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Bucklin Herald



Kindly provided by:  Leslie Kohler

List Founder & Administrator

Mo Abstracts


Fri, 25 Nov 1898.

Rev. BROWNING spent Monday at his
home in New Cambria, where his brother
from Kansas City is visiting.

Tom FIELDS and Miss Eva CARTER were
in St. Catherine Sunday evening and attended
Rev. GIDDENS’ revival meeting.

Mr. and Mrs. Jos. [sic] RICHARDSON of
Westville were the guests of his brother R.P.
RICHARDSON and family the first of the week.

John T. PETERSON, who as a young man
used to live near Bucklin, but now of Quincy,
and an engineer on the Burlington [my note:
Railroad], is visiting his brother, J.B. PETERSON.

E.L. JOYEE [possibly JOYCE ?] of Brookfield
was in the city Friday of last week.

Dr. M.L. WHITE of Pee Dee was in town a
couple of days last week.

Ben SWEARNGEN and wife have moved
to Macon county [sic], south of Lingo.

Mrs. John CLEMENS and family spent
Thanksgiving with relatives in Callao.

Dr. SCOTT was confined to his bed with
pneumonia a couple of days the first of
the week.

Mrs. Ollie BRISCOE of Brookfield visited
her mother, Mrs. A.L. PUTMAN a couple
of days last week.

Miss Stella WILLIAMS and Master Gussie
left yesterday for a visit with relatives and
friends in Laplata.

Wm. [sic] CRAWFORD of New Cambria
was in town Wednesday and made the
Herald office a pleasant call.


Friday, June 9, 1899

The infant child of Bud WOODS died Tuesday.

Mrs. O.A. OSBORNE and Mrs. V.E. SUMMER
were in Lingo Monday.

Mr. Wm. [sic] GRANTGES of Macon was a
Bucklin visitor Sunday evening.

Miss Maud BROWNING of New Cambria
visited her father here Tuesday.

Louis POSEY and family left Tuesday for
Spearsville, Kansas, their future home.

L. BOBBITT and Judge NESTER, two of
Hybrid’s prominent farmers were in the
city Saturday.

S.N. ROSEBERRY for Watches, Clocks,
and Jewelry, Repair work a speciealty
[sic] At Hughes’ Drug Store.

Dr. CANTWELL does any kind of Dental
work. Satisfaction guaranteed. Office in
Hughes Drug Store.

L. HENSON and J.C. LAWSON left Tuesday
for Houston, Texas, where Mr. HENSON
goes with a view to locating.

Fletcher COOLEY and family of Marcelline
were guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W.D. COOLEY several days the past week.

Henry ROBBINS, local reporter for Col. BLEES’
Macon Citizen was in town Tuesday and called
on one of Bucklin’s fair ladies.