Other Genealogy Lookup Services

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Other Lookup Sites

Ancestral Findings

Offers free lookups in many birth, marriage, and death indexes on CD.

Books We Own

A list of resources owned/accessed by ROOTS-L mailing list members and others who are willing to look up genealogical information and e-mail or snail mail it to others who request it.

CD Lookups

Lori Hoffman's list of volunteers who do look-ups on various genealogical CD databases.

Gen Lookups

A directory of genealogy lookup volunteers and volunteer sites for assistance in finding family data.

Gen Swap - Free Genealogy Record Lookups

Searching for a specific genealogical record? Here is a list of volunteers willing to do lookups in cemeteries, courthouses, libraries, or their personal genealogical collections.

Gen-Swap Mailing List

A mailing list for exchanging research time and/or records from your area for someone else's similar resources from their area. To subscribe send the word "subscribe" (without the quotes) as the only text in the body of a message.

Genealogy Exchange & Surname Registry

Over 1000 genealogy resources searchable by category or keyword with volunteers willing to provide free lookups.

Genealogy Helplist

Volunteers from all over the world willing to help with specific items at institutions near them or information easily accessible to them. Separate lists for all 50 U.S. states and over 20 other countries.

Genealogy Lookup Forum

For people who are looking for information on their genealogy research. On the behalf
of myself and my volunteer associates all look ups are free of charge.

Geneasearch - Free Genealogy Lookups
Free genealogy lookups in the genealogy resources of these volunteers include FTM CDs, WFT CD's, and other genealogy CDs, plus family, census, marriage, obituary, birth and death records, and other genealogy resources.

Genie Angels

A central place to locate an 'Angel' volunteer who lives in an area of interest who is willing to help you obtain a document from the courthouse, historical archives, library, newspaper article, tombstone photo, etc.

Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness

Volunteers on this site offer to do record lookups, cemetery photos, etc. one day per month in the area in which they live.  One of the best ideas to come along in free genealogy research yet!