wilbur HALE, b. 1873 MO; m. 12-25-1896 Iron Co., Mo, d. Yoakum, TX in Dewitt CO Apr 1930 5 Ida May BOLLINGER, b. abt. 1876 + John E. REEVES, m. March 28,1900 by Joel Lewis Iron Co. MO 5 Edda/Elmo (Edward Elmore) BOLLINGER, b. Oct. 1877 + Helen KABIEL 5 Bertha BOLLINGER, b. Mar 1880 MO, never married 5 Olivia BOLLINGER, b. Oct 1882 + Frank WILSON, 5 Maud BOLLINGER, b. Oct 1884; d. Dec 14, 1976; m. abt 1916, + Fred PRASSE, b. 1876, d. 1932 5 Viola BOLLINGER, b. Oct 1886 + Bruce D. MOORE, settled in San Antonio, TX 5 Edith Elizabeth "Bessie" BOLLINGER, b. Mar. 1890, m. abt 1914 + Cyrus William EDWARDS, b. abt 1890 KY, 5 Virginia Polly BOLLINGER, died during infancy 4 William Jason BOLLINGER, b. 1853-1855, d. 1886 age 33, + Amelia J. FINLEY; married on 11-07-1880 by J. P. Huff 5 Oscar BOLLINGER, b. bet 1881-1887 5 Hansford BOLLINGER, b. bet 1881-1887 5 Ethel BOLLINGER, b. bet 1881-1887 4 Samantha L. BOLLINGER, b. Apr. 1856 MO, d. TX after 1910 + J. William COLEMAN, b. Apr 1853 TN; d. La Salle Co. TX after 1920 5 Faye COLEMAN, b. aft. 1879; dead by 1900 Census 5 Tchula COLEMAN, b. May 2, 1884 MO; d. Apr 1981 TX 5 Jerome Arthur "Art" COLEMAN, b. May 1889 MO + Pearl Elizabeth LANDRUM, b. 1887 TX, m. 12-23-1913 La Salle Co. TX 5 John Everette COLEMAN, b. Sept 29, 1891, d. 08-24-1967 TX + Beatrice BURWELL, b. 03-03-1895 TX, m. 10-02-1915, d. 12-12-1980 TX 5 William Herbert COLEMAN, b. Sept 1893 4 Augustus E. BOLLINGER, b. Oct.19, 1857; d. Nov 14, 1935 + Allie Louella ROBERTSON of Iron, Co., b. Mar. 1880, m. 09-24-1899 5 M. Beulah BOLLINGER, b. Feb 28, 1903; d. 2000 St. Louis, MO; 5 Paul Everett BOLLINGER, b. August 31, 1905 ; d. 1993 5 Faye Opal BOLLINGER, b. Jan 17, 1908; d. 1999 5 Mamie Gertrude BOLLINGER, b. Jan. 11, 1910; d. 2003 5 Edith Elizabeth (Betty) BOLLINGER, b. Sept. 01, 1912; d. 1992 4 Charles "Charlie" BOLLINGER, b. May 1860, d. Sept, 1924 in Sabula, Mo, 2 Anna Catherine "Cathy" BOLLINGER b. Aug 30, 1767 PA; d. Sep 1836 MO;
+ William PERKINS, m. 1788 NC - 2 Mathias BOLLINGER b. 6 SEP 1768 in Tyron County, NC; d. JAN 1838 MO + Priscilla (Precelia) PETERSON, b. UNKNOWN; d. SEP 1,1836 MO
2 George Frederick BOLLINGER, b. c1770, d. c1843 Cape Girardeau Co, MO + Elizabeth HUNZIKER 2 Elizabeth BOLLINGER b. 1772 NC, d. aft 1844 KY
-- Proposed Genealogy of Elizabeth White Bollinger Family --
corrections are welcome
01 Luke WHITE, b. abt. 1750 VA; d. 1825 Ashe Co. NC + Elizabeth YOKLEY/YOKELY, b. prob. bet. 1750-1758,
d. prob. 1830-1840 Madison Co. MO. Thought to be daughter of Mary Dill and John Yokley/Yokely/Yokeley of Rowan Co. NC. According to granddaughter Elizabeth White Bollinger, she sold her property in NC and then walked from NC to MO probably around 1831 after her three sons John, William and David Alexander
WHITE had all moved their families to MO.
