Madison County

Madison County, Missouri

Circuit Court Civil Files






Many of the same names from line to line are spelled different.


Madison County, Circuit Court Civil Files, 1821-1869 .
Microfilm C19543 . .
Spelling, question marks are all as were on original typed index. .
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1869 Waber, John C. Gholson, John M.; Kemper, Melchoi Possesion of Gholson's Mill
1847 Waggoner, William (See State VS. Waggoner -stealing turkeys) McFarland, Arthur Slander
1863 Walker, William R. Sitze, John F. & Alvin  
1843 Walsh, J. & E. & Co. Lane & Deguire Debt
1824 Ward, Eli Stephens, William Slander
1821 Ware, George Strother, Samuel D. Slander/Accused Plaintiff of perjury in Stephens M….
1855 Waterman & Ryan Thomas, Joseph W. Damages
1853 Watterman & Ryan Thomas, Jos. W. Attachment on account (listed)
1858 Waugh, Geo. Lee Henley, Francis T. Judgement from Justice Court
1865 Weber, John A. Schamp, A. V. Debt
1856 Weil & Brother Clevelan, Charles Debt
1861 Weiss, Theodore Foster, James T. & others Attachment
1858 Welch, William M. Robbins, John D. Debt
1852 Wernecke, Henry Hooss, John Note
1866 Wernecke, Henry Foster, James  Debt/Account
1839 West, Budd Gregoire, Charles Account
1840 West, Budd Gregoire, Charles Debt
1855 Whitcomb & Bro. Isabell, William Attachment 
1868 White, Henry R. Gray, Robt. B. Attachment (for work & labor on house)
1866 White, James Higdon, John R. Debt, assignment of a note
1839 White, John Deguire, Francis P.; Bossier, J. B. Debt
1843 White, John Anthony, William Debt
1840 White, John (Assignee of Burdette, C. C.) Harris, Nathan Debt/Note
1860 White, Jonathan Combs, Silas; Spiva, Elisha; Spiv….. Debt
1865 White, Jonathan (estate) Grigsby, Thomas B. ?
1867 White, Posey (estate) Senseboy, James (estate); Wilson Debt/Note
1869 White, William Chrishorn, Elijah Debt
1826 Whitener, Catherine Sims, James Debt/Note
1822 Whitener, Henry Rodgers, Edmond Debt
1822 Whitener, Henry Nifong & Nifong Debt
1822 Whitener, Henry & others Burdette, John Debt
1867 Whitener, Henry Sr. (estate) Rhodes, Henry; et al Debt/Note
1868 Whitener, Priscilla Whitener, Pinkney Debt/Note
1824 Whitener, Solomon; Bollinger, Phillip Miller, Jacob; Cook, Nathaniel Debt
1856 Whitesides, William Phelan, Wm. G. & others Suit for slaves(Bollinger Co.)
1867 Whitworth, Isaac G. Brainard, J. A. Sale of levied property
1866 Whitworth, J. g. & Co. Brainard, J. A. Debt/Note
1869 Whybark & Fisher (interpleaded with Keehn, Ado from J. P.; Picker, E. Whittner, Edward Debt
1829 Whybark, Casper Ground, John Slander
1857 Whybark, John C. Lewis, John Attachment
1822 Wilkinson, Walter Bates, Moses (heirs) Bill in Chancery
1825 Wilkinson, Walter Wilkinson, James Debt
1826 Wilkinson, Walter Wilkinson, James (Washington County) Debt/levied on slaves, Charlotte and 3 children
1865 Williams, Daniel (estate) Schamp, A. V. Debt
1868 Williams, Francis M. White, John Assault
1834 Williams, William H. Kimbrell, John; Yount, Allen Note
1868 Wilson, Andrew Potter, Robert; Keyes, William H. Ejectment
1823 Wilson, Henry M. Neal, James Debt/execution for costs
1848 Wilson, Samuel S. Brown, James Debt
1848 Wilson, Samuel S. Brown, Jas.; Russell, Cyrus Jun. Debt
1840 Wingate & Gaskell Gregoire, Charles; Pratte, E. F. Debt/Note
1838 Withers, James Wilinson, Edward C. Debt
1841 Wood & Abbott Berryman & Stevens Debt/Note
1866 Wood, Ira L. & Musadore A. E. (his wife) Missouri Turpentine & Lumber Co. Dower Rights & Damages
1866 Wood, Ira L. & Musadore A. E. (his wife) Kenyon, Samuel; et al Dower 
1849 Woods, Christy & Co. Allen, Damascus Debt ($1074.74)
1843 Woods, Stacker & Co. Pratte, E. F. & Co. Account (Bar Lead, Etc.)
1843 Woods, Stacker & Co. Gregoire, Charles Assumpsit
1844 Woods, Stacker & Co. Guignon, Simon A. Damages
1849 Woods, Christy & Co. Allen, Damascus; Linn, William Au… Debt/Account
1849 Woods, Christy & Co. Allen, Damascus; Linn, W. A. Debt/Account
1867 Wray, H. J.; Vincent, J. W. Tharp, Ginsey; et al Debt
1821 Wright, John Sinclair, John Debt/Note
1823 Wright, John LaChance, Joseph Debt
1858 Wright, Sarah G. & others Dunham, Joseph W. ?
1863 Young, John Halpern, Isaac & Co. Debt/Notes
1821 Young, John & Co. Anthony, William Debt
1850 Ziegler, Conrad Guignon, S. A.; Pratte, R.; Marsha Petition for Deed