L. Glaves, a farmer and stock dealer of St. Michael Township, and the
son of Frederick and Elizabeth (Goodner) Glaves, was born in Carthage,
Smith Co., Tenn., October 25, 1844. The father was a native of Germany, born in 1778 and when
young immigrated to the United States, locating at Carthage, Smith Co.,
Tenn., where he was married. He
was a steamboat pilot by trade. He
died in New Madrid County, Mo., in 1845, and was buried in Scott County,
of the same State. His wife was born in Smith County, Tenn., and was of
German descent. She died in
Bradley County, Tenn., in 1851, having moved there in 1845.
She was the mother of nine children, three now living: Sarah
(wife of William C. LeWalen, Madison County), Reuben (who is also in
Madison County), and Daniel L. The
latter was an infant when his father died and was but seven years of age
when he lost his mother. He
was taken in by an uncle, John Goodner, with whom he lived until he
attained his majority at Cleveland, Tenn.
In 1859 he came to Madison County, Mo., and in 1862 enlisted in
Company C, Eighth Missouri Battery, and was in the battles of
Bloomfield, Mo., Helena, Little Rock, Mansfield, Jenkins’ Ferry,
Gasconade Ridge, Glasgow, Pilot Knob and California (at Pilot Knob Mr.
Glaves being the first to fire a shot), in Union, Bloomsville, Blue
Mills, and numerous other battles.
He surrendered in June, 1865, and afterward located to Twelve
Mile Township, of Madison Co., Mo, and March 11, 1866, married Miss
Elizabeth Sitze, a native of Bollinger County, Mo, born in 1848, and the
daughter of Rufus Sitze. To
this union five children were born: Ella (teacher in the public schools
of Fredericktown), Frank, Mattie, Jacob, and Mary. In 1877 Mr. Glaves
located where he now resides and is the owner of 409 acres of land.
He is one of the solid, substantial farmers of Madison County,
Mo., and made his all by hard work and economy.
He has made many thousand rails, being and expert at the
business, paying for his first horse in that way.
He is conservative in his political views, voting for principle
and not for party. He has
been a member of the school board for two years, and a good business
man. He is a Mason and his
wife is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, as are also
all of the girls.