Madison County

Madison County, Missouri

Circuit Court Civil Files






Many of the same names from line to line are spelled different.


Madison County, Circuit Court Civil Files, 1821-1869 .
Microfilm C19543 . .
Spelling, question marks are all as were on original typed index. .
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1822 Randol, John Cook, John D. Debt/Note
1837 Ranney, Johnson Baughman, John; Powell, Henry Debt
1826 Ratte, Julian (estate) LaChance, Francis Debt/Note to Ferdiand Rozier
1827 Ratte, Julian (estate) Valle, Francis Debt/Note
1827 Ratte, Julian (estate) Bird, Gustavus A. Debt/Note
1868 Raub, Christian Walker, William Unlawful Detainer/Land
183 Rayburn, Samuel W. Edison, Henry Debt
1869 Razor, Ailsy Lockwook, R. B.; Scott, William A. Dower Rights
1861 Reed & Markham (Merchants of St. Louis) Sidenburg, William, Partner of Halpern Halpern, Isaac & Co. (Merchants Debt/Note
1846 Reed, James Stone, Joseph Breach of agreement (stand of horse "stockholder")
1866 Reed, James Wilson, Joseph Ejectment
1850 Reese, Jordan Johnson, Hanan & James Foreclose Mortgage
1857 Reeves, John Reeves, Luvina ? To Circuit from J. P.
1838 Relfe, James Van Doren, J. L. Debt/Note
1849 Relfe, James D. Hepburn, Joseph L. Debt/Note signed at Mine La Motte
1843 Relfe, James H. Jones, Augustus Debt (2 cases)
1837 Relfe, James H.; Jamison, Andrew Van Doren, J. Livingston Debt
1823 Rette, Julien LaChance, Joseph Foreclose Mortgage
1858 Revel, Isaac Irvin, James Judgement from Justice Court
1864 Revell, John D. Herrell, Elisha (estate) ?
1866 Revelle, John D. Revelle, Elbert Foreclose Mortgage
1869 Revelle, John D. (from J. P.; Hawkins, T. P.) Herrel, Elisha (estate) Debt/Yoke of Steers
1860 Reynolds. B. F. South Missouri Mining Co. Debt (attachment Buckeye Copper Mine, Locomotive
1866 Reynolds, B. F. Foster, James T.; et al Debt/Bill of Exchange, Mercantile Bank of New York.
1867 Reynolds, Benjamin Foster, James T. Debt
1869 Reynolds, George (from St. Francois Co.) Crawford, Samuel W. Debt
1865 Rhodes, David Callaway, Powell; Collier, S. C. Debt
1865 Rhodes, David Collier, S. C. Petition of Foreclose Mortgage
1865 Rhodes, David Newberry, William; et al Debt
1865 Rhodes, David Teal, A. J.; et al Debt
1865 Rhodes, David Lincoln, William Foreclose Mortgage
1865 Rhodes, David Collier, S. C.  
1866 Rhodes, David Teal, John M. (estate) Debt/Note
1866 Rhodes, David Collier, Samuel C. Debt
1867 Rhodes, David Shannon, Robert; Wright, William Debt/Note
1867 Rhodes, David Farrar, Robert Debt
1867 Rhodes, David Spiva, James H.; Lincoln, William ?
1867 Rhodes, David Teal, Andrew J.; Spiva, James Debt/Note
1865 Rhodes, David (Assignee of Madison Co. Road Stiefel, Reuben; Roussin, T. E. Debt
1861 Rhodes, Henry Johnson, B. A.; Johnson, A. D. Debt
1864 Rhodes, Henry Johnson, B. A.; Johnson, A. D. Debt
1864 Rhodes, Henry Johnson, A. D.; Coponing, Daniel C. Debt
1866 Rhodes, Henry Grigsby, Thomas B. (sheriff) Debt/Payment on execution
1859 Rhyne, David Dorsett, Wm. H. & others Notes
1847 Richardson, Wm. & Wm. H. Gregoire, Chas.; Pratte, E. F. Debt
1867 Rickman, James Whitener, Daniel Assisted William Rickman to leave control of Plain….
1854 Rigney, Harris Thompson, Samuel Account
1855 Rigney, Harris C. Thompson, Samuel ?
1860 Ring, Alexander Stephens, Gabriel ?
1846 Ripley County George, Jas. B.; Shields, Wm. Debt/Note
1825 Robinson, John L.  Terry, Jeremiah & wife ?
1843 Robinson, John L. (Witness Summons Only) Hutchings, Charles ?
1821 Robinson, Philip R. Baird, Moses Debt/Note
1823 Rodney, John Sprigg, Jenefer T. Debt
1851 Rogers & Barney Herzinger, John Debt
