Madison County

Madison County, Missouri

Circuit Court Civil Files




1851 Abbott, James & others Porter, William & others Petition for Deeds
1840 Allen, (Free person of color of Buckner) Robinson, John L. Attachment for Debt
1824 Allen, Frank J. Napier, Richad C. Debt/Damages/From Ste. Genevieve
1839 Allen, Jesse (Estate) Eidson, Henry; Berryman, Jonias Debt/Note
1840 Allen, Jesse (Estate) Eidson, Henry; Berryman, Jonias Debt
1833 Allen, John Hines, Richard Slander
1857 Allen, Napoleon B. Underwood, John J. Account (Saddle)
1939 Allen, Thomas McCarver, John Ejectment (Change venue, Perry Co.)
1860 Aleed, W. M. Peck, William Unlawful Detainer, Horse & Saddle
1846 Amoureux, Ben C. Guignon, Simon; Matthews, E. C. Debt
1846 Amoureux, Joseph N. Guignon, Simon; Matthews, E. C. Debt
1847 Anthony, J. F. Diel, Amelia ?
1842 Anthony, J. F. & Co. Fisher, Stephen Debt
1864 Anthony, James B. Stiefel, Reuben & Henrietta Note
1868 Anthony, Jane H. & others Fleming, A. A. Possession of land
1823 Anthony, Jesse Sinclair, Abraham Debt
1859 Anthony, Mark, & Brother Tierney, Patrick Debt/Note
1821 Anthony, Samuel Crawford, Thompson Dispute over mare
1842 Anthony, Samuel Berryman & Stevens Account (appealed from Justic Courty)
1834 Anthony, William Mitchell, William Jr. Debt / Note
1864 Anthony, William Kenyon, Albert F. (Estate); et al Debt
1865 Anthony, William Collier, Samuel C.; Evans, Edward Debt
1838 Arenz, Francis Van Doren, J. Livingston Debt
1869 Arnett, John, ; White, William B. M. Herzinger, Fred (Estate) Lien
1842 Arnold, Sally M. (Estate) & others Bossier, John B. ?
1869 Atwater, Appleton & Co. Herzinger, John A. Debt / Note
1851 Bagnell, Mary Bagnell, Isaac Debt ($1700.00) /Divorced in Indiana (see Divorce
1831 Baird, Moses Assignee of Miller, Jacob W. Bombaugh, Thomas
1842 Baker, John Shoults, George; Marshall, John W. Note (Appeal from Justice Court)
1842 Baker, John Marchell, John; Shults, George Note (Appeal from Justice Court)
1826 Baker, Joseph Miller, Jacob, Harrison, Isham Debt
1862 Bank of Jersey City; Hatch, A. S. (Cashier) Foster, James T. Debt
1842 Bank of Missouri Brown, R. T. Protested note
1843 Bank of Missouri Berryman, Josias Protested note
1844 Bank of Missouri Lindsay, James Debt / Note
1846 Bank of Missouri Duncan, Sarah Ann & Joseph; Boren Debt / Note
1847 Bank of Missouri Halter, Jacob Default Note
1849 Bank of Missouri Henderson, Charles K. & others Debt
1849 Bank of Missouri Relfe, James D. Debt
1849 Bank of Missouri Mullins, Morgan & John Debt
1849 Bank of Missouri Tittle, Peter Note
1849 Bank of Missouri Britten, Richard; Henderso, C. K. Note
1849 Bank of Missouri Stephens, James W. Note
1849 Bank of Missouri Reynolds, John Debt
1850 Bank of Missouri Cooper, R. C. Note
1850 Bank of Missouri Buckner, Henry C.; Cooper, Robt. Note
1850 Bank of Missouri Henderson, Charles & others Note
1851 Bank of Missouri Gearheart, Thomas S.; Little, Pet Note
1852 Bank of Missouri Valle, John Sr. & John Jr.; Parki Protested note
1857 Bank of Missouri Potter, Willis & others Note
1857 Bank of Missouri Potter, Eperaim & others Note
1860 Bank of Missouri Underwood, Daid & Chelsiter; om Debt
1863 Bank of Missouri Polk, William; Tong, H. N.; Lindsa Debt / Note
1825 Barbee, Elias for use of Armour, David Bird, Gustavas A. Debt
1859 Bager, James Cale, William Petition for Title to Land
1840 Baughman, Henry Montgomery, William Debt
1838 Beard, John S. Gregory & Smith Debt
1847 Beclin, Anthony Guignon, Simon A. Debt ($443.14)
1859 Belkin, Jasper; Lunsford, Amos Finley, James & others Debt
1869 Belkins, Jasper Herzinger, John & Belle Foreclose Mortgage
1857 Belmar, John Inman, James Unlawful Detainer, (Land)
1842 Belsha, William (Corn to be delivered to Geo. Fisk's Boat) Nettleton, Gilbert; Wilcox, Jesse Default on Contract (569 bu. Corn)
