
 Murray Family

Submitted by Kenneth Hinkle


William Jasper & Nancy Ellen Brewer Murray

Family Reunion 1926

1.. David Franklin (Bud) Gipson
2.. Elmer Gipson (later married Irma Huffman)
3.. Ruth Gipson (Later married Martin Fields)
4.. Martha (Mattie) Isabelle Murray Gipson (Bud’s wife) [youngest son, Melvin, not born ‘til 1931]
5.. Elnora Nancy Gipson (later married Willard Sanders)
6.. Dorothy Gipson (later married Bill Waffler
7.. Jewell Genive Gipson (married Vern Hovis)
8.. Gladys Gipson (later married ? Boetcher ? . . . [I only know abt. a Marriage to Clardy or   Claudi Ellis (edited 2006 by kmh)
9.. Ophia Gipson (later married Edgar Whitener)
10.. Ruby Gipson (later married George Huffman)
11.. Everette Gipson (married Pearl Rauls)
12.. Ora Barrett (later married Elmer Huffman)
13.. Lloyd Gipson (married Nell Hovis)
14.. Lora Barrett (later married Marvin Eugene Hawn)
15.. Eva Barrett (later married Howard Berry (Rev.)) [being held by father, Frank]
16.. John Franklin (Frank) Barrett
17.. Esther Lucille Barrett (later married Luther Elmer (Buster) Hinkle)
18.. Mary Lucretia Murray Barrett (Frank’s wife)
[expectant mother of Reba Barrett (later married Johnny Grieshaber) )
19.. William Jasper Murray
20.. Arley Virgil Murray (married Glenda Hill)
21.. Nancy Ellen Brewer Murray
22.. Claudius Green (Claude) Murray
23.. Urbin Murray
24.. Glenwood Murray
25.. Viola (?) Murray (Claude’s wife)
26.. J.E. Murray (died at an early age)
27.. Leona Murray
28.. William Henry (Henry) Murray
29.. Edward Murray
30.. Nettie Middendorf (or Mittendorf) Murray (Henry’s wife) holding baby;
Medford Murray
31.. Gladys Esther Murray Hahn holding;
32.. Norma Jean Hahn (daughter who died soon after this picture was taken - 1927)
33.. Carl Hawn (Glady’s husband) [died in tragic accident at the Fredericktown Mill ­ 1934)]
34.. August (Gus) Marion Murray holding son;
35.. Douglas (Doug) M. Murray
36.. Lila LaChance Murray (wife of Gus)
37.. Maxine Murray
38.. Jasper Russell (J.R.) Murray
39.. Obediah (Obie) Bryan Murray
40.. Iona Murray
41.. Myrtle Head Murray (Obie’s first wife)
42.. Lenus Murray
43.. Pauline Murray

Taken at the home of William Jasper and Nancy Ellen Brewer Murray at their home in North Town; Fredericktown, MO ­ July 4, 1926

This version amended and somewhat augmented by Kenneth M. Hinkle; great grandson of Wm. Jasper Murray. The original listing was given to me by Doug Murray. My edits are mainly added details I “think” I know as of this date: 16 January 2006 KMH