Madison County

Madison County, Missouri

Circuit Court Civil Files






Madison County, Circuit Court Civil Files, 1821-1869 .
Microfilm C19543 . .
Spelling, question marks are all as were on original typed index. .
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1831 Madison County Moseley, Thomas Jr. Writ of Error
1853 Madison County Campbell, George (Estate) Forclose Mortgage
1857 Madison County Henderson, Charles K. Debt/Note
1860 Madison County Robbins, Samuel; Henson, Jesse Default on Bond
1864 Madison County Stone, Micajah (Estate) Debt
1865 Madison County Hamblin, George W. Debt
1865 Madison County Revell, Jackson Debt/Note
1867 Madison County Guignon, S. A.; et al (12 others) Debt of the Fredericktown- Pilot Knob Gravel Road
1869 Madison County Guignon, S. A. & others ?
1862 Madison County Assignee of Rhodes, David Fredericktown- Pilot Knob Gravel Road Debt
1862 Madison County Assignee of Rhodes, David Fredericktown- Pilot Knob Gravel Road Debt
1867 Madison County to use of School Fund Villars, Joseh D. (Estate) Debt/Note
1838 Madison County Court Justices Sims, James; Green, John Attachment 
1844 Madison County for Township 33 range 6E Morrow, Thomas; McFarland, Arthur Debt
1861 Madison County for use of Common School Fund Berryman, Merrida; Tong, Hiram M. Note
1861 Madison County for use of Common School Fund Brewen, David B. & Others Debt
1862 Madison County for use of Common School Fund Brewin, David B.; Collier, Samuel Debt
1859 Madison County for use of Congressional Township Lowrance, David A.; Kemper, John Debt
1858 Madison County for use of Road and Canal Fund Henderson, Chas. K. Debt
1842 Madison County for use of Road and Canal Fund Montgomery, Nathan & Robinson Debt/Note
1846 Madison County for use of Road and Canal Fund DeGuire, Francis P. Debt
1864 Madison County for use of Road and Canal Fund Brewen, David B.; Collier, Samuel Debt/Note
1851 Madison County for use of School Fund Shaver, David W.; McFadden, James Notes
1864 Madison County for use of School Township Potter, Ephraim (Estate Debt
1864 Madison County for use of Township 33, Range 8E Valle, John; Teal, Andrew J. Note
1856 Madison Iron Mining Co. Sharp, Robert L. Account
1826 Mann, James Blackwell, Robert Debt/Note
1850 Manning, F. Stone, Joseph B. & Micajah; Camp… Debt
1850 Manning, Forman Campbell, George  Debt
1860 Mansfield, Robert McLeary, Larkin; Dees, Ezekiel ?
1842 Martin, John F. Pratte & Nettleton Debt
1843 Martin, John J. see also Limrick Vs. Nettleton Nettleton, Gilbert Attachment (Land, Steam Smelting Furnace, Mine La Motte)
