F. White, farmer, of Fredericktown, Mo., was born in Hardin County,
Tenn., in 1838, and is the son of James and Ruth (Snow) White. The
father was born in Tennessee in 1809. In 1842 he immigrated to St. Francois County, Mo., settled
five miles southeast of Farmington, on 160 acres of land, and there he
now lives. His wife was
born in Tennessee in 1815 and died in 1876.
She was the mother of eleven children, nine now living.
Thomas F. the fifth child, was but four years old when he came to
Missouri, He was reared and grew to manhood on the farm.
In 1865 the married Miss Mary Pool, a native of New Madrid
County, Mo., born in 1849 and the daughter of C. Augustus Pool. C. A.
Pool was born in Petersburg, Va., and immigrated to New Madrid in his
twenty-fourth year. He
married Amanda Herbert in 1846. She
was the mother of nine children, of whom four are now living.
Three children (one of whom died in 1872, named Emma) were the
result of this union, two living: Lizzie (wife of J. W. Buchanan) and
Amanda Snow. Mr. White
resided in St. Francois County until 1865, when he moved to Mine La
Motte and began working in the lead mines.
This business he followed for thirteen years.
In 1877 he bought sixty acres of land adjoining the town of
Fredericktown, where he settled in 1878, and where he has since resided.
Mr. White is a hard-working industrious man, and highly respected
citizen. He is a Democrat
in politics, and he and wife and children are members of the Christian