1869 Rogers, Robert O'Bannon, W. J. & John F.; Dunaway Debt/Span of horses
1842 Ronald, Elizabeth (estate) Bossier, J. B.; Guignon, S. A. Chancery
1847 Ronald, William Morrow, Andrew Judgement for costs
1866 Rozier & Wilkinson (Rozier & Wilkinson of St. Louis) Valle, John Debt
1858 Russell, Henry P. Dequire, Austing A.; Thompson, Alf Injunction - Removing timber
1869 Russell, William; Hill, James W. Jr. & Sr. Collier, Wilson Debt/Note
1824 Rutter, Edward Simms, Bartlett Debt/Account for goods, wares & whiskey
1840 S & L Tams & Co. Gregoire, Charles; Pratte, E. F. Debt/Note (payable in lawful money of U.S.)
1843 Sappington, John Guignon, Simon Debt/Note ($73.10)
1843 Sappington, John Guignon, Simon Debt/Note ($116.88)
1846 Sargeant, Ichabod Matthews, Ezekiel C.; Gugnon, S. Debt
1843 Sargeant, Ichobod Matthews, Ezekiel C.; Gugnon, Simon Debt/Note
1869 Schrader, Freeman & Co. (wholesale liquors, St. Louis) Thompson, Charles Debt/Account
1869 Schuler & Dickson Stacy, Elisah & Joseph Debt
1869 Scott, Alfred L. Hahn, John Illegally Cutting Timber
1847 Scott, John Stone, Micajah Account (services when Stone was Sheriff)
1821 Scott, John Jr. Berry, E.; Cook, J.; Cook, D. Debt
1867 Seabaugh, Emanuel (estate) Nunn, Thomas Debt/Note
1859 Seago, Thomas O'Bannon, John B. Indenture of John Seago, a minor.
1842 Sebastian, Jeremiah Burdette, C. C.; Gosney, James H. Note
1843 Sebastian, Moses Frost, Moses Judgement for costs
1866 Seitzes, Elo Kinder, John Debt/Note
1852 Sharp, L. O'Bannon, G. W. ?
1822 Shell & Whitener Hutchings, O'Bannon & Sims Debt
1869 Short, James M. (estate) Wilson, Joseph Debt/Notes on medical account
1869 Short, P. Bolin King, Alexander; Obannon, Elijah Debt
1842 Short, Rebecca Stephens, William Unlawful detainer (horse)
1857 Shuford, John Berryman, James C. Debt
1866 Shuler & Dickson Hofman, Jacob; Linebarger, D. H. Debt/Note
1842 Sides, John Pratte, E. F. & Co.; Cox, Caleb Note
1869 Simpson, William D. Todd Charles Debt
1836 Sims, James  Sharp, Robert Debt/Account
1836 Sims, James; Compton, David; Gregory, Felix Smith, Zenas Possession of Mineral
1822 Sinklar, Charles Isom, William Debt/Note
1854 Sitze, Eli Shetkey, Wm. Slander
1857 Sitze, Eli Dorsett, Em. H.; Tipton, J. D. Note
1864 Sitze, John Abernathy, M. N. Attachment
1865 Sitze, John M. Abernathy, Milton Debt/Damage
1857 Sitze, Rufus Graham, Elijah Unlawful detainer (Land)
1866 Skaggs, Elizabeth Spiva, Elza H. Petition for dower
1862 Skaggs, Elza Skaggs, Jessie Debt/Note
1865 Skaggs, Milton Burnley, Henry Debt
1864 Skaggs, William Burnley, Joel & Henry Debt/Note
1841 Slone, Davis Boggy, Joseph & others Assault & Battery (Venue change from St. Francois Co.)
1831 Smith & Bossier Robinson, John L. Debt
1834 Smith & Bossier Sinclair, John Judgement from J. P. Court
1834 Smith & Bossier Weir, George Debt
1834 Smith & Bossier Anthony, William Debt/Note
1840 Smith & Kenner (Smith & Kenner, Merchants fo Washington) Chapman, John E.; Cellini, Francis Debt/Note
1861 Smith, Andrew Villars, Joseph D. Debt/Account, building log houses
1849 Smith, Harvey McDaniel, John Unlawful detainer (Mare)
1861 Smith, James Foster, James & others Attachment (debt for Labor)
1821 Snith, John Moore, Joseph Debt/Note
1866 Smith, John Brown, P. T.; et al Conspiring to kill plaintiff (beating / hanging / robbery)
1866 Smith, John Jr. Kiehl, John C. Damages & false arrest
1840 Smith, John Junr. Buckner, John Judgement for costs
1821 Smith, Reuben McCabe, John G. W. Broken Covenant
1828 Smith, Zenas Miller, Jacob Debt
1833 Smith, Zenas Mitchell, William Jr. Debt/Note