1867 Martin, John S. Young, Frederick Foreclose Mortgage
1846 Martin, Thomas Porter, John; Johnson, Wm. Ejectment
1868 Matthews, George W. by the state Matthews, Ancil Debt/Settlement of Estate of Russell Matthews
1869 Matthews, Henry C. by the state Matthews, Ancil Debt/Settlement of Estate of Russell Matthews
1867 May, Edwin form Iron County Civil War Higdon, John R. False Imprisonment/ Damages/ Mules & Wagon
1823 McCabe, Alpheus & others Clark, William; Anthony, Samuel Debt
1843 McCabe, Edmond H. Berryman, Josias Debt
1842 McCabe, Philip  & Charles Pratte & Nettleton & Others Debt
1832 McCabe, Philip T. Eidson, Henry Debt/Note
1868 McCartney, Samuel; Lacroix, A. Cohen, Philip Debt/Note
1837 McClain, Wm. & Allah Duvall, John (Estate) Change of Venue from Perry Co.
1869 McColgan, Neal Brady, Jonathan Property Line/Removal of Fence
1868 McColgan, Neal Frizzell, Henry; Cullison, Richard Killing 20 Hogs
1826 McCreery, Alexander Nifong, George Debt/Note
1855 McCreery, Olijah (Estate) Gregory, G. B. & Wm. N. Debt
1829 McDowell, James Bennett, E.; Madkin, J. Debt
1830 McDowell, James Bennett, Elisha; Madkins, James Debt
1842 McFaddin, James Compton, Andrew & others Debt
1855 McFaddin, James  attached Slave Elizabeth Holliday, James Debt
1830 McFarland, Arthur Cooper, Henry W. Debt
1837 McFarland, Arthur Compton, Thomas Damages
1838 McFarland, Arthur Wingo, Samuel B.; Montgomery, Nathan Note
1840 McFarland, Arthur - Fragile Montgomery, Nathan   Debt
1827 McFarland, John Fulton, Hugh (Heirs) Petition to Forclose Mortgage
1827 McGuire, William Bird, Gustavus A.;  Cool. Nathie Debt/Note
1825 McGuire, William  Assighnee of Logan, John Bird, G. A. Debt
1859 McKinsey, David & Daniel Cofflett, Jacob Suit for Title
1833 McLaughlin, John   Johnston, William, James E. Wesle… Assualt (Wayne Co)
1834 McLaughlin, John Change Venue from Wayne Co. Johnston, Wm. & others Assualt/Battery
1849 McMurtrey, William (Estate) Anthony, Wm. & Saml. Debt
1824 Mcnair, Gov. Alexander  for use of Dooley, Jacob Callaway, J.; Burdett, J.; Holman Debt
1821 Mears, David (Estate) Nifong, Jacob Debt/Note
1838 Menard & Valle Sims, James; Green, John Account
1855 Miller, Frederick F. (Estate) Miller of Wayne Co. Blanton, Benjamin F. Debt
1827 Miller, Gov. John For use of Stephens, Jacky B. Stephens Warren Debt
1826 Miller, Jacob Craddock, Thomas; Robertson, James Debt
1831 Miller, Jacob Hutchings, Charles; Montgomery, N. Debt/Note
1831 Miller, Jacob Stone, Micajah Debt
1850 Miller, Jacob Montgomery, Nathan Judgement/Sheriff's Sale (Wayne Co.)
1822 Miller, Jacob W.  Wilkinson & Barnes Trespass/Debt
1831 Miller, Jacob W.  Montgomery, Nathan Debt
1852 Miller, Jacob W.  Teal, John M. Debt
1823 Miller, Jacob W. & Wife Dodge, Henry Debt (See also, Dodge vs Bates, Moses
1824 Miller, Robert Brown, robert; D'Lashment, Lindse Debt/Execution
1869 Mills, William Spiva, James M. Debt/contract for carrying U.S. Mail
1866 Miltenberger, E. Phillips, J. V. Debt/Note
1867 Miltenberger, Eugene Phillips, J. V. Sale of levied property
1825 Minks, Amos Cook Nathaniel Debt
1869 Missouri Mutual Life Insurance Co Rhodes, David  Jr. Debt
1869 Missouri Mutual Life Insurance Co Shulte, John Debt/Note
1847 Moore, Willis K. Stephens, William & Warren Debt
1840 Montelius & Fuller Pratte, E. F.; Gregoire, Charles Debt/Note
1868 Montgomery & Newberry White, Perlina Debt/Account
1867 Montgomery, Henry Collier, Samuel; et al Debt/Note
1839 Montgomery, Nathan Crawford, Thompson Unlawful Detainer
1846 Montgomery, Nathan Britten, Samuel & Others ?
1831 Montgomery, R.  By the State Burdett, C. C.; et al Debt
1829 Montgomery, Robinson Sims, James  Debt
