David Rhodes, anther enterprising farmer and stockraiser of Madison
County, was born in Bollinger County, Mo., in 1830, his parents being
Peter and Lizy (Smith) Rhodes.
Peter Rhodes was born n North Carolina in 1770, and immigrated to
Missouri, when bears and other wild animals were numerous.
He was married twice, his first wife dying, he then married Miss
Lizy Smith who became the mother of four children, two now living.
Mr. Rhodes died in 1830, and his wife, who was born in 1808, died
in 1883.
His father, George Rhodes, came to Missouri among the first white
settlers of this section, and his mother, Mrs. George Rhodes, while
living in Bollinger County at the age of seventeen was scalped by an
When the Indian approached the house she was alone, and seeing
him, fled toward a neighbor’s was pursued, and after a sharp run of
over a quarter of a mile, was overtaken and scalped but not killed. The
Indian was pursued by friends of the young lady, and killed.
She and her husband lived to a good old age.
K. D. Rhodes, the subject of this sketch, worked on a farm while
a boy, and at the age of twenty-two volunteered in the Union Army and
was made a member of Gen. Fremont’s body guard.
After this he entered the three years service under McNeal and
Maj. Wilson and skirmished all over the west.
During the war he married Miss Rowena Kinder, who bore him eight
children, six now living: Margaret, Ross, Lizy, Martha, Rutha and Edward
Mr. Rhodes is the owner of 190 acres of land in Sections 2, 4 and
He and family are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of
which he is a class leader and is also a delegate to the annual
conference at Sedalia, Mo.
He is a member of the G.A.R. at Fredericktown.