Goodspeeds 1888 History of Lawrence County Missouri


From "A Reprint of Goodspeed's 1888 History of Lawrence County; Reprint Lawrence County Section of Goodspeed's Newton, Lawrence, Barry And McDonald Counties History; published by the Goodspeed Publishing Co., in 1888; Reprinted by Litho Printers Of Cassville, Missouri In 1973." as transcribed by Judy Johnson Reustle.

Go to Goodspeed Pages 90-167

Back to Lawrence County Histories

Topography, Physical Features, etc.     1
Prairies 				2
Population 				1
Mines and Miners 			5
Building Stone 			        6
Trees					6
Products				6
Animals, etc.				7
Storms and Floods			9
Rain Fall, Cold days, etc.		10
Exploration and Settlement		11
Early Pioneers				11
Old Settlers� Reunion			14
Land Buyers				14
Marriage Record			        22
Slavery Days				35
Cattle Marks				36
Transactions of the County Court	36
Early Proceedings			36
Formation of Townships		        43
County Buildings			44
Poor Farm				46
Finances of the County		        47
Official History and Elections		51
County Officers			        51
Elections				52
Courts and Bar			        57
Attorneys				62
Crimes and Accidents			62
Military History			68
Troops Furnished			68
Names of Soldiers			71
Operations in Lawrence County	        80
Reunions				88
Churches				89
Cumberland Presbyterian		        89
Methodist Episcopal			91
Baptist					95
Congregational			        98
Catholic				98
Christian				100
Lutheran				101
Holiness Association			101
Sunday-schools			        101
Christian and Bible Societies		101
Society Organizations			103
Roll of Physicians			103
Dentists				104
Medical Societies			104
Agricultural Society			105
Granges				        106
Breeders� Association			106
Horse Thief Association		        107
Union Soldiers Organized		107
Immigration Society			108
Temperance Union			108
Railroads				109
Newspapers and Journalists		112
Press Convention			119
Educational Interests			119
Early Schools				119
School Townships			120
Enumeration, etc.			122
Cities, Towns and Villages		124
Mount Vernon				124
Pierce City				134
Marionville				149
Verona					156
Aurora					161
Logan					163
Round Grove				164
Heatonville				164
Hall Town				164
St. Martha				164
Kendallville				164
Freistatt				165
Paris Springs				165
Spencer				        165
Phelps					166
Lawrenceburg				166
Bower�s Mill				167

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Lawrence County is bounded on the north by Dade, on the east by Greene, Christian and Stone Counties, on the west by Jasper and Newton, and on the south by Barry. The total area may be set down at 592 square miles, of which 385,342 acres are taxed on a valuation of $1,621,505; 2,902 town lots are assessed $366,705, and personal property assessed $1,403,875. Mount Vernon, the county seat, is 1,420 feet above the level of St. Louis, but the average elevation of the Ozark Range in this county may be placed at 1,279 feet, the level of Verona. The county is not flat and marshy, or swampy, but admirably located between these two extremes, so as to be sufficiently elevated to give pure mountain air without the extreme cold to which mountain regions are sometimes subject. The country is rolling enough to give a good natural drain, which prevents the collection of water into stagnant pools, and it can be said that within the boundaries of the county there is not a swamp or marsh worthy of the name, yet there are a few spots of a few yards in extent which might properly be denominated marshes, but these will in the near future be drained with a small outlay of labor.

Population--In 1840 Barry County, then including more than half of Lawrence, all of Jasper, Barton and McDonald and part of Vernon, had a population of only 4,795, and it is probable that the territory out of which Lawrence was formed did not contain a population of over 500 souls in 1840. The population of the county within its present boundaries in 1850 was 4,859. The population of Lawrence by minor subdivisions in 1880

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was: Aurora Township, 1,181; Buck Prairie Township, 1,338; Greene Township, 1,359; Lincoln Township, 1,086; Mount Pleasant Township, 1,040; Mount Vernon Township, 2,999; Ozark Township, 1,644; Peirce Township and City, 2,383; Peirce City, 1,350; Spring River Township, 1,463; Turnback Township, 1,321; Vineyard Township, 1,769. The white population of Lawrence County in 1880 was 17,273; in 1870, 12,808, and in 1860, 8,559, together with 287 colored persons in 1860, 259 in 1870 and 299 in 1880. In the native and foreign statistics the total population is placed at 16,820, made up of 9,689 Missourians, 1,049 natives of Illinois, 919 of Kentucky, 462 of Ohio, 1,488 of Tennessee, 654 of Indiana and 763 of all other States. There were 175 Irish, 215 Germans, 43 Canadians, 59 English and Welsh, 8 Scotch, 17 French and 149 Swedes and Norwegians. The sex statistics give a total of 17,583, made up of 8,982 males and 8,601 females, of whom 3,071 males and 2,941 females are between the ages of five and seventeen years, 3,312 between eighteen and forty-four years, and 3,894 over twenty-one years.

Prairies.--The term is bestowed on treeless tracts of land. Years ago, when the first settlers made their homes here, the prairie area was much larger than to-day, but the Ozark oak forest spread out until arrested by the people.

Ozark Prairie is the largest in the county; commencing at the southeast corner of Mount Vernon it sweeps round to the east, thence northeast and north, widening as it passes toward the northwest, dotted with inumberable beautiful farm residences and wide- spreading farms, while very frequently splendid orchards relieve the usual evenness of a prairie view, until the name of Ozark Prairie is lost in the vast prairies of the Great West. As a general rule the land is good, but it is a fact that might reasonably be expected in so large a scope that there is some land that would be considered poor. Nearly all the land on this prairie that is susceptible of tillage is in cultivation, and generally sells at a high figure for this country, but not nearly so high as land of the same kind east of the Mississippi or in Iowa.

Spring River Prairie, which lies west and southwest of Mount

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Vernon from three to five miles to the nearest part, extends from Spring River southeast, about fifteen miles, and is about from three to six miles wide. Nearly all the land on this prairie is under fence and in cultivation or pasturage. On the southeast half is located the famous German neighborhood, which is now fast becoming the most populous and wealthy district of its size in the county, notwithstanding that not fifteen years ago it was said that a �man would starve to death� on the very prairie which is now adorned with some of the handsomest homes in the county, and produces thousands of bushels of wheat, oats and corn and many tons of hay. The northwest half of the prairie is in a high state of cultivation, and can boast of some of the finest residences in this community.

Rock Prairie, in the northeast corner of the county, embraces a large body of valuable land well built up by a very thrifty lot of good farmers.

Buck Prairie is in the southeast corner of the county, coming up near Marionville. Like the other prairies of the Southwest, it is all fenced up and well cultivated.

Elk Horn and Lick Prairies are on the south side of the county, well built up. Aurora, a thriving town on the railroad, is in Elk Horn Prairie. Of Lawrence County in general the prairie districts are in the north and northwest part of the county. North of Phelps the prairie is magnificent and the same may be said of the county east of Phelps.

Rivers and Creeks.--Spring River is the most noted stream of the county, and takes its name from the large number of fine springs which break out all along its course in this county and pour their limpid waters into it, as well as from the famous spring at its source, in the southeast part of the county, which gushes forth from its white, pebbly bottom, flowing off in a stream as clear as crystal, and which affords abundant power for three mills within a mile of the spring, two grain or grist-mills, and one saw mill and a carding-machine and cotton-gin connected with one of the grist-mills.

This stream rises about one mile south of Verona, and flows in a northwesterly direction, passing out of the county near the

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half-way point of the western line at Bower�s Mill, which name is derived from the extensive flouring-mills, saw-mills and other machinery there located, but on the map the place is marked �Lyons.� Many of the finest bottom farms in the southwest lie on each side of this stream. A noted feature is that it is not subject to overflows like some other streams; the bottoms are wide, with a deep, rich soil which cannot be excelled in the production of wheat. Where the settler�s ax has not cleared away the timber to make way for cultivation, the bottoms and adjacent hills are covered with a thrifty growth of fine timber, consisting of oak, hickory, walnut, ash, cherry, sycamore, hackberry and others peculiar to this latitude, and a short distance to the south from the bottom is a beautiful prairie, extending from three to six miles in width, and about twelve in length, and on which are many valuable farms, and room for many more.

Honey Creek rises in the southeast part of the county near Marionville. Like Spring River, the principle source of this stream is a large spring, known throughout the county as �Polk Springs,� taking its name, it is said, from a near relative of President Polk. This stream flows in a west and then a northwest direction into Spring River, near the center of the county. Many very fine farms are to be found on either side of this stream, the bottoms being very fertile and wide. This stream is not encroached upon by abrupt hills and bluffs as many streams in the southwest, yet there are some rough, bluffy places along its course, but all along, where the land is not adapted for agricultural purposes, it is covere with valuable timber.

Turnback Creek rises on the east side of the county, near the center, flows northwest and passes out of the county on the north side a short distance east of the half-way point of the northern line of the county. All along this stream the country is rough and broken, presenting some of the finest grazing lands, covered by a forest of valuable timber, yet along the whole course are many very valuable farms.

Center Creek rises in the southern middle of the county and flows northwest through one of the finest and most valuable agricultural districts.

There are several other small steams in the county, viz.:

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White Oak, in the northwest part of the county; Stahl�s and Cherry�s Creeks are north of Mt. Vernon, and Williams� Creek passes near the town. Along these creeks are fine bottom farms in a high state of cultivation. Some other streams of small size pass through portions of the county.

Clear Creek may be said to be the sole property of Peirce City. Near the springs at its source the city water-works are constructed.

Mines and Miners.--Lawrence County is no exception to other portions of this great mineral district in her possession of hidden treasures. In 1873 the people cried out �Eureka!� In March, 1873, George Haley and George Connell prospected and worked a lead deposit near the Upshaw House, on Jenkins� road, six miles from Verona. Prior to this time, in February, 1869, O. P. Johnson discovered lead ore northeast of Mount Vernon, two miles from Turnback.

In August, 1874, lead was discovered on the McGee tract and other lands in the neighborhood.

In May and June, 1873, bands of prospectors wandered throughout the county, and mining companies were organized, all following the Haley discoveries at Aurora. The Bower�s Mills Mining Company comprised George Messick, Ben Skiller, Milt. Houton and Jacob Dunkle. The Colley Company leased Price Colley�s land, and commenced work under the direction of Dr. Wright, Nelson Hushaw, A. T. Wooton, Israel Disler and Isaac Hope. The senior company of all, known as the Marionville Company, comprised George Haley, W. M. Freeman, George Cannefax, Gillett & Son, ------Ward, ------Cornell and Abe Grammar, were at work one mile north of Aurora. The Aurora Company was also at work. Parson and the old Joplin miner, Swindle, were at work on Greene C. Stott�s farm, Miles W. Coates, Gibson Colley, James Colley and John Lebow had a shaft on Leroy Camden�s land; Knight & Teasdale were mining within the Peirce City limits, and later the company was mined on the Shannon farm, while the Mount Vernon Company was prospecting near Johnson & Cherry�s mill, on Turnback Creek. The members of this company were John G. Wear, William H. Johnson, Ham Gaither, James H. Matthews, W.

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Fletcher King, A. R. Conklin, G. S. Milsaps, Robert Kelley, G. W. Fowler, T. H. Jones, A. K. Millsaps, J. F. Ward, Wyatt Harris, W. E. Wright, J. B. Underwood, H. George, William H. Wilson and R. H. Landrum.

In July, 1881, John W. Johnson, in digging a well two miles north of Mount Vernon, struck two veins of lead. The great leads at Aurora are noticed in the history of that town.

Building Stone.--In the northeast corner of Township 28, Range 26, near a winter rivulet, is found an excellent fine-grained limestone, in regular layers, averaging six inches in thickness, which can be taken out in any desired lengths.

The sandstone quarries of Marionville are celebrated throughout the southwest as the dark yellow sandstone. This is taken out in huge blocks, the same as used in the jail building at Mount Vernon. Chigar Hill, just north of Mount Vernon, may be termed a small mountain of good building stone. Around Mount Vernon the large limestone bluffs furnish excellent stone, of any size, and of every quality from the fine-grained to the heavy, coarse-grained stone.

Trees.--In October, 1869, Allen & Moody had at their saw-mill an oak log twenty-four feet long, which produced 9,000 feet of inch lumber. This log was cut near the mill on Honey Creek, five miles southwest of Mount Vernon. Even to-day this old Ozark country can produce some of the finest hardwood trees to be found east of the Rocky Mountains.

Fruit trees and shrubs of all kinds do well in this country, such as apples, peaches, cherries, pears, plums, grapes, gooseberries, strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries. During the last few years considerable attention has been given to the successful growing of such fruits. Fruit crops are almost sure, except peaches, which sometimes fail. The timber is well distributed over the country.

Products.--The principal agricultural products are wheat, corn, oats, potatoes, tobacco, timothy and clover, although of late much attention has been given to the cultivation of the Chinese sugar-cane or �sorghum.� The yield is profitable, averaging over 200 gallons of molasses to the acre, while wheat yields about fifteen bushels; oats, thirty-five bushels; corn,

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forty bushels; tobacco, 1,200 pounds; timothy, one and one-half tons, and clover, two tons.

Birds.--Lawrence, like her three southwestern neighbors, forms a paradise for birds. All the travelers of tropical climes come here as visitors, and after their departure the northern birds come down to make their winter home here. In October, 1874, 2,500 pigeons were killed at the roost near Marionville in one night. J. S. Drake thinks there were 25,000,000 at the time, for he remembers seeing the flying flocks close off the very sunlight from a large area. The roost near Mount Vernon, though thickly inhabited, is a modern pigeon settlement. A large gray eagle was killed in Northern Lawrence, January 16, 1869, by Joseph Berry. From tip to tip of wings it measured eight feet.

Insects.--Chigar Hill is named from the minute chigar, which, next to the tick, is one of the most ferocious insect enemies of man. The female mosquito is considered innocuous when compared with this miniature cannibal.

The tick is much more decisive in his movements than the smaller members of his species. The fact that he is visible to the naked eye gives man the only advantage over him, but this advantage, if not followed up by keeping a distance from his haunts, is of small importance, as the tick, in his native home, is all powerful without reason.

In 1855, 1868 and 1881 locusts swarmed throughout the country.

Reptiles.--The several species common to this section of the Ozark Mountains are found here, but strange to say not so active or numerous as in Barry or McDonald Counties. In September, 1876, W. H. Reagan captured a centipede, nine inches long, with forty feet, three miles northwest of Mount Vernon. The tarantula comes here as a stranger, and is so timid as to confine his wanderings to some untraveled part of the country.

Animals of Chase.--Before the first settlers arrived here the Indians rid the forests of Spring River of all the large game, such as the buffalo and antelope. The common deer remained some years, but is now only seen at long intervals. The wolf, once so numerous, has almost disappeared. In April, 1868, Alonzo

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Chewing killed a large mountain wolf in Vineyard Township. Now large game is so scarce that their appearance causes surprise.

In June, 1875, Joseph Browning and Thomas Adams were traveling a few miles south of Marionville, when they were attacked by a panther. The animal seized Adams� mule by the neck, when the mule began to bellow and buck, and succeeded in throwing Adams off. Tom took to the trees, leaving Browning to witness the mule�s struggle with the panther. Browning, missing his friend, called out to Tom, to answer if he were hurt. Tom to Browning�s great surprise, shouted from a tree-top, �Oh, Lord; I�m in the top of this tree! Ugh!� Browning wished he were there too, and set up a tremendous howl, loud enough to secure the presence of Farmer Hare, who discovered that the panther was a sheep of a fighting temperament.

From the year 1859 to May 15, 1861, when the first record of wolf-scalp hunters ceases, there were forty-three scalps presented to the treasurer by the hunters of Lawrence County. Among the names of the first hunters were the following: William Cherry, Isaac Gilley, Moses H. Shelton, John F. Hunter, Thomas Colley, William Brice, James Wilkinson, H. J. Charles, Andrew Tarteer, Thomas Price, William Horn, James Wilkinson, Joseph C. Berry, William S. Gullett, Benjamin S. Thaxton, William Chandler, W. M. Paris and H. F. Smith. From December 8, 1862, to December 11, 1865, there were only forty-nine wolves killed, although the forests were full of them. Men in these days were looking rather for men to slay, but the following named at least found time to take the forty-nine scalps referred to: James J. Cherry, John B. Hunt, L. A. Williamson, I. E. Shelton, H. Norton, Paul M. Pigg, Elijah B. Hillhouse, George W. Benbrook, J. D. Hillhouse, A. J. Davidson, John P. Williams, Ephraim Tarteer, N. W. Browning, Logan L. Howard, James Pennington, William R. Fountain, John P. Gullett, Claiborn Osbourne, R. S. Hillhouse, G. W. Wooten, Egbert Prewett and T. N. Selby. From January to September, 1866, there were forty-six scalps reported. Many of the above named were among the post-bellum hunters, with William Mullins, S. S. Williams, J. L. Schooling, Daniel Pennington, Wiley Shoultes, J. M. Gibson, J.

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G. Rucker, Abata Ervin, James E. Neece, William W. Hatton, C. T. McCray, W. E. Cherry, W. W. Morris, F. M. Morris, J. M. White and W. C. Sullivan. About the beginning of 1867 men returned to industry, and as they made progress the wolves disappeared.

Storm and Flood.--The hailstorm of May 1, 1871, was felt in Southern Lawrence and Northern Barry. The hail destroyed hogs, sheep and poultry. In one instance a hailstone struck a man on the head knocking him senseless.

On May 26, 1872, a great rain drenched the country round Verona for twenty miles, destroying many miles of railroad track and inundating the country. In the old town of Verona the water rose within a few minutes from three to five feet, flowing in a strong current into Spring River. A family of three persons was lost, viz.: the keeper of the water-tank at Verona, George Greenloch, wife and daughter.

A tornado swept through the county in August, 1875, doing much damage on Stone Prairie.

The Lawrenceburg tornado of August 7, 1879, destroyed Dr. John W. Wilkerson�s dwelling, while the Masonic Hall was raised off its foundation and placed diagonally across. A dwelling house was also turned around. This storm of 1871 destroyed Wilkerson�s former house.

The tornado of April 18, 1880, referred to in the history of Barry County, moved Clay Hill school-house about thirty feet from its foundation, blew away Ezekiel Ellis� barn, destroyed Sam Berry�s dwelling and destroyed the houses of Ira Ward, George Hogan, Harrison Wilson, Jerry Ellis, Fayette Adkinson, Hubbard J. Williams, Sr., and J. E. Williams, Jr., all in the neighborhood of Verona. At Aurora twelve houses were blown down, and the Laney Bros� mill destroyed, although the path of the whirlwind was four miles south. Hailstones weighing one and one-quarter pounds were picked up at Aurora.

The tornado of December 4, 1880, destroyed the colored men�s church, Joe Hensley�s cabin, damaged the Methodist and Baptist Church buildings, destroyed Dock Jones� smoke-house, Dr. Hocker�s store building, McCune�s stable, also J. L. Lebow�s, W. W. Whaley�s and H. Gray�s buildings, and moved Wright &

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Co.�s warehouse. The Ozark Prairie brick church building was unroofed, the Fairplay school-house destroyed, also David Hood�s dwelling, Tennis� grain-house, and Massey Miller�s house unroofed. The damage to orchards and fences on Ozark Prairie was extensive. At Heaton Dr. Lowrance�s store building was destroyed. At Lawrenceburg, M. Morris� house was destroyed, and L. Minott�s, A. Moore�s, James Box�s, A. Adams�, J. Abbott�s houses, with their dwellings, were injured.

Phenomea.--In November, 1872, the remains of Mrs. Sherman (who died in 1868, and was buried at Bower�s Mills) were exhumed. The hair was perfectly solid, the clothing the same as on the day of interment, and the body as solid as stone, while the features were unchanged from the moment of death.

On July 1, 1861, the brilliant comet was visible from this district. Grasshoppers were plenty in February, 1862. On July 3, 1863, a vast smoke floated over the country and continued until the 6th. One could with difficulty see a man thirty paces off, but not farther. The blizzard of January 1, 1864, set in with terrific violence.

From 1874 to 1881 good crops were the rule. In the latter year the locusts destroyed the crops, but in 1882 fortune smiled again on agriculture, and crops henceforth were above the average of any previous decade. An aerolite passed over Southwest Missouri in April, 1876, in its course from the northeast, exploding, finally, a few miles from Washburn. The report was heard as far south as Fayetteville, Ark.

Cold Days.--R. B. Taylor�s record of the coldest days in Lawrence County, from 1868 to February, 1875, is as follows: 1868, December 11, 1 below 0; 1869, February 23, 0; 1870, December 24, 8 below 0; 1871, December 4, 2 above 0; 1872, December 22, 8 below 0; 1873, January 26, 14 below 0; 1874, January 15, 10 above 0; 1875, January 9, 10 below 0. Only once within the last thirteen years has the mercury fallen lower than it did in 1875, and seldom so low as that.

Rain Fall.--Droughts may be said to be unknown in this region. In May, 1878, the rain fall was 5.9 inches. J. S. Drake, who was then observer at Mount Vernon for the Missouri Western Services, stated that since 1839 there about eight Mays

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that had a greater rain fall. In the history of Newton County a fair statement of rain fall is given, and the figures apply to Mount Vernon almost as closely as they do to Neosho.


Early Pioneers.--That this portion of Missouri was occupied by white men in days long ago, is evidenced by the �diggings� near Seneca, and the Spanish Fort near the county seat of Lawrence.

The Spanish Fort Cemetery, about three miles south of Mount Vernon, is partly within the boundaries of the old fort, said to have been built there in the Seventeenth Century by the Spaniards. There is no written record of this early settlement, so that its credit to the Spanish explorers, while acquiesced in by the pioneers, is merely legendary.

Judge Ritchey, speaking of his journey to the country of the Six Bulls, in 1832, affirms that where Springfield now is was then the site of one small grocery store and smaller stock. At that time Crawford County, settled about 1815, and organized in 1829, stretched south and west to Arkansas and the Indian Country, north to the Osage, and east to the line of Franklin, Washington and Wayne Counties, with Steelville, the county seat. The country of the Six Bulls was that drained by the Grand River and its six tributaries. As the settlements progressed these streams were named Elk or Cowskin River, Shoal Creek, Centre Creek, Spring River, North Fork and Neosho River. The same traveler of 1832, setting out for the country of the Six Bulls from Kickapoo Prairie, was pointed out a dim trail leading southwest. Pursuing this trail for three days generally brought the emigrant face to face with �Squire John Williams and his five sons, who settled in, or about 1831, three miles northeast of the town of Mount Vernon. At Verona James White and his young wife had made a home, while George Gibson, his father-in-law, had settled almost a mile due north. James Williams, David Gibson, and John Gibson are sons of those pioneers. James M. White is living, and had the honor, in 1888, of being caught by a �Frisco locomotive and cast into the fields near the Verona depot, without physical injury.

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Judge Landrum, in his pioneer reminiscences, written in 1878, states that David McKenzee, who came the next year after Judge Williams and son, and who settled on Spring River about eight miles northwest of where Mount Vernon now stands, cleared off and cultivated a small field, which was the first land cultivated in the county. Jesse H. Duncan, James Mayfield and George Duncan came in 1833, and settled on Spring River, west of S. S. Williams. James Burrough, George Gibson, James Gibson, Elijah Hillhouse, C. G. Cowan, William Bracken, J. M. White, A. A. Young and others settled in the county in 1834. A. A. Young, better known as Uncle Young, was the first preacher that settled in the Territory, now Lawrence County.

