Isham Harrison First transcription of several pages of copies of handwritten documents obtained 12/10/2004 from U. S. National Archives & Records Administration via internet order 38 total pages received. Transcribed by Marie Lawrence |
Isham Harrison Pension
File Number W10089 State of Missouri County
of Madison On the 14th day of August AD.1832, personally appeared before Thomas Cooper, William Anthony and Anthony Clubb, Justices of the county Court of Madison County, and State of Missouri aforesaid, and now sitting, Isham Harrison, a resident of St. Michael township, in the county of Madison and State of Missouri, aged seventy or seventy two years, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth, on his oath, make the following declaration, in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June the 7th 1832. That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers, and served as hereinstated Said applicant lived in the county of Granville, State of North Carolina, and entered into the Militia service of the United States, under the command of Captain William Gilliam, of Colonel William Moore’s Regiment: that a few days subsequent to enrolling, said applicant was appointed Lieutenant of said Company, and served a tour of three months duty, that during said tour, said company marched from Granville to Hillsborough, thence to Salisbury: thence by Charlotte to the Wax Saw Creek [Waxhaw?]; thence to the old nation ford on the Catawba; thence said company returned; and on their return, between Charlotte and Salisbury, the said company took charge of a body of prisoners consisting of British, Hessians and Tories, and conducted them to Salisbury. Said applicant states that Capt. William Gilliam’s Company, to which he belonged, was stationed at New Providence, at the time Col. Washington took Col. Roogaly [Rugeley]; and said applicant saw Washington’s company marching and returning therefrom, ____ The above tour of duty commenced on the 15th day of September 1780, and terminated the 14th day of December 1780; as by the Certificate of Wm Moore, for John Butler Brig.Genl, herewith forwarded will appear. Applicant states that as often as three different times, he joined the Militia of the County of Granville, and marched each time in the service, but was not in any engagement during this tour applicant marched to the Old Nation ford on the Catawba, to watch the movements of the British. For these services applicant has no written discharge, nor ever had, he was discharged verbally. Applicant believes that the entire period in which he was in actual service, would amount to about six months. Applicant states, that himself and one John Mitchell gave their Bond, dated June 12th, 1781, to one George Marsh [sp?] for the ___sum of 230 L, in consideration of his becoming a substitute for said applicant and others, for the term of eighteen months; which term the said Marsh served; and applicant, and others paid to him 115 L, out of their private funds, and furnished him with clothing. Applicant states that the original discharge and commission are now in the hands of Col. Alexander Buckner, Senator to Congress, to whom they were forwarded 14th day of February 1832, then in Washington City, with a view of obtaining relief from Congress & to whom, if necessary application can be made, and said originals procured. Applicant states that he knows of no person whose testimony he can procure, who can testify to his service. He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of any state. Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid. [Signed] Isham Harrison We, William McMurtrey, a clergyman residing in the county of Madison, state of Missouri and Theodore F. Tong residing in the same place, hereby certify, that we are well acquainted with Isham Harrison, who has subscribed and sworn to the above declaration; that we believe him to be seventy years of age, that he is reputed and believed, in the neighbourhood where he resides; to have been a soldier of the revolution, and we concur in that opinion. Sworn, and subscribed, the day and year aforesaid. [Signed] W. A. McMurtrey Elder Theodore F. Tong And the said court do hereby declare their opinion, after the investigation of the matter, and after putting the interrogations prescribed by the War Department, that the above named applicant was a revolutionary soldier, and served as he stated. And the court further certifies, that it appears to them that W M McMurtrey Elder, who has signed the preceding certificate, is a clergyman, resident in the said county of Madison, and that Theodore F. Tong, who has also signed the same is a resident in the same place, and is a credible person, and that their statement is entitled to credit. [Signed] W Anthony, P.J. Thomas Cooper, JCC Anthony Clubb, JCC I Thomas Moseley Jr Clerk of the
County Court within and for the County of Madison aforesaid do hereby
certify that the foregoing contains the original proceedings of the said