1827 Bennett, Edward Terry, Jeremiah & wife Appeal
1843 Bennett, Oliver Nettleton, Gilbert Note
1838 Bequette, Augustus Morrison, William (Estate) Chancery
1839 Bequette, Augustus, Land near St. Michael's Morrison, William (Estate) Debt
1860 Berne, William J. Berne & Gardner Debt
1860 Berry, Hiram Mansfield, Robert Debt / Foreclose Mortgage
1858 Berry, William Brewen, David B. & others Note
1864 Berry, William Guardian Black, George J. Foreclose Mortgage
1864 Berry, William Guardian of Whitner, Sarah & B. Johnson, A. D.; Rhodes, Henry; Cop Debt / Note
1866 Berry, William Guardian of Whitner, Sarah & B. Halpern, Isaac & CO.; Whitener, A. Devt
1867 Berry, William Guardian of Berry, Wm. Jr. & Sara Rhodes, Henry; Halle, William N. Debt / Note
1854 Berryman &Harris Harris, Z. J. Account
1862 Berryman, G. B. McMurtry & Brother Judgment for Cost
1860 Berryman, James Shuford, John; Ward, Thomas Debt
1842 Berryman, Josias for use of Pratte, E. F. Pratte, Onesime; Valle, John Jr. Debt / Note
1840 Berryman, Josias Van Doren, John L. Debt / Stock & land
1840 Berryman, Josias Van Doren, John L. & Others Debt / Note
1840 Berryman, Josias Van Doren, John L. Foreclose Mortgage
1840 Berryman, Josias Van Doren, John L. Debt / Note
1840 Berryman, Josias Van Doren, John L. & Others Debt / Note
1846 Berryman, Josias Eidson, William B. Debt / Note
1855 Berryman, Josias (Estate) Tong, Theodore Debt
1860 Berryman, Margaret Stelfel, Reuben Appeal
1862 Berryman, Margaret (McBride) witness in U. S. Army, Henry Waller Stelfel, Reuben ?
1863 Berthold, Rozier & Co. Razor, Daniel Debt / Note
1863 Berthold, Rozier & Co. Hellhake, Peter Debt / Note
1865 Berthold, Rozier & Co. Hoos, John Debt
1868 Berthold, Rozier & Co. Hoos, John Debt
1842 Best, John Bennett, Joseph Debt / Note
1837 Best, Joseph (Estate) Anthony, William; Bennett, Edward Debt / Note
1867 Betten, John St. Gemme, J. B. R. & others Note
1869 Betzer, Amelia Nicely, Wilson Suit for proper deed
1823 Bird, Charles (Heirs) Ward, David Chancery
1823 Bird, Gustavus A. Ward, David, Cravens, Josiah Bond on Certiorari
1822 Bird, Stephen Anthony, Samuel Debt
1827 Blackwell, Robert Man, James Execution Only
1843 Blanks, Z. T. Compton, Richard Debt (Appeal from Justice Court)
1840 Blanks, Zeno L. Berryman, Josiah; Stevens, Freder Debt / Note
1847 Blanton, Benjamin Reed, Joseph Unlawful detainer (Bule Roan Stud Horse)
1863 Board, John H. Assignee of Jiner, Lot Teal, Andrew; Hemby, John Debt/ Note
1863 Bogy, Joseph Jackson, Elliott Debt
183 Bollinger, Daniel Edgar, William & others Breach of Covenant
1838 Bollinger, Daniel Sims, James & others Debt / Note
1842 Bollinger, Daniel Bossier & Guidnon Britton, Richa Debt
1861 Bollinger, Henry & others Brewen, David B. Ejectment from Saw & Grist Mill, Little St. Franci..
1828 Bollinger, William Payton, Chesley
1862 Booss, John; Interpleaded case, Cachrage vs Leo.. Cachrage, Frederick Debt
1841 Booth, Isaac J. Hill, Thomas Account (work & Labor on house)
1865 Booth, John J. (Estate) Villars, L. J. & Joseph D. Gosney Debt / Note
1835 Bossier & Guignon Coza(Goza), Michael Note
1842 Bossier & Guignon - Slaves listed Valle, John B. Debt / Attachment (Slaves)
1822 Bossier & Valle LaChance, Joseph Debt
1825 Bossier, John B. Holman, James Debt / Notes
1830 Bossier, John B. Kimbrell, John & James Debt / Note
1831 Bossier, John B. Compton, Joseph & David Debt
1846 Botte, Luke Pratte, E. F. Debt / Note
1863 Brewen, D. B.; Bollinger, H. Aubuchon, Napoleon & others ?