In 1835 Joseph Bearden, William Lumley and others arrived and settled here. William Lumley was an old Revolutinary soldier, and his body now lies moldering in the dust, on Turnback Creek, near where Lumley�s mill stood, on the Mount Vernon and Bolivar road. In 1876 the good citizens of the neighborhood in which he was buried raised, by subscription, money enough to cause a substantial stone wall to be placed around his grave. This was done in memory of the only Revolutionary soldier whose body lies buried in Lawrence County. Joseph Schooling, Jesse Williamson, Sampson Wright, Zepheniah Gunn, Philip Hash, Robert B. Taylor, William Mullins, Robert Hash, Ralph Elkins, Capt. John Gullett and others settled here in 1836. Capt. Gullett and R. B. Taylor are still living in the county; the others are dead or have moved away. Benjamin Stahls, William Truett, Washington Smith, Robert Kimmons, Price Anderson, Richard and Samuel Price, A. B. Baugh and others arrived in the year 1838. Those named are all dead. In 1839 many others came in and settled, among whom were John Toliver, Asa Wormington, James Cherry, William Orr, Stephen Powell, William Connel, Thomas M. Polk (a cousin to James K. Polk, ex-President of the United States) and Jesse M. Taylor. The last named is still living in the county. Ambrose Coleman, William Coleman, John W. Richardson, Jeremiah Love, La Fayette Mayberry, James McCanse and others arrived in 1840. John Ingram, Wyatt Harris, Sr., Dempsey Jackson, Elijah Lingo, James McCally, James A. Gutherie, John Link, Jesse Mundon, Andrew

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Moore and Bradford Samuels and others arrived in 1841. His references to Uncle Jimmie White, a settler of 1831, are so connected with the early religious history as to require a place in the chapter on churches.

A number of families accompanied Judge John Williams from Tennessee in 1831, but on reaching the creek and breaks near the eastern part of the county all turned back disheartened except the Judge and his son Samuel S. Williams, whereupon the creek was called Turnback, and still bears that name. Mr. S. S. Williams settled two miles west of Mount Vernon in 1833.

Wyatt Harris, in his Centennial Sketch, says that from the year 1841 the settlement of the county was rapid, each succeeding year bringing large numbers of immigrants. The settlers came mostly from Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana and Virginia, with a few from almost every State east of the Mississippi.

Jesse H. Duncan and George Duncan opened the first store and sold the first goods that were sold in the territory now forming Lawrence County. Their place of business was at the McKenzie Spring, on Spring River, about eight miles west of Mount Vernon. They sold goods there during the years 1833, 1834 and 1835.

The country up to 1835 was inhabited by a few roving bands of Deleware Indians, the principal village being located on James River, a few miles south of the city of Springfield.

Samuel Powers settled above the Fullertons. Richard Tankersley and his son-in-law, Campbell G. Gowan, came in the spring of 1833, one locating at a point above the mouth of Prewett�s Creek, and the other on the site of Peirce City. Before the close of 1833 settlements were made on Spring River, Elk River, Indian Creek and high up on Shoal River. Job Ratliff settled on the site of Neosho early in 1834, while his father, James Ratliff, located at the grand falls of Shoal River.

Thatcher Vivion and John Fullerton settled near Centreville, afterward named Sarcoxie. In 1833 Vivion sold goods on Centre Creek, at Sarcoxie; while Fullerton�s cabin was a mile up the creek. In the seventies one of his sons was a pioneer of Peirce City.

In February, 1888, David E. Gibson died at the age of seven-

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ty-four years. He came here with his father, George M. Gibson, in 1831, leaving only one of the pioneers of that year living, Judge J. M. White, of Verona. The settlers of 1831, who preceded Uncle Davy to the grave, were Daniel Beal, Thomas Horn, George M. Gibson, and Judge Williams.

Reunion.--The beginning of the old settlers� reunions in this county dates back to August 18, 1883. At that time a large number of pioneers congregated on the sward east of Phelps. Dr. M. Taylor presided. At this meeting James White, of Verona, related that four of his children, born on the old homestead, claimed each a different county as the place of birth. The Delaware Indians were his only neighbors in 1831. The prize of $25 was equally divided between James M. White, who arrived the last week of October, 1831, and David E. Gibson, who came at that time. Elizabeth Williams, who was present, came November 17, 1831. A similar prize was offered to the oldest person on the ground, which was won by James H. Robinson, aged eighty-three. John Chandler claimed to be one hundred and one, but had no records, so was omitted. Among the other competitors were J. M. White, seventy four; Elizabeth Williams, seventy-one; Mary Wicker, seventy-three; Harriet Tillottson, eighty-one; N. H. Goss, seventy-seven; Arminius Dobyns, seventy-six and Mary Downing, eighty; Mrs. William Connell�s baby won the carriage; Miss Gertrude Kirby won the prize as the prettiest woman, Jacob Stemmons as the handsomest man, Dr. M. Taylor, as the ugliest man; James E. Johnson, a most industrious citizen, was awarded the prize as the laziest man, and Emma Roberts, as the prettiest girl under twelve years.

Pioneer Land Buyers.--Township 26 north, Range 25 west, was offered for sale December 21, 1846. The first buyers were James F., Samuel R. and Joseph Manning on Section 3, 1847, and William Steward in 1848; Russel S. Cramlin on Section 1 in 1849; Amos Wilks on Section 6 in 1847; Joseph Rinker on Section 7 in 1847, and Carr S. McMatt on Section 7, December 22, 1846; Thomas Marsh on Section 10, Marsh and Rogers on Section 15 in 1847; Welson W. Bobey on Section 17 in 1848; Nathan and David Wheat on Section 18 in 1849; Ben Wise on Section 27 in 1854; William Hilton on Section 35 in 1847, and John Forbis and William McLain on Section 36 in 1849.

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Township 26, Range 26, was opened for entry September 23, 1839. Rayel Hazelton entered 161.4 acres on Section 1, September 25, that year; John Pharis in 1840; H. K. Davis on Section 1 in 1843; George Davis bought on Section 3 in 1847; Abel Lee pre-empted the southwest quarter of Section 5 in 1834; John Weeks, W. G. Lee and Matthew Lowder pre-empted on Section 6 in 1838; George M. Gibson on Section 8 in 1834-38; Christopher C. Porter purchased on Section 12 in 1839 also Jeptha White in 1840; J. A. Maxwell on Section 13 in 1848; James M. White on Section 17 in 1839; D. C. Browning on Section 20, that year; Henry S. Zinn in 1844; Jacob Miller on Section 21 in 1839; John D. Miller on Section 27 that year and John B. Higdon on Section 34 in 1847.

Township 26, Range 37, was offered for sale September 23, 1839. Matthew Lowder purchased on Section 1 that year, also Sampson Anderson on Section 5, and in 1840-41 the Chitwoods purchased on this section. Reuben Vermillion and Eldridge Miller bought on Section 31, and Reuben M. Browning on Section 33 in 1840.

Township 26 north, Range 28 west, was offered for sale February 6, 1846. On Section 21 W. P. Johnson, Aquilla Belliss, Martin Laugh, Martin Nelson, Daniel Laugh, Jesse Ambrose Morris, John W. and Festus Sparks purchased in 1851-54; Jessee and M. B. Brite purchased on Sections 22 and 23 in 1851-52, also William Swain in 1854; D. H. Lambert on Section 25 in 1855. In 1834 Campbell G. Gowan pre-empted on Section 27 the lands which he purchased in 1843. In 1838 he pre-empted on Section 28, and Festus Spark bought there in 1843. On Sections 29 and 30 Joseph R. Beard, Jeremiah Evans, Sampson Looney and Jesse Le Grand purchased in 1843-45; Thomas W. Bingham on Section 35 in 1843, and the Wormington�s on Section 36 in 1843-44.

Township 26, Range 29, was offered for sale February 6, 1843. Stephen D. Sutton, Lucy Williams, Charles F. Shipman and Nancy Williams purchased in 1843-44.

Township 27, Range 25, was offered for sale December 21, 1846. In February, 1847, John B. Woods purchased on Section 6, and in 1852, Andrew P. Woods and John R. Williams. In 1847

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-51 William and Andrew McCanse bought on Section 9, also Daniel Ray, while on Section 7 James D. Hillhouse purchased; Neil McNeil purchased on Section 10 in 1847, and Joseph McConnell in 1852; Richard Anderson, Jacob Stover and James C. Jennings purchased on Section 17 in 1854; Daniel Turner on Section 18 in 1847; Thomas M. Polk on Section 21, in 1847, and he and Malcom Black on Section 22 in 1846-48. On Section 25 Russell B. Nicholls, M. Lowder, Carver Gunn bought prior to May, 1848; A. Davidson in 1850, and Andrew Hendricks in 1851. Levi Shook purchased on Section 26 in 1847; William Black on Section 27 in 1848, and Daniel Jones in 1849. On Section 28 T. M. Polk purchased in 1848, and Leonard Grammar in 1852. William Lewis and L. B. McNatt, Eli J. Stacey and L. M. Haskell (who pre-empted in 1841) were early buyers on Section 29; John C. McNatt and R. C. Shipman on Section 30 in 1846 and 1849 respectively; the Wilk�s family and C. Cummings on Section 31; H. Adams on Section 34; James M. Moore and Joseph Alexander on Section 35, and James Gammill, Russell B. Nicholls, Jacob N. Garrett and Russell Shamlin on Section 36.

Township 27, Range 27, was opened for entry September 23, 1839. Alfred Moore entered the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 1 in October, 1839; George W. Hill pre-empted on Section 2 in 1834, and William Wright and Alfred Moore in 1838; Jesse Williamson, Arch. B. Baugh and George W. Hill pre-empted on Section 3 in 1838; De. E. Gibson bought on Section 11 in 1839; Sally Capps and A. Moore bought on Section 12 in 1839; and in 1838 M. W. Bobbitt and D. E. Gibson pre-empted. In 1839 Henry Hurley purchased on Section 13, also John D. and L. W. Allen. James Gibson and John Zachary pre-empted on Section 24 in 1838, and Daniel and Robert Lee on Section 25 in 1834. Andrew Withers bought on Section 21 in 1839, and Alfred Chitwood in 1841. In 1838 Jacob Lee and Ben. Allen pre-empted on Section 36, and purchased in 1839.

Township 27, Range 28, was opened February 6, 1843; James B. McDowell on Section 7, Garrett Boswell on Sections 8 and 9, and Garrett Boswell on Section 9, purchased that year; also Bennett Wellman on Section 10, R. M. Boswell, James P. Schooling,

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Joseph and William F. Schooling, Jesse W. Wormington, Allen and Elijah Lingo, Abe. And Jacob Bringole purchased prior to 1843; William Cline on Section 25 in 1844; Reuben Woods on Section 26 in 1842; Cary Boucher on Section 27 in 1843, William Boucher in 1847. The greater part of the township was sold in 1857.

Township 27, Range 29, was opened for sale May 18, 1840. W. Stevenson purchased on Section 1 that year, and Abijah Byers and Harvey Stevenson on Section 13. In 1841 Michael Archer purchased on Section 13. George Duff purchased on Section 12 in 1840. Edward Wormington, Elizabeth Winters and Joshua Woods bought in Sections 24 and 25, that year.

Township 28, Range 25, was opened for sale December 21, 1846. John S. Richmond pre-empted on Section 1 in 1841, and William Neil purchased in 1845; Euphia J. Williams on Section 4 in 1849; Jesse M. Taylor on Section 9 in 1847; John Chartain on Section 11 in 1847, and William on Section 12 in 1848; Alex. A. Moore and Henderson Moore on Section 15 in 1849; John McCall purchased on Section 23 in 1846.

Township 28, Range 26, was opened for entry September 23, 1839. Andrew J. Reed purchased on Section 2 that year, and Joseph Anderson in 1842; John A. Lack and William Bracken in 1839; Thomas T. Gunn in 1840, and Temple E. Hickman in 1844, settled on Section 5. William Fullbright, Philip Baldwin and Samuel Thomas purchased on Section 6 in 1840-41; F. Trewitt on Section 7; Andrew J. Reed, James Roles and Leroy Mullins on Section 11; Robert Elkins on Section 12 in 1839; R. B. Taylor on Section 14 in 1840; John Ogle on Section 15 in 1841; John Hash in 1839 on Section 18; Daniel D. Berry on Sections 19 and 20 in 1839; Zadoc Newman on Section 23 in 1840; W. H. and Thomas A. Cotter on Section 26 in 1840; John Toliver on Section 27 in 1845; Oliver Woods and Jacob Spangler on Section 28, in 1840; Wade H. Stroud on Section 29 in 1839; Samuel Spangler and Ellis King in 1840, and Jeremiah B. Keely in 1847. On Section 30 James Cherry, Leland Mullins, Sampson Wright and William H. Harrison purchased in 1839-41. Matilda G. Jenkins purchased on Section 31 in 1839; John Nance, in 1840; Pleasant M. Wear, in 1847, and

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James Cherry, in 1840. The Tolivers and Ben. Matthews bought Section 32, outside the railroad grant, and in 1841 John H. Toliver and Samuel Thomas led the purchase of Section 33. John Williams, Henry F. Williams and Samuel A. Moore purchased Section 34, outside the railroad lands, while the Woodses, Thomas Marsh and Elijah R. Hurley bought up Section 35. Except 200 acres bought by J. B. Woods on Section 36, the railroad owned the section.

Township 28, Range 27, was opened September 23, 1839, Corbin Pennington and John R. H. Lebow bought on Section 2 in 1840-41. On Section 3 W. M Cearnal bought in 1841, Simeon Pennington in 1839 and Ben Stahl in 1840. Dempsey Jackson, Robert C. and Pleasant McGehee and Elisha H. Jackson purchased on Section 4 prior to 1842. John C. Price bought on Section 5 in 1840, and George T. Price in 1842. Richard P. Anderson bought on Section 6 in 1839, and W. C. Pennington in 1841. Peter Pennington bought on Section 8 in 1841; John Chambers in 1839; James Connell in 1841; Jacob Lebow and John Taylor bought on Section 9 in 1839-41. Daniel Fuller, Rebecca Funk and Jacob Lebow bought on Section 10. In 1842 James A. Cadel and William Brown bought on Section 11; David Morgan in 1839; Alex Brown in 1844. On Section 12 James Dollison bought in 1840; Randolph Henson, Joseph Weaver, James Cadel and George W. Thompson in 1839. About this time the Hensons and Dave Morgan bought on Section 13; Philip Hash, William Orr, John Toliver and Ben. Adams on Section 14, and John E. Martin, Mary Cooper, William Connell, Nathan Cooper, James A. Guthrie, and Gabriel R. Young purchased on Section 15 in 1839; Asa Pennington and William Connell purchased on Section 17 in 1839, while L. Wellman bought in 1840. John McDaniel purchased on Section 18 in 1840, and James A. Guthrie and James Brady in 1838. Asbury Bewley purchased on Section 19 in 1839; John Patton, Roland and Alex. McKenzey on Section 20 the same year. In 1840 S. K. Woodrow, and in 1839 Gabriel Young and J. A. Guthrie were the first buyers on Section 21. John A. Link, Robert Jennings, John E. Martin and G. T. Toney purchased on Section 22 in 1839-40, and John P. Campbell on Section 23. Section 24 was bought up princi-

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pally in 1839 by Ralph and James Elkins, Zephaniah Gunn, Philip Hash and John Lucas, Sr. John C. Price and John Pattrick bought on Section 25 in 1839, and Sampson Wright, George White and Robert Jennings on Section 26; John W. Moore on Section 27 in 1840. On Section 28 David McKenzie and William Jennings pre-empted in 1834, while James M. Brecheen and S. K. Woodrow bought on Section 33 in 1839. S. S. Williams, J. W. Moore, W. S. M. Wright and James Mayfield on Section 34 the same year. Except Matilda G. Jenkins� purchase on Section 36 in 1839 and Sampson Wright�s on Section 35, the two other sections remained over for buyers from 1845 to 1856.

Township 28, Range 28, was offered for sale February 6, 1843. John W. Wilson and John S. Waddill purchased on Section 4, that year. Thomas Grier pre-empted on Section 6 in 1838; Harvey T. McCune on Section 7 in 1841; R. McKenzie on Section 13 in 1834; Peter Heshaw on Section 14 in 1841; Jesse H. Duncan on Secton 15 in 1834, and John Mahon in 1838, and Jacob Heshaw on Section 17 in 1841. Section 18 was bought in 1842-44 by Susannah Richardson, John P. and George W. Messick, Jacob and Harvey Heshaw. Elvina G. Brown purchased on Section 21 in 1843; the Fishers and E. Hicks on Section 22; Albert Boswell on Section 23; John McDavid on Section 24; Joseph R. Beard on Sections 26 and 27; Beaufort Moore on 27, and Lewis Wellman on 26, in 1843. The higher sections were purchased later or donated to the State or railroad company.

Township 28, Range 29, was offered for sale February 6, 1843. David Duncan pre-empted on Section 12 in 1838. James B. McDowell purchased on Section 13 in 1843, and Mark A. Garrison in 1846. George A. Fishburn and John Henry entered on Section 36 in 1838, and William Duncan pre-empted on Section 25 in 1838.

Township 29, Range 25, was offered for sale September 23, 1839. Among the early buyers were Patsey May, Richard Graves, Silas Grantham, William Graves, John L. McFall, S. A. Harshbarger, Thomas L. Wilson, Alex Brown, Mathias Benson, Jerry Murray, William McFarland, D. D. Berry, William Mc-

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Meeken, John W. Richardson, James L. Porter, John Dunkle, John Nichols, Jesse Gun, James Nichols, William Graves, Abe Windell, Zeb. Dunkle, Cuthbert Stump, Gibson Hendricks, James Washburn, Daniell Williamson, Wash. Williams, Aaron Ruyle, Jr., John Vance, E. Ramsay, Zeph. Harrison, Robert Kimmons, Wash. Smith, Asa G. Smith, Robert Morrow, Margaret Coble, D. D. Stockton, Abe Walker, W. L. Morrow, Daniel Morris, Alex C. Owen, Presley L. Smith, Obadiah H. Smith, William W. Sims, James Downing, Jeremiah Laney, Harrison Gaither, F. R. McFall, Elbert E. Cooper, Daniel Wan, Absalom Collins, and John Randles, all of whom purchased in 1839, some pre-empting prior to that year. This township was the first thoroughly settled, although now it is considered the roughest part of the county.

Township 29, Range 26, was opened for entry September 23, 1839. Abraham Windle, Joseph J. Hackney, Eli F. Prickett and Lambert S. Bearden purchased on Section 1 in 1839; William Lumbley, John Satterfield, John Gambill and Ethan A. Brown on Section 2; Russell Williams, James Ventioner, Jr., John Morris, and Stephen Box on Section 6; L. S. And B. W. Bearden on Section 12; John Chambers and Maximilian Mabry on Section 27; Thomas Lewis on Section 28; William R. Davis, Henry C. Price and David Johnson on Section 30; Franklin Truitt and John A. Lack on Section 32; Wyatt Harris, John Chambers, Richard P. Anderson and Samuel Thomas on Section 33. William Bracken pre-empted on Section 32 in 1834; William Ruark and W. B. Dryden on Section 34, and Daniel Garringer on Section 36.

Township 27, Range 26, was opened for entry September 23, 1839. James Gibson purchased on Section 1 in 1840; John and James M. Williams on Section 3 in 1839; John Tolivar and Abel Burton on Section 4 in 1840; Charles R. Berry, Leroy Mullins and Archibald Woods on Section 5 in 1840; Francis, John P. M. And Robert W. Crawford, with Matilda G. Jenkins, on Section 6 in 1839-41. On Section 7 Martin W. Bobbitt purchased in 1840; Tate Anderson on Section 9; the Williams brothers were early buyers on Sections 10 and 11; James Burrows in 1839 on Section 13; also Alexander A. Young on Section 15; while on

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Section 17 L. W. Allen, George M. Gibson, John Hawkins and Jesse Hawkins purchased in 1839-40. Hannah Sawyers and the Gibsons purchased all the railroad left of Section 18. Abel Burton bought on Section 21 in 1839. Elijah B. And James D. Hillhouse and Eli Gibson purchase on Sections 22 and 23 in 1839; Dan Turner on Section 24 in 1841, and William Eaton on Section 30; Matthew Lowder on Section 31 in 1839; Guley E. M. Rinker on Section 33 in 1842; James Phariss and Joseph Rinker on Section 34 in 1841; Joseph D. Sharp, Robert D. Phariss, W. C. And Pleasant Phariss on Section 36 in 1841, and John Phariss in 1840.

Township 29, Range 27, was offered for sale September 23, 1839. Among the first land buyers here were Lyddall Bowles, Thomas Bowles, Allen Crouch, Henry flesher, Levi Reynolds, Jonathan Hunt, John Hunt, William Winton on Sections from 1 to 24. W. C. Price and William Connell bought on Section 25 in 1839; John I. Still bought on Section 26 in 1845; William G. Bryant, Derney Jackson and Edward Webb bought on Section 27 in 1839-40; John and Robert McGehee bought on Sections 32 ad 33, in 1839, and Elizabeth Price pre-empted on Section 32 in 1838. Ben Stahl pre-empted the southeast quarter of Section 34 in 1838, and Jackomyer Baldwin purchased there in 1841, otherwise the higher sections remained in possession of the United States until 1850-56.

Township 29, Range 28, was offered for sale February 6, 1843; David Victor purchased on Section 8 two days later; Joseph F. And John M. Duncan on Section 9 in 1844; James W. Guinn in 1845; Harvey T. McCune in 1843, and James B. Logan in 1846 on Section 17; Robert C. Patton on Section 19 in 1847; Benjamin Irwin on Section 20 in 1848; John H. Colley on Section 21 in 1847; James C. Sharp in 1844, and Leroy S. Camden on Section 22 in 1847; James R. Harris on Section 27 in 1844, and Robert M. Sims in 1847; Jacob Peters on Section 28 in 1847; John W. Stringfield on Section 32 in 1843; Thomas Berry and John Colley on Section 35 in 1843.

Township 29 north, Range 29 west, was offered for sale February 6, 1843. Sections 1 and 2 were sold in 1857, under the

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Act of 1855, a few parcels only being held for entry. Thomas Kerr purchased Section 24 in 1843, but pre-empted a small parcel in 1841.

Early Marriage Record.--In the history of Barry County all the marriages celebrated in what is now Lawrence County, up to the day of its separation from Barry, are given. For the purposes of pioneer history the following record of marriages, from 1845 to 1856 inclusive, is made a part of this division:


March 27, Jesse Roles and Joan Mullins by J. A. Fooshee, J.P.

April 8, Henry S. Zinn and Louisa McCanse, by A. A. Young, C.P.P.

March 30, Thomas J. Day and Eliza Duncan, by M. A. R. R. Robertson, M. P.

March 5, Francis P. Wilks and Eliza Wilks, by Jesse M. Wilks, Elder, C. C.

March 25, James Adams and Mary Nicholas, by Jesse M. Wilks, Elder, C. C.

April 14, Levan McNatt and Eliza Kellough, by Jesse M. Wilks, Elder C. C.

April 16, Abner P. Wilks and Caroline Gammill, by Jesse M. Wilks, Elder C. C.

April 17, Wilson Henson and Atalanta Hunt, by William C. Price, J.P.

April 20, Joseph W. Ellis and Cynthia A. Etter, by A. Moore, J.P.

May 18, Savill Gunner and Hanner Sawyers, by A. Moore, J.P.

May 16, Solomon Holeman and Nancy Wilky, by J. G. Bright, J.P.

July 20, Eli Wolf and Cyntha Carter, by Reuben Woods, J.P.

April 24, Lee Brown and Polly A. Roads, by Jesse M. Wilks, Elder C.C.

October 3, Oliver Perryman and Jennetty Moody, by Reuben Woods, J.P.

October 15, Charles Lealy and Cyntha Foster, by Joseph Schooling, C.J.

December 3, Jeremiah Foster and Jane Schooling, by Reuben Woods, J.P.

September 10, Edwin Cagle and Mary Orr, by J. B. Logan, C. P.P.

June 29, Tim W. Davis and Margaret Wells, by Joseph W. Ellis, L. M. P.

September 9, Robert Jennings and Sarah Wilkerson, by Joseph W. Ellis, L. M. P.