Court in the matter of the application of Isham Harrison for a pension. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my private seal, there being no seal of office yet provided, at office in Fredericktown this 15th day of August AD 1832. [Signed] Thomas Moseley Jr. clk by Caleb Co his deputy Said applicant states that he was born in the State of Virginia, and raised in Granville County North Carolina, that at about the age of twenty in the year 1780, he was drafted as a private to supply a militia draft, or call for a draft made in the Militia of said county for three months, and was first mustered into service at Granville, in the company commanded by Captain William Gilliam, in a Regiment or Battallion commanded by Col William Moore, the general officer commanding in that department or part of the country was Brig.Genl John Butler. Not more than three days after applicant was mustered into service he was appointed Lieutenant of said Gilliam’s Company, and served said tour and such – a copy of which appointment is herewith forwarded; The services or march during this tour have been noted in the original Declaration; but applicant here adds that during this tour the troops marched to the old nation ford on the Catawba, which appears to be set down as a part of subsequent services in the original declaration. On the next year, being 1781, and
in the month of September, for the purpose of supplying an other call
for a draft made in the militia of said county for three months, said
applicant was again drafted for three months, and was mustered into
service, as a private, at Granville courthouse in a company commanded by
Captain Elijah Mitchell or Reuben Moss, but which one from the frequent
changes applicant does not now, by reason of lapse of time now certainly
recollect. The field
officers in command were Joseph Taylor and Thos Sattiwhite – Applicant
served out his three months in continued duty, consisting in marches
throughout the county to suppress the tories & disaffected, on the
expiration of which time applicant was discharged or dismissed verbally. During the tour Cornwallis was taken prisoner.
Said applicant removed to this county 1816, and from the great
distance he now resides from the place of his services, he cannot know
the services of the last three months tour, and his documentary evidence
is mentioned in original declaration.
His relinquishment is made in original declaration. And to the interrogatories prescribed by the War department, & put by the Court, the said Isham Harrison answers and says, as follows. 1st I was born in the State of Virginia, in the year 1760 2nd I have no record of my age, nor ever had. I do not believe there ever was any record made of it. 4th I belonged to the Militia which was classed, and there was a call for a draft to be made out of the class to which I belonged, and on that call I was drafted for three months – and on a second call for a draft I was also drafted for three months, and served each day. 5th I was acquainted with Capt. William Gilliam, Col William Moore & Genl.John Butler, and also with Cols. Taylor & Sattewhite & am also acquainted with William Anthony & Thos Cooper Justices of this Court, William M. Newberry Clerk of this & the Circuit Courts Micajah Stowe Sheriff, John Matthews Member of the Senate within this State and Theodore F. Tong member of the House of Representatives Caleb Cox Justice of the Peace and many other citizens to whom reference can be had to speak respecting my credibility for veracity. Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid Test. [Signed] W. M. Newberry Clk Isham Harrison And the said Court do hereby declare their opinion, after after the investigation of the matter in the said amended declaration, together with the witnesses produced, and after again putting the interrogatories prescribed by the War Departments, ___ the above named Isham Harrison the applicant, was a Revolutionary soldier, and served as he states. And it is ordered by the Court, that the above Declaration as sworn to, be amended to and made a part and parcel of the original declaration herein filed, and that the same be properly certified under the seal of this Court, and forwarded to the War Department. State of Missouri County of Madison I, William M. Newberry, Clerk of the County Court, within and for the County aforesaid, do Certify, that the foregoing contains the original proceedings of the said Court, in the matter of the application of Isham Harrison for a pension
In Testimony whereof I
have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal of office at Fredericktown
this 26th day of August A.D. 1833. [Signed] William M. Newberry Clerk Copies of Certificates To Tour of Service & Appt of Lieutenant Isham Harrison Salisbury 14th ___ [?] 1780 This certifies that Lieut. Isham Harrison is discharged from his tour of duty with leave to return home. A true copy [signed] Wm Moore for [signed] Wm M. Newberry John Butler Camp near Hillsborough 15th
September 1780 This is to Certify that Isham Harrison is hereby appointed Lieutenant of a Company of Granville Militia, under the command of Capt. William Gillam, and all soldiers are therefore required to pay due obedience to his orders, and he also to demean himself becoming an Officer. Given under my hand. [signed]
John Butler B.G. A true copy [signed] Wm M. Newberry State of Missouri County of Madison William M. Newberry & Theodore F. Tong being sworn say, that the above are true and correct copies of the originals of which they purport to be duplicates. 1832 [signed] 70 William M. Newberry 1762
Theodore F. Tong Sworn and subscribed this 14th
day of August 1832. [signed] Caleb Cox J.Peace