Greens Chapel Church Ledger |
The Greens Chapel Church was in existence in the Jewett community from about 1911 until around 1947. My grandfather, Lee Vada Berry, was elected clerk for the church and served in that position throughout the history of the church. Over the years our family has been asked to look for any old records from the church. I had searched my grandfather's trunk and could not find anything. Last year I finally started working on my family genealogy and began to go through the material that I had collected over the years. That's when I found the book. I don't know how long the ledger has been in my possession.
It is a 100-page ledger. The only pages missing are 51&52 and 97-100. Most of the pages are blank. The ledger is in very good shape. It is written in pencil by my grandfather's hand. I can recognize a couple of pages in the 1940's that were probably written by my mother, Retha Berry Stevens. I have transcribed it into a Word Document. I have typed it just the way it was written.
Both of my parents remember attending services at Green's Chapel. Today Madison County Road 431 goes right through the spot where the church originally sat.
I can be contacted at [email protected] if anyone has any questions.
Barbara Stevens DeBerry
Actual Record Transcribed by Barbara Stevens DeBerry
Ledger of Greens Chapel Church 1911 - 1947 Church Clerk, Lee Vada Berry August 11, 1911, Gt Arnel was elected as deacon and was ordained in October. Vada Berry was chosen by the church for church clerk. Vada Berry was ordained to preach the gospel at Black Mountain Church August 27, 1920. Page 1: This church was organized August 11, 1911. Vadie Berry united when organized. Tom Arnel united when organized. Elizabeth Berry united when organized. Hester Arnel united when organized. Lola Miller united the first Sunday in June, 1914. Ada Berry united Saturday before the first Sunday in September, 1914. Mame Stumbaugh united the fifth day of October, 1914. Wade Kemp united on Saturday before the first Sunday in September, 1916. Della Berry united on Saturday before September, 1916. 1917 Allie Arnel united with the church at its February meeting. Clarence Miller and William Arnel and Grace Miller and Viata Miller united with the church at its July meeting, 1917. Mace Wilson and Hattie Wilson and Bessie Pippin and Flora East united with the church at its August meeting, 1917. Buck Chatman united at its July meeting. Page 2: No writing. Page 3: The Green Chapel Church of General Baptists was brought into capacity by Elder C.C. White the eleventh day of August, 1911, with four members and chose elder C.C. White for pastor for ensuing year. The church had conference on Saturday before the first Sunday in September, 1912, and chosen Elder C.C. White for pastor for ensuing year. The church called conference on the first Saturday in August 1913 and the peace of the church was called for and we are all in peace and have chosen Elder Wh Watkins for ensuing year. The church had conference on Saturday before the first Sunday in September, 1914, and called for the peace of the church and we are all in peace and have chosen Elder Wh Watkins for pastor for ensuing year. Page 4: The church called conference on Saturday before the first Sunday in September, 1915, and called for the peace of the church and we are all in peace and have chosen Elder J.P. Maze for pastor for ensuing year. The church called conference on Saturday before the first Sunday in September, 1916, and called for the peace of the church. We are all in peace and Della Berry and Wade Kemp united with the church and we have called Brother J.P. Maze for pastor for the year of 1916. The Greens Chapel Church met and called conference on Saturday before the first Sunday in July and licensed Vada Berry to speak in public. Conference closed. The Greens Chapel met on Saturday before the first Sunday in August and chose Vada Berry and Wade Kemp as delegate to the association and chose Vada Berry to write the letter to the association and called Brother Jim Middendorf for pastor for the ensuing year. Conference closed. The Greens Chapel Church met on Saturday before the first Sunday in September and called conference and received the letter which Vada Berry had prepared for the association. Conference closed. Page 5: The Green�s Chapel Church met on Saturday before the first Sunday in July and held conference and elected Brother J.A. Middendorf for pastor for ensuing year and Vada Berry as delegate to the association. Clarence Miller united with the church at its July meeting. William Arnel united with the church at its July meeting. Grace Miller united with the church at its July meeting. Viata Miller united with the church at its July meeting. Bessie Pippins and Macie Wilson and Hattie Wilson and Flora East all united with the church at its August meeting. The Greens Chapel Church met the first Saturday in July and called conference. The peace of the church was called for. We are all in peace. Conference adjourned. Brother Chatmin