December 7, Casper Roth and Mrs. Maria J. Whipple, by Joseph W. Ellis, L.M.P.

December 14, William Whann and Eliza Young, by Jesse M. Wilks, Elder C.C.

September 4, Reuben M. Browning and Minerva A. Davis, by A. A. Young, CPP

December 10, John S. Kimbraugh and Melinda Wear, by A. A. Young, C.P.P.

December 25, Pleasant Pharris and Nancy Alexander, by Carver Gunn, J.P.

October 19, Milton A. Duff and Martha A. Lynn, by Henry H. Fouts, J.P.

October 16, Cornelius Cornine and Delila J. Baringer, by Henry W. Fouts, J.P.

December 25, Josephus P. Bell and Margaret Collins, by Daniel Wan, J.P.


[Additional marriages for 1846 are erroneously listed under 1856]

January 8, Eldridge Miller and Betsey F. Zinn, by A. A. Young, C.P.P.


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January 1, Alexander Zachary and Catherine Chitwood, by Max Mabery, M.G.

January 15, Jesse E. Morris and Ann H. Matthews, by George T. Toney, J.P.

January 29, Andrew McCanse and Margaret E. Williams, by Abel Burton, C.P.P.

October 9, Francis M. Lee and Polly Lee, by Joseph W. Ellis, M.G.

December 3, John Miller and Eliza Abbott, by Eagel Fowler, J.P.

December 15, Allen Shook and Phineta Shook, by Carver Gunn, J.P.

November 19, Isaac Grear and Lucinda Lemmons, by Matt Dunnegan, J.P.


February 24, Philip Baldwin and Eliza A. Estell, by W. R. Davis, M.G.

March 1, Martin Funk and Harriet Williamson, by W. R. Davis, M.G.

January 10, James Rogers and Margaret L. Kellett, by Jerry Laney, J.P.

January 20, Jacob Reed and Eliza Wells, by R. M. King.

February 25, Richard Hankins and Lavenia Carmon, by James C. Baldwin, M.P.

March 10, Thomas A. Cotter and Gilly Williams, by John B. Woods, J.P.

January 28, Richard Mudgett and Sarah Wilson, by George T. Toney, J.P.

March 25, Alexander Brown and Nancy McGehee, by George T. Toney, J.P.

March 31, Robert W. Shipman and Mary A. Burr, by A. A. Young, M.G.

April 7, N. B. Hocker and Lavinia Wear, by A. A. Young, M. G.

May 23, George Haley and Rachel Pennington, by William Matthews, J.P.

June 2, Thomas Hash and Virginia Owen, by Val. Penzer, C.P.P.

June 3, John Magill and Mary C. Haley, by D. W. Bryant, J.P.

June 26, James McAlley and Helen Harris, by G. B. Kelley, J.P.

July 19, James Griffy and Lidda Anderson, by Reuben Woods, J.P.

July 14, Andrew Miller and Nancy Evans, by G. Brite, J.P.

August 5, I. W. Pain and Ann Mathis, by Abel Burton, M.G.

September 9, John B. Owens and Sarah Phariss, by Jonathan Owens, M.G.

September 16, A. C. Davidson and Elizabeth Gibson, by Jesse Gage, M.G.

September 3, Richard Chitwood and Parthenia Epperson, by Reuben Woods, J.P.

September 30, Dave McAustin and Narcissa Spann, by William Matthews, J.P.

August 25, David E. Parks and Artemissa Eaton, by William Robinson, J.P.

September 16, Smith Warren and Jane Hottell, by P. M. Swatzell, J.P.

November 28, Absalom Haworth and Mary Stover, by Enoch M. Hays, J.P.

December 7, Young D. Waddle and Sarah A. Floyd, by Anthony Bewley, M.P.

July 29, F. C. Williams and Rhoda C. Leebo, by A. A. Young, C.P.P.

November 20, William D. Boling and Margaret B. Spann, by George T. Toney, JP

August 8, Zabedee Stockstill and Rebecca Williams, by G. B. Kirby, J.P.

September 9, Miles B. Phillips and Sarah Gum, by G. B. Kirby, J.P.

November 3, William Horn and Mary Swartzell, by Sam P. Binney, J.P.

November 24, Joseph Batesell and Melinda Browning, by T. Cunningham, M.G.

December 30, James Stockton and Rachel Wan, by David Stites, U.B.P.

December 29, John Borer and Harriet Matthews, by William Matthews, J.P.

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December 23, Joseph H. Griggs and Elvina G. Brown, by P. B. Marple, M.P.

December 23, John Hood and Malinda Stennson, by J. B. Logan, M.G.


January 2, Daniel Williamson and Matilda Wooley, by Joseph Chastian, M.G.

January 6, Eli Powers and Sarah M. Capps, by Abel Burton, C.P.P.

January 20, William I. Tate and Elizabeth Young, by J. B. Higdon, J.P.

February 10, George Taylor and Mary E. Biddlecome, by Guy Hinton, M.P.

April 4, John J. Kerr and Margaret A. B. Braley, by R. M. King.

April 16, Isaac Cooper and Sydney Cadel, by George T. Toney, J.P.

April 27, Peter M. Swatzell and Elizabeth Ripiton, by S. P. Binney, J.P.

March 3, Elijah Barker and Charity Cowan, by E. G. Sooter, M.P.

March 21, Thomas Cunningham and Eliza Lingo, by James Small, M.G.

May 11, James D. Athey and Martha Thompson, by John W. McCall, J.P.

April 4, �Squire Jennings and Jane E. Petit, by John W. McCall, J.P.

March 2, Rewfus Nichols and Lowdursco Gun, by E. Neece, G.C.P.

August 17, Alex. Maxwell and Evaline Gammill, by E. Neece, G.C.P.

June 13, James Brady and Eliza Tetrich, by Edgell Fowler, J.P.

March 30, Isaac Fryer and Matilda Rogers, by Henry Fare, J.P.

April 13, Dave M. Hood and Eliza Young, by W. R. Davis, M.G.

April 3, Samuel Garronto and Virginia Mahon, by P. M. Swatzell, J.P.

July 9, James Hewlett and Mary Spellman, by G. Spencer, M.G.

July 27, Joseph Berry and Mary Hash, by G. T. Toney, J.P.

June 12, James Kendle and Susan Briant, by S. P. Binney, J.P.

June 15, Michael Graves and Dosia M. Kimmons, by Jackson F. Box, M.P.

July 20, John Wolton and Winnaford Vaelton, by Andrew Kingery, M.G.

June 8, Henry McMullen and Margaret Snow, by J. C. Richardson, J.P.

July 20, David W. Jones and Polly Ann Petit, by J. W. McCall, J.P.

July 19, William Jennings and Jane Jackson, by G. P. Kerby, J.P.

July 12, Nichodemus Snow and Algaline Smith, by P. M. Swatzell, J.P.

March 10, William L. Simms and Elizabeth Duncan, by W. B. Hamilton, J.P.

January 20, Daniel Lee and Jerusha Phariss, by Jesse J. Gage, Bap. P.

August 20, Rev. Abel Lee and Mrs. Lucy Hill, by Joseph W. Ellis, M.G.

August 17, John P. Cook and Mary Wear, by A. A. Young, M.G.

July 20, John Pierce and Margaret Jeffries, by Anthony Bewley, M.P.

June 19, Fleming Jones and Mary Smith, by Anthony Bewley, M.P.

July 27, Jack A. Maxwell and Sarah Beerry, by John B. Higdon, J.P.

October 8, Dennis H. Shipman and Mary A. Anderson by John C. McNatt, M.G.

November 15, Elisha H. Jackson and Martha A. Stroud, by Joseph S.Gould, MG

September 10, Hezekiah Senthicum and Sarah A. Floyd, by R. M. King.

October 12, Joseph Connell and Narcissus Potter, by Joseph W. Ellis, J.P.

September 14, Galahugh Moore and Artimisia Patton, by Joseph W. Ellis, J.P.

October 8, David Griffin and Nancy Jane Pritchard, by Joseph W. Ellis, J.P.

September 26, David Carey and Susan Jurdin, by Edgell Fowler, J.P.

November 16, Zacariah Dunning and Sarah Pendleton, by J. C. McNatt, M.G.

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December 13, Robert Messer and Amanda Burress, by William B. Hamilton, J.P.

December 28, Alex. G. T. Mahon and Margaret Mize, by S. P. Binney, J.P.

December 26, Jacob Gies and Ellen Jennings, by W. Matthews, J.P.


January 18, Thomas B. Skeen and Savannah Hunt, by D. W. Bryant, J.P.

January 30, James McKoin and Lucinda Hocker, by William Matthews, J.P.

February 14, John Williams and Lucy Terrill, by William B. Wilson, M.G.

January 9, F. M. Wormington and Sarah Roden, by S. P. Binney, J.P.

March 1, William C. Caskey and Sarah G. Truitt, by D. W. Bryant, J.P.

March 2, Willis B. Taylor and Manerva Stockton, by Henry Fare, J.P.

January 10, Jacob Fare and Eliza A. Carman, by J. C. Richardson, J.P.

April 8, Turness Fisher and Eliza Smith, by S. P. Biraney, J.P.

February 25, Samuel Busby and Caroline Bird, by Peter M. Swatzell, J.P.

April 12, William Davis and Gilly S. Williams, by Peter M. Swatzell, J.P.

March 22, John Niece and Margaret Stuard, by Joseph W. Ellis, M.G.

April 29, Marvel Strood and Lucinda Bridges, by Reuben Woods, J.P.

February 5, Wilson Nicholas and Eliza Butler, by Carver Gunn, J.P.

May 13, Stephen Howard and Ellen Walker, by Joseph Schooling, J.C.E.

June 10, John M. West and Sarah J. Bird, by William B. Hamilton, J.P.

March 18, Robert Simms and Mary Peters, by William B. Hamilton, J.P.

May 23, William Swon and Ruth Brite, by G. Brite, J.P.

June 14, John H. Munday and Elizabeth Clark, by W. R. Davis, M.G.

August 4, Jerry C. Chastian and Tabitha Young, by F. R. McCall, J.P.

July 19, Perry Hide and Eliza Ann Tyler, by James L. Porter, J.P.

June 21, George S. D. Jones and Manda E. Clayton, by John W. McCall, J.P.

August 31, William I. Hood and Claresy M. Jones, by John W. McCall, J.P.

June 21, John R. Cavendish and Harriet C. Duncan, by W. B. Hamilton, J.P.

July 29, Ben. L. Hendricks and Miriam M. Brown, by Thomas Hash, Judge.

October 25, Winfrey T. James and Minervey T. Williams, by David Ross, M.G.

November 6, James Ferguson and Eliza A. Sutton, by John Spillman, J.P.

October 25, William M. Love and Hannah E. Cummins, by James C. Baldwin.

September 18, Ben. J. Colley and Mary A. Camden by Andrew Brown, U.B.P.

September 13, Isaac B. Reames and Juliann Hill, by P. M. Swatzell, J.P.

November 8, Wiley Adams and Minerva Hall, by J. B. Higdon, J.P.

September 22, Daniel Withers and Rutha Bryant, by Sam P. Binney, J.P.

November 17, Demcy Driver and Nancy Wilkerson, by William Matthews, J.P.

November 1, James W. Patton and Lucenno Lebo, by J. W. Ellis, M.G.

November 19, Robert Means and Polly Ferguson, by J. W. Ellis, M.G.

December 20, Richard P. Colley and Milley F. Camden, by Andrew Brown, UBP

December 20, Stephen F. Dusenberry and Jane Jordan, by Anthony Bewley, MP

November 27, Charles N. Gammill and Nancy Mallard, by J. W. Ellis, M.G.

December 29, Abraham Garner and Luna B. Landers, by J. W. Ellis, M.G.

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December 6, William F. Tewining and Margaret Higby, by Joseph Schooling, JSCC

December 27, Hugh Praviss and Mary J. Gibson, by A. A. Young, M.G.

December 6, Charles Shipman and Nancy Sueng, by James Irwin, C.P.P.

December 19, Aaron Berry and Ruth P. Keller, by J. E. McNatt, M.G.

November 29, John W. Garinger and Susannah Carman, by John W. McCall, J.P.


January 17, Henry V. Hash and Mary Elkins, by John B. Woods, J.P.

January 29, John P. Hamilton and Lavinny J. Morris, by John Hatfield, B.P.

February 6, Rev. Andrew Brown and Mary Hushand, by Joseph Bond, M.P.

May 2, Robert Hash and Harriet Bridges, by Reuben Woods, J.P.

February 14, Thomas J. Sims and Lavina Putman, by James C. Baldwin, J.P.

February 19, Robert Castiller and Mary A. Taylor, by Peter M. Swatzell, J.P.

January 10, Samuel Priveto and Sarry Hill, by Peter M. Swatzell, J.P.

January 6, F. M. Campbell and Jane Fare, by Josiah Stoggsdill, U.B.P.

March 30, James Hilton and Mary J. Rogers, by John C. McNatt, M.G.

February 7, Harris Woods and Arena Spillman, by Reuben Woods, J.P.

May 2, Murthy Adams and William Swing, by James H. Irwin, M.G.

April 25, Samuel Cline and Eliza A. Rains, by James H. Irwin, M.G.

March 7, Gilbert Schooling and Harriet Biddlecome, by Guy Hintn, C.P.P.

March 27, R. Dawson and Mary Hocker, by Guy Hinton, C.P.P.

April 18, Mattison Word and Jane Dunkle, by Edzel Fowler, J.P.

July 18, John Lebo and Mary J. Gullett, by William Matthews, J.P.

July 7, William Mullins and Rachel Estill, by Elbert E. Cooper, M.G.

May 16, John R. Morgan and Sarah J. Callaway, by Henry Fare, J.P.

July 21, Galey Johnson and Eliza E. Brashears, by J. B. Woods, J.P.

August 8, David Pryor and Elizabeth Buck, by J. C. Baldwin, M.C.S.P.

July 18, Reuben Fare and Ann Wilson, by J. C. Baldwin, M.C.S.P.

August 6, Jeremiah Laney and Uphe Jane Williams, by J. C. Baldwin, M.C.S.P.

July 11, James W. Keesling and Elizabeth Dodson, by J. C. Baldwin, M.C.S.P.

August 22, Benjamin E. Timberlich and Sarah F. Mullins, by William R. Davis,MG

August 11, Jesse J. Ruark and Dicey Potter, by Henry Fare, J.P.

November 7, John M. Bobo and Mary Matthews, by John D. Allen, J.P.

August 7, Nathaniel Reed and Nancy Cannutt, by John D. Allen, J.P.

November 14, Hiram L. Canteral and Lucinda Ruckman, by B.A.Y. Chastian, J.P.

December 22, William W. Osborn and Nancy Lee, by W. R. Davis, M.G.

May 2, Samuel W. Allen and Sarah A. Springer, by A. A. Young, M.G.

June 3, John T. Hill and Susan Borer, by Andrew Brown, U.B.P.

October 31, Abner R. Cotter and Alphonigim Roberts, by A. A. Young, M.G.

November 21, James Jackson and Salinda Harris, by George M. Winton, M.C.S.P.


January 16, Samuel T. Tunnell and Cornely H. Estill, by B. Buchner, M.G.

January 2, Nicodemus Vermillion and Mrs. Melinda Evans, by D. H. Lambert, J.P.

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November 21, John Williams and Mary Cherry, by J. W. Ellis, M.G.

November 6, Richard G. McFoul and Melissa A. McCrew, by E. E. Cooper, M.G.

November 14, Martin Brudin and Lilly Word, by E. E. Cooper, M.G.

December 26, Richard S. Wicks and Willy C. Cavenner, by John B. Higdon, J.P.

December 15, Samuel Liles and Sarah Brown, by Henry Fare, J.P.

September 1, Jeff D. Hall and Caroline Millbanks, by P. M. Swatzell, J.P.

August 2, George W. Owens and Hulda C. Richmond, by F. R. McFall, J.P.

June 4, Sampson Anderson and Araminto Rodden, by Reuben Woods, J.P.

May 2, William C. Ware and Caroline T. Bell, E. E. Cooper, M.G.

January 9, Nathan Hunt and Nancy A. Shapley, by Thomas R. Caskey, J.P.

February 6, Henry C. Wilson and Elizabeth Fare, by J. C. Baldwin, J.P.

March 9, Silas Evans and Mrs. Emiline Mulkey, by D. H. Lambert, J.P.

March 15, Levin McNatt, Sr. and Sylvania Hinson, by J. J. Estes, J.P.

February 22, Samuel McAllen and Eliza E. Strow, by J. B. Higdon, J.P.

April 2, Zephemia P. Berry and Rhoda Myers, by John Spillman, J.P.

March 16, John M. Shull and Matilda Pennington, by T. R. Caskey, J.P.

March 20, Gabriel Boucher and Nancy S. Ferguson, by J. W. Ellis, M.G.

March 2, Milton Connell and Rachel Pennington, by J. W. Ellis, M.G.

May 8, Benjamin K. Turk and Martha J. Gunn, by J. W. Ellis, M.G.

June 7, Sol. Putman and Julia A. Sims, by James C. Baldwin, M.P.

March 5, Richard Scaggs and Frances Herrington, by J. C. Jennings, J.P.

May 19, Thomas L. Wilson and Melinda Dunkin, by James C. Baldwin, M.P.

June 15, Spencer G. Kerr and Saneth G. Johnson, by Joseph Chastian, M.G.

March 20, Martin Morris and Tabitha J. Downey, by W. B. Earnest, J.P.

July 22, Isaac M. West and Elizabeth Harvey, by Ben Brown, J.P.

June 5, Isham Nance and Parthemia Matthews, by John D. Allen, J.P.

August 27, John Percell and Caroline Bowers, by R. M. King.

September 13*, John Milder and Narcissa Bone, by R. M. King.

October 11, Jacob McGehee and Mary J. Thompson, by William R. Davis, M.G.

October 11, Andrew P. Gibson and Rodah E. Patton, by William R. Davis, M.G.

October 8, Lamon Prewett and Huldah S. Prewitt, by John Spillman, J.P.

October 7, George W. Lowder and Julia F. Howard, by Abel Lee, M.G.

September 13, Alfred L. Crosslen and Rebecca J. Potter, by Samuel Liles.

August 31, Henning E. Pace and Malaney Wood, by John B. Woods, J.P.

September 11, Samuel Straight and Margarett Snow, by W. B. Lamb, J.P.

August 21, John Anderson and Delila Foster, by W. B. Lamb, J.P.

August 28, Watson B. Lamb and Polly Ann Wilbanks, by Thomas Cunningham,MG

December 4, Jonathan Freeman and Melissa Yarbrough, by J. E. Ellis, M.G.

September 14, Allen Miller and Sarah A. Allen, by A. A. Young, M.G.

November 27, Francis M. Chastian and Sarah M. Downing, by Joseph Chastian,MG

November 27, William P. Hendrich and Hannah Gaithar, by B.A.Y. Chastian, J.P.

November 13, Gen. L. Mayberry and Mary Jane Moore, by John H. Tatum, UBP

*Also dated February, 1849. {Milder/Bone}

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November 10, Thomas Price and Margaret Anderson, by Basil Lewis.

August 8, William C. Willbanks and Nancy A. Snow, by W. B. Lamb, J.P.

December 2, William Coldinon and Susan Dameron, by W. B. Lamb, J.P.

November 9, Anderson Coble and Catharine Prior, by E. E. Cooper, M.G.


January 2, Albert N. Nickols and Upha J. Carman, by James C. Baldwin, M.P.

January 27, Samuel F. Richardson and Orena Kirk, by James C. Baldwin, M.P.

February 15, John Hamilton and Sally Jennings, by William Matthews, J.P.

January 6, William Downey and Julia A. Mize, by W. B. Earnest, J.P.

February 15, A. B. Hendricks and Margaret Bowers, by J. B. Logan, C.P.P.

February 4, William Bickers and Nancy W. Mahon, by Andrew Brown, U.B.P.

April 1, William H. Seaborn and Fanny Wheat, by Ellis Neece, M.G.

March 11, Harrison Lunsford and Matilda Willbanks, by W. B. Lamb, J.P.

March 4, William Shipman and Sarah Anderson, by J. C. Jennings, J.P.

March 25, James Smith and Eliza J. Nott, by J. B. Higdon, J.P.

March 28, Zadock Newman and Mrs. Martha Roberts, by A. A. Young, M.G.

May 7, Eli T. Johnson and Delila Mann, by W. R. Davis, M.G.

May 25, Isham Williams and Sarah E. Feaster, by E. E. Cooper, M.G.

May 25, Hiram Ward and Mary E. Wan, by E. E. Cooper, M.G.

February 5, Jasper Spellman and Laura Moody, by T. Cunningham, M.G.

----P. L. Campbell and Sarah Morgan, by witnesses to promise.

April 17, Henry Ruark and Matilda J. Taylor, by Joseph W. Ellis, M.G.

June 20, Newton T. Majers and Litha Phariss, by Elisha Browning, J.P.

June 10, George H. Matthews and Sarah J. Sinclair, by William Matthews, J.P.

July 4, William Elsey and Matilda Neece, by J. W. Ellis, M.G.

July 13, James K. Eason and Catherine Flesher, by J. C. Baldwin, M.G.

April 22, James Maxfield and Martha S. Still, by W. K. Spillman, J.P.

July 18, Riley H. Wishon and Nancy Butler, by Elisha Browning, J.P.

July 25, James M. P. Gilmore and Sarah H. Sackston, by George Wilson, M.G.

June 3, Daniel Hatfield and Mary J. Woods, by Thomas Cunningham, M.G.

June 10, James H. Fulbright and Mary L. Wilks, by B. Hooker, Elder C.C.

August 19, John K. Gibson and Armita White, A. A. Young, M.G.

August 27, William Schooling and Mrs. Eliza Wormington, by D. H. Lambert, J.P.

August 22, E. B. Rickman and Margaret Pace, by J. C. Jennings, J.P.

July 8, W. C. Stevenson and Nancy Stacey, by J. C. Jennings, J.P.

August 19, James T. Pendleton and Mary A. Stacey, by J. C. Jennings, J.P.

September 23, Francis Clark and Jane Marsh, by Joseph W. Ellis, M.G.

August 22, Sampson Allen and Josephine Johnson, by Joseph W. Ellis, M.G.

October 12, Elisha Taylor and Lucinda Williamson, by Joseph W. Ellis, M.G.

October 15, John A. Cowan and Mrs. Rainey J. Brite, by D. H. Lambert, J.P.

October 3, M. Pelly and Eliza Brannock, by J. B. Higdon, J.P.

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July 28, William Landers and Anna Lee, by John Spellman, J.P.

November 4, Thomas Pritchard and Rosanna Lumley, by Henry Fare, J.P.

October 16, John Greer and Julia Ann Hood, by Lewis Hottell, J.P.

August 11, Thompson Smallwood and Melissa Sims, by J. W. Gunn, J.P.

November 7, William A. McCanse and Catherine F. Newman, by Matt. Arrington, M.G.

August 4, William Haggerty and Julia Nicholas, by Jesse M. Wilks, E.C.C.

Novemer 28, Samuel K. Colter and Lucinda C. McCanse, by A. A. Young, M.G.

November 30, William R. Morris and Susan E. Richmond, by Joseph Chastian, MG

November 4, �Squire S. Caloway and Polly Livesey, by P. M. Swatzell, M.G.

November 18, William Hewlett and Eliza Winters, by G. Brite, Judge.

November 25, Pleasant L. Stewart and Martha J. Cline, by Elisha Landers, U.B.P.

November 18, Joseph Cravens and Sarah A. McCanse, by Marcus Arrington, M.G.

October 28, John S. Downing and Martha Sims, by E. E. Cooper, M.G.

September 23, James Sims and Isabella A. McClain, by E. E. Cooper, M.G.

December 2, William E. Taylor and Sarah McCoy, by E. E. Cooper, M.G.

December 16, Joseph Taylor and Eliza Williams, by T. Cunningham, M.G.

