C. Hacker, farmer and stock raiser of Madison County, was born in New
Madrid County, Mo., in August, 1854, and is the son of Stephen and Clara
(Bravey) Hacker.
Stephen Hacker was by occupation a farmer. When he first came to
the State he settled in Mississippi County, but afterward moved to New
Madrid County, where he died in 1858.
He was married five times, Clara Bravey, the mother of the
subject of this sketch, being his third wife. She was the mother of only
one child.
Stephen Hacker was the father of three children by his first
wife, one by his second, one by his thirds and one by his fourth wife.
Henry C. Hacker was reared I New Madrid County, and was also
educated in that county.
He was married in Mississippi County, to Miss Katie Maulsby, a
native of New Madrid County, born in 1853, and a lineal descendant of
Thomas Jefferson.
She is the mother of four children: Louis H., Willie L., Clara B.
and Glenda.
Mr. Hacker moved to Madison County in 1884, and purchased his
present farm of 100 acres, situated two miles west of Fredericktown.
He is politically a democrat.