Madison County

Madison County, Missouri

Circuit Court Civil Files




1833 Caldwell, Alexander Stephens, Warren Debt
1840 Caldwell, Alexander Clifton, William Unlawful Detainer (Horses)
1844 Caldwell, Alexander Clifton, William Debt
1824 Caldwell, James Fulton, Hugh Debt
1857 Calloway, Peter & others Berryman, Richard & others ?
1835 Calloway, Powell & others Harris, Z. J.  & others ?
1854 Calloway, Powell & others Harris, Zachariah Dispute over land
1837 Camden, Peter G. Withers, James Debt / Notes
1838 Camden, Peter G. Withers, James Debt (Several Cases)
1840 Campbell, Cornelius (Free man of color) Crawford, Isreal Unlawful Detainer (Smithy Tools)
1841 Campbell, Moses (Heirs of) DeGuire, Paul (Heirs of) Chancery
1823 Campbell, Samuel Stephens, Jacob B. (Estate) Debt
1842 Cannon, Franklin Assignee of Subles, Jesse Est. St. Gemme, B. & others Debt
1869 Carleton, Henry Crawford & Allen ?
1869 Carlton, Henry - from St. Francois County Hathaway, William Debt, Accounty
1863 Carmack, F. M. - appeal from J. P. Razor, Peter  
1868 Caruthers, Sam (estate); The state for use of M… Caruthers, Solomon; et al Breach of curator's bond.
1863 Caruthers, Solomon Drier, Conrad (Heirs) Debt
1865 Caruthers, Solomon D. Fox, David H.; Winebarger, Samuel Debt
1840 Cattron, Jacob Sinclair, John Debt (payable in cattle or horses)
1821 Cavit, Moses Nifong, George; Brooks, Thomas Debt / Note
1822 Cavit, Moses (estate) by Elizabeth Nifong, George Debt
1842 Cayce, Milton P. Matthews, Ezekiel & others Debt
1849 Cayce, Milton P. Cook, Nathaniel Debt / Goods (from St. Francois Co.
1860 Cayce, Milton P. -assignee of Bennett, Thos. Thayer, A. H. Debt / Note
1843 Chapron, & Nidelet - Chapron & Nidelet of Philadelphia Gregoire, Charles Note
1845 Chapron, & Nidelet Gregoire, Charles Debt
1846 Chapron, & Nidelet Gregoire, Charles Debt
1860 Charless, Blow & Co. (with Pearce, David vs. Do Dorsett, W. H. Debt
1863 Chenwith, A. H. Shannon, John  
1859 Child, Pratte & Co. Dorsett, Wm. H. Note
1866 Chilton, Francis Winters, Robert Debt / rent of house
1854 Chilton, Jesse Campbell, Geo. (estate) & others Foreclose mortgage
1847 Chilton, Raeigh Biswell, Richard Attachment (from Justice Court)
1854 Chilton, Raeigh Chilton, Jarret & others Decree of Title
1842 Chouteau & Valle DeGuire, Francis P. Debt
1868 Chrishorn, Elija from J. P. Burks, B. G. White, William Debt / rent of farm
1836 Chrismon, Gilbert Jennings, John Debt . Mare
1863 Claflin, Allen & Co. Halpern, Isaac; et al Debt / Note
1846 Clark, ech & Co. Pratte, E. F. Assumpsit
1860 Clark, Steadman Burch & McClenahan Damages
1840 Clemmens, James Jr. Brown, Robt. Sen. & Robt. Jr. Debt (from Perry Co.)
1857 Clifton, James; Slave, Millei Walt, Wm Petition to stay execution (Perry Co.)
1823 Coats, Merrit Hickman, William Debt
1852 Cobb, Alexander  M.; for materials on building, etc. Perry, George W. Account (Perry Co.)
1842 Coffman, Joseph Guignon, S.A. Debt
1843 Coffman, Joseph; Pratte's Landing and Mine La Motte Matthews & Guignon Account (listed for shipping of lead, etc.)
1846 Coffman, Joseph Matthews, Ezekiel C.; Guignon, S. Debt
1846 Coffman, Joseph; Assignee of Guignow, S. A. Valle, John Junior Debt
1868 Cohen & Schulte; Fragile Tucker, Felix (in penetentary) Debt/ Lott in Fredericktown
1866 Cohen, Philip Tucker, Apos Debt/ Account of Mrs. Burrace
1866 Cohen, Philip; Fragile Missouri Terpentine Co. Debt
1868 Cohen, Philip; Fragile Hoos, John as trustee for his wi Debt/ Account
1869 Cohen, Philip; Fragile Fuller, Thomas Conversion of property/ greenbacks
1867 Cohen, Philip; Montgomery, Henry Wernecke, Henry Right-of-way/ Lot #1, Northeast of courthouse