December 21, William M. Gibson and Martha J. Moore, by A. A. Young, M.G.

December 29, John Colley, Jr., and Harriet Camden, by Andrew Brown, U.B.P.

June 17, William Ryker and Jane Robinson.


January 2, Robert B. Taylor and Martha Pool, by Joseph W. Ellis, M.G.

January 6, Martin L. Landers and Martha J. Lee, by John Spillman, J.P.

January 20, John D. Lowder and Martha Gibson, by John B. Higdon, J.P.

January 20, Harrison Neece and Mary M. Derrick, by Elisha Browning, J.P.

February 13, Jonathan Wan and Martha Samuel by William Mathews, J.P.

February 7, W. D. Garrison and Anna Pistol, by J. JB. Woods, J.P.

March 10, William K. Gibson and L. S. Lowder, by J. B. Higdon, J.P.

March 10, Thomas A. Kelly and Ruth S. Davidson, by J. B. Higdon, J.P.

March 24, Jesse Brite and Jewly Ann Higgs, by Elisha Landers, U.B.P.

March 17, Marion Marsh and Amanda I. Isbell, by W. R. Davis.

February 24, James Gilloch and Caroline Berry, by A. Brown, U.B.P.

February 14, Jesse H. Pig and Sarah Jane Smith, by W. B. Lamb, J.P.

March 6, Jonathan Nicholas and Sarah Butler, by Elder J. M. Wilks.

March 31, George W. Sampsel and Harriet N. Mapes, by J. M. Baldwin, M.C.S.P.

April 14, Samuel Graves and Mary A. Sampsel, by J. M. Baldwin, M.C.S.P.

March 3, Stephen A. Stockton and Catherine Smith, by J. M. Baldwin, M.C.S.P.

March 20, William Burrow and Frances Stacy, by J. B. Woods, J.P.

January 31, James W. Colley and Mary Anderson, by G. Spencer, M.G.

February 7, William Gibson and Mahala Huffacre, by J. W. Guin, J.P.

April 26, William S. Irwin and Sarah Doietra, by J. W. Guin, J.P.

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May 8, George W. Wilson and Nancy I. Eubank, by E. Ramsey, J.P.

February 24, Carey Boucher and Mary C. Murrell, by A. A. Young, M.G.

May 5, Richard Fisher and Caroline Berry, by A. Brown, M.G.

May 26, John M. Mahon and Polly Abbott, by P. M. Swatzell, J.P.

June 5, Thomas Baldwin and Margaret Eubanks, by E. Ramsey, J.P.

April 21, John A. Haley and Lorrisia J. Lollar, by H. C. Lollar, M.G.

June 12, William O. Medlin and Mary A. Sullivan, by John B. Higdon, J.P.

April 15, Oswold Hoshaw and Eliza Patton, by Joseph W. Ellis, M.G.

June 23, Paul Orr and Sarah J. Pogue, by Joseph W. Ellis, M.G.

January 9, Finley Forbush and Eliza Rogers, by Ellis Neece.

May 21, Barnett M. Markley and Rebecca A. Wheat, by Judge Rinker.

June 26, Joseph Connell and Frances Moore, by D. Sturdy, M.P.

June 16, Patrick H. Martin and Columbia J. Stevens, by W. H. Duff, M.G.

July 7, William Borev and Margaret Howard, by W. Mathews, J.P.

July 13, John L. Zinn and Mary A. Forester, by J. B. Higdon, J.P.

July 14, Cyrus C. Bryant and Sarah J. Hilton, by T. H. Caskey, J.P.

July 23, James Grammar and Mary T. Price, by Ellis Neece, M.G.

May 29, John Tyler and Elmiry E. Williams, by J. H. Tatum, M.G.

July 31, Lafayette Johnson and Dianner Jennings, by W. Matthews, J.P.

August 18, Thomas F. Everett and Lucretia Wear, by Marcus Arrington, M.P.

June 2, Newton Clayton and Mary Cantrell, by E. E. Cooper, M.G.

September 7, John Anderson and Mary A. Adams, by J. C. Jennings, J.P.

July 31, John Lee and Paralee E. Allen, by J. B. Higdon, J.P.

September 1, Robert Waters and Eliza J. McCanse, by A. A. Young, M.G.

April 17, Fielding Jeffries and Elizabeth Gordon, by T. Cunningham, M.G.

September 1, Joseph W. Hendricks and Mary M. Kerr, by Joseph Chastian, M.G.

September 22, Ottawa Nance and Mary Inman, by Joseph W. Ellis, M.G.

October 6, Thomas Love and Salinda L. Biggs, by J. C. Baldwin, M.G.

August 28, James P. Isbell and Mary A. Ramsey, by W. R. Davis, M.G.

September 8, Thomas McSpaddin and Elizabeth A. Williams, by J. C. Baldwin,MG

August 25, John Dunkle and Sarah A. Duncan, by Thomas James, M.G.

August 21, James M. Lemaster and Margaret A. Rickman, by Elder Wilks, M.G.

August 2, Chris. Carpenter and Eliza Thompson, by G. B. Kirby, J.P.

September 29, Selman H. Burkhart and Mary I. Prior, by Burrow Bucker, U.B.P.

October 6, Alfred Chitwood and Margery B. Whaley, by W. B. Lamb, J.P.

November 3, James Nance and Cynthia A. Griggs, by W. Matthews, J.P.

September 21, John Smith and Sarah Lewis, by J. B. Higdon, J.P.

November 15, John White and Rebecca Rinker, by J. B. Higdon, J.P.

December 1, Anderson Sterrett and Nancy Greer, by Lewis Hottell, J.P.

December 6, Charles R. Galoway and Nancy C. McNatt, by J. B. Higdon, J.P.

October 2, Elverton Johnson and Mary J. Moore, by John D. Allen, J.P.

July 23, James Grammar and Mary Price, by Ellis Neece.

December 14, John C. Toney and Eliza Johnson, by E. Ramsey, J.P.

December 1, James C. Martin and Susan M. Newman, by J. C. Baldwin, M.G.

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December 22, William Lambert and Eliza Bibb, by John Spellman, J.P.

December 22, Russell G. Smith and Elizabeth Hough, by P. M. Swatzell, J.P.

December 22, W. C. Lowder and Hannah Allen, by John D. Allen, J.P.

December 15, Ransour Phariss and Martha A. Winters, by John D. Allen, J.P.

December 8, Henry McMillin and Mary P. Haskins, by Jackson F. Box, M.G.

December 22, Joseph B. Hunter and Mary Heagerty, by A. A. Young, M.G.

November 24, Thomas Stringer and Mary E. Jones, by Guy Hinton.


January 5, Hughey C. Adams and Bertha A. F. Bodgers, by J. B. Higdon, J.P.

January 1, John Q. Lamb and Rachel Taylor, by W. B. Lamb, J.P.

January 26, William B. Wright and Martha W. Bright, by W. B. Taliafero, M.G.

January 12, George A. Hood and Harriet Greer, by W. H. Duff, M.G.

February 21, Dr. Arch. B. Sims and Poline Smith, by John D. Allen, J.P.

February 12, Leander Boswell and Hester Ann Boswell, by W. B. Lamb, J.P.

February 26, George Schooling and Sarah Cunningham, by W. B. Lamb, J.P.

March 5, J. W. Wilkerson and Eliza Thompson, by D. W. Wolf, J.P.

February 21, Moses Lewis and Mary Lewis, by Abel Lee, M.G.

February 23, Alfred Hewlett and Nancy Bibb, by D. H. Lambert, J.P.

March 16, John S. Doak and Mary A. Clark, by John D. Allen, J.P.

March 13, Calvin S. Coble and Mary C. Harris, by J. C. Baldwin, M.G.

----------, Allen Hammer and Sarah Toliver, by J. B. Woods, J.P.

February 16, Joseph P. Alexander and Martha M. Bain, by J. B. Higdon, J.P.

January 5, B. F. Woods and Sarah Ann Kelly, by G. B. Kirby, J.P.

April 6, Alvin Charles and Eliza B. Jackson, by E. Ramsey, J.P.

April 18, John W. Payne and Nancy McCanse, by Joseph W. Ellis, M.G.

April 9, James Haley and Mary Thompson, by G. B. Kirby, J.P.

March 26, W. R. Stewart and Matilda H. Speakman, by W. R. Speakman, M.G.

March 19, Elijah Gordon and Margery A. Harvey, by Lewis Hottell, J.P.

March 9, William G. Kelly and Anise E. Lollar, by Henry C. Lollar, M.G.

March 23, Joshua Connell and Susannah Tibbs, by Henry C. Lollar, M.G.

April 30, Samuel H. H. Wilkerson and Matilda C. Thompson, by D. W. Wolf, J.P.

February 26, William Haley and Louisa J. Runnels, by A. A. Young, M.G.

April 29, Jonathan Cox and Arsinath Trimble, by T. K. Caskey, J.P.

May 28, James M. Rudolph and Nancy A. Charlton, by A. A. Baxter, C.P.P.

May 30, W. Keesling and Thurmetus P. Burton, by Noah Fitzwater, M.C.S.P.

June 1, Thomas V. Kimmons and Mary C. Love, by Noah Fitzwater, M.C.S.P.

March 16, John A. Pingleton and Mary C. Garrison, by John B. Woods, J.P.

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June 1, Dr. J. Q. Titterington and Eliza K. Wilks, by Cyrus P. Arbuckle, C.C.P.

April 11, John Vermillion and Mary Smith, by D. H. Lambert, J.P.

July 9, John B. Richmond and Hannah Ogle, by Joseph Chastian, M.G.

May 21, Thadey Roberson and Nancy Trimble, by Thos. R. Caskey, J.P.

July 27, Peter Steed and Sarah A. Morrow, by Henry Ruark, M.G.

July 9, John J. Owen and Mary Cook, by A. H. Young, M.G.

July 26, John B. Hunt and Mary Washaw, by E. Ramsey, J.P.

July 9, Henry C. Lollar and Lucy J. Lanier, by W. K. Spillman, M.G.

August 18, Jonathan Collns and Harriet Wilkerson, by Reuben Stringer, J.P.

August 7, Anson Moody and Tabitha Richards, by D. W. Wolf, J.P.

July 9, William Fare and Martha M. Wilson, by James C. Baldwin, M.G.

July 25, Nollin Gates and Elender Gates by Erasmus Gaw, M.G.

June 25, Perry Pallett and Nancy E. Cherry, by John B. Wood, J.P.

September 21, Lemuel C. Boucher and Elizabeth Hill, by J. J. Spillman, J.P.

September 28, L. J. Wilks and Polly A. Stokes, by Elisha Browning, J.P.

August 29, James Murray and Eliza B. Brim, by J. C. Baldwin, M.G.

October 13, George W. Allison and Melissa Pennington, by J. L. McFarline, MCSP

October 1, James N. Yandle and Sarah M. Lowder, by Elisha Browning, J.P.

October 17, C. C. Hickman and Eliza Roberts, by William R. Davis, M.G.

October 29, Reuben Davis and Mary E. Davidson, by Elisha Browning, J.P.

October 8, William M. Berry and Margaret M. Lemaster, by Elisha Browning, J.P.

October 26, John Foster and Sarah Cantrell, by Joseph Chastain, M.G.

November 2, Isaac R. Kerr and Ellen Perkings, by D. W. Wolf, J.P.

November 30, Benjamin Paxton and Mary A. Moore, by P. M. Swatzell, J.P.

November 15, Con. Berry and T. O. Linda Morris, by Elisha Browning, J.P.

October 22, Obediah Stone and Helen A. Young, by Jesse M. Wilks, Elder.

December 11, Marion McGehee and Mary E. Boles, by Jonathan Hunt, J.P.

November 7, Joseph Hays and Martha Burrow, by J. B. Woods, J.P.

October 19, Woodlief Johnson and Rebecca J. Pennington, by John Guthrie, J.P.

November 15, M. D. L. McCall and Margaret E. Woods, by T. A. Cotter, M.C.S.P.

December 16, Samuel C. McConnell and Catherine Miller, by T. A. Cotter, MCSP

December 26, Vine Allen and Caledone E. Miller, by T. A. Cotter, M.C.S.P.

December 28, Thomas Janett and Rebecca King, by Reuben Stringer, J.P.

December 28, George T. Cavenner and Mary A. Smith, by Elisha Browning, J.P.

December 28, Newton Patton and Margaret Lollar, by Joseph W. Ellis, B.P.

December 22, Zachariah Sims and Polly Milburn, by Burrow Bucker, U.B.P.

October 26, Fines Means and Sarah P. Landrum, by P. M. Swatzell, J.P.

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December 28, Fleming Johnson and Martha A. Pace, by T. A. Cotter, M.G.

March 23, Jacob Baker and Martha Wheat, by Ellis Neece, M.G.


January 4, William B. Richman and Sarah A. Steward, by Elder Wilks.

January 4, Isaac J. Jones and Sarah C. Porter, by Elder Wilks.

January 9, Charles W. Moore and Eliza Dillingham, by Elisha Browning, J.P.

January 11, William Pipkin and Mary E. Brite, by Wiley McReynolds, U.B.P.

January 1, Matthew Sims and Robenia Foset, by Robert Waters, C.P.P.

February 2, John McClure and Susan Rodes, by A. B. Pointdexter, M.G.

February 3, Raughley E. Brite and Lusinda F. Spillman, by Elisha Landers, U.B.P.

February 6, William Brice and Sarah E. Hagler, by Lewis Hottell, J.P.

February 23, Samuel Patten and Jane Henderson, by Joseph W. Ellis, B.P.

February 8, Joshua Linthicum and Lucinda J. Downey, by J. C. Baldwin, M.P.

February 18, Winebert Pharis and Nancy Smith, by Elisha Browning, J.P.

February 18, Sampson Adams and Emeline Brown, by Elisha Browning, J.P.

February 14, William L. McGehee and Miley Johnson, by John Guthrie, J.P.

January 4, James H. Kirby and Mary J. Woods, by T. A. Cotter, M.G.

March 29, Robert M. Moore and Jane T. Swatzell, by John Guthrie, J.P.

February 8, James Roberts and Mary Taylor, by A. B. Poindexter, J.P.

March 11, Frank Jennings and Nerissa Wright, by Reuben Stringer, J.P.

April 5, Aaron H. Hampton and Jerusha A. Johnson, by E. P. White, J.P.

May 3, Martin Crouch and Eliza A. Brady, by J. J. Spillman, J.P.

March 7, George P. Kelly and Mary E. Henley, by A. A. Young, M.G.

March 8, Thomas Rooks and Elizabeth Price, by W. K. Spillman. M.G.

April 29, Jeny M. Cooper and Mary A. McGehee, by W. K. Spillman, M.G.

April 10, John W. Box and Susan McFall, by J. W. Richardson, J.P.

July 1, Daniel B. Lacy and Mary Jane Rees, by Elisha Browning, J.P.

February 10, Preston Cannore and Jane Gilbraith, by Elbert C. Cooper, M.G.

July 8, James W. May and Catherine Garinger, by Elbert C. Cooper, M.G.

July 1, Woodford Lambert and Mary Looney, by Elisha Landers, B.P.

July 8, Goodman B. Griffin and Margaret Laughlin, by Joseph W. Ellis, B.P.

July 31, Thomas A. Lefaber and Malinda Estes, by Joseph W. Ellis, B.P.

July 31, Susan P. Neece and John F. Hunter, by A. B. Pointdexter, B.P.

August 31, Ben. H. Richardson and Sarah E. Foust, by J. C. Baldwin, M.P.

August 13, William T. Pointdexter and Rebecca J. Jacobs, by J. C. Baldwin, M.P.

June 19, G. B. Kely and Mariah K. Curry, by H. C. Smith.

September 10, John C. McBride and Susan Kerr, by W. H. Duff, M.G.

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August 21, John R. Scott and Mary D. Straits, by Peter M. Swatzell, J.P.

September 13, Elliott Robinson and Permealia Neece, by Jared Ryker, J.P.

September 13, Jacob Wheat and Charlotta Neece, by Jared Ryker, J.P.

May 8, John Guthrie and Evaline Allen, by Robert Watters, M.G.

September 23, James C. Sims and Nancy Laxton, by R. T. Willis, C.P.

August 14, Isaac J. West and Eupia J. Laney, by James Wade, M.G.

August 5, John Martin and Nancy Smallwood, by Lewis Hottell, J.P.

October 13, John R. Edwards and Sarah J. Umphrey, by John S. Grisson, J.P.

September 9, Wiley Adams and Sary J. C. Mallard, by D. W. Woolf, J.P.

October 7, Joseph Lunis and Emiline Howard.

September 30, Samuel H. Smith and Sarah A. Lee, by Elisha Browning, J.P.

October 11, Admiral White and Mary C. Wasson, by Elisha Browning, J.P.

July 31, John B. Mason and Mary E. McFall, by J. W. Richardson, J.P.

September 13, Wiley D. Pool and Amanda Wilson, by T. A. Cotter, M.G.

October 21, Andrew J. Lopp and Luzetta Price, by W. R. Davis, M.G.

August 30, Neil Gist and Nancy Neece, by W. K. Spillman, M.G.

November 29, James R. Martin and Paulina Williams, by John Guthrie, J.P.

November 5, Samuel Walker and Celia Fishburn, by D. S. Holman

November 5, Miles A. Cline and Sarah Fishburn, by D. S. Holman

November 25, L. A. Morris and Emiline Evans, by Elisha Landers, M.G.

November 29, William Reed and Sarah Evans, by Elisha Landers, M.G.

October 21, Asel Landers and Elizabeth Lacy, by Elisha Browning, J.P.

November 15, W. A. Davis and Sarah A. Inman, by Elisha Browning, J.P.

December 25, James Hagan and Eliza Powell, by G. W. Fisher, M.G.

December 2, Jacob Wagoner and Synthy Green, by D. W. Woof, J.P.

October 28, Berry Anderson and Saphiriah Hays, by J. C. Jennings, J.P.

November 15, Thomas Jettan and Martha E. Woolf, by J. C. Jennings, J.P.

December 26, Newton Fare and Eliza Holland, by W. R. Davis, M.G.

December 11, William Mingus and Julia F. Spillamn, by W. B. Taliafero, B.P.

November 15, Isaac B. Down and Sarah Ripatoe, by Lewis Hottell, J.P.

December 6, William Jackson and Caroline Barnes, by Lewis Hottell, J.P.

Septemer 12, W. H. Pointdexter and Sarah E. Neece, by H. C. Lollar, M.G.

December 27, Robert Sims and Mrs. Polene Sims.

December 9, W. P. Withers and Sally Withers, by W. B. Lamb, J.P.


{Transcribers note: The following marriages are listed erroneously as 1856--all of these marriages were celebrated in 1846 in Lawrence County.}

February 5, James Connell and Sarah A. Love, by George T. Taney, J.P.

February 12, William Johnson and Eliza McGehee, by George T. Taney, J.P.

January 15, Joseph B. Stockton and Nancy M. Smith, by Daniel Wan, J.P.

January, 8, Michael W. Williams and Nancy Moore by Daniel Wan, J.P.

April 5, John Carney and Sarah A. Moore, by Daniel Wan, J.P.

April 12, John Fooshee and Franky Hurley, by Wade H. Stroud, J.P.

February 19, J. A. H. Wormington and Sally Ann Ferguson, by A. A. Young, CPP

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March 12, James Grant and Martha C. Morgan, by James H. Irwin, C.P.P.

May 7, Thomas J. Flow, and Phebe Lee, by Greensiyille Spencer, M.G.

May 21, William R. Spillman and Mary E. Still, by R. T. Willis, M.G.

March 17, Allen H. South and Eliza Cavat, by M. A. Garrison, J.P.

June 18, Ezekiel P. White and Susan Berry, by William Robinson, J.P.

March 22, Benson Miner and Lane Wood, by Matt Dunnegan, J.P.

May 14, Nathan Breed and Drucetta Smith, by Matt Dunnegan, J.P.

June 4, W. W. Richardson and Margaret A. Smith, by James C. Baldwin, J.P.

February, 19, M. D. C. Finley and Tabitha Huffacre, by James B. Logan, M.G.

April 11, Barney Morrison and Jemima Stover, by Carver Gunn, J.P.

May 31, Daniel Morris and Sally Gaither, by Elbert E. Cooper, M.G.

June 14, Rolly C. Kerr, and Polly Garrett, by Elbert E. Cooper, M.G.

July 9, James Moore and Lucinda Gooden, by Wade H. Stroud, J.P.

July 23, Harvey Stevenson and Francis Henry, by J. B. Logan, M.G.

June 27, John May and Mrs. Eliza Pharis, by Solon B. Abernethy, C.P.P.

May 7, Joseph B. Gibson and Nancy J. Davidson, by A. A. Young, C.P.P.

July 23, Vincent Tarter and Melissa Cadle, by Jachomyer Baldwin, J.P.

September 19, James W. Hash and Nancy Odell, by G. T. Taney, J.P.

July 15, Daniel B. Davis and Iantha V. B. Estill, by Elbert C. Cooper, M.G.

April 7, Henry S. Zinn and Louisa McCanse.*

September 7, John Taylor and Mary A. Ripatoe, by Joseph Schooling, L.C.P.

October 29, William D. Omens and Nancy Anner Richmond, by Jerry Laney, J.P.

October 11, Henry Cagle and Martha Hewlett, by Reuben Woods, J.P.

September 19, Jefferson Hood and Rachel Windel, by Edgel Fowler, J.P.

October 6, John Miner and Chelnessa R. Wood, by Matt. Dunnegan, J.P.

October 1, William S. Hix and Amanda Waggoner, by Geo. T. Taney, J.P.

November 25, John Evans and Rebecca A. Wilkerson, by George T. Taney, J.P.

October 29, William C. Sutton and Eleanor Williams, by A. A. Young, M.G.

October 13, Zeb Williams and Upha Jane Kimmons, by E. E. Cooper, M.G.

November 12, John Grantham and Constant Straight, by J. B. Logan, C.P.P.

December 15, William H. Bowers and Sarah E. Messick, by J. B. Logan, C.P.P.

December 22, James W. Kimmons and Cerilda M. Nicholas, by James C. Baldwin, M. P.

Slavery Days.--Jonathan, a runaway slave, who was confined in jail in April, 1849, was sold April 16 by the sheriff to Achilles Richardson for $485. The cost of apprehending, advertising and selling him was $138.35. During the ensuing summer this incident caused such excitement among the slave owners that they determined to organize for protection.

*Contract sets forth that Zinn was not to pay any of Louisa�s debts, neither was he to take any of the property she then had. He further agreed to allow her to manage and control her property as she pleased. This contract was acknowledged by both before Thomas Hash, circuit clerk.

Photo Plate inserted here. Inscribed �Yours Truly� �John S. Coleman� Lawrence County.

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The first patrol company appointed by the county court was on August 8, 1849, for Mount Vernon Township. Solomon Brown was captain, J. M. Kellogg, William Jennings, E. H. Moore and E. G. Paris, privates. Each was instructed to patrol not less than twelve nor more than sixteen hours per month, the pay being 10 cents per hour. In the tax roll of 1861 all the old slave holders are named.

Ante-Bellum Cattle Marks.--The first record of cattle marks was made May 2, 1845, by Alfred Moore, of Mount Vernon Township, who took the following method of mutilating his stock: �Ear mark--Crop off the right ear, 2 under bit in the left ear.� Henry F. Williams adopted �crop and slit in each ear.� Joseph Ellis� cattle mark was �a crop of the right ear,� and Alfred Moyear�s cattle had an under bit in each ear. James Bell, of Vineyard, had one under half crop in each ear; Jackonyer Baldwin, of Greene, used a crop off the left ear, and under bit in right ear. S. M. Pharis, of Mount Vernon, had his cattle, sheep and hogs marked with an under bit near the end of the right ear, and William B. Brown, of Vineyard, used a smooth crop off the left ear. These were the only marks recorded in 1845-46. During the years 1861-63 John S. Richmond, of Turnback, George Orr and James M. Moore, of Mount Vernon, and John Vanderpool, of Ozark, had their stock marks. In 1864 L. Williams, of Spring River, Leroy Mullins and M. B. Phillips, of Mt. Vernon, made record of marks. When it was certain that the war was over, men came to the county seat from all directions to record marks and brands, so that in this respect, at least, they would be protected from squads of unknown travelers who rushed hither and thither through the country.


