Madison County

Madison County, Missouri

Circuit Court Civil Files



Madison County, Circuit Court Civil Files, 1821-1869 .
Microfilm C19543 . .
Spelling, question marks are all as were on original typed index. .
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1846 Edgar, William C. Dillion, John & Joseph Breach of ageement (swap land fo coal wagon, etc)
1826 Eller & Robinson Neal, Jamesob; Harrison, Isham Ejectment
1827 Elliott, Henry (estate) Valle, Fracois Debt
1849 Elliott, William B. by Next friend Elliott, Jer.. Johnson, Burwell Slander
1826 Ellis, James Killer, Micha; Boren, William Debt / Note
1841 Ellis, William M. Koell, William Account (medical services & stud services?
1842 Ellis, William M. Pratte, Francis X. Debt
1855 English, Thomas Lindsay, James; Levin, A. C. Damages
1852 English, Thomas B. Lindsay, James Debt
1860 Estes, George Shapleigh Day & Co. Debt
1828 Estes, Joseph Sharp, Anthony Sen. Appeal Bond (From Cox, Caleb - J. P. )
1822 Evans, & Bird Stephens, Warren Debt
1864 Evans, Edward McClanahan, George F. Debt
1864 Evans, Edward Teal, Andrew J. Debt
1838 Evans, James Pease, Henry Debt & Damages
1837 Evans, James S. Pease, Henry Debt/Note
1842 Everley, William A. Guignon, Simon A. Debt
1841 Everley & Reese Gregoire & Pratte Debt/Note
1849 Faina, V. & Emily Logan, John & others Chancery (From Perry County)
1869 Farmer, Jesse Spain, John D. Debt/Labor on house
1838 Farrar, John - Heirs of John Farrar listed McGuire, James M. Title to Lot #10, Fredericktown
1868 Farrar, John  Williams, Albert; et al Damages/Killing of hired horse
1865 Fechheimer, Marcus Hucksborn & Tolar Debt/Account listed
1866 Ferguson, Loyd Lance, Simon Sold Mare, the property of Benjamin LaChance
1863 Filley, Giles F. Riggs, Adolphus Debt/Note
1869 Finch, Nathan Sheby, Larkin & Co. ( Contractors Debt/Account for hauling rock
1852 Fleming, Wm. W. & Robert F. Hagan, Lewis & others Debt
1854 Fletcher, Alexander Maze, Mays, Benjamin Chancery (Title to land)
1822 Fletcher, Alexander & Co Lachance, Joseph Debt/Note
1869 Fletcher, Hughes Chance Brown, John J. Debt/Notes
1842 Flinn & Sloan Johnson, John J. Debt/Note
1856 Flinn, Lysander (Estate) From Wayne Co. Shannon, Robert M. ?
1855 Flynn, Lysander H. Shannon, Robt. M. Note
1868 Foster & Rickwood Goff & Baker Debt/Account
1863 Foster, James F. & Others Weiss, Theodore Garnishment
1863 Foster, James F. & Others Weiss, Theodore Garnishment
1863 Foster, James L.; et al Smith, James
1863 Foster, James L.; et al Clubb, Aaron R.
1862 Foster, James T. Reynolds, Benjamin F. Injunction/Forclose mortgage of Bukeye Mine
1863 Foster, James T.; et al Thompson, George V. Deb/Garnishment
1863 Foster, James T.; et al Valle, John Judgement for cost
1825 Foulk, Charles for use of Drake, John T. Rodger, Edmund Debt/Levied on slaves Eliza & Caroling
1826 Foulke, Charles Rodgers, Edmund Debt/Judgement on slaves, Justeen, Eliza & Carolin
1867 Fox, David Schuler, Simeon G.; Pugh, Henry Debt
1866 Fox, David M. Lutz, Joseph Foreclose Mortgage
1866 Fox, David M. Linebarger, David H. et al Debt/Note
1869 Fox, James Gibson, Jacob Debt/Labor for hauling
1866 Fox, Johannah & James F. Tesreau, Joseph & Others Petition for Debt
1859 Frier, E. R. Brim, D. B. Debt/Mortgage of Personal Property
1858 Frier, E. R. & others Lindsay, Emily & others Set aside will of Frier, Elizabeth, Dec'd
1858 Frier, E. R. ,  Assignee Revell, Elbert Attachment
1857 Frier, E. R.; Britten, Richard Shannon, Robert M.; Martin, Moses ?
1860 Frier, Erastus Brewen, David B. Debt
1857 Frier, Erastus R. Underwood, John J. Attachment
1860 Frier, Erastus R.; et al Peck, Carrol B. & Emily; et al Judgement 
1823 Frier, Robert M. Moore, Joseph (Heirs) In Chancery/Petition for deed
1824 Frier, Robert M. Campbell, Samuel Writ of possession
1846 Frissell, Mason Simmon, Thos Trespass & Ejectment
1855 Frissell, Mason; Johnson, Tho. C. Hill, Bryan Change Venue from Washington Co.
1855 Frizzell, Zerutha Frizzell, Maria & Others Dower Rights
1842 Frost, John Sebastian, Moses Trover & Conversion of Horse