02 Elizabeth WHITE, b. 1774 in Rowan Co., NC; d. Aft. 1850 in Walker Co., GA 02 Susan WHITE, b. abt. 1776 in Rowan Co., NC 02 Nancy WHITE, b. abt. 1778 in Burke, NC 02 Sallie WHITE, b. abt. 1780 in Burke, NC
02 John WHITE, b. abt. 1781 in North Carolina; d. Oct 1857 in Madison Co. MO + Mary Pressia ADDINGTON, b. abt. 1792 SC; m. abt. 1814 NC
03 Matilda WHITE, b. April 3, 1816, NC; d. July 1853
04 John H. BOLLINGER. b. abt 1836 Madison Co. MO 04 David Frank BOLLINGER, b. abt 1839 Madison Co. MO 04 Elizabeth T. BOLLINGER, b. abt 1842 Madison Co. MO 04 Henry Pearce BOLLINGER. b. abt 1845 Madison Co. MO 04 Sarah P. BOLLINGER, b. 1849 Madison Co. MO; + H.H. WOODS of Paluxy, Texas, married after 1880 03 Elizabeth WHITE, b. Oct 24, 1817 NC; d. 16 Jan, 1897 MO;
m. 25 JUL 1834 MO + Joseph BOLLINGER, b. 1808 Ste. Genevieve Co. MO;
d. 04-15-1886 Sabula, MO
04 Jonathan BOLLINGER , b. 04-27-1836, d. 03-11-1855 04 Nancy Olivia BOLLINGER , b. 1838; d. abt 1863 04 Melvina Jane "Jenny" BOLLINGER , b. 1840 04 Precia Matilda "Tilley" BOLLINGER , b. March 1842 MO, d. 1918 MO 04 John H. BOLLINGER , b. 1844 MO, d. 07 SEP 1865 MO 04 Susan E. BOLLINGER, b. Mar.1846 MO, 04 Frances S. BOLLINGER, b. Apr. 1848 MO, d. 1910-1920, 04 Joseph Samuel "Joe Sam" BOLLINGER , b. 1850 MO; d. aft. 1910 04 William Jason BOLLINGER, b. 1853 MO, d. 1886 MO 04 Samantha BOLLINGER, b. Apr. 1856 MO, d. La Salle Co. TX aft. 1910 04 Augustus E. BOLLINGER, b. Oct.19, 1857 MO; d. Nov 14, 1935 MO 04 Charles BOLLINGER, b. 1860, d. Sept. 1924 MO 03 Jonathan WHITE, b. abt. 1821 Madison Co. MO; d. 1862 MO + Pauline SIMPSON, b. abt 1829 MO, m.10-10-1844 St. Francois Co. MO 04 William Henry WHITE, b. 08-12-1845 MO; d. 09-05-1915 MO 04 Julia Ann WHITE, b. 03-12-1847 MO; d. 12-27-1927 St. Louis, MO 04 Issac A. WHITE, b. abt 1849 Madison Co. MO, d. bef. 1860 MO 04 Nancy Jeanette WHITE, b. abt. 1851 Madison Co. MO 04 John Andrew WHITE, b. 04-06-1853 Madison Co. MO; d. 03-05-1923 04 Preshia WHITE, b. 06-12-1855 Madison Co. MO; d. 09-21-1927 MO 04 President Hansford WHITE, b. 09-15-1857 MO; d. 11-28-1940 MO 04 Jonathan WHITE Jr., b. July 1859; d. July 1859 04 Alice Olivia WHITE, b. 1861 MO 03 Susannah WHITE, b. 24 Jul 1824-MO; d. 15 Dec 1905 CA + William BUNTON, b. 01 Aug 1821 KY; d. 30 May 1893 San Diego, CA; 04 John Henry BUNTON, b. abt 1850 MO; merchant, d. aft 1920 + Nancy COLEMAN, b, abt 1870, m. 1899 CA;
05 Clarence/Claudia? COLEMAN. b. abt 1895 CA, 05 Adolph "Dolph" COLEMAN, b. abt.1897 CA 05 Flora BUNTON, b. abt 1901 CA 05 Cardova BUNTON, (son), b. abt.1904 CA, d. aft 1920 05 Alice BUNTON, b. 1907 CA, d. bef 1920 05 John H. BUNTON, b. 1910 San Diago, CA, d. aft 1920 04 Narcissa Ann BUNTON, b. Apr 1853 MO; + James KELLY , b. abt. 1842 CT, m. abt 1874 CA, divorced by 1900 05 Maud KELLY , b. July 1875 San Diago, CA 05 Mabel KELLY , b. Mar 1877 San Diago, CA 05 William KELLY , b. abt. 1879 San Diago, CA, d. bef 1900 05 Charles KELLY, b. June 1881 San Diago, CA 05 Ella L. KELLY, b. Oct 1883 San Diago, CA 04 Ella BUNTON, b. abt 1860 CA, 04 Laura E. BUNTON, b. abt. 1862 CA, 03 Nancy Beauragard WHITE, b. 19 Aug 1826 Madison Co., MO;