1834 Smith, Zenas Stephens, William & other Debt
1836 Smith, Zenas Cox, Caleb Chancery
1836 Smith, Zenas Halbert, John Debt/Notes 
1836 Smith, Zenas Arnold, William Debt
1836 Smith, Zenas Cox, Caleb; Mitchell, W. Chancery
1840 Smith, Zenas Stephens, Gabl. J. Debt
1846 Smith, Zenas Stephens, Wm. W. Debt
1849 Smith, Zenas Miller, Jacob Note
1851 Smith, Zenas McVay, Hutson Account (listed)
1833 Snyder, Adam. (Depositions taken in Jasper Co., GA) Knight, Hiram & Mekinas Debt/Note
1868 Spain, John D. Stephens, Gabriel Debt/Note
1860 Spain, Marshall D. (estate) Stephens, W. F. & William; Williams ?
1865 Spain, Marshall D. (estate) Stevens, W. T. & William; Williams Judgement
1828 Spannenburg, John Deil, Anthony Assault 
1867 Spaugh & Walls (from J. P. Wood, Ira; Smith, Henry) Raub, Christian Debt/Account (3 cases)
1844 Spencer, Jeremiah Eidson, Henry Judgement of Debt
1867 Spiva, E. H. Skaggs, Elizabeth Claim of Dower
1843 Spiva, Elisha Reed, David L.; Reed, James Debt/Note
1864 Spiva, Eliza H. Skaggs, Jesse Judgement
1860 Spiva, James Lacomb, James Debt/Note
1847 Spiva, James M. Bagnell, Isaac Debt (payable at Bank of Mo., Jackson)
1849 Spiva, James M. White, Elias; Heltibrand, Henry Debt
1849 Spiva, James M. Tittle, Peter & others Debt
1860 Spiva, James M. Lacomb, Nicholas Damages
1863 Spiva, James M. Lacomb, Nicholas; Politte, Henry Debt/Note
1864 Spiva, James M. Valle, John; et al Debt
1864 Spiva, James M. Lacomb, N.; Polete, H. Debt
1843 St. Gemme, Berthelemy Pratte, Emanuel & others Debt/Note
1846 St. Gemme, Bertholomie; (estate) Pratte, Evariste F.; Ziegler, Con… Debt
1847 St. Gemme, Louis B. (estate) Valle, John Jr. Debt/Note
1831 St. Gemme, Octal (estate) Guignon, Simon A. Debt
1846 St. Gemme, Raphael (estate) Pratte, Onesime Debt
1832 State for the use of Montgomery, Robinson Burdett, Columbus C. & John; Camp…. Debt  ($6,000)
1823 State of Missouri Brooks, W. H.; Wilkinson, Walter Debt
1824 State of Missouri Wilkinson, Walter Chancery
1824 State of Missouri Chavellier, Peter; et al Covenant
1824 State of Missouri Craddock, Thomas; et al Covenant
1827 State of Missouri - Land on Cedar Creek Campbell, Samuel Foreclose Mortgage
1823 State of Missouri (Civil Case) Mansker, John; Weir, George Debt
1822 Steel, William (for use of Ware, George) Clark, Sims, & Harrison Debt/Note
1861 Steifel, Reuben Delby, Louis Account
1863 Steifel, Reuben (From J. P.; Stephens, G. M. Potter, Ephraim Debt
1842 Stephens, Frederick M. Dossier, John B. & others Debt
1842 Stephens, Frederick M. Newberry, William N. Debt
1840 Stephens, George W. O'Bannon, John B. Chancery (Land near Labby's Creek)
1822 Stephens, Jacky B. (estate) Hutchings, Charles & others Debt
1841 Stephens, Jacob (estate) Bossier, Guignon & LaChance Debt/Note
1841 Stephens, Jacob (estate) Deguire, Francis P.; Buford, C. Debt/Note
1821 Stephens, William Neal, James Debt/Note
1838 Stephens, William W. Anthony, William Trespass/Removing Timber
1841 Stettinius & January (Stettinius & January, Dealers in groceries Campbell, Colin C. Debt/Note
1840 Stevens, Frederick M. Sharp, Robert L. Replevin (Road wagon)
1840 Stone, Henderson Burdette, C. C. Debt (Appeal from Justice Court)
1826 Stone, Micajah Bird, Gustavus A. Debt
1850 Stone, Samuel F. (estate) Campbell, George Debt
1845 Street, Samuel (Minor heirs of) Reed, Daniel L. & others Debt
1836 Street, William (for 12 mons. At $130. Per yr.) Diel, Antoine Hire of negro boy
1861 Sullivan, Huston Steifel, Reuben Notes
1853 Sutton, John Sr. Sutton, Nancy & others Land dispute
1821 Sweazia, Richard Smith, John; Hubardeau, J. Bte. Debt/Note