Johnson, brickmason and carpenter by trade, resides one and a half miles
south of Fredericktown, Mo.
He was born in Hardeman County, Tenn., in 1823, and is the son of
Ames and Christina (Jones) Johnson.
The father was also born in Hardeman County, Tenn., in 1797, and
was a farmer by occupation.
He left the State of Tennessee, and in 1844 started for Missouri,
but died on the way, when half way between Cape Girardeau and
Bloomfield, Mo., in Stoddard County, and here he was buried. He left a
wife and six children, who came on to Madison County and located near
Mrs. Johnson died in 1876, at the age of seventy-seven years.
She was born in North Carolina.
Nehemiah was the fifth child.
He and his sister, Charity, wife of John Coington, are the only
ones living.
Mr. Johnson received his education in Tennessee, came to Missouri
with his mother, and in 1845 he commenced working at his trade. In 1850
he married Miss Martha Jane Matthews, who was born in Alabama in 1829,
and who is the daughter of Thomas Matthews.
Nine children were the result of this marriage, among whom were
James, who is farming in California; Julius, who is in Colorado; Emma,
wife of J. A. Russell; Franklin, who is a brickmason in California;
Josie, and William, who is also in California. In 1850 Mr. Johnson
purchased ninety acres of land, upon which he located in 1851.
He now has 250 acres of land and has a good home.
He has worked at his trade the greater portion of his life.
Mr. Johnson is a Democrat in politics, is a member of the Masonic
fraternity, and is an excellent citizen.
He and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South,
he being a member for the past forty-four years, and she for twenty