Madison County

Madison County, Missouri

Circuit Court Civil Files






Many of the same names from line to line are spelled different.


Madison County, Circuit Court Civil Files, 1821-1869 .
Microfilm C19543 . .
Spelling, question marks are all as were on original typed index. .
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1821 Tanner, James (From Cape Gir. Co. Case #929, 1819) Lacey, William P. & others Ejectment (land along Mississippi River)
1859 Teal, John M. Tong, H. N.; Teal, A. J. Debt
1826 Terry, Jeremah & wife Robinson, John L. Debt/Horse Trade
1825 Terry, Jeremiah & Elizabeth his wife. Robinson, John L. Debt owed Elizabeth before marriage
1861 Thayer, A. H. Steifel, Reuben; Herzinger, Frank Debt/Labor & Building Material
1832 Thomas, Moses (for use of Fitzpatrick, Thomas) Eidson, Henry; Berry, Josiah Debt/Note (from Washington Co.)
1861 Thompson, G. W. (Thompson resident of confederate states) Foster, James Account
1863 Thompson, Samuel; O'Bannon, W. J. Griffin, John W. Debt
1852 Tillman, Charles Hooss, John Account
1865 Tinnen, Antione Robbins, John D. Debt
1861 Tinner, Andrew Robins, John D. Debt
1849 Tittle, Peter & others Spiva, Elisha & others  
1826 Titus, Ebenezor Vaughn, William B. Debt
1868 Tong, H. N. (for use of Frier, E. R. Kanady, Joshua Debt
1866 Ton, Hiram (estate) Johnson, Hugh Debt/Note
1854 Tong, Hiram N. Walker, William Debt (49 acres in "Creek Nation")
1854 Tong, Hiram N. Teal, John M. Attachment
1822 Tong, Theodore & others Burdette, John Debt
1855 Tong, Theodore F. Berryman, Josias (estate) ?
1825 Tong, William Chevallier, Peter Replevin/Hogs
1868 Towell, James F. (from Ohio) McFarland, T. B. Debt/Attachment
1869 Towell, James F.  McFarland, Thomas B. Debt
1868 Tripp, Joseph (from Wayne County) Manning, David Jr. & Sr…. Damages/Destruction of property (merchant business)
1869 Trow, Richard F. Sanford, Elizaberh; et al Decree of Title
1863 Tucker, Apollonarius Thayer, Delial & Ruth Petition for deed.
1866 Tucker, Apos (began in 1864, continured because of Pric….. Holladay, Thomas; Shulte, Philip Countersuit #408, see #381; eye treatment in St. Louis
1866 Tucker, Apos (Civil War - Civil law or Martial law) Holladay, Thomas; Shulte, Philip Countersuit #381, see also #408
1867 Tucker, Apos Bowen, Wilson; Gragsby, Thomas B. Action for performance of contract/sale of lands
1827 Tucker, Joseph  Bennett, Elisha; Cox, Caleb Debt/Note
1826 Tucker, Joseph Sr. Baird, Moses; Bennett, Elisha Debt/Note
1856 Underwood, Eliza Underwood, John Debt
1847 Upman, William Wernecke, Frederick Sen. Unlawful Detainer (horse)
1852 Valle, J. B. (estate) Holloman, A. W. & John B. Debt
1866 Valle, John Abernathy, Milton Debt/Attachment
1868 Valle, John Rhodes, D. F. Action to enforce mechanic's lien
1869 Valle, John Rhodes, David F. Damages
1845 Valle, John  BTE & others Dequire, Francis Debt/Note
1866 Valle, William N. Stephens, P. J.; Dees, Ezekiel ?
1830 Vaughn, John T. (for use of Sitze, Peter Sen. Ronald, Andrew & others Debt/Note
1824 Vaughn, John  Edgers, William Debt
1829 Villars, Joseph D. Anthony, Samuel; O'Donnell, James Debt