Early Proceedings.--Under the act of February 24, 1843, the limits of Lawrence County were defined as follows: Beginning at the corner of Sections 25 and 36 on line between Ranges 29 and 30; thence west with town line to its intersection of the east line of Jasper County; thence south with east line of

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Jasper and Newton Counties, to the corner of Sections 25, 26, 35 and 36, of Township 26 north, Range 29 west; thence east with the subdivision lines of Township 26 to the place of beginning. All that portion of the territory described as belonging to the new county of Lawrence, lying north of the line of 1843, between Dade and Barry Counties, was attached to Dade County for civil and military purposes, and all that portion lying south of such line was attached to Barry County for similar purpose, but neither Dade nor Barry Counties was allowed to levy taxes in Lawrence County for the uses of public buildings.

Under the act of February 14, 1845, many new counties were established, Lawrence County among the number. The boundaries then given commenced at the corner of Sections 25 and 36, on line dividing Ranges 24 and 25, north with this line to that dividing Townships 29 and 30 west, on town line to intersection of the east line of Jasper County; thence south with east line of Jasper and Newton to the Corner of Sections 25, 26, 35 and 36, Township 26 north, Range 29 west; thence due east with subdivisional lines of Township 26 to beginning. Larkin Newton, of Newton, Elijah Gray, or Greene, and Samuel Melugan, of Jasper, were commissioned to locate the county seat, and Robert Taylor�s house was the stated court-house. In May the court appointed H. G. Joplin, vice Melugan.

Under the special act of February 25, 1845, Joseph Schooling, Joseph Rinker and Robert B. Taylor were appointed judges of the county, meeting at the house of Robert B. Taylor. On April 7 this board organized, with Joseph Schooling presiding. Washington Smith was sheriff; Samuel S. Williams was appointed clerk; Aaron Winters, assessor, who received $33 for his services; Washington Smith, collector, and John Allen, surveyor. In May, 1845, W. H. Stroud was appointed commissioner of the seat of justice, and was empowered to borrow $94.50 from Sampson Wright, at 10 per cent, to pay said Wright. At this time Larkin Newton, Elijah Gray and Harris G. Joplin were allowed $10 each for their services in locating the county seat. W. H. Stroud was ordered to advertise the sale of lots at Mount Vernon in the Springfield Advertiser, for July, 1845. On June 8, 1845, the court met at the house of George White, Mount Vernon, and

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there the circuit court was held in July following. In February, 1846, W. S. M. Wright�s name appeared as acting sheriff and coroner.

Section 16, Township 28, Range 28, was ordered to be sold April 7, 1845, on petition of the residents of that township. On May 4, 1845, Joseph S. Alexander, son of Samuel (deceased), then in his fifth year, was �bound� to Joseph Alexander until he would reach the age of twenty-one years. In May, 1845, Ephraim Gaither was appointed overseer of Road District No. 1, in Ozark Township. In November, 1845, Charles R. Berry, Philip Baldwin, and William Coleman were appointed to mark and view a rod from the Greene County road at the county line to Mount Vernon. At this time Henry McMullin was authorized to divide Ozark Township into road districts, and the justices of the other townships were given similar authority.

A. Mauris, Jr., and G. W. Blick were the merchants who paid license in 1845.

The justices of the peace appointed in 1845 were W. H. Stroud, John A. Fouchee, Elijah R. Hurley, and George T. Taney, of Mount Vernon Township; Peter M. Swatzell and Joel Smith, of Vineyard; Oliver Woods, G. M. Gibson and Carver Gunn, of Spring River; Thomas Eubanks, of Ozark; William Hamilton, Matthew Dunegan and Jacomire Baldwin, of Greene; and Henry Foats, of Mount Pleasant; Henry McMullin, Jacob Burger, Goolsberry Kirby and Daniel Wan for Ozark.

James McKoin was granted license for a dram-ship at Mount Vernon, May 5 1846, the tax being $7.50, State, and $7.50, county, for three months.

In June, 1846, Aaron Winters reported having assessed 763 taxpayers, charging the county $80.04, or 12 1/2cents for each of the first 600 names, and 8 cents for the remaining 163 names. Of this total charge the State was debited with $44.02. In November W. H. Stroud was appointed agent to receive $181.95 as the county�s share of proceeds of sales of public lands donated to Missouri.

In August, 1846, James M. Kellogg and William Matthews were appointed superintendents for building a public well at Mount Vernon. They were also authorized to have 100 feet

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round the court-house cleared of trees and the stumps cut even with the ground. At this time Thomas Hash was allowed $2 for surveying and cutting road to John Hamilton�s spring.

In August, 1846, Wade H. Stroud, commissioner of the seat of justice, filed vouchers for $773.19, on the first sale bill of lots at Mount Vernon, leaving $377.81 outstanding.

In November, 1846, Judges Schooling, Rinker and Taylor presided with Wade H. Stroud, sheriff, and George White, treasurer. At that time John Lackey (or Lukey) was allowed $12 for taking care of Nancy Cable, a ward of the county. John Ingram, of Oregon (Lyons), was granted a grocer�s license in February, 1847, and at the session, Commissioner Stroud�s report showing $265.26 paid on town lots was presented. This report showed a balance of $112.50 due on lots. Thomas Hash was allowed $11 for making out State tax book for 1846, being 22,000 words, and $1 for taking and filing collector�s bond for State taxes. H. Haley was authorized to sell the contract for plastering the county clerk�s office in the upper story of the court-house for not more than 30 cents per square yard.

In May, 1847, Stroud returned $67, being $13 over the amount due for the first lots sold at Mount Vernon. The road from Allen�s Mill on Sac River to the south line of Barry County, via Mount Vernon, was surveyed in May, 1847, by John D. Allen. L. Mullins and J. B. Young were allowed $4 in May 1847, for making seats for the court-house, and fixing box round stove pipe.

Pleasant M. Wear qualified as clerk of the county court August 24, 1847. In March, 1847, $10 was appropriated for the support of Jane and Susan A. Gardner and Archibald Woods, a blind man.

In May, 1848, William A. McCann was appointed treasurer, vice George White, resigned. In June, 1848, Thomas Hash, Joseph Schooling and Joseph Rinker were justices.

In May, 1848, Achilles Richardson was appointed agent to receive $1,315, the share of the county in proceeds of sales of lands donated to the State.

Samuel Nance was buried by the county June 30, 1848, the costs being $5.

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In August, 1848, James Cherry was appointed assessor, vice the assessor elect, who failed to qualify.

In 1850 George Brite, Daniel Wan and Joseph Rinker were county judges.

John B Woods was public administrator in February, 1851.

In May, 1851, William A. McCanse was appointed agent to receive from the State $751, being the county�s share of proceeds of State land sales, and also $309.50.

In August, 1851, Solomon Brown�s Patrol Company was appointed, but in November Richard Haynes was appointed captain, vice Brown, deceased. In 1852 Joseph Rinker, George Brite and Robert B. Taylor were county judges, with William D. Garrison, sheriff, and P. M. Wear, clerk. In November, 1852, Samuel M. Anderson, county agent for building a fire-proof clerk�s office, advertised for bids; $5,300 was appropriated. S. W. Wolcott, of Newton County, agreed to build the house for this sum, and the old courthouse was ordered to be sold. In 1853 Samuel M. Anderson was treasurer. In November, 1853, the first order appointing a commissioner of common schools appears, Jesse M. Wilks being honored with the position. In August, 1854, William Robinson assessed the county, charging for 600 names $63.58. During the building of the new court-house in 1854-55 meetings were held in the old court-house on the north side of the square. On November 6, 1854, the justices, with John D. Allen, sheriff, and William W. Gay, clerk, met in the new building for the first time. On November 8 William Wan, appointed justice of the county by the governor, took his place, David E. Gibson, presiding.

In February, 1855, the first definite opposition to dram-shops was manifested, when the Court ordered that in accord with the petition of the inhabitants of Mount Vernon municipal township no dram-ship license can be issued within the succeeding year. James D. Hillhouse qualified as assessor in February, 1856.

In May, 1855, the question of remunerating S. W. Wolcott for losses in building court-house was submitted to a committee of fourteen, or two men from each municipal township, with John C. Price, legal advisor.

In 1856 D. N. Fullbright was sheriff, but resigned in December,

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that year, Thomas Hash succeeding him. J. P. Pool was assessor in 1857; James Cherry, Thomas Colley and James M. White, judges of the county court. In November, 1857, W. W. Gay was appointed county school commissioner. In December, 1857, the county was divided into four assessment districts. J. P. Pool, Samuel S. Williams, Richard Cowan and Joseph Batesell were appointed assessors. Jesse M. Wilks was school commissioner in 1859. In February, 1860, Festus Stark was appointed county assessor.

In February, 1860, Thomas A. Sherwood was appointed county attorney. Joseph Estes was school commissioner in 1860. In November, 1860, James Cherry and Thomas Colley presided as judges; Samuel E. Roberts, sheriff, and George W. Rinker, clerk. On the night of November 20, 1860, the store of Whaley & George was entered by robbers, and the safe, in which $340 of county money was deposited, broken open. In February, 1861, the Court ordered that S. E. Roberts, the collector, by credited with the amount so lost. In 1861 George W. Rinker was county clerk. James D. Hillhouse made the assessment of 1861 for $290.

On February 3, 1862, James Cherry, J. C. McNatt and Thomas Colley, who were commissioned county judges, S. E. Roberts, sheriff, and George W. Rinker, clerk, qualified. In November, 1862, Henry Childers was sheriff. At this time all the offices of justices of the peace in Lawrence County were vacated owing to non-compliance with the ordinance of the State convention. The Court made the following appointments: Richard H. Landrum and Henry Childers, of Mount Vernon; Joseph Batesel and Leonard Williams, of Spring River; John B. Robertson and J. C. Jennings, of Turnback; John B. Robertson and J. C. Jennings, of Turnback; John W. Richardson and P. F. Clark, of Ozark; Lewis Hunt and James H. Colley, of Greene; William Boucher and Watson B. Lamb, of Mount Pleasant; L. B. McNatt and Jacob Lemaster, of Buck Prairie; Lewis Hottle and William D. Galton, of Vineyard Township. At this time Charles George was appointed public administrator, vice A. B. Pointdexter, removed, and Elbert P. B. Weir, treasurer, vice George N. Catts, deceased. In the fall of 1862 R. H. Landrum was elected county judge.

In 1863-64 the records are filled with �actions for debt,�

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being cases against delinquent borrowers from the county funds. On May 5, 1864, George W. Rinker was appointed county agent to prepare papers in the case of claims for bounties due to widows, orphans and disabled soldiers. H. George succeeded Wear as treasurer, fifteen months prior to May 6, 1864. His salary for this term was $332.12. In May, 1864, Daniel Biddleman was appointed public administrator. On November 26, 1864, Andrew P. Gibson qualified as sheriff and collector; James Tike, Thomas Colley and R. H. Landrum were judges of the court, and John S. Wilson, clerk. In November, 1866, Judges R. H. Landrum, John B. Woods and Nathan C. Spillman presided, with Wyatt Harris, clerk. B. L. Hendrick succeeded George W. Randolph as county attorney. R. H. Landrum was probate judge in 1868. John L. Holt was surveyor in 1868. Jacob B. Wheat was appointed inspector of diseased cattle in August 1868. Charles A. Williams, county pension agent, retired November 9, 1868, and J. B. Wheat resigned the office of cattle inspector. In November, 1868, George W. Kendall qualified as treasurer, Thomas B. Samuel as sheriff and collector, and John J. Spillman as assessor. In February, 1869, the names of six poor persons were advertised in the Spring River Fountain, and their sale or �letting out� ordered to be made for the year ending February, 1870.

In May, 1869, Dr. Knapp was appointed county liquor inspector for the ensuing four years. In 1869-70 William N. Davis was superintendent of schools, succeeded in 1871 by J. B. Underwood. In 1869-70 Norman Gibbs was county attorney, succeeded in September, 1870, by Henry Brumback. In 1869-70 James W. Black was surveyor and county road commissioner. In October, 1871, John W. Wellshear, John B. Woods and George W. Rinker were county judges, William H. Johnson, sheriff, and Wyatt Harris, clerk. In the fall of 1871 Judge Wellshear was succeeded by David E. Gibson.

John T. Ward, D. E. Gibson, G. W. Rinker, judges; George W. Kendall, treasurer; William Querry, assessor; Fletcher King, surveyor; James W. Smith superintendent of poor farm; William H. Johnson, sheriff; J. B. Underwood, superintendent of schools; Wyatt Harris, county clerk; Norman Gibbs, attorney,

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were the officials of the county court in 1872-73. In November, 1873, J. R. Woodfill was school superintendent. In February, 1874, Sarah J. Farmer was appointed superintendent of the poor far. In 1874 J. K. Matthews was coroner.

Formation of Townships.--The division of the county into six townships was made May 5, 1845. Greene Township as then established was bounded as follows: commencing at the northwest corner of the county; south with county line to line between Townships 28 and 29; east on that line to line between Ranges 26 and 27; north on that line to the north line of Town 29, and west to the northwest corner of the county. Elections were held at John H. Colley�s house, with Thomas Keer, John Toliver and William C. Price, judges.

Vineyard Township was bounded as follows: From the northwest corner of Section 1, Township 28, Range 29, to the southwest corner of Section 13, Township 27, Range 29; thence east to the southeast corner of Section 18, Township 27, Range 27; thence north to the line between Townships 28 and 29, and west to the place of beginning. Elections were held at Jacob Fisher�s house, with Peter Pennington, Benjamin Brown and Peter M. Swartzell, judges.

Mount Vernon Township was established within the following boundaries: From the northwest corner of Section 5, Township 28, Range 27, south to the southwest corner of Section 17, Township 27, Range 27; east to the line dividing Ranges 25 and 26; north to the line dividing Townships 28 and 29, and thence west to the beginning. Elections were held at Mount Vernon, with Alfred Moore, James Guthrey and John Williams, judges.

Spring River Township boundaries were from the southeast corner of the county north to the northeast corner of Section 25, Township 28, Range 25; thence west to the line dividing Ranges 26 and 27, and thence south to the county line. Elections were held at Amos Wilke�s house, with John Miller, Daniel Turner and James Gamell, judges.

Ozark Township commenced at the northeast corner of the county; west to the line between Ranges 26 and 27; south to the line dividing Townships 28 and 29; east to the range line between 25 and 26; thence to the southwest corner of Section 19, Town-

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ship 28, Range 25, and east to the county line. Elections were held at Robert Kemin�s, with Richard McFall, John Richardson and John Richmond, judges.

Mount Pleasant Township boundaries commenced at the southwest corner of the county; thence east with county line to the line between Ranges 26 and 27; thence to the northeast corner of Section 24, Township 27, Range 27; thence west to the county�s west line, and thence south to the place of beginning. Elections were to be held at Samuel Hewlett�s house, with George Brite, Reuben Woods, and Samuel Hewlett, judges.

Turnback Township was established August 24, 1847, within the following boundaries: From the northeast corner of Section 1, Township 28, on the line between Ranges 24 and 25; west to the line between Ranges 25 and 26; thence to the southwest corner of Section 18, Township 27, Range 25; east to the line between Ranges 24 and 25, and north to the beginning. The election was held at Sol. Shatterley�s house, with Riley Rickman, John McCall and George Batesell, judges. John McCall was appointed first justice of the peace.

The townships of Buck Prairie and Spring were established December 22, 1857.

Lincoln Township was formed out of Ozark January 16, 1871. Peter F. Clark was appointed justice, and Joshua Linthicum, constable.

Pierce Township was established October 6, 1871, out of Mount Pleasant. The boundaries were a line from the northeast corner of Section 9, Township 26, Range 27; west on Section lines to Newton County, at the northwest corner of Section 12, Township 26, Range 29, and all of Mount Pleasant south of such line previously known as Election Precinct No. 2 of that township. In February, 1872, Mount Pleasant Township was re-established, and the new township disappears.

Aurora Township was established in July, 1874, on petition of J. C. McNatt and others. Nathaniel M. Wheat was appointed register.

County Buildings.--The first public building erected within the original Barry County was that at Mount Pleasant, within the present boundaries of Lawrence. The first term of county

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court for Barry was opened at Mount Pleasant, February 16, 1835, by the above named judges and officers, and periodical meetings were held at Capp�s house. In February, 1837, James M. Wilson was appointed county agent to build a court-house, with the following instructions: �There shall be a door shutter, cased and faced; a window shall be cut out and sashed with six lights, cased and faced, with a shutter to cover such window, chinked and painted; the chimney to be run out with sticks and clay, with a back hearth and jambs of stone; the door to have a lock and key; a stand to be made for the judge�s seat, and benches or seats to be made of two-inch oak plank 12 inches wide, to be erected round the inside of the house; the judge�s seat to be banistered around, giving room for the clerk�s table.�

In August, 1845, John A. Fooshee was appointed superintendent for the court-house and jail to be erected at Mount Vernon. In November Joel Smith was released from his contract to build the jail. On May 4, 1846, the court-house was completed and received from the contractors. In June, 1846, Thomas Hash, who was then superintendent of the jail building, reported the jail complete, and it was accepted by the county.

James Gooden and John Hamilton were paid $44.87 1/2 for digging the public well.

The court-house then built was a frame building, two stories high, about 18 feet wide and 30 feet long. It was built by Matlock & Sanders, of Springfield. The building was used as a courthouse until 1855, when the new brick structure was completed. The building is still standing on the north side of the public square. In later years it was used as a blacksmith shop, but now it is an apartment house, while on the ground floor are the abstract offices of Mr. Simms.

The jail was built of hewn logs, as follows: First an interior wall of hewn logs, 10 inches square, closely fitted together, then an outer wall built in the same manner of like materials, built so as to leave a space of six inches between the walls, and this space was filled by logs, six inches thick, set in vertically. The floors above and below were made of hewn timber 10 inches thick, with an additional covering of one-inch oak plank nailed down on the timbers, the nails being driven 1 inch apart all over the floor.

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There were two small openings on the east and west sides, about 12 inches square, secured by heavy iron gratings. The entrance being through a trap-door, from above, in the center of the building by means of a ladder, which was withdrawn when any one was put in jail. The jail was built by Wyatt Harris, Sr., and Bradford Samuels. It was used as the county jail until 1853, when it was burned down by a prisoner confined in it.

[According to newspaper reports, this jail burned in December 1858, not 1853.]

In the year 1854 a new court-house was built in Mount Vernon, costing about $7,000. It was built by S. W. Wolcott, and S. M. Anderson was the superintendent. The building is constructed of brick, with stone foundations, sills and lintels; is 50x60 feet square and three stories high. The upper or third story was built by the Order of Freemasons, who still own and occupy it. The third story is divided into two halls by a partition, and one room is rented to and occupied by the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.

In February, 1868, $1,500 was appropriated for building a jail, and John M. Filler was appointed superintendent. In May, 1868, the contract was awarded Andrew Erickson, for $2,000. In September, 1868, the building was completed. In May, 1873, the court appointed Wyatt Harris superintendent of a fire-proof jail and clerk�s office, the building of which was authorized that day. The appropriation was $16,000, made up as follows: Bonds for $10,000; $800 of the internal revenue fund; $2,200 of the funds designated S. W. B. P. R. R. Funds; $2,075 of the jail fund, hitherto collected; and $2,000 by direct tax of one mill on the dollar. In August the contract was sold to H. A. Hamilton, of Springfield, for $15,9000, while Lot 12 in Block 2 was purchased from John T. Teel for $300, and the east 10 feet of Lot 11 in Block 2, from Henry Brumback, for $50. On December 23, 1874, the building was reported complete by W. Harris and W. E. Wright, superintendents, and accepted by the county. The stone used in the jail proper is from the Marionville quarries.

County Poor Farm.--In February, 1868, B. L. Hendrick, agent of the county, purchased of Daniel Biddlecome, administrator of Samuel K. Winkle, deceased, the east half of the southwest quarter, and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter, and

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the south half of the northeast quarter of Section 22, and the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 23, Township 29, Range 25, for $374, for poor farm purposes. The contract for erecting the poor farm building was sold to W. T. Booth, January 19, 1869, for $2,345. This building was completed and William Haggerty appointed superintendent. He was succeeded in 1870 by J. J. McCormack, and he in February, 1872, by John F. Williams.

County Revenue and Expenditure.--The first statement of receipts and expenditures was furnished to the court May 6, 1846. This document shows that $59.61 was collected as license fees, and $481.50 as real and personal property tax, or a total of $540.11. Of this sum there were paid out the following named amounts:

Washington Smith.............$105.19		Sampson Wright.................$ 75.00
Thomas Hash................... 11.60		Johnson & Co.................... 38.31
W. S. M. Wright...............  3.00		Sam. S. Williams................ 42.17
Joseph Rinker................. 26.00		Aaron Winters................... 33.00
Robert B. Taylor.............. 26.00		George White....................  8.00
Joseph Schooling.............. 26.00

The treasurer points out the $144.16 �balance on hand,� together with $115.90 due from the collector, and states that the $75 paid to Sampson Wright will be replaced by that amount from the sales of lots, thus bringing the �available means� up to $333.06. The outstanding debts he placed at $74.63. The revenue for the year ending May, 1848, including balance, was $722.72 and expenditures $718.

In May, 1847, Collector Stroud reported on merchants� licenses, $35.81; collected on dramshop licenses, $7.35; on lawyers�, $9.80; on physicians�, $19.60; and on pill peddlers�, $1.96.

The revenue for the year ending May, 1847, including $144.19 balance from 1846, was $591.84, and the expenditures $592.03; but other items gave a balance to credit of 1848 of $152.65.

The revenue for year ending May 3, 1849, was $921.53; the expenditures, $944.84.

The revenue for the year ending February 5, 1850, was

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$958.50, and the actual expenditures, $854.85. Three warrants for $343.05 were outstanding, while against this sum there were $103.65 balance, $108.62 military fund, $64 due on town lots, and $182.50 due from jail fund to the credit of the treasury.

The revenue for the year ending May, 1851, including $212.27 balance from 1850, was $983.54, and the amount expended $869.22. There were due the county $246.50, and warrants outstanding for $187.54.

The revenue for year ending May, 1853, was $1,690.53, of which $1.240.13 was expended. The balance, with $258.84 due the county, $623.09, was carried over to 1854.

The total county revenue for year ending May 3, 1854, was $2,090.05, and the expenditures, $903.63.

In June, 1854, $316 was received as the county�s share of proceeds of State land sales.

The revenue for the year ending June 2, 1856, was $3,494; the expenditures, $3,026.77. The assessed value of property in 1856 was $1,175,923, and the number of polls, 1,767. The tax was 25 cents per $100, and 37 1/2 cents poll tax.

The revenue for the year ending June 24, 1857, was $4,410.97, and the expenditures $3,262.75.

In 1858 the revenue was $4,890.09, and the expenditures, $3,554.24. In 1859 the revenue was $3,586.21, including balance from former year; the expenditures, $2,973.58. The revenue for 1860 was $4,632.68; and expenditures, $3,967.24. The revenue and debts due the county amounted to $5,339.

The revenue for year ending May 13, 1861, was $6,234.70, including a balance of $1,193.79 from 1860. The expenditures were $4,170.82. At this time the stated amount due on the tax book of 1857 was $634.29; of 1858, $334.90; of 1859, $434.63, and of 1860, $4,415.98. These debts, with the balance remaining after settlement, show that $7,883.68 was in and due the treasury May 13, 1861.