1855 Brewen, David B. Valle, Francis L.; Thompspn, Rich Debt / Note
1861 Brewen, David B. Collier, S. C. Debt / Building Mill
1863 Brewen, David B. Bollinger, Henry & others ?
1869 Brewen, David B. St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southe Contract for Ties
1825 Brewer, Howell Jackson, Elliott Debt
1860 Brewington, E. Stephens, Warren (Estate) Forcible Entry & Detainer
1859 Brewington, Evan Stephens, Warren Forcible Entry & Detainer
1829 Britten, Abraham McElroy, Samuel M. Debt
1864 Britton, Richard Black, Ephraim M. & Martha J. Foreclose Mortgage
1864 Britton, Richard Graham, Pleasant Venire for Jury
1868 Britton, Richard Reynolds, Benjamin F. Note
1865 Britton, Richard Black, Ephraim M. & Martha J. Judgment
1821 Brooks, James McCabe Debt
1822 Brooks, Walter H. Campbell, Samuel Debt
1849 Brown, Edwin Compton & Allen Debt / Goods
1827 Brown, George I. McCall, Henry Debt / Bale Rope
1838 Brown, John S. Cleveland, Robert Ejectment
1823 Brown, Robert; D'Lashmutt, Lindsey J. Miller, Robert Debt
1840 Brown, William H. & Others Guignon, S. A.; Pratte, E. F. Debt / Note
1840 Bryan, James H. Spiva, James M. Debt (Payable in good Current Paper)
1840 Bryan, James H. Burdette, C. C.; Cox, Caleb Debt / Note
1860 Bryan, William (Estate) from Washington County Frissell, Mason; Johnson, Thomas ?
1868 Bucholts, Andrew Einstein, Wm. Dispute over payment for land
1841 Buckner, Allen (Free Man of Color) Buckner, Aylett Ejectment
1863 Buckner, Aylette & B. F.; et al Grigsby, Thomas B. Petition to withdraw from Bond of Grigsby as Colle…
1849 Buckner, Aylette Buckner, Richard Sale of land to satisfy debt
1841 Buckner, John Smith, John R. Debt
1842 Budd, George R. Guignon, Simon A. Debt
1837 Buford, John Van Doren, J. Livingston Debt
1851 Benton, William Hoos, John Debt / Note (Share of Copartnership)
1840 Burdett, C. C. Stone, Henderson; Henderson, Edwa.. Execution for cost
1823 Burdett, John Keil, Henry Note
1825 Burdett, John Stephens, Warren Unlawful Detainer / Stud Horse
1821 Burdett, John & others Manwaring, Charles H. & others Debt
1822 Burdett, John & others Tong, William; Tong, James F. Debt
1822 Burdett, John & others Tong, William; Tong, James F. Debt
1822 Burdett, John & others Hemby, Jonathan; Allen, Jesse Debt
1822 Burdett, John & others Allen, Jesse; Callaway, Peter Debt
1822 Burdett, John & others Montgomery, John; Clark, William Debt
1822 Burdett, John & others Neal, James Debt
1822 Burdett, John & others McCabe & Callaway Debt
1829 Burdette, Jeptha (heirs of) Bennett, Elisha; McElroy, F. T.; V. Debt
1846 Burk, Joseph L. For use of Atkins, James A. Debt / Note
1867 Burks, Samuel; et al Debt / Note
1866 Burnley, Henry; et al 2 files Debt / Estate Settlement
1835 Burns, Isaac Note
1838 Burns, Isaac Crittenden, Charles W.; Stephens Debt
1856 Burns, Peter Braden, Thos. Ejectment
1856 Burns, Peter Revell, Isaac Unlawful Detainer (Land)
1856 Burns, Peter Revell, Jackson Ejectment
1856 Burns, Peter Lincoln, Wm. Unlawful Detainer (Land)
1856 Burns, Peter Teal, John M. Ejectment
1841 Burns, Peter For use of Robinson, John L. Ward, Eli Debt / Notes to be paid in Iron
1865 Burris, Kesiae Tucker, Apos; Guignon, S. A. Debt
1869 Burris, Kisa Tucker, Apos Foreclose Mortgage
1866 Burrows, Elizabeth Harris, Sarah; et al Assignment of Dower
1861 Bush & Lansing Stiefel, Reuben Debt
1868 Butler, Ferguson & Co. Montgomery & Newberry Account
1821 Byrd, Stephen Lane, George C. Debt / Note