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Index by Township and Range Number
To view patents click the Township, The patent holders are listed in alphabetical order in each township.
Township 34 North Range 5 East Township 34 North Range 6 East
Township 34 North Range 7 East Township 34 North Range 8 East
Township 33 North Range 5 East Township 33 North Range 6 East
Township 33 North Range 7 East Township 33 North Range 8 East
Township 32 North Range 5 East Township 32 North Range 6 East
Township 32 North Range 7 East Township 32 North Range 8 East
Township 31 North Range 5 East Township 31 North Range 6 East
Township 31 North Range 7 East Township 31 North Range 8 East
After the patent is found you can order land entry case files from the National Archives in Washington D.C.
Requests can be mailed to:
National Archives (NNR1)
Textual Reference Branch
Washington, D.C. 20408
Include in your request: Name of land office Land description (township, range & section) Final certificate or patent number
Authority under which the land was acquired (homestead, cash, bounty-land mining claim)
Provide only the information
listed above. Photocopies of patents will help.
If the file is found, a price will be determined by the size of the file and you will be notified of the cost. Send the appropriate funds and request the entire case file to be copied.
A cash entry or receipt can place an ancestor at an earlier or later time.
The date of the patent is not the date of application. The applicant may have been in a location for several years earlier.