There is no statement of revenue or expenditure from May, 1861, to February, 1863. On the last named date Treasurer Weir reported $559.47, received from Mrs. Mary A. Catts, widow of his predecessor in office.

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The revenue of the county for the year ending May 24, 1864, was $3,398.70; expenditures, $2,658.71, and outstanding warrants, $1,872.72. The bonds and notes due the county amounted to $5,270.64.

The revenue for year ending June 19, 1865, was $10,348.07, and the expenditures, $11,683. The total revenue for year ending June 29, 1866, was $15,691, and the expenditures, $13,473.69.

The revenue for year ending May 23, 1867, was $14,034, and the expenditures, $12,552. In 1868 $11,627.76 was received, and $7,536.76 expended.

The revenue for the year ending May 1, 1869, was $14,447.01, and the expenditures, $10,333.10. The road fund collected was $2,002.59, and the expenditures, $735.

The revenue of the county for the year ending May 1, 1870, was $15,334, and the expenditures, $13,603.76. For 1870-71 the revenue was $10,613.73, and the expenditures, $11,556.41. For 1871-72 the revenue was $9,521.04, and the expenditures, $9,300.43, with $2,290.98 in outstanding warrants.

The expenditures for year ending May, 1872, were $11,591.41.

The total revenue of the county for year ending May 1, 1873, was $11,324.28; the expenditures, $14,194.03, and deficit, $2,869.75. The revenue for the year ending 1874 was $12,359.17, and expenditures, $16,290.44.

The county revenue for year ending May 1, 1876, was $11,064.98, and expenditures, $9,914.27. The poor fund revenue was $1,972.59, and expenditures, $581.86. The jail fund was $7,844.38, and expenditures, $7,419.18.

The expenditures for year ending May, 1876, were $7,935.40, from county revenue; $2,135.90, poor fund; $86.93, inquest fund; $1,061.60, jail erection; $2,000, jail bond interest; $2,000, jail bond tax.

The expenditures for year ending May 1, 1877, were $6,523.38, county revenue; $509.20, grand jury and witness; $1,620.80, poor fund; $147.73, inquest fund; $1,609.83, jail bond fund; $823.58, jail bond interest; $115.19, county road fund; $58.44, road and canal fund.

The expenditures for the year ending February, 1878, amounted to $8,511.88.

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The expenditures for year ending February, 1879, were $4,220.80, from county revenue; $1,469, from poor fund; $658.87, from road fund; $17.60, road and canal fund; $83.12, witness scrip; $120.90, grand jury scrip, or a total of $6,570.30.

The revenue for year ending February 1, 1880 was $12,817.66, and the expenditures $10,327.12.

The expenditures for year ending February, 1881, were $1,160.67, contingent fund; $3,921.24, office and salary fund; $2,102.63, poor fund, $1,239.70, road and bridge fund; $1,010.13, jail fund; $1,482.98, jury and election fund.

The expenditures for year ending February 1, 1882, were $1,041.24, contingent fund; $3,033.68, poor fund; $686.81, jury and election fund; $891.35, circuit court scrip; $4,209.15, office and salary fund; $1,915.27, jail fund; $1,350.63, road and bridge fund. The total indebtedness at this date was $6,024.26.

The expenditures for the year ending February, 1883, were $638.77, contingent fund; $2,528.57, poor fund; $3,913.16, official salary; $1,867.46, road and bridge fund; $825.27, jury and election fund; $1,173, circuit court scrip. The indebtedness was $5,024.26, being twenty-three school bonds and four jail bonds.

The expenditures for year ending February 3, 1884, were $789.09, of the contingent fund; $2,390.05, poor fund; $4,788.02, office and salary fund; $2,124.96, road and bridge fund; $1,443, jury and election fund; $14.36, jail fund. The only indebtedness of the county was $3,024.26, or twenty-three bonds to county school fund.

The expenditures for year ending February 1, 1886, were $2,484.68, contingent fund; $3,125.78, poor fund; $4,819.14, office and salary fund; $2,687.13, road and bridge fund; $2,106.70, jury and election fund; $1,171.82, Pierce Township bonds.

The expenditures for year ending February, 1887, were $3,024.84, contingent fund; $4,694.62, poor fund; office and salary, $4,186.64; road and bridge fund, $3,507.37; jury and election fund, $3,228.05; Pierce Township bonds, $1,210.66.

The statistics of personal property for 1888 show a total approximating $6,000,000, or an assessed value of $1,403,875. The number of horses in the county is placed at 7,870, valued at

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$271,323; sixty asses and jennets, $4,360; 2,699 mules, $104,617; 23,883 neat cattle, $200,911; 7,576 sheep, $5,031; 24,984, hogs, $33,139; 1,827 of other lie stock, valued at $1,794; $530,001 money, notes, bonds and other credits; $252,699, assessed value of all other personal property. Merchants� stocks were valued at $173,771, on which a direct tax of $3,491.58 was paid.

Following is the real estate valuation: Number of acres, 385,342, valuation, $1,621,505; number of town lots, 2,902, valuation, $366,705.

Valuation of real and personal property of Lawrence County at the present time:

Personal................................................................................. $1,403,875

Real Estate............................................................................. 1,989.310

Railroad.................................................................................. 258,670

Telegraph................................................................................ 4,075


Total.................................................................... $3,655,930

Total valuation of all property in 1856................ $1,175,923


The officers not regularly named in the transactions of the county court are given in the following lists:

Probate Judges, or Presidents of County Court.--Joseph Schooling, 1845-46; R. B. Taylor, 1846-48; Thomas Hash, 1848-50; R. B. Taylor, 1850-52; James Cherry, 1852-58; T. R. Whaley, 1858-60; James Fike, 1860-62; R. H. Landrum, 1862-70; George W. Rinker, 1870-74; John W. Hopper, 1874-76.

Circuit Clerks.--Thomas Hash, 1845-48; P. M. Wear, 1848-54; William W. Gay, 1854-58; P. M. Wear, 1858-64; H. C. Lollar, 1864-74; E. P. Linzee, 1874-76.

Assessors.--Aaron Winters, 1845-48; James Cherry, 1848-52; J. D. Hillhouse, 1852-54; William Robinson, 1854-56; James P. Pool, 1856-58.

Township Assessors.--J. D. Hillhouse, 1860-62; M. D. S. McCall, 1862-64; J. D. Hillhouse, 1864-66; J. J. Spilman, 1866-72; William Querry, 1872-74; Joshua Ruark, 1874-76.

Treasurers.--George White, 1845-48; William A. McCanse, 1848-52; S. M. Anderson, 1852-54; William A. McCanse, 1854

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-56; G. N. Catts, 1856-62; E. P. B. Weir, 1862-64; Henry George, 1864-66; Hiram Waller, 1866-68; G. W. Kendall, 1868-74; James M. Kellogg, 1874-76.

Coroners.--W. S. M. Wright, 1845-48; James W. Patton, 1854-56; M. McNatt, 1856-58; John collier, 1858-60; N. B. Hocker, 1860-62; J. M. Kellogg, 1864-66; A. A. B. White, 1866-68; J. W. Mills, 1868-70; H. Waller, 1870-72; P. M. Slaughter, 1872-74; Joe K. Matthews, 1874-76.

Surveyors.--John D. Allen, 1845-50; Daniel Biddlecome, 1858-62; J. L. Holt, 1862-68; J. W. Black, 1868-72; W. F. King, 1872-76.

School Commissioners.--Jesse M. Wilks, 1856-60; Joseph Estes, 1860-62; John H. Woods, 1866-68; William N. Davis, 1868-70; J. B. Underwood, 1870-72; J. R. Woodfill, 1872-74; Euphrates Boucher, 1874-76.

Prior to 1867 the county court exercised probate jurisdiction.

Representatives.--In 1838, first Monday in August, Col. Littleberry Mason was elected a member to the State Legislature. At the session of 1838-39 the county of Barry was divided--three counties stricken off, Dade, Jasper and Newton. On the 1st of September a call term in 1840, at Mount Pleasant, the county court made an order to hold the next regular term in November at McDonald, it being the seat of justice, and that all processes be returnable there at said term in the year 1840. Hon. Campell G. Cowan was the member to the Legislature, it is believed, in 1842. At the session of the General Assembly in 1842-43, Lawrence County was formed out of territory off of the north end of Barry, and south end of Dade.

The representatives from 1845 to 1880 are named as follows: F. R. McFall, 1845-48; R. B. Taylor, 1848-50; F. R. McFall, 1850-52; J. M. Moore, 1852-54; F. R. McFall, 1854-56; I. R. Jones, 1856-58; R. B. Taylor, 1858-62; S. E. Roberts, 1862-64; George W. Rinker, 1864-68; S. E. Roberts, 1868-70; R. S. Wilks, 1870-72; G. C. Stotts, 1872-74; S. R. Allen, 1874-76; George W. Rinker, 1876-78; Dr. H. J. Maynard, 1878-80.

Elections, 1874.--Circuit Judge, D. A. Harrison, 706; Joseph Cravens, 1,014. Congress, C. W. Thrasher, 757; C. H. Morgan, 943. State Senator, John G. Wear, 679; William Ray, 267;

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John Gullett, 269; J. M. Filler, 411. Representatives, S. R. Allen, 1,050; S. E. Roberts, 709. Circuit clerk, E. P. Linzee, 754; W. A. Moody, 513; George W. Kendall, 558. County Clerk, Joe P. Porter, 948; G. H. Smeltzer, 552; J. A. Orr, 315. Treasurer, J. M. Kellogg, 920; W. A. McCanse, 858. Sheriff, J. B. Davis, 990; H. Gaither, 749. Collector, J. Shipman, 718; James Cherry, 1,059. Assessor, Joshua Ruark, 1,136; W. P. L. Kirby, 686. Prosecuting Attorney, John T. Teel, 1,193; T. W. Carlin, 583. Probate Judge, John W. Hopper, 769; R. H. Landrum, 723. County Justice, John R. Hillhouse, 1,108; C. D. Lanear, 674. Public Administrator, William M. Watterson, 1,056; D. C. Allen, 29. Coroner, N. B. Hocker, 1,436; William Miller, 296. Constitutional Amendment, yes, 1,728; no, 22. Convention, yes, 31; no, 1,689. Dogs, against license, 1,029, for, 420.

Special Election, 1875.--Delegates to State Convention, Benjamin F. Massey, 298; John Ray, 169; J. K. Northcutt, 245; Nicholas Dale, 352; M. S. Beckwith, 72, and Amos Kellogg, 42. Superintendent of Schools, J. R. Woodfill, 334; Euphrates Boucher, 374; S. P. Waller, 50, and J. J. Williams, 167.

Elections, 1875.--President, Tilden, 1,137; Hayes, 1,180; Cooper, 338. Governor, Phelps, 1,124; Finkelnburg, 1,204; Alexander, 314. Congress, Morgan, 1,213; Havens, 1,188; Hazeltine, 236. Representative, Colly, 1,172; Rinker, 1,173; Allen, 310. collector, Hash, 1,171; Linzee, 1,285; Cochran, 286. Sheriff, Whaley, 1,213; Gibson, 1,131; Wools, 292. Treasurer, Wright, 1,178; Moodey, 1,171; Fite, 303. Attorney, Gibbs, 1,314; Teel, 1,254. Assessor, Logan, 1,134; Bowers, 1,180; Spillman, 330. Surveyor, A. B. McCray, 1,180; J. A. Cochran, 1,289. Public Administrator, J. C. Stinson, 1,148; G. S. Milsapp, 1,182, J. W. Patton, 315. Coroner, J. W. Wilkinson, 1,149; J. K. Matthews, 1,184; T. L. Smith, 353.

Special Election, 1877.--Superintendent of Schools, W. F. King, 847; J. J. Williams, 426, D. A. Radley, 122.

Elections, 1878.--Congress, C. G. Burton (Republican), 1,192; J. R. Waddill (Democrat), 1,281; M. H. Ritchey (Greenback), 459. Senator, H. E. Havens (Republican), 1,062; J. B. Perkins (Democrat), 1,313; H. F. Fellows (Greenback), 454;

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John Gullett (Independent), 44. Representative, A. R. McNatt (Democrat), 1,170; H. J. Maynard (Republican), 1,175; W. Vertrees (Greenback), 560. Presiding Judge, William Gammon (Democrat), 1,286; James H. Kirby (Republican), 1,241; John T. Ward (Greenback), 392. Judge (District No. 1), J. N. Hope (Democrat), 603; W. C. Whinery (Republican), 661; J. W. Patton (Greenback), 234. Judge (district No. 2), W. S. Goodman (Democrat), 629; J. C. Maynard (Republican), 534; S. A. Stockton (Greenback), 220. Probate Judge, John W. Hopper (Democrat), 1,536; W. N. Davis (Republican), 1,251. County Clerk, Joe P. Porter (Democrat), 1,549; W. F. King (Republican), 1,314. Circuit Clerk, E. P. Linzee (Democrat), 1,378; J. B. Underwood (Republican), 1,196; E. M. Hendrick (Greenback), 328. Sheriff, John L. Whaley (Democrat), 1,399; T. J. Fairburn (Republican), 1,168; J. M. Woods (Greenback), 337. Collector, R. B. Gillette (Democrat), 1,358; R. H. Landrum (Republican), 1,188; O. N. Hoshaw (Greenback), 367. Assessor, E. C. Davis (Democrat), 1254; J. C. Wilks (Republican), 1,276; L. Roberts (Greenback), 369. Treasurer, W. E. Wright (Democrat), 1,535; W. A. Moody (Republican), 1,280. Prosecutor, John T. Teel (Democrat), 1,249; John Ryan (Republican), 1,139; W. Cloud (Democrat), 361. Coroner, S. W. Brown (Democrat), 1,281; N. B. Hocker (Republican), 1,299. Administrator, L. G. Hillhouse (Republican), 1,367.

Special Election, 1879.--School Commissioner, W. F. King, 1,179; J. A. Ragsdale, 531.

Elections, 1880.--President, Gen. Hancock (Democrat), 1,476; James A. Garfield (Republican), 1,567; Gen. Weaver (Greenback), 337. Congress, Ira S. Haseltine (Republican), 1,685; J. R. Waddill (Democrat), 1,473. Representative, W. B. Cochran (Republican), 1,597; Charles Lawson (Democrat), 1,451; W. Vertrees (Greenback), 318. Circuit judge, Joseph Cravens (Democrat), 1,639; M. G. McGregor (Republican), 1,636. Collector, R. B. Gillette, 1,536; R. D. O. Nicholson, 1,544; Isaac L. Smith, 299. Sheriff, W. H. Cherry, 1,420; W. S. Ryan, 1,590; W. H. Cannady, 349. Treasurer, John M. Skinner, 1,462; William H. Sloan, 1,627; E. M. Hendrick, 275. Prosecutor,

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Andrew J. Little, 1,512; F. C. Johnston, 1,739. Surveyor, A. B. McCray, 1,491; J. A. Cochran, 1,770. Assessor, J. N. Hope, 1,488; J. C. Wilks, 1,588; D. C. Allen, 290. Coroner, S. W. Brown, 1,473; N. B. Hocker, 1,772. Administrator, James M. Kellogg, 1,487; J. W. Mills, 1,616. Judge (District No. 1), William M. Watterson, 911; John T. Ward, 594. Judge (District No. 2), W. S. Goodman, 808; David Caldwell, 672; L. Pruitt, 163. J. A. Beaver was appointed presiding judge, November 25, 1881.

Special Election, 1881.--School Commissioner, L. A. Dunlap, 641; D. A. Radley, 287; W. B. Cowan, 283; C. C. Davis, 389.

Elections, 1882.--Congress, Robert W. Fyan, 1,580; W. F. Cloud, 1,484; I. S. Haseltine, 283. Representatives, E. P. Linzee, 1,640; W. B. cochran, 1,405; John D. Allen, 292. Prosecutor, J. T. Teel, 1,716; R. H. Landrum, 1,527. Senator, S. R. Bridges, 1,558; David Harmon, 1,276. Presiding Judge, John S. Wheat, 1,483; James W. Shipman, 1,562; W. Vertrees, 272. Judge (District No. 1), W. M. Peck, 645; W. M. Watterson, 775; Thomas P. Robinson, 208. Judge (District No. 2), R. P. Colley, 868; J. N. Morrison, 734; J. P. sparks, 95. Probate judge, John W. Hopper, 1,717; W. W. Cushing, 1,369; S. A. Stockton, 239. Circuit clerk, W. H. Cecil, 1,561; W. H. Johnson, 1,502; John F. Spillman, 270. Sheriff, John L. Whaley, 1,537, William S. Ryan, 1,572, N. M. Browning, 210. Collector, J. A. Beaver, 1,694; R. D. O. Nicholson, 1,541. Recorder, Caswell T. Wear, 1,626; D. D. Seaman, 1,615. Treasurer, John E. Fenton, 1,477; Wiliam H. Sloan, 1,608; H. S. Hammer, 249. Administrator, Laman Pruitt, 838. County Clerk, John A. Cochrane, 1,448; Joe P. Porter, 1,688; Charles Cannady, 201. Assessor, W. H. Mize, 1,567; W. C. Trimble, 1,498; John J. Spillman, 279. Coroner, S. W. Brown, 1,539; N. B. Hocker, 1,490; W. H. Cannady, 270. Amended constitution, yes, 245; no, 1,511.

Special Election, 1883.--School Commissioner, L. A. Dunlap, 728; D. A. Radley, 630.

Elections, 1884.--President, Grover Cleveland (Democrat), 1,947; James G. Blaine (Republican), 2,103; J. P. St. John (Prohibitionist), 60. Congress, A. L. Thomas, 1,951; W. H. Wade,

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2,036; I. S. Haseltine, 117. Representative, John T. Teel, 2,095; John J. Spillman, 1,937. Sheriff, John L. Whaley, 2,106; George A. Hiles, 1,978. Collector, Thomas B. Turk, 1,960; William S. Ryan, 1,974. Prosecutor, W. B. Skinner, 2,078; William N. Davis, 2,016. Judge (District No. 1), John W. Wilkinson, 852; Edward Sinclair, 957. Judge (District No. 2), R. P. Colley, 1,185; William Buchner, 1,073. Treasurer, Jesse A. Perrigo, 2,094; J. D. Whaley, 1,985. Coroner, Jerry Cashman, 1,976; N. B. Hocker, 2,097. Assessor, Thomas H. Whann, 2,105; B. W. Pruitt, 1,963. Surveyor, W. M. Paris, 1,910; A. B. Watterson, 2,110. Administrator, Easton Irby, 2,095; Hog law, no, 2,025; yes, 1,322. All the proposed constitutional amendments, and the question of organizing townships for road purposes, were voted down.

Special Election, 1885.--School commissioner, C. E. Greenup, 940; W. A. Wilson, 922; D. A. Radley, 231; D. J. Bigbee, 76.

The vote on the hog law in August, 1886, gave 1,384 for restraining and 1,310 against restraining the pig from wandering at large.

Elections, 1886.--Congress, J. C. Cravens, 1,883; W. H. Wade, 2,152; John Sobieski, 130. Senator, John T. Feel, 1,940; Joseph Seabourn, 2,210. Circuit judge, James R. Shields, 1,922; Malcom McGregor, 2,232. Representative, G. T. Shelton, 1,941; George A. Purdy, 2,146. Presiding Justice, James Neill, 1,918; Edward Sinclair, 2,190. Judge (District No. 1), Oliver T. Rogers, 887; G. B. Moore, 1,076. Judge (District No. 2), R. L. Matthews, 1,142; Enoch S. Boucher, 1,030. Prosecutor, William B. Skinner, 2,195; William N. Davis, 1,945. Recorder, J. W. Denton, 1,825; William Fairburn, 2,301. Collector, August Fritz, 1,964; James W. Shipman, 2,098. Treasurer, Jesse A. Perrigo, 1,942; George A. McCanse, 2,217. Assessor, W. F. Slater, 1,903; John L. McFall, 2,255. Sheriff, Lee F. Lacy, 1,985; Fred B. Reynolds, 2,139. Probate Judge, John W. Hopper, 2,172; Columbus D. Jones, 1,986. Circuit Clerk, W. H. Cecil, 2,117; R. H. Fite, 2,035. Administrator, Michael Anthony, 2,043. Coroner, T. J. Tyler, 1,912; N. B. Hocker, 2,086. State questions were voted down.

Special Election, 1887.--School Commissioner, W. J. Ruark,

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1,005; M. Taylor, 468; M. J. Needham, 356; J. W. Barton, 316. To prohibit sale of liquors, for 937; against, 1,679. West Green, Mount Pleasant, Spring River and Pierce voted against prohibition.


The first circuit court was held at George White�s house one mile west of Mount Vernon, October 20, 1845, with Charles S. Yancy, presiding; Thomas Hash, clerk, and W. Smith, sheriff. The grand jury on this occasion was made up of seventeen members, viz: John Williams, Dempsey Jackson, George W. Messick, John H. Colley, Daniel Ware, Andrew B. Woods, John Mahon, Matt. Lowder, George M. Gibson, Alfred Moore, John B. Woods, James M. White, Wade H. Stroud, Jacob Fisher, John Ingram, Robert Jennings and Absalom Williams. The introduction to judicial work here was the covenant case, Robert B. Perkins vs. Patrick and James Finerty, when the death of Patrick Finerty was announced. Ultimately this suit was known as James Finerty vs. Robert B. Perkins. The efforts of William Odell to appeal from a decision of the Barry County Court in his case against John Williams were futile. At this time Larkin Newton, Elijah Gray and Harris G. Joplin, commissioners to locate the seat of justice, presented the deeds of gift by John Hamilton and Sampson Wright and the deed of Wade H. Stroud, commissioner of the permanent seat of justice, for approval; and the decree of approval was ordered to be certified to the county court. The first indictment was against Ethan A. Brown for selling goods without license.

In April, 1846, William H. Otter was appointed circuit attorney, but W. C. Jones served in that office as Otter was the attorney defending John McDavid from the charge of perjury. The lawyers present were W. C. Jones, W. H. Otter, John R. Wadill, John R. Chanault, J. M. Baker, Samuel A. Boake, I. E. Gay, Sands Bouton, Jr., H. B. Bouton, R. W. Crawford, J. C. Price, W. J. Ogle, E. D. McKenny and W. M. Peck.

The first declarations of intention to become a citizen was made by Casper Roth, April 21, 1846. On this day eight indictments were returned for selling liquor without a license against

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Robert Hopper, Ben Coats, John W. Boyd, Levi Smith, Henry Perry, Sinclair Halpin, John Halpin and Samuel Blick. Jacob Hoshaw was indicted for destroying timber on State lands and Daniel Turvey for cohabiting with a negro woman. On this day, also, John S. Phelps, William L. Smyth, James A. Chapman, John T. Coffee and John M. Richardson signed the roll of attorneys. Isaac Lemons was indicted for assault with intent to kill, by the grand jury, in October. In April, 1847, P. H. Edwards signed the roll of attorneys, and in July Col. Mark Means was admitted to practice. Lorenzo Lively was indicted for killing a mare, and the charges against those indicted for selling liquor illegally were dismissed. Lemons was sentenced to three months� imprisonment, a fine of $100 and all costs of his prosecution. Subsequently the fine was commuted to one month�s additional imprisonment. In July, 1847, a special term of court was held for the trial of Wayne Oliver for the murder of Montgomery Means. John T. Coffee prosecuted. The death of James A. Chapman at this time drew forth from the bar a series of condolence resolutions. On October 20, 1847, the following entry is of record:

Now, on this day, it appearing to the court that Jesse M. Taylor is in the immediate vicinity and hearing of the court, making loud and boisterous noise directly tending to interrupt the proceedings of this court, it is ordered by the court that the said Taylor be notified by service upon him of a copy of this order, to appear in court October 21, to show cause why he should not be punished for contempt of this court.

Taylor was fined $5. About this time several good citizens were heavily fined for gaming and similar acts.