united with the church the first Sunday in July. The fourth day of January, 1920, the church met and called conference and elected Bro Clarence Miller to serve as deacon and also to send him to see Bro J.A. Middendorf about serving as pastor. Conference closed. Adjourned January fourth, 1920. Page 6: The Greens Chapel Church met on Saturday before the first Sunday in July and called conference and elected J. P. Maze for pastor for the year of 1921 and elected Gt Arnel, Clarence Miller, and Lola Miller as delegates to the association. Conference closed. Tilda Stacy united with the church July first, 1920. The church met and called conference on Saturday before the first Sunday in November and granted Ollie DeSpain a letter in full fellowship of dismission 1920. The Green Chapel Church met and called conference and elected Elder D. Seals for pastor for the year of 1922. The Greens Chapel Church met and called conference and elected J.P. Maze for the pastor for the year of 1923 and Sister Lola Miller and C.J. Miller and Lewis Chatmin as delegate to the association. The church met and elected John Burns for pastor 1924. The church met and elected D. Seals pastor for 1925. The church met and elected John Burns 1926. The church met and elected John Burns 1927. Page 7: The church met and elected D. Seals pastor for the year 1928. The church met and elected W.T. Young 1928. The church met and elected D. Seals pastor 1929. The Greens Chapel Church met at its July meeting, 1930, and elected J. Burns pastor and William Jackson as delegate to the association. The church met and elected John Burns 1931. The church met in July, 1932, and elected Edgar Lashley pastor for the ensuing year. Conference opened at its July meeting and elected Edgar Lashley for the ensuing year of 1933. Conference opened and elected Arvel Johnson for the year of 1934 as pastor. The church met at July meeting and elected Arvel Johnson for pastor for the year of 1935. Page 8: The church met at its July meeting and elected Bro Arvel Johnson for pastor for the year of 1936. The church met at its July meeting and elected Sherman Shearer for pastor for the ensuing year of 1937. The church met at its July meeting and elected Brother Lawrence Randolph for pastor 1937. The church met at its July meeting and elected Brother Ben Johnson for pastor 1939 and 1940. The church met at its July meeting 1941 and chose V. Kennedy for pastor and for 1942. The church met at its July meeting and chose Brother Alonzo Hale for pastor for ensuring year of 1943. The church met at its July meeting 1944 and chose Brother Cecil McDowell for pastor. Met August, 1944, and reelected Brother Cecil McDowell for ensuing year. The church met at its July meeting and elected Brother Joe Alcorn for the ensuing year 1945. The church met and chose Brother Joe Alcorn for the year 1946. The church met and chose Brother Joe Alcorn for the pastor for the year 1947. Page 9 & 10: The church of General Baptists was organized at Greens Chapel August 11, 1911. Joined when organized: 1. Vada Berry 2. Thomas Arnel 3. Elizabeth Berry 4.
Hester Arnel 5. Lola Miller united June, 1914. 6. Ada Berry united September, 1914 7. Mamie Stumbaugh united October, 1914 8. Wade Kemp united September, 1916 9. Della Berry united September, 1916 10. Ollie Arnel united February 1916 11. Clarence Miller united July, 1917 12. William Arnel united July, 1917 13. Gracie Miller united July, 1917 14. Vieta Miller united July, 1917 August, 1917 1. Hattie Wilson 2. Macie Wilson 3. Bessie Pippin 4. Flora East 5. Lewis Chapman July, 1920 1. Tilda Stacy 2. Vennie Berry September, 1928 1. Myrtle Miller May, 1930 1. Eathel Miller 2. Gertrude Miller August, 1930 1. William Jackson Mrs. W. T. Arnel united August, 1940 Maple Miller united August, 1943 Page 11 - 50: No entries Page 51-52: Missing. Appear to have been torn out Page 53-93: No entries. Page 94: The minister was Vester Kennedy. List of names who joined during the June service, 1940. June 9, 1940 1. Ruth Miller 2. Charles Miller 3. Wilbert Miller 4. Wilma Miller 5. Alma Miller 6. Helen Miller 7. Jewel Miller 8. Gerald Miller 9. Jess Miller 10. James Miller 11. Hilma Miller 12. Lorene Jackson 13. Retha Berry 14. Opal Berry 15. Dimple Berry 16. Eugene King 17. Glenda Lewis 18. Vernada Lewis 19. Corbet Lewis 20. Marvin Lewis 21. Golda Young June 16, 1940 1. Mary Miller 2. 3. Walter Young 4. Virgie Young Page 95: No entry Page 96: List of names who joined during the August service 1930: August 25, 1930 1. Phanon East 2. Maud East 3. Herbet Adams (dismissed) 4. Harve Miller 5. Bessie Miller 6. May Miller 7. Tom Adams (dismissed) 8. Henry Parson 9. Bill Parson 10. John Miller 11. Owen Miller 12. Walter Young (dismissed) 13. Charlie Young (dismissed) 14. Barney Brewington (dismissed) 15. Creola Henson (dismissed) September 1931 1. Walter Stumbaugh 2. Mary Stumbaugh Page 97 - 100: Missing. The pages appear to have been carefully removed. Recorded by Lee Vada Berry from 1911 through 1947. Transcribed by Barbara Stevens DeBerry, June 28, 2006.