Kassabaum, engineer of Mill Engine Dressing Works at Mine La Motte,
Madison Co, Mo., is a native of Bruswick, Germany, and was born January
7, 1857.
His parents, Christopher and Christina (Krone) Kassabaum, came to
America when William was in his second year, and located in Mine La
Motte, where the father engaged in mining, which occupation he continued
until his death, which occurred January 5, 1869.
William was reared in Mine La Motte and commenced mining at the
age of ten years.
He afterward went to St. Joe, where he remained sometime, and was
also at the Cornwall Copper Works about two years, engaged in mining.
When he was but fourteen years of age he fired and ran an engine,
and about 1882 he commenced firing again.
Two years later he became and engineer.
He has been running his present engine since January 14, 1887.
October 3, 1882 he married Miss L. Conner, who bore him these children:
Albert, Maudie, Edmund and Carl.
Mr. Kassabaum is a member of the I.O.O.F., of the A.O.U.W., and
is overseer in the local lodge of the last named organization.