Bennet and Bennett surname research at the Lost Colony Research Group

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Benet - Bennet - Bennett  Research File 

Bennet, Marke -- 1587 Colonist roster




Bennet, Bennett - Colonist Surname Demography and History


In order to better understand the colonists surnames and the geographies where they were found pre-industrial revolution, I used this National Trust surname tool at  This site has info regarding the distribution of the population by surname for the 1881 and 1998 British census'.  The statistical information, where available, is a hard ranking by surname.  Surname information, when available, is the genesis or origin of the surname


This is the first information where the coloration in the maps is blue, green and yellow.  These maps are shaded from lesser to greater proportionally, but this could be deceptive because a "few" for Smith and Jones could numerically be more than the highest level for a rare surname.


The second grouping along with the detailed surname information is from and is taken from the 1891 census.  Coloration is in yellows.  These numbers are actual ranges, not comparatively less to more.


Note that Ancestry has immigration and ports of departure, so while we may not be able to readily find families here who have tracked their lines back to England, we may be able to determine where a family who left England from a desired area went and track them in their destination location to current.


The third grouping is from Ireland, appropriately displayed in shades of green, taken from the 1848-1864 Primary Property Valuation records at


Instead of alphabetizing the colonists, I have left them in Hakluyt order, just in case there was some unknown order to the list.  This single name extraction is a portion of that list.


Surnames bolded with italics are those indicated by McMillan in 1888 as each having an oral history of being descended from the Lost Colonists.



Mark Bennet - of Celtic or Scottish origin, in 1881 1084th most frequent surname, in 1998 4745th





English variant of Bennett.













Bennett - English - in 1881 62nd most frequent surname in 1998, 51st





English: from the medieval personal name Benedict (Latin Benedictus meaning ‘blessed’). In the 12th century the Latin form of the name is found in England alongside versions derived from the Old French form Beneit, Benoit, which was common among the Normans. See also Benedict.





Analysis by Andy Powell 1-18-2010:

 A name with possible monastic origins. This leads to a widespread and disjunct origin. Possibly one of the hardest to isolate a focus for research



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Copyright © 2008 Last modified: June 02, 2010