H. Day, mayor of Fredericktown, justice of the peace, sewing machine
dealer and undertaker, was born in Brown County, Ohio, in 1845, and is
the son of Absalom and Caroline (Willey) Day.
The father was born in 1817, in the same house in which his son
E. H. first saw the light of day, and was a cabinet maker and carpenter
by trade.
He was reared and grew to manhood in his native state, and has
here passed his entire life.
He has for the past twenty-nine years been a resident of Adams
His wife was born in 1823 in the same State and County as her
She died in 1855.
Of their children, two lived to be grown and two are now living:
E. H., and Caroline M. (wife of A. C. Butler), who is living in Adams
County, Ohio.
E. H. was educated in the district schools, and when the war
broke out he became one of the “ Boys in Blue.”
July 16, 1863, he enlisted in Company B, Second Ohio Heavy
Artillery, for three years, but was in the service two years, two months
and two days, operating in Kentucky and Tennessee.
He was mustered out at Nashville and discharged at Columbus,
Ohio, in August 1865.
After the war he attended school for a few terms and began
working in his father’s shop.
He resided in Adams County, Ohio, until 1871, when he went to
Montgomery County, Mo., and established a sewing machine agency.
In 1874 he came to Fredericktown, Mo., where he resumed the same
line of business.
In 1883 he added reapers and mowers, and April of the same year
he added undertaking, and has carried on the combined business from that
time up to the present, with good success. January 6, 1877 he married
Miss Carrie Campbell, a native of Crawford County, Mo., born in 1853,
and the daughter of Zachariah Campbell.
To this union were born two children: Walter and Myrtle.
In 1880 Mr. Day was elected mayor, and in 1884 was re-elected and
still re-elected in 1887.
He is the only justice of the peace in St. Michael Township, and
administers to his neighbors difficulties with judicial fairness.
He is a Post Commander of the G. A. R., and is quartermaster of
Post No. 174, Department of Missouri.
He is a member of the I. O. O. F., being Past Grand of Madison
Lodge No. 172 of Missouri, and Secretary of the same, is a Master Mason,
and an ancient member of the K. of H. He is a member of the Presbyterian
Church, and his wife is a member of the Christian Church.