In September, 1847, the following witnesses were before the Lawrence County Court in the case of the State vs. Wayne Oliver for the murder of Montgomery Means: James Hudson, Thomas D. Isbell, Addison H. Brown, Pheobe Nutt, Sarah Nutt, Dan. Dunegan, William S. Hoge, Rebecca Isbell, A. J. Mars, C. L. and Abel Landers, Jonathan Hayes, William Hoge, Matilda Hoge, Polly Hoge, James Mayfield and Alice Mayfield. John R. Green, B. and John H. Kelly and Thomas W. Dawson were also witnesses. The case came before the jury early in October, and on November 2, 1847, a verdict of �not guilty� was returned.

In April, 1850, the case of Riley Yoakum vs. Cuthbert Stump was heard. The plaintiff claimed that on Mary 19 Stump took certain slaves belonging to him, namely, Becky, a negro woman valued at $500; Emily, a negro child valued at $200, and Susan, a negro girl valued at $300. The Court ordered the sheriff to restore these chattels to the plaintiff.

In July, 1848, at a special term of court, Bright Cole was indicted for forgery, but resulted in Prosecutor Coffee entering a nolle prosequi. From this period to April, 1854, the court docket is filled with indictments for gaming, for malicious mischief, for felonious assault, for disturbing families in the night time, for disturbing religious worship, and civil cases. There is one divorce suit. In April, 1854, William Rose was indicted for murder, but the case was transferred to Dade County. In 1854 divorce proceedings almost equaled in number those of the years 1846-49. In October, 1854, Allen Kirkendoll was indicted for murder, but was bailed out by Simeon and Andrew Harper, Thomas Wyley, P. P. Harshaw and W. R. Robertson. In April, 1855, the jury returned a verdict of �not guilty.� In August, 1855, Samuel Kirkendoll was indicted for murder, but the case was transferred to Dade County. John McGehee was indicted for murder July 13, 1857; A. T. Haun, successor of E. B. Boone, as circuit attorney, prosecuted. In April, 1857, Judge W. C. Price, succeeded Judge Yancey, W. W. Gay was clerk and Thomas Hash, sheriff. In July, 1857, John R. Chanault presided. In August, 1858, the trial of Arthur Blankenship, for murder, was begun here, and on December 9 James M. Price was before the court on a similar charge, and on June 3, 1859, Charles and Crockett Howard were indicted as accessories to murder. In November Cardy Dunning was indicted on the same charge. The grand jury returned an indictment for murder against John Carter, November 7, 1860, Joseph Cravens, prosecuting. At this session the charge against Cardy Dunning was dismissed and in November, 1863, a nolle prosequi was entered in Carter�s case.

From February, 1861, to May 5, 1862, there is no record of judicial business here. On the latter date John C. Price was judge, Samuel E. Roberts, sheriff, and Pleasant M. Wear, clerk; Nathan Bray was appointed circuit attorney. On May 13, during the progress of the case, Thomas L. Catts vs. Robert W. Crawford, action on a note, Judge Price had just delivered judgment in favor of the plaintiff, when he and officers fled. Pages 330 and 331 are devoted to the phrases, �We skipped,� �we skipt,� �we skiped.� Later in the day the Court rallied and completed the day�s work. In May and November, 1862, several indictments for robbery were returned. In February, 1863, Henry Childress being then sheriff, the trials of James Maxfield for murder and Anderson and Samuel Winter for grand larceny commenced. George W. Randolph was prosecutor. About this time indictments for grand larceny and robbery filled the docket. In 1864-65 criminal cases gave place to civil actions and acknowledgements of sheriff�s deeds, but in May, 1865, indictments flowed in for robbery and grand larceny. James Williams and John McCanse were indicted for murder December 25, 1865. Four days later the jury returned a verdict of not guilty. On May 11, 1868, the first case of �railroad company aggressiveness� appears on record, as follows:

Southwest Branch Pacific Railroad, Plaintiff

Against Acknowledgement

James M. Bobo, Defendant Sheriff�s Deed

Now, on this day, comes James F. Gibson, sheriff of Lawrence County, into open court, and acknowledges the execution of a deed of conveyance to Lawrence County, for the following described real estate: The northeast quarter of the southwest quarter, of Section 1, Township 27, Range 27, sold by him by virture of an execution in the above entitled cause.

In November, 1868, Judge B. L. Hendrick presided. In 1869-70-71 indictments for murder were returned against William Wade, William Johnson, Celia Stephens, George W. Webb and William M. Weaver.

Judge W. F. Geiger presided over the November term of court in 1871, at the request of Judge Hendricks. A. D. Thomas was circuit attorney, Henry C. Lollar, clerk, and W. H. Johnson, sheriff. In May, 1872, John Snivens was indicted for murder, and the appeal of the Atlantic & Pacific Railroad from the county court in the matter of assessment was heard, the judgment of the lower court was affirmed, but leave was given for an appeal to the supreme court.

The first chancery court of Lawrence county was held at the

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court-house, Mount Vernon, April 21, 1846, with Charles S. Yancy, presiding; Washington Smith was sheriff and Thomas Hash, clerk. Unlike ninety in every hundred cases of newly established circuit courts, the first case on the docket--Robert B. Taylor�s bill for relief, and praying an injunction against Andrew J. Reed and John C. Price--was decided at once, and the defendants prohibited selling the west half of the northwest quarter of Section 11, Township 28, Range 26. In October, 1846, Wade H. Stroud was sheriff, and Thomas Hash, clerk, the latter, replete with the dignity of the court, signing �Esquire� after his own and the sheriff�s names. At this time the petition of Henry and Louisa Zinn was filed. This document called for a trustee to execute the marriage contract, and on granting it Judge Yancy named Anderson Young as such trustee. In October, 1847, Pleasant M. Wear was clerk. The injunction case of Taylor vs. A. J. Reed and John C. Price was heard at this term, and decided contrary to the interests of Price, who appealed to the supreme court. In April, 1848, James M. Moore was present as sheriff. The petition of William Jennings for divorce from his wife, Anna, was granted, the plaintiff to pay all costs. In October, Wilson Henson petitioned for a divorce from his wife, Atalanta, and Margaret J. Higby, from her husband, Charles. The first petition was granted, and the wife permitted to remarry. In April, 1848, Mrs. Margaret Higby was granted her petition, and in October, 1849, Levan McNatt was released from all duties and liabilities incurrred by his marriage with Elizabeth Kellough. The case of Joseph R. Beard against his wife, Drucilla, heard in April, 1849, appears to have been dismissed in October, 1850. In April, 1850, the petition of America Yancy from her husband, James, was heard, and in April, 1851, granted. In October, 1850, Mariah G. Roth won divorce from her husband, Casper.

Attorneys.--The roll of the modern bar of Lawrence County dates back to 1871. George R. Feiltz and D. J. Ham, of Verona, practiced here. In 1872 the names of John Ryan and W. N. Davis, of Mount Vernon, and Thomas Carlin, of Peirce City, appear. In 1873 J. Frank Ward, of Mount Vernon, registered; in 1874 W. O. Butler, of Mount Vernon; W. E. Drumm and David T. Calhoun, of Peirce

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City; in 1875 G. C. Jones, of Peirce City, and W. M. Weaver, of Lyons; in 1878, A. J. Little, of Mount Vernon; Joseph French and H. D. Avery, of Peirce City; in 1880 F. C. Johnson and L. W. White, of Peirce City; in 1881 F. M. Van Dyke, of Mount Vernon; in 1882 A. Starkey of Peirce City; in 1884 J. N. Davis, of Peirce City, and C. E. Greenup, of Mount Vernon; in 1886 William B. Watts, of Marionville, and J. S. Drake, of Mount Vernon; in 1887 Robert S. Rutledge and R. H. Davis, of Peirce City, and in 1888 John W. Leake, of Peirce City.

Robert W. Crawford, who died at Neosho, October 19, 1873, was a lawyer of this county, at one time residing at Mount Vernon.

Norman Gibbs was delegate to the Republican National Convention of 1884.

Judges Hendricks and Price and Lawyer John T. Coffee, so often mentioned in the history of this and adjoining counties were closely connected with Lawrence.


On February 9, 1848, James T. Means, James S. Snelling and Thomas Hash were allowed $114.66 2/3 each for guarding the jail during the imprisonment of Wayne Oliver for the murder of Montgomery Means.

In August, 1854, Dr. Fisk was murdered by two negroes--one Colley, belonging to John B. Dale, and one Bart, belonging to John J. Scott. Colley got the Doctor out on pretense that Dale�s child was sick, and when a short way from the house both murdered him. They revisited the house, outraged Mrs. Fisk, killed her and her infant child, plundered the house, and then fired it at various places. Colley returned to Dale�s, but Bart fled after hiding the plunder in a corncrib. Before day, Colley awoke the Dale family, telling them the Doctor�s house was burning. Soon the neighborhood was aroused; the Doctor�s body was discovered, next the remains of Mrs. Fisk and child, and then suspicion pointed toward Colley. He was arrested, and after much work confessed the horrible details. Bart was hunted down also, and both negroes tried before a committee

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of citizens, and found guilty. The manner of punishment was left to a vote--all in favor of hanging ranged on one side, all in favor of burning on the other. The burning party carried, and the negroes were sentenced to be burned at the stake three days later. Crowds from adjoining counties, even as far away as Arkansas, Kansas and Indian Territory, assembled at Carthage. The slaves were brought in to witness the transaction. The negroes were chained between two large posts, a cord of dry fagots and shavings was piled around them waist-high; two colored men set the pile on fire; the murderers screamed; but soon the flames wrapped round them, and their bodies sank gradually down in ashes. A heavy electric storm in the evening added to the terrors of the day, and many of the visiting women and men died soon after from the effects of the journey and the sight.

The trial of Lee and William Callison, of Ozark Township, for the murder of Dr. Hoyl in 1866, was begun before Justices Allen and O�Kelly, December 5, 1870. Buffington, the principal evidence for the prosecution, failed to substantiate the charge. In November, 1869, William Wade was charged with the crime of murder, also William Johnson.

In the spring of 1868 Margaret M. Fullerton, with �Tommy� Hutton, started with George Hutton en route to Ohio. Hutton was to leave her at Sedalia, which he reported having done when he returned after a seventeen days� trip. Nothing more being heard of the woman, Hutton was arrested, but his effort to escape drew on him the fire of his guard. On April 28 he was taken from Sarcoxie and hanged just on the line of the county. In June, 1868, Mary Hosey, who claimed to be the wife of Hutton, who was hanged by the vigilantes, was brought before Judge Price. Prior to Hutton�s death she dressed in male attire, and was known as �Tommy Turley.� In Mary Fullerton�s testimony it is stated that this Mary Hosey came with Hutton to her mother�s house about December, 1867, dressed in boy�s clothes. She and Hutton urged Mrs. Fullerton to accompany them to Ohio, and in February, 1868, the three set out for Sedalia. About two weeks later Hutton and �Tommy� returned; the latter was put upstairs and kept there two weeks, until ready to start for Fort

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Scott. During this time the daughter of the murdered woman discovered that �Tommy� had her mother�s skirt and stockings, although �Tommy� did not know where Mrs. Fullerton was. �Tommy�s� name was Mary Springer.

The killing of Philip Brogan by G. W. Webb, at Marionville, was perpetrated January 26, 1870. His trial before Justice Davis, of Mount Vernon, began January 29. In May, 1870, George Webb, the murderer of Brogan, and James Campbell, imprisoned for assault, escaped from the Mount Vernon jail. During the previous year Sloth and Young, expert horse-thieves, escaped from the same prison.

The murder case of Holden, at Verona, June 17, 1870, by Boughman, resulted in the commitment of the criminal by Justice James Davis; but Judge Hendrick admitted him to bail in $10,000, it having been proven that Holden attempted to kill Broughman thirty minutes before the tragedy.

The Peirce City tragedy of November, 1870, was the murder of two Swedes by gamblers.

On November 14, 1870, a man named Albert Nutter was discovered dead in his wagon near the Sarcoxie and Mount Vernon road.

W. H. Weaver killed Anderson Sterritt in January, 1871, at Oregon, on the Lawrence County line. The row occurred in a blacksmith shop, where Sterritt threatened Smith, Weaver and others. The coroner�s jury justified Weaver. Weaver was committed to jail by �Squire Davis, January 18, 1871, for the murder of Sterritt. In May, 1871, William M. Weaver was indicted for murder. The preliminary examination of Samuel A., William P. and John W. Harshbarger before �Squire Davis, on the charge of killing William Fare, in August, 1865, was held in January, 1871. The case was dismissed in the circuit court. Samuel, in denying the charge, simply said, �I did not kill William Fare, neither did I know he was in the country.�

The murder of Seaton, in May, 1871, on Turkey Creek, was credited to Steeley and his son. In May, 1872, John Simons was indicted for the murder of Antoine Goetz, of Neosho, in February, 1872. The case was brought here on change of venue.

Celia Stephens was before the court at this time on a charge

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of infanticide, having been indicted in February, 1870. Although many considered the evidence to point out guilt, the jury looked at the matter otherwise. In May, 1870, George W. Webb was indicted for murder, John Q. Page prosecuting. The trial of Samuel Orr for the murder of George W. Davis, near Billings, Christian County, December 11, 1873, was begun at Mount Vernon, in March, 1877, and sentenced by Judge Cravens to be hanged, May 3, 1877. Norman Gibbs, James J. Gideon and James R. Waddill prosecuted; Senator Patterson and John T. Teel defended. Owing to an appeal to the supreme court the execution was delayed until May 18, when Sheriff Whaley, assisted by Elder Lollar, consigned the murderer to eternity, his funeral services being conducted by Revs. Hubbard and Freeze, of the Methodist and Cumberland Churches. The scaffold was erected in front of the jail building. The murder of George Riddle, of Honey Creek, by John Allen, was perpetrated August 24, 1875. The case was removed to Greene County, where Allen was acquitted.

In October, 1875, the Foster family settled in Lawrence County. During that month Mr. Foster visited Mount Vernon, not returning until evening when his eldest child ran to meet him to say that mother was asleep all day. On entering the house he found his wife dead, with her baby clutched to her breast. Preacher Gibson, of the Baptist Church, was killed at Mount Vernon, in January, 1876, by his horses. In his attempt to hold them they knocked him down, crushed in his breast, while the wheels passed over his head, breaking in the jaw. He was married but a short time before to Widow Gibson, of Gibson�s Mill.

The shooting of Martha Henderson by Robert Poland took place near Round Grove, twelve miles northwest of Mount Vernon, August 16, 1876. It appears that two young men, Poland and Morris, visited Farmer Henderson�s house, at Round Grove, to murder Miss Henderson, who was loved by both of them, and who rejected both of them. Poland took the leading part, and entering the house told Henderson that Morris wished to see him at the gate. Immediately shots were heard, and on the owner re-entering he found his daughter dangerously wounded, and Po-

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land lying dead. Miss Henderson recovered from the wounds.

The hanging of Samuel Orr, at Mount Vernon, by the sheriff of Lawrence County, on May 18, 1877, was a dreadful spectacle. In front of the scaffold stood the children of the murdered Davis, while a great crowd of men and women gathered to see the murderer launched into eternity. Owing to some error, the wretch was choked slowly before that crowd, taking twenty-three minutes to die. The arrest of J. Richmond, at Chetopa, Kas., was made by Deputy United States Marshal Cleft, August 25, 1878. He was charged with stealing a mule from John Morris, near Hall Town. Immediately after the arrest the prisoner shot and killed his captor, and escaped. He was re-arrested at his father-in-law�s by Sheriff Whaley, August 28, and taken back to Kansas for trial, where he was taken from the Chetopa jail by a mob and hanged. The death of the German, John Steinbach, in December, 1878, resulted from his ill treatment of one of Joshua Thomas� mules. It appears that Steinbach fell, and the mule seeing his chance for revenge kicked his driver to death. A son of James Allen was killed by a falling tree, near Verona, February 21, 1879. Coad, of Peirce City, shot and killed his wife November 10, 1880, in return for two attempts to kill him. The killing of a tramp at Peirce City, by Night Watchman Robert Rice, took place in September, 1882. In October, 1883, during the administration of Sheriff Ryan, a special jail delivery was made. James and George Lewis, the Newton County bandits, James King and his wife May and Tom Eaton, all made a break for liberty, but J. R. Lee and one Caldwell remained. James Lewis, James King and May King were recaptured. John Vermillion was shot July 3, 1884, by Wesley Pritchett, and died some days later. Lane Britton, the murderer of �Squire Davis, of Joplin, and of Aaron Davis, of Granby, was captured in Amazonia in August, 1885. The tragedy of April 25, 1885, resulted in the death of J. A. Tennis and George M. Moore. It appears that Moore was conversing with Leander Bryant, near the McCanse Bros.� store, when Tennis approached Moore. The latter motioning Tennis back, said, �Mr. Tennis, I want you to leave here, I don�t want anything to do with you.� Tennis replied, �It is a free country.� Moore repeated his order to keep away, and im-

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mediately firing was begun. Within thirty minutes their bodies were removed. David T. Boswell was called to the door of his house, July 18, 1885, and killed by Mike Horner. The feud leading to this tragedy was an old one. Early in the eighties a suit brought against Horner by Boswell�s sister fed the flame which burned up to the murder point.

The jail delivery of July 18, 1885, resulted in the escape of Fred. Williams and Ral. Collins. When Deputy R. L. Bennett opened the door to give supper to the prisoners they seized him and fled. Bennett, recovering, pursued and sent a bullet through Collins� hat. The crowd joined in the pursuit, and W. E. Hickman ran down Collins. Dr. M. L. Gaither captured Fred. Williams next day. In March, 1886, M. Horner was tried for the murder of Boswell, in 1885. The jury found him guilty, and he was sentenced to a ninety-nine years� term in the penitentiary. In March, 1886, a son of Widow Demick, of Marionville, accompanied a school teacher of that town, named William M. Taylor, to Taney County. Two days later Taylor returned to Marionville with the horse and buggy, stating that he bought them from young Demick, who went to Illinois, whither his mother had already moved. A few days later the body of the young man was found, and Taylor, barely escaping mob law, was taken to Taney County for trial, where, it is stated, two of his brothers were lynched in 1885. In October, 1886, Taylor was tried and acquitted, there being no witnesses.

Capt. Robert Crockett was murdered at Mount Vernon, February 24, 1886. C. R. Carter was tried and sentenced to be hanged July 3, 1888, but escaped. A child of William Tubbs was burned to death at the Tubbs dwelling, near Chesapeake, December 1, 1887. Mrs. Barry, who was burned to death at Peirce City in February, 1888, was formerly the widow of Dr. Dent, of St. Louis, who was an uncle of Mrs. U. S. Grant. The jail delivery of March 9, 1888, resulted in the escape of three prisoners. They were Kelton, on trial for the murder of Col. Crockett, and John Cooney and Charles O�Neil charged with stealing jewelry. They were not missed until the guards went into their cells to take them their breakfast, when it was found that the bars at one of the windows had been sawed, giving them

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easy outlet. Kelton went a few miles when daylight overtook him, and he halted, got breakfast, and asked the man with whom he stopped to bring him in his buggy back to town, which he did.


Troops Furnished.--The enrolled Misouri Militia, organized under the ordinance of the convention of 1861, served the State until March 12, 1865, when all commands were disbanded under the act of February 10, 1865. It may be said, howover {sic}, that only a few companies remained in service, as the greater number enrolled prior to 1864 was mustered out or transferred during that year. David Murphy�s Company A, Rifle Battalion of First Infantry, was the first company raised in the interior of Missouri, dating to April 17, 1861. On May 14 this company with Company B, of the Rifles, and Capt. cole�s company, Fifth Missouri Volunteers, opened the campaign in Southeast Missouri, May 14, 1861, at Potosi. The Third Missouri Volunteer Infantry served at the taking of Camp Jackson, May 10; at Carthage, July 5, and at Wilson�s Creek, August 10, thus opening up the war in Southwest Missouri. The First United States Regiment Cavalry was also represented in this campaign, together with several of the first military organizations in the State.

On the second Saturday in May, 1861, the Lawrence County Home Guard Regiment was organized by Col. James C. Martin, of the northeastern part of the county. The organization took place four miles west of Mount Vernon, near James Ferguson�s house, on the prairie. John M. Filler was elected lieutenant-colonel. There were ten companies averaging 100 men each; among the captains were William Burrough. J. J. Spillman organized a company of 133 men in the western part of the county; Peter F. Clark organized a large company around Heaton. Later William Allen�s company on Spring River was organized; then William Burrough�s company, and later at William Boswell�s, Capt. Spillman�s company at Hosier Prairie. About June 1 all the companies assembled on Spring River Prairie, and organized the regiment above referred to. William D. Gatton had a company, also Capt. Elliott.

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The Ozark Company of Home Guards was organized May 25, 1861, ordered into service June 16, by Gen. Sigel, and disbanded September 1, 1861. The company was again called into service under Col. Judson, of the Sixth Kansas Cavalry. When the company disbanded the papers were destroyed. Subsequently, when under the act of Congress it became necessary for the soldiers to have honorable discharge, Capt. P. F. Clarke and Wyatt Harris compiled a roster from memory, which was very imperfect. [Letter to W. N. Davis from P. F. Clarke.]

The organization of the Home Guards in May, 1861, was entirely local, urged on by the fact that Capt. Miller and Musgrove�s Confederate State Guards were being organized. These Confederate companies �ran the county,� so to speak, but were subdued or driven off for a time; and after the battle of Pea Ridge they disappeared almost totally. Prior to September, 1861, the Home Guard force approximated 2,000 men. Some days later John C. Martin tendered the services of the regiment to Gen. Lyon, who refused to accept. That company of men would have saved Lyon and won Wilson�s Creek.

The Lawrence County Regiment lost one office and fourteen men killed, two officers and thirty men died of disease, and nineteen officers and 410 men honorable discharged. This command disbanded August 10, 1861, except two companies, which disbanded September 1, 1861.

The Fifteenth Missouri Volunteer Cavalry was organized April 1, 1863, as the Second Provisional Regiment, at Mount Vernon. The total strength was eight companies of eighty men, or 640. On May 19, 1863, it was given the title, Seventh Provisional Regiment, but as the strength then was only 629, a battalion was added in September and October following. In October this command chased Jo. Shelby to the Osage River and back over the Arkansas line. In June, 1864, orders were received to organize as a United States Volunteer Command, the muster to date from November, 1863, and as a result, the renowned command known as the Fifteenth Missouri Volunteer Cavalry was organized by Col. John D. Allen, at Springfield, August 27, 1864, and mustered in by Capt. John G. Quinn. During the second invasion by Price this regiment was arrayed against him on every

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field from Jefferson City to Newtonia. After the Newtonia affair of October 28, 1864, where Lieut. Christian was killed, the command was the protection of Southwest Missouri until mustered out July 1, 1865. The roll of commissioned officers is as follows: Colonel, John D. Allen; lieutenant-colonel, Ben. D. Smith; majors, W. B. Mitchell, Wick Morgan and James M. Moore; adjutant, Joseph M. Herndon; quartermaster, William B. Landrum; commissary, T. H. B. Lawrence; surgeon, John King, and assistant surgeon, John W. Farmer. The twelve companies were officered as follows: Company A--Philip Rohrer, A. C. Montgomery and Samuel Hornbeck, captain, first and second lieutenants, respectively; Company B--Samuel E. Roberts, Joseph Anderson and Levi A. Gibson; Company C--Green C. Stotts, Josiah P. Boyd and Charles C. Brown; Company D--T. B. Sutherland, William Gammon and Thomas B. Hopper; Company E--Edmond J. Morris, George N. Alder and Joel T. Hernbree; Company F.--L. J. Mitchell, Ben. H. Bond and George L. Turk; Company G--William Ray, L. B. Hutchison and Lewis Smith; Company H--John H. Moore, H. N. Brown and Joseph L. Baize; Company I--John H. Howard, Robert Cowan and William K. Pyle; Company K--James M. Ritchey, R. H. Christian and Oscar Wear; Company L--James W. Burns, James B. Burros; Company M--D. H. Connoway, W. A. McMinn and Jesse Spencer. As the Second Provisional Regiment, the Fifteenth Cavalry garrisoned Mount Vernon, Bower�s Mills, Melville, Gadfly, Bolivar, Humansville, Stockton and Galena. The battalion added in October, 1863, held Melville, Bolivar, Stockton and Newtonia, being known as the �Scouting Battalion.�

Elias Horine was commissioned enrolling officer for Newton, Barry and McDonald Counties, with rank of first lieutenant, July 10, 1865.