1865 Coker, Peter Whiteman, Frederick Debt
1842 Collier, Alison Hill, Thomas Debt
1842 Collier, George; Pettus, Wm. G. Berryman, Josias Debt
1856 Collier, H.A. Teal, John M. & Andrew J. Foreclose Mortgage
1853 Collier, Henry A. Hammack, William W. Debt/ Forged notes of Moses Hovis
1843 Collier, Minor children (Frier, R.M., Guardian) Lindsey's slaves listed Lindsay, James Debt
1868 Collier, S.C. McClanahan, George Debt/ Attachment
1859 Collier, Samuel C.; Assignee of Tong & Aubuchon Brewen, David B. Brewen, David B. Note
1867 Collier, Samuel C.; Allen, Napoleon B. Kenyon, A.F. Debt/Note
1865 Collier, Talitha Calloway, Powell; O'Bannon, James Debt
1865 Collier, Talitha Stevens, William S.; Lewallen, Wi Debt/Note
1834 Collier, William Bennett, Edw. H.; Anthony, Wm. Debt/Note
1860 Collier, Wilson Reed, James ?
1821 Commissioners to fix seat of justice Hemby, Jonathan; Allen, Jessee Debt
1832 Compton, David; Partners under name of Anthony & Compton Anthony, Samuel Debt/ on Lead
1832 Compton, David & Joseph Deguire, Deguire & Beave Possession of lead, ashes, bon tar, etc.
1840 Compton, Richard Gibson, William Garnishment
1841 Compton, Richard Skaggs, Drewry Debt
1841 Compton, Richard LaChance, Leonard Debt
1841 Compton, Richard Stevenson, Hugh B. Debt
1841 Compton, Richard Obannon, Yelverton Debt
1841 Compton, Richard DeGuire, Francis P. Debt
1841 Compton, Richard Sharp, Robert L. Debt as Garnishee
1841 Compton, Richard Cox, Robert S. Debt ($2.12 1/2)
1845 Compton, Richard Blanks, Zeno T. Judgement for costs
1847 Compton, Richard; Allen, Damascus Dean, Abraham Debt (note made at Mine La Motte)
1864 Conaway, Joseph Lindinger, Ambrose Unlawfully taking horse (Shannon County)
1828 Cook, Nathaniel Chevallier, Peter & Pelige Debt
1859 Cooper, B.C. Revell, Elbert Debt/Note
1850 Cooper, Mary Bagnell, Isaac Suit for Title
1869 Cooper, Mary Spiva, James M. & Buford, C.Y. Debt/Note
1867 Cooper, R.C. (Sheriff) Ray, John Failure to give bond for sale of real estate
1859 Cooper, Robert C. Wray, Albert Debt
1840 Copelen, Lott Eidson, Henry Debt (payable in furniture)
1823 Cortes, John; for use of Lebauine, Auguste Pettit, John L. Debt
1866 Cortois, Alexis Coker, Peter Took up stray horse without posting notice
1846 Cox, Ann E.; by Guardian, Stevens, F.M. Guignon & Pratte Debt/Note
1869 Cox, Aris McKinnins, John M.A. Debt/Note
1838 Cox, C. & M. Burns, Peter Note
1834 Cox, Caleb Deguire, Benjamin Debt
1838 Cox, Caleb Sims, James Attachment (Negro Girl, aged 10)
1841 Cox, Caleb Potter, Ephraim Debt/Note
1841 Cox, Caleb St. Gemme, BMI & others Debt
1842 Cox, Caleb Pratte, Evariste F. Debt (Payable in current Philadelphia money)
1843 Cox, Caleb Potter, Willis Debt
1843 Cox, Caleb Pratte, Evariste F. Debt ($1368.95)
1845 Cox, Caleb Chilton, Thomas Garnishment
1846 Cox, Caleb Ronald, Wm. Replevin
1850 Cox, Caleb Franks, Robert Debt/Note
1854 Cox, Caleb (Estate) Teal, John M. & Andrew J. Attachment
1866 Cox, Caleb (Estate) Kemp, Elis B. (estate) Debt/Note
1827 Cox, Caleb; Smith, Zenas Chavallier, Peter; Dequire, L. F. Debt
1855 Cox, Louisa C. & Wm. F. Teal, John M. & Andrew J. Account
1828 Cox, M. & C. Bennett, Elisha Note ($22.50)
1828 Cox, M. & C. Bennett, Edward H. Note ($162.41)
1836 Cox, Moses & Caleb Burns, Peter Debt
1828 Cox, Moses; Smith, Zenas Miller, Jacob W. Debt
1861 Cox, William Foster, James T. Account
1863 Cox, William F. Tidwell, Franklin Debt/Notes
1869 Cox, William F. Rhodes, David F. Note
1869 Cox, William F.; Assignee of Anthony, M. & Brot Dee, Thomas Debt/Note
1842 Craddock, John C. Bowen, James Debt
1853 Cravens, John Kelly, Lewis C. & William, Ragsdale Execution only
