E. Kelley, Who was born in Madison County, Mo., in 1824, was the son of
Robert and Mary Magdalene (Grounds) Kelley.
The father was a native of South Carolina, and died September 30,
1860, at the age of seventy-four years.
The mother died March 30, 1830, at the age of sixty-nine.
She was the mother of eight children, Reuben E. Being the third
child. He worked on the farm during boyhood, and after attaining his
majority, built a store and stocked it with general merchandise.
He had a flourishing business at this for some time but soon
abandoned it, and returning to the farm, engaged in agricultural
pursuits, which he has since followed. At the age of twenty-five he married Miss Lydia Berry, a
native of Madison County, born October 20, 1830.
By her marriage she became the mother of two children: Julia
(wife of John H. Yount) and Thomas H. Benton.
Mr. Berry, father of Mrs. Kelly, was a soldier in the Jackson War
of 1812, or Black Hawk War, and is now living at the extraordinary age
of one hundred and six, and is hale and hearty.
His wife, Mary (Lincoln) Berry died in 1870. She was the niece of the famous and honored patriot and
statesman, Abraham Lincoln. Reuben
Kelly is now the owner of ninety acres of land in St. Francois Township.
Mr. Kelly is a Democrat, politically, and his wife is a member of
the Methodist Episcopal Church South.
They are among the oldest and most respected families in
Southeast Missouri. Their
son, Thomas H. Benton, was born March 7, 1852 was educated in the public
schools, and has since followed agricultural pursuits.
He is one of the many industrious and intelligent young men of
whom Madison County can boast. He
is unmarried, and a Democrat, politically.