George W. Rinker was commissioned enrolling officer of Lawrence County July 10, 1865.

The Twentieth Regiment of Missouri Militia was organized in the summer and fall of 1865, in Lawrence, Newton, Barry and McDonald Counties. On June 23 John M. Filler was commissioned colonel; Wyatt Harris, lieutenant-colonel; Michael Horine, major; J. A. Brown, adjutant; T. B. Samuel, quarter-

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master; and Hiram Waller, surgeon. Company A was commanded by Clinton D. Lanier, with F. L. Rutherford, second lieutenant; Company B, by T. S. Boyd, with Caswell T. Wear, first lieutenant, and Henry George, second lieutenant; Company C, by William K. Gibson, with Thomas B. Allen, first lieutenant, and J. M. L. Lebow, second lieutenant; Company D, by William B. Allen, with Sampson R. Allen, second lieutenant; Company E, by Isham Irby, with Jacob B. Wheat, second lieutenant; Company F, by David T. J. Colley, with Daniel Lester and James H. Glasscock, lieutenants; Company G, by John J. Spillman, with Thomas M. Stotts and Lamon Pruitt, lieutenants; Platoon K, by Lieut. Abraham Weland; Platoon L, by James H. Cowan. This command was never called into service, although held subject to call.

William Buck and William Spencer, of Company C, Fifteenth Missouri Regiment, were captured by Livingstone and killed.

Names of Soldiers.--The following list is taken from assessment books of 1861-63, as certified in June, 1866, by John S. Wilson, clerk. While useful as a souvenir of all the names connected with the county at that time, the writer has made it an object to render it also a very complete roster of troops in the Federal and Confederate service, 1861 to 1865:

Ando Dondo			Allen S. R. (F.)		Akin John H.
Anderson John			Auxier John			Atwood Jo. B.
Arthur L. Q.			Auxier Catherine		Adamson E. J. (M)
Anderson Z. T.			Auxier E. J.			Abbott G. (F.)
Anderson G. B.			Auxier J. S.			Allen Samuel
Arnhart Jesse			Alexander G. W.			Anderson S. M. (H.J.)
Arnhart W. C.			Adkirson Nathan			Adams James
Alexander John			Adkison F. M. (F.)		Alderson Jesse
Alexander R. J.			Anderson John			Anderson Joseph (F.)
Adams Jesse			Anderson Pate			Allison Joseph
Adams Elijah			Anderson Joseph (F.)		Brown W. P. (F.)
Adams W. C.			Anderson L. P.			Brown Stephen A. (F.)
Adams Daniel			Anderson William (F.)		Brown H. N.
Archer A. S.			Anderson A. D.			Brown John A. (F.)
Archer Michael			Anderson Robert			Brown Thomas
Allen J. D. (F.)		Auston, S. I. (C.)		Brown Mary F.
Allen Thomas			Aron George (F.)		Brown W. C.
Allen J. E. (F.)		Absalom Nancy			Brown Daniel (F.)
Allen W. B. (F.)		Allison George W. (F.)		Brown Hester
Allen J. W.			Allison T. W. (F.)		Brown John
Allen L. W.			Atkin David			Brown I. J.
Allen L. P. (F.)		Abbott J. J. (F.)		Brown Margaret
Allen T. B. (F.)		Akin Thomas W.			Brown F. B.
Page 72
Brown Lee			Brite T. B. (C.)		Bagg W. N. W.
Brown Matthew			Bingham Martha			Bunley Samuel
Burrow William (H. G.)		Brite Mary			Beard Oliver (F.)
Buttes Ann			Brite John R. (C.)		Beckham Isaac
Burgess Thomas			Brite Jesse (F.)		Bishop Zebulon (F.)
Brannon James L.		Bingham W. H.			Burton S. M. (C.)
Brannon John			Boswell William (H. G.)		Burnett D. D.
Burrow W. G. (F.)		Binney S. P. (F.)	        Blackwell Sib.
Brashear D. E. W. (F.)		Binney Abel (F.)		Briggs Harvey
Bobe Abner			Binney Joshua (F.)		Bashaw B. T. (C.)
Brashear W. W. (F.)		Baker Murray			Bird Henry (C.)
Brashear Jesse R. (F.)		Beard Jane			Brice William (C.)
Batesell Nelson			Boswell John (F.)		Bogard Charles
Black W. W.			Baughman Lewis		        Blankenship C. C.
Burrow R. L. (M.)		Bottem J. C. (C.)		Baldwin J. M.
Beaver W. R.			Bottem M. P. (C.)		Bane John C.
Bannum Lucinda			Bradley J. H.			Black John
Burrow Jason			Bowers J. J. S. (F.)		Buckner Burrow
Bobo William T.			Bowers W. H. (F.)		Burton James P. (C.)
Berry Ezekiel			Bowers G. F. (F.)		Baldwin Joshua
Brickey P. P. (C. & Mex.)	Busby Samuel (F.)		Berry Thomas
Baugh George (F.)		Busby Thomas (F.)		Bray Eli (F.)
Baugh A. B.			Busby William (F.)		Burton L. J.
Baugh W. E. (F.)		Bingham Uriah (F.)		Bentley & Connell
Baugh A. J. (F.)		Braugham W. G.			Browning Manerul
Brackins Alfred			Bryant D. W.			Breeden Russell
Boyd T. S. (F.)			Bryant Cyrus			Clayton James (F.)
Browing Elisha (F.)		Bryant W. H. (F.)		Clayton Willis
Bryant John			Berry George W. (C.)		Clayton Pleasant
Beck H. J. (F.)			Butt James (H. G.)		Clayton Francis
Beck Elmina			Box J. F.			Clayton William (C.)
Bridges Newton			Burton J. V. (F.)		Clayton Levi O. (F.)
Burnett Stephen			Baker John			Cannefax Sarah
Burrow James (M.)		Bell J. H.			Callon A. G.
Berry William M.		Baldwin Thomas (F.)		Cook Mary Z.
Bridges Samuel (F.)		Breeden Martin (F.)		Collier J. W.
Boyd Josiah P. (F.)		Berry J. C.		        Christopher Jesse
Ball Zacariah (F.)		Bennett J. W.			Carr Amon
Berry Aaron			Brickey William			Cline Nancy
Browning Elijah			Beckham E. (F.)			Cline John E.
Browning Henry			Baldwin Phillip (F.)		Cummons Susan
Browning George W.		Bridges James			Clanton Alfred
Browning Benjamin		Box Susan			Carr Daniel
Browning J. B. (F.)		Bell William S.			Cagle I. W. (F.)
Brown A. M. (F.)		Blackmore W. E.			Cantrell Ben. (F.)
Batesell Joseph			Baldwin Susan			Cantrell Isaac (F.)
Black J. C.			Buckner Matilda			Cantrell Wash. (F.)
Bullock Dock.			Brinell George			Cantrell James (F.)
Berry Benjamin			Boswell D. C. (F.)		Colley G. W.
Berry J. F.			Burton E. D.			Colley G. L. (F.)
Boucher Carey			Bond Thomas			Chandler John
Boucher Mary C.			Biddlecome Daniel		Curtis J. W. (F.)
Boucher William (H. G.)		Boyd Tabitha			Carter T. J. (F.)
Boucher Gabriel (H. G.)		Bacon John N.			Clark C. H.
Boucher L. C. (F.)		Berry D. D.			Clark P. F. (F.)
Bonderant T. (F.)		Bayless J. T.			Crissman Henry
Bickell I. A. (F.)		Bigbee J. C.			Chewning G. W. (H. G.)
Baxter A. A.			Bobo J. M. (C.)			Colley D. T. J. (F.)
Bibb Sarena			Bowers G. M. (F.)		Colwell Harper
Biddlecome Wm. C. (F.)		Bone Thomas			Cummons C. R. (F.)
Brite A. (C.)			Burris M. T.			Conine C.
Brite M. B. (F.)		Begett John			Crawford J. R. (F.)
Brite Nancy			Belout George W.		Collins A. M.
Brite Rolla (C.)		Biggs,				Cook William
Page 73
Collins A. H.			Crumbliss Hugh			Downing Mary
Costley Y. E.			Carter J. B. (F.)		Downing Levi (F.)
Costley W. L.			Childress Henry (F.)		Downing Theo. L. (F.)
Costley J. C. (F.)		Cole D. H.			Davis T. W. (H. G.)
Costley F. M. (F.)		Colwell S. (F.)			Davis T. B. 2d (F.)
Cowen Eliza			Colwell G. S. (F.)		Davis Delana
Cline S. M.			Chitwood A. J.			Dorrell Steve
Cotwell Samuel			Campbell Jack			Durkee Wright
Cagle David (F.)		Carey Thomas (H.G.)		Dunigan M.
Cagle Leonard (F.)		Cagle Martha			Duff George
Cochran William O.		Colwell B. F.			Denton Thomas J.
Clark Jefferson			Curch Hill			Durnill Charles (F.)
Colbert John			Carter G. B.			Donley B. M.
Colbert G. W.			Campbell John			Doughty Frederick
Colbert O.			Couch Benjamin			Davis F. M. (F.)
Chitwood Robert			Calderon Mah.			Davis T. B. (F.)
Carnutte J. H. (F.)		Cross Samuel H.			Elsey T. B.
Cowen Jane			Christerson			Elsey Thomas (F.)
Colley R. P. (F.)		Cobb Asa			English S. P.
Camden L. B. (F.)		Curtis Alfred			Enlow L. D.
Cochran Albatine		Chamberlin Joseph		Enlow W. D.
Camden Leroy			Coleman David S.		Estis Issac
Camden M. J. (F.)		Crawford Jane & H. F.		Estis I. M. (F.)
Colley J. H.			Duff W. H.			Elkins James (C.)
Colley B. J. (F.)		Duke M. M.			Elkins Ralph (C.)
Charles H. J. (C.)		Davidson A. J. (H. G.)		Etter W. G. (F.)
Crissman James			Davis Ephraim			Ellis Joseph W. (F.)
Charles Eliza			Durnil A. J.			Eagle B. F. (F.)
Cobble Barbara			Davis W. N. (F.)		Evans Elijah
Colwell H. S.			Davidson James (H. G.)		English M. A.
Colwell J. H.			Davis J. W. (F.)		English J. T.
Cameron Harold			Davis Thomas T.			Elliott S. L. (F.)
Callison James (F.)		Davis George			Eads Isaac
Cooper J. M. C. (F.)		Davis R. O. (F.)		Eubanks Daniel (F.)
Cotter Samuel K.		Dobbs W. C.			Estis J. J.
Collins Malinda			Dennis John			Evans J. P.
Connell John (H. G.)		Davis Reuben			Evans William
Connell Timothy (F.)		Dugger L. M.			Eslik Harvey (F.)
Connell William C. (F.)		Dugger G. M.			Elliff G. W. (F.)
Connell Milton			Doshier Daniel			Etter J. M. (F.)
Cherry James (F.)		Davis W. A.			Etter C. M. (F.)
Carmon William			Dodson W. B. (F.)		Estis Joseph
Cunningham T.			Davidson A. C. (F.)		Eaton Eliza.
Christman A.			Derrck Sal.			Elliff Con.
Colley James			Dungin W. H.			Evans Stephen B.
Coplin William			Davis Samuel (F.)		Evans W. C.
Cobble Anderson			Downey William (H. G.)		Evans Lafayette
Corum Franklin 			Dyer P.				Elkins William
Crouch Atlanta			Draugham John			Eaton C. C.
Crouch Stephen D. (F.)		Dipper William			Eaton James
Cherry E. W.			Dobbins A. (H. G.)		Eubanks J. J.
Cherry W. E.			Davis W. R. (H. G.)		Elliott S. W. (F.)
Cherry John H.			Davis J. B. (F.)	        Evanssmer L. F.
Cherry James J. (F.)		Drinnon M. S.		        Fullbright Thomas
Clark James M. (H. G.)		Day Charles			Fike James
Call Jacob (F.)			Duncan J. K. P.		        Fullerton J. D. (F.)
Catts T. L.			Downing Robert (F.)		Fossett Ralph (F.)
Colley G. H. (F.)		Dunning Cordy (F.)		Fossett E. R.
Colley T. H.			Dunning July			Fike A. H. (F.)
Castiller Robert (H. G.)	Dorga W. N.		        Fullbright William
Carpenter J. H. (F.)		Dolan Patrick (H. G.)		Freeman James (F.)
Carpenter S. M. (F.)		Downey F. M. (F.)		Flow T. J.
Carpenter Solomon (F.)		Dorrell P. B.			Filtcher B. G.
Carpenter Robert (F.)		Duncan Oliver			Forsyth Baty
Page 74
Forsyth John (C. F.)		Gaw Erasmus (M.)	        Hillhouse E. B., Jr. (F.)
Frazier A. P. (Mex.)		Gillock T. H. (M.)	        Hillhouse J. R. (F.)
Fountain Edward (F.)		Gocher Jesse		        Hillhouse L. G. (F.)
Fountain W. R.			Gatton W. D. (H. G.)	        Hillhouse G. A. (F.)
Faid R. C.			Guinn J. R.			Hurst William, Sr.
Fisher Jacob			Gullette J. N. (F.)		Hankins William
Foust P. T. (F.)		Gullette Hiram			Haun N. W.
Foust John			Guinn J. T.			Helm J. P. (F.)
Foust W. M.			Guinn C.			Hendrick J. W.
Foust D. H.			Guinn J. W.			Hallmark L.
Foust Louis			Gray Mary			Hays Joseph (F.)
Fare J. M.			Gilley Isaac			Hammer J. A. (H. G.)
Flippo W. H.			Gaither W. H. (F.)		Hammer H. S. (H. G.)
Ford E. G.			Gaither W. H., Jr. (F.)		Hammer F. E. (F.)
Fare Reuben			Garner A. R.			Haagsma B. B.
Fossett John H. (F.)		Garinger William		Hopper J. W. (F.)
Farnesworth E. H.		Gilmore Preston			Hill P. J.
Filler J. M. (F.)		Gum G. W.			Hill L. W. (F.)
Ferguson Charles		Gum William M. (F.)		Hopper J. F.
Foreacre Samuel			Gum Jake (F.)			Herndon Joseph M. (F.)
Failing David			Gum J. M.			Hash Henry
Fishburn George 		Gum L. W.			Hash John (C.)
French George W.		Gum J. B.			Henson Ran.
Frass Henry			Gurtman Newton			Hobbs Lewis (F.)
Foster Jeremiah (C.)		Gaither Ephraim (F.)		Hobbs Jesse (F.)
Floyd A. P.			Grigg J. A. (F.)		Hemphill J. L. (F.)
Fields Jedediah (F.)		Garinger J. W.			Hicks W. B.
Gilbert R. M.			Garinger H. B.			Hansard Dr. (C.)
Gammell Col. Jerry		Gray E. W.			Hansard J. W. (F.)
Green William			Germon Judson (F.)		Hansard Thomas (F.)
Green B. E.			Glasscock J. H. (F.)		Hocker L. D.
Grammer Peterson		Greer M. S.			Hatfield Daniel
George J. L.			Guthrie J. A.			Hewlett James (F.)
Grammer J. C. (F.)		Guthrie T. J. (F.)		Hewlett William (C.)
Goodman John			George Henry (M.)		Hewlett J. M.
Gist Neil			Geringer S. J.			Hewlett T. J. (F.)
Gunter A. H. (F.)		Geringer Andrew			Hewlett Samuel (F.)
Garrett William			Gullette J. T. (F.)		Harris James
Gunter J. J. (F.)		Graham Thomas			Hagans William
Gibson J. F. (F.)		Gaswick William			Hankins Milican
Gammell C. N.			Gist Jacob (F.)			Hunt J. C.
Graves Isaac C.			Garrison W. D. (M.)		Henry James D.
Grammer Jesse L. (F.)		Griffin Charles			Henry Brice (F.)
Grammer A. W. (F.)		Gillett Lewis ( H. G.)		Hunt J. M. (F.)
Gibson G. N. (F.)		Gullick J. B.			Hunt Daniel
Gibson John W. 			Gullett John			Hays Lafayette (F.)
Gibson A. P. (F.)		Gathy Samuel			Howard A. A. (H. G.)
Gibson Levi A. (F.)		Garner William			Hopkins William
Gibson J. D. (H. G.)		Green Edwin H.			Howard L. L. (F.)
Gibson J. A. (F.)		Gocher N. P. (C.)		Howard H. F.
Gibson David E.			Gocher J. W. (C.)		Howard L. A.
Gibson James H. F.)		Garrutte William		Hudson J. H.
Gardner S. A.			Garrutte Michael (F.)		Hendrick Henry
Gum James			Guss Ben			Hastings J. H.
Gum Zeph			Gilbert Arch 			Hoyle D. R.
Gunter J. A. (F.)		Gillom J. C.			Hankins R.
Goodin J. A. (F.)		Gilbert M. B.			Hood John
Goodman W. S. (C.)		Hindman W. W.			Henshaw W. C.
Griggs F. M. (M.)		Holt Joshua (F.)		Henshaw Jonathan
Galloway C. R.			Holt W. C. (F.)			Henshaw John W. (F.)
Gilbert C. R.			Hillhouse James A.		Henshaw J. W.
Grissom William B.		Hillhouse G. S. (F.)		Helms Henry
Grissom Edwin			Hillhouse J. H.			Hankins Madison
Gaw Harrison (M.)		Hillhouse R. S. (Mex.)		Hood J. J.
Page 75
Hubbard William			Irwin Benj. (C.)		Kellogg J. M.
Hendrick Andrew			Irwin J. A. (F.)		King John (Sur.)
Henson Wilson			Irwin W. L.			King W. F.
Henson John (F.)		Isbell J. P.			Kelton Dr. J. W.
Henson Tobias (F.)		Isbell T. R.			Kelton Sam (F.)
Hunter William (F.)		Ireland Abraham (F.)		Kee B. B. (F.)
Hunter J. T. (F.)		Jewitt Edward (F.)		Kimmons R. A.
Hunter Jesse (H. G.)		Jennings, Squier (F.)		Kimmons, Robert
Howard James			Jennings D. C. (F.)		Knight James M.
Howard F. M. (F.)		Jennings James G. (F.)		Kerr Robert
Hocker N. B. (F.)		Jennings James E. (F.)		Kerr Richard T.
Hocker John (F.)		Jennings James E. (F.)		Kerr J. J.
Hoshaw O. N. (F.)		Jones Thomas			Linzee E. P. (C.)
Haley Joshua			Jones G. S. D. (F.)		Lassiter William A.
Haley George (F.)		Jones Porter			Liles William M.
Hickman S. E.			Jones G. W. (H. G.)	        Ledbetter Wiley
Hickman W. D. (F.)		Jones Edward (M.)	        Ledbetter Louis
Hunt J. B. (M.)			Jones Thomas B.			Lester Daniel (H. G.)
Hunt Jonathan			Jones Thomas H. (F.)		Lemaster Jacob
Hendrick B. L. (F.)		Jones William (F.)		Lemaster Eleazor
Hickman W. R.			Johnson Loney			Lemaster Abram
Howard W. C.			Johnson William			Lester J. J. (F.)
Haggerty William (F.)		Johnson M. H.			Lester Sam. D. (F.)
Holt J. L. (F.)			Johnson James M.		Low Isaac
Harvey Charles (F.)		Johnson J. E. (F.)		Lassiter Hardy
Houghton A.			Johnson J. L.			Lewis G. W.
Houghton Thomas		        Johnson Henry			Likens G. S. (F.)
Hensley J. F. (F.)		Johnson John P. (F.)		Lebow J. L. (M.)
Hensley A. D.			Johnson O. P. (F.)		Landrum R. H. (F.)
Hunt John			Johnson N. V.			Landrum David A. (F.)
Hashbarger Saml. A. (F.)	Johnson Walter G. (F.)		Landrum W. B. (F.)
Houston J. B.			Johnson John			Lee Jacob
Houston Anthony			Johnson Lafayette		Lee John
Harris Wyatt (F.)		Johnson Jasper			Landers Elisha
Haynes W. R.			Johnson Peter R. (H. G.)	Lee Daniel (F.)
Hynes John			Johnson U. P. (F.)		Legrand A. B.
Hayden Patrick			Johnson Jonathan		Lunsford B. H.
Hargrove W. W. (F.)		Johnson Parnick (H. G.)		Lambert William
Hargrove J. S. (F.)		Johnson John J.			Legrand J. C.
Hargrove J. F. (F.)		Johnson Thomas			Lorance Elijah
Harris Andrew			Johnson Hyde (C.)		Lovitt Levi
Hillhouse William R. (F.)	Jackson J. K.			Love T. J.
Hillhouse J. D. (F.)		Jackson T. E.			Lorance Dr. (F.)
Hackney William			Jackson Samuel H.		Lewis Samuel
Holmes Samuel			Jamison A.		        Lentraner Joshua
Hoshan Peter			Jeffords T. R. (F.)		Likens Gravenor
Hoshan Mayfield			Jeffords William (F.)		Lancy Arch. M. (F.)
Holden G. N.			Jennings J. C.			Lebow Jacob
Harris Doctor			Jones Jonathan (H. G.)		Lollar Archibald
Henderson & Son			Jones Jessee (F.)		Lewis R. C.
Henry John (F.)			Jones J. D. (F.)		Link J. A.
Hegler John (C.)		Jones David C.			Lebow J. W. L. (F.)
Holder T. J.			Jones William W. (F.)		Lathem W. K.
Hashman Jacob			Jutton A. M.			Livesey Martin
Hight N. P.			Jeffers W. B.			Lowder Matthew (H. G.)
Hail J.				Jeffers W. T.			Lemar B. F.
Hillhouse E. B. (F.)		Karnex William			Linn J. W. (C.)
Hunt Wilson			Kerr T. J.			Love William M.
Howard Charles A. (F.)		Kerr R. C.			Love Thomas, Jr.
Hays John			King William H.			Luttrell William
Hight J. L.			King W. J. D.			Livesey Minatree (C.)
Irby Isham (F.)			King J. M.			Lunday Daniel
Irby Easton			King William (F.)		Lober J. D.
Page 76
Lemaster James			McDowell A.			Moody Issac (H. G.)
Lemaster C. F.			McChaney M. C.			Means Robert
Lemaster J. J.			McKenzie Alex			Meadors Wright (C.)
Long George			McCune H. T.			Meadors G. H.
Livesey Elon (C.)		McClintock James		Meadors E. W.
Logan William			McDonald M. S.			Meadors W. J. (F.)
Laughlin G. C.			McFall J. L.			Meak James
Lebow F. M.			McClure M. M.			Motley Thomas
Lamb W. B. (H. G.)		McChristian Andrew		Matthews Levi
Looney S. B.			McCanse John (F.)		Miller Isaac (F.)
Love J. D.			McCanse William A.		Morris Martin (H. G.)
Langston W. C.			McGhee Elijah			Morris L. S. (F.)
Laughlin T.			McAdams John			Morris J. L. (F.)
Lee Francis			McAdams Samuel		        Medlin David
Lee William (F.)		McAdams William		        Murrell M.
Lollar Jacob (H. G.)		McDowell J. B.			Magill Robert
Lanier C. D. (F.)		McCulloch Cyrus W.		Morris W. R.
Lawer William			McSpadden T. A. (C.)		Morris Daniel
Lewis W. J.			McDattman J.			Morris John
Lollar H. C.			Martin J. C. (H. G.)		Mason R. B.
Lebow M. M