1830 Montgomery, Robinson Sims, James Judgement
1829 Montgomery, William McElroy, Farlar T.; Bennett, Elis Debt/Note
1844 Moore, Alexander Valle, Maline; Pratte, E. F. Debt
1826 Moore, Charles Ward, Eli Summons Only
1825 Moore, James C. Bird, Gustavus A.  Detinue
1841 Moore, John W. S. George, Andrew & James B. Debt
1823 Moore, Joseph (Estate) Edgar, William Debt
1834 Moore, Joseph (Estate) Terry, Jeremiah Debt
1822 Moore, Joseph (Estate) by Moore, Betsy Groom, Robert (Estate) By Murray,… Debt
1834 Moore, Willis K. Burns, Isaac Debt/Appeal
1840 Moore, Willis K. Kelly, Robert & Others Judgement for Costs
1843 Moore, Willis K. Grounds, Solomon Debt
1853 Moore, Willis K. (Estate) Potter, Ephraim  Note
1854 Moore, Willis K. (Estate) Johnson, Edward A. Foreclose Mortgage
1856 Moore, Thomas Duncan, Uriah Account (Livestock & Grain)
1866 Morrow, Thomas Sebastian, Eveline; et al Debt/Failure to provide House for Deed
1823 Munn, Stapen B. Herrick, Ezekiel B.; Bird Gustavus Debt/Note
1838 Murphy, Dubart Ellis, W. M. & Others Debt/Note
1868 Murphy, Peter W. Rongey, Marshall Vendor's Lien
1869 Murphy, William H. - from J. P.; Levering, John S., of St. Fra Hathaway, William; et al Debt
1868 Murphy, William M. Crawford, Samuel W.; Allen, Robert Debt/Boarding & Labor
1822 Murry, Edward & wife (Admin. Of Robert Groom) LaChance & Moore Debt
1857 Nalle, Gatewood Franks, Robert (Estate) Suit for Title
1869 Nalle, Gatewood Revell, John D. (Estate0 Debt/Season of Mares
1867 Nalle, Mary E. Hassler, Alexander C. Foreclose Mortgage
1868 Nalle, William N. Burnley, Henry Debt/Attorney Fees
1869 Nalle, William N. Vincent, John W. Debt/Note
1869 Nesbit, William Crawford, Samuel W.  Debt/Account, Ties for RR
1821 Newberry, Henry Rogers, Edmund Replevin/Feather Bed, Bedding & other furnishings.
1867 Newberry, Thomas  by Guardian, G. W. Nifong Teal, Andrew & John Debt/Note
1861 Newberry, W. M. & Gabrella; Grier, Erastus Peck, C. R. & Emily; Lindsay, R. Will of Elizabeth Frier
1867 Newberry, William  Venue to Iron County Peck, C. R.; et al Contested Will of Elizabeth Frier
1842 Newberry, William M. Berryman, Josias; Stevens, F. M. Debt
1858 Newcum, Bennett Groom, William & Others Debt
1825 Newfield, Abraham Jackson, Elliott Debt
1825 Newfield, Abraham Robinson, John L.; Eller, David G. Debt
1830 Newfield, Abraham Radford, George; Pratte, E. F. Debt/Note
1848 Newton, Sir Isaac - 1000 each of Oak, Ash, Elms, Other & Pol Desha, Eli Stealing Timber
1861 Nifong, G. W. Burrow, Banks M. D. Attachment
1861 Nifong, G. W. Foster, James & others Account (attachment Buckeye Copper Mine)
1861 Nifong, G. W. Duncan, Marion Account
1867 Nifong, G. W. Revelle, John D. Damages / Purchased Horse stolen from US Government
1867 Nifong, G. W. Guardian of Thomas Newberry Teal, Andrew et al Debt/Note
1848 Nifon, Geo. & Alexander for the Estate of G. W. Fox, David M. Debt
1858 Nifong, Geo Brewen, D. B.; Iles, James; Frier, Note
1866 Nifong, Geo. W. Collier, Samuel; Allen, Napoleon Sheriff's Sale
1852 Nifong, George Graham, Pleasant Debt
1868 Nifong, George Sheehy, Larkin & Co. Debt
1859 Nifong, George W. Brewen, D. B. & Others Sheriff's sale on judgement
1860 Nifong, George W. Morris, Daniel Debt
1869 Nifong, T. J. & G. W. Ellis & Candee (contractors Debt/Account
1868 Noell, Charles  Duncan, James S. Attachment
1869 Noell, Charles P. Duncan, James JR. Possession of personal property
1847 Noell, E. G. Callaway, Powell Debt
1839 Noell, Edward  Parkins, Thomas; Cox, Caleb Debt/Note
1842 Noell, Edward G. Nettleton, Gilbert Debt (Lead Mineral & Mineral Ground)
1868 Noell, G. W. Teal, James M. (Estate) Debt/Note