1858 Cravens, William (Estate) Ragsdell, H. K.; Burcham, James Note
1832 Criddle, Edward; Note signed in 1821 Hutchings, Charles Debt/Note
1833 Criddle, Edward Stone, Micajab; et al Debt
1862 Crishorn, Elijah Loyd, Joseph Senior Damages/Shot white mare
1863 Crishorn, Elijah Simmons, Elijah Judgement for costs against plaintiff
1867 Crissap, John (Estate) Dees, Ezekiel Foreclose mortgage
1856 Crissup, John Shultz, George Assault
1863 Cross, James E. Riggs, Adolphus & Sampson Debt / Note
1822 Cross, John; Garner, William Ramsey, William  heir at Law of B.. Debt
1842 Crow, Tevis & McGreery Buignon, Simon A. Debt
1841 Cunningham & Valle Pratte & Nettleton Account (work on store building)
1830 Daquet, Peter Jackson, Elliot Debt / Note
1828 Daquette, Peter Jackson, Elliot Debt / Note for account
1854 Davidson, James & Lucinda Brewin, David B. & others Damages
1858 Davidson, Jas. & others Brewen, David & others Note
1860 Davis, Charles A. Davis, John M. Debt
1869 Davis, Gabriel (estate) from Butler County Dill, A. R.; et al Administrator's Bond
1829 Davis, Greer Stephens, William; Weir, George Debt
1844 Davis, John F. Belman, John; McDowell, George Trespass with arms (took away livestock)
1856 Davis, Samuel C. & Co. Gregory, William H. Debt / Note
1855 Davis, Samuel C. & Co. Gregory, William H. Note
1824 Davis, Timothy for use of Daquette, Perer Bird, Gustavus A. Breach of conevent
1843 Deaver, Larkin Pratte, Evariste F. Debt
1851 Dedero, Eliza J. Hamilton, William Breach of Promise / Marriage
1823 Dedrick, David L. (estate) by Smith, T.,  John A. Simms, Bartlett Debt
1846 Deguire, Francis P. Pratte, Evariste Debt
1843 Delassus, Leon Brady, William Rent of Land
1822 Dellinger, Catherine Miller, Jacob & others Debt
1839 Dennis, James Smith, John Execution of judgment rendered in 1821
1831 Dennis, James B. Rette (Alias Le Brier), Julian Suit for deed
1860 Derby & Day Reynolds, John Account
1840 Desloge, Firman, Rozier, Francis Gregoire, Charles Debt / Note
1867 Devin, Richard Brewin, William (estate) Damages / False Deed
1858 Diel, Louis Anthony, Mark; Wright, Smith C. Fraudulent Land transaction.
1823 Dillon, William (estate Sinclair & Crawford Debt
1853 Dixon, George W. Robins, John D. Debt on contract (rent of farm)
1823 Dodge, Henry Bates, Moses (estates) Debt / Bacon for salt
1859 Doolen, Michael & Polly; Hampton, Andrew & Beth Bess, Abner ?
1833 Doolen, Michael & Polly; Hampton, Andrew & Beth Baird, Moses Broken Covenant / land of Jack Stephens, deceased.
1858 Dorsett & Tipton Robins, John   Judgment from justice court
1855 Doyle, Daniel Quigley, John Breach of contract (St. Louis Iron Mt. Railroad)
1859 Doyle, Daniel Quigley, John ?
1846 Duckequette, Joseph & others Stengel, David Breach of agreement ( delivery of cobalt ore)
1868 Dudly, Susan E. by Guardian Rickman, James The Court Petition for sale of real estate
1842 Duncan, Allen (estate) George, Andrew L. tDeb (appeal from Justice Court)
1868 Duncan, James Noell, Charles Debt/ Boarding and use of horses and threshing mach
1869 Duncan, James Noell, Charles; Wernecke, Henry Debt
1860 Duncan, R. A. Wray, Albert Alias execution & sheriff;s sale
1858 Duncan, Uriah Morris, Thomas Debt / balance of payment for land / judgment for Co.
1869 Duncan, William R. Assignee of Duncan, A. D. Ford, J. W. ; Roy, S. G. Debt / Note
1839 Dunklin, Daniel Assignee of Gaines, Wm. Guignon, S. A. ; Pratte, E. F. Note
1840 Dunklin, Daniel Assignee of Gaines, William Guignon, Simon A. Debt
1869 Dunn, Joseph H. assignee Tong, Mary Ann; et all Suit for proper title
1869 Durnad & Lacondamine Smith, H. A. Debt / Attachment
1838 Duvall, John  (estate) McLain, Wm. & Allah; Layton, Wilf Debt