Madison County

Madison County, Missouri

Circuit Court Civil Files






Many of the same names from line to line are spelled different.

Madison County, Circuit Court Civil Files, 1821-1869 .
Microfilm C19543 . .
Spelling, question marks are all as were on original typed index. .
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1868 O'Bannon, Elijah Bradfield, L. T.; et al Debt/Note
1835 Obannon, Elijah Compton, David & Joseph Debt/Note
1836 Obannon, Elijah Berryman, Josias & Gerald Dispute over mineral ashes
1840 Obannon, John B. Stephens, G. W. Debt
1852 Obannon, John B. Gouring, Albert Debt
1860 Obannon, John B. Seago, Thomas ?
1842 Obannon, Yelverton Bossier & Guignon Debt/Note
1842 Obouchon, John B. Pratte & Nettleton Debt/Note (Mine La Motte)
1843 Obouchon, John B. Pratte, Evariste F.; Nettleton, G. Note
1869 Oeters, Otto (Dealer in leather, St. Louis) Gerstemeyer, Peter (of Ironton) Debt/Account
1840 Oliver, Joshua C. Bossier, John B. Debt
1826 Oliver, Thomas (Estate) Campbell, Samuel; Francis, Gideon Petition to Forclose Mortgage
1825 Oliver, Thomas; Searcy, William Campbell, Samuel Petition to Forclose Mortgage
1842 Orme, Nathan Pratte, Evariste F.  Debt
1856 Overfield, Fred Obannon, Elijah; Kemper, Z.O. Debt/Note
1837 Overfield, Fred T. Tong, Henry Debt
1855 Overfiled, Frederick T. Bollinger, Wm. & Nancy Foreclose Mortgage
1859 Parker, Everett (estate) Roads, John; Stevens, Samuel Notes
1866 Parker, Everett (estate) Stevens, Samuel Debt
1864 Parker, Margaret Parker, D. J. & Thomas Assign Dower
1864 Parker, Matilda Parker, William Civil Action
1867 Parker, Thomas M. (Mrs. Prichett's husband died in Civil War Jones, Thomas; Tong, Horace F. Wrongful detainer, property of Mrs. Prichett
1869 Parkhurst, S. (2 files from St. Francois County) Cayce, M. P. & Son Failure to deliver money (Civil War - Price Raid)
1853 Parkin, Mary Parkin, Thomas; Buckner, Aylette Debt
1850 Parkin, Thomas Cooper, Nancy Recovery of land
1835 Parkins, Joseph Montgomery, John, Nathan & Robins Debt/Note
1839 Parkins, Joseph & Thomas Arnold, Elijah Cutting timber (2,000 trees)
1847 Parks, Francis & others Boswell, John & others Chancery
1852 Parks, Richard (estate) Williams, Ezekiel Unlawful detainer (livestock)
1868 Patton, Montgomery McClusty, John Debt/Note
1868 Patton, Montgomery McCluskey, John & James Divestiture if Title
1860 Pearce, David Dorsett, W. H. Debt
1840 Pease, Augustin Hayden, John P. Possession of corn.
1842 Pease, Augustus Van Doren, John L; Pease, Henry Debt (Labor & work in business)
1843 Pease, Augustus (estate) VanDoren, John L. Damages
1867 Pease, John & Laura Perry, Samuel Slander
1851 Perringer, John   Debt
1866 Perringer, Leonard Campbell, George; Stone, Micajah Debt/Note
1828 Perry, John Teal, Charles Debt
1852 Perry, John (estate) Roberts, William F. Rent of sawmill (Washington Co.)
1868 Peterson, Daniel (case of Graham, Robert vs. Fleming, A. A. Fleming, Augustus A. Slander
1825 Peyton, Thomas Bobbitt, William Unlawful detainer/Horse
1866 Picker, Erich Wilson, Andrew Unlawful detainer/Copper Stills
1869 Picker, Theobald G. McAnully, Samuel M. Debt
1860 Pierce, W. B. & Rebecca Stevens, Franklin Assignment of Dower
1869 Pike, Edward E.; & David, William Graham, Pleasant; Grigsby, Thomas Ejectment
1858 Pilot Knob Iron Co. (St. Francois Co.) Dennis, John Unlawful detainer (Steers, chains, yoke, Wagon)
1868 Pipkin, Philip Foster, James T. Wrongful detainer/Mare
1835 Placet, Michael (estate) Bossier, John B. Debt/Note
1866 Polite, Henry Lacomb, Nicholas Debt/Note
1863 Polk, William Graham, Pleasant; et al. Debt/Notes
1846 Pollard, Jesse Bagnell, Isaac Debt
1861 Porter, Willis Burrow, Banks, M. D. Debt
1869 Pottlizer, Manham Less, Isaac Debt/Dissolution of Partnership
1832 Pratte, & Guignon Viginau, Louis Debt/Note
1843 Pratte, & Guignon Wilcox, Jesse Debt
1842 Pratte & Nettleton Brockman, Benjamin Account
1842 Pratte Valle & Co. Compton, Andrew Debt/Note
1842 Pratte, Bernard S.; Coffman, Joseph St. Gemme, John B.; Robert Henry Trespass & destruction of property (Mine La Motte)
1829 Pratte, E. F. & Co. Karrick, George Debt/Note
1842 Pratte, E. F. & Co. Compton, Andrew Debt/Note
1846 Pratte, E. F. & Co. Dillon, Sally Debt
1846 Pratte, E. F. & Co. Cook, George Debt
1849 Pratte, E. F (estate) St. Gemme, Lasondrias Debt
1849 Pratte, E. F (estate) Deil, Antoine Account (listed)
1843 Pratte, E. F.; Guignon, S. A. Viginau, Louis Judgement (levied property in Mine La Motte)
1839 Pratte, E. F. Isom, Robert Anthony, Samuel & Co. Hire of oxen, cart & harness
1842 Pratte, Emanuel & Co. Pratte, Evariste & Joseph Debt
1847 Pratte, Emanuel & Joseph Pratte, Joseph & Evariste Chancery
1852 Pratte, Evariste F. (estate) Odem, John Debt
1853 Pratte, Evariste F. (estate) Odem, John Account
1842 Pratte, J. & Co. Compton, Andrew Debt/Note
1839 Pratte, J. & Son Anthony, Samuel & Co. Debt
1846 Pratte, J. & Son Cook, George Debt
1846 Pratte, J. & Son LaChance, Nicholas Debt
1865 Prichett, James Prichett, Thomas Debt/Stud horse, Milch Cow, etc.
1839 Prim, Elizabeth Rebecca (from Cape Girardeau Co. Thompson, James Breach of promise of marriage
1866 Pritchett, James Pritchett, Thomas Debt
1869 Pruett, Henry & Sarah Frizzell, N., et al ?