d.12 Dec 1869 MO + Isaac Gilbert WHITWORTH, b.19 Nov 1816 in Madison Co. GA; d. 8 Feb 1908 Iron Co. MO; m. 11 Oct 1846 MO 04 John WHITWORTH, b. abt. 1848 MO 04 Mary J. WHITWORTH, b. abt. 1850 MO 04 James M. WHITWORTH, b. abt. 1852 MO 04 William H. WHITWORTH, b. abt. 1855 MO 04 Sarah P. WHITWORTH, b. abt. 1860 MO 04 Isaac G. WHITWORTH, b. abt. 1867 MO 04 UnknownName W. WHITWORTH (a male), b. abt. 1869 MO 03 Julia/Julie Ann WHITE, b. abt. 1827 Madison Co., MO + Henry MONTGOMERY, of St. Francois Co. MO; b. abt. 1816 MO; 04 Margaret MONTGOMERY, b. abt. 1847 MO 04 Corah MONTGOMERY, b. abt. 1858 Madison Co. MO; 03 Pressia WHITE, b. abt. 1829 Madison Co., MO; d. abt 1900
first name also spelled Preshy/Preshia/Precia + John Albright WHITWORTH, b. 31 Aug 1823 MO; d. abt. 1893, m. abt. 1848 in Cape Girardeau, Missouri MO 04 Laura WHITWORTH, b. 10-31-1849 MO; d. 07-07-1851 MO 04 Napolean B. WHITWORTH, b. 09-02-1851 MO; d. 10-14-1919 04 Charles W. WHITWORTH, b. 06-27-1853 MO; d. 07-15-1875 04 President Winston WHITWORTH, 26 Feb 1856 MO; d. 2 Jan 1911 04 William Pinkney WHITWORTH, b. 03-25-1859 MO; d. 10-15-1945 04 Joseph M. WHITWORTH, b. 08-29-1862 MO; d. 02-24-1938 04 George Washington WHITWORTH, b. Mar 1865 MO; d. aft 1910 04 Ella A. WHITWORTH, b. 09-19-1867; d. 02-02-1899 04 Rosa May WHITWORTH, b. Oct. 1875; d. aft 1920; 03 Jeannette WHITE, b. abt. 1834 Madison Co., MO;
d. bef. 1870 St. Michael, MO + John HOOSS, b. 1836 Germany(Hesse), tailor
04 John nathan HOOSS, b. 1854 MO, d. aft 1910
04 Elizabeth "Lizzie" M., b. 1857 MO, d, after 1880
04 Idora (female), b. 1859, d. before 1870
04 Julia Laura, b. 1862 MO, d. aft 1880
04 Joseph P., b. 1865 MO, d. aft 1880 03 President Jackson WHITE, b. abt. 1836 Madison Co. MO d. abt. 1881 TX + Mary "Mollie" H. BECK, b. abt 1853 TX, m. abt 1869 TX; 04 Maude WHITE, b. Sept 1869 Hopkins Co. TX, m. abt 1893 TX
+ Hiram MORRISON, b. Dec. 1872 TX
04 Nell WHITE, b. abt 1871 Hopkins Co. TX
04 Hanna WHITE, b. abt 1873 Hopkins Co. TX
04 Roy J. WHITE, b. May 1877 Hopkins Co. TX
04 daughter, b. 1878 Hopkins Co. TX 03 Joseph H. WHITE, b. abt.1839 Madison Co. MO; d. 1860-1870 MO
02 Mary WHITE, b. Abt. 1782 in Burke, NC 02 James WHITE, b. Abt. 1786 in Burke, NC 02 David Alexander WHITE, b. Abt. 1788 in NC; d. 1865 in Madison Co. MO 02 Catherine WHITE, b. 1789 probably in NC; d. 03 Jan 1854 NC. 02 Luke WHITE, b. 13 Jan 1793 in Burke, NC; d. 13 Jul 1873 in GA 02 William WHITE, b. 1796 in Rowan Co. NC; d. Oct 1858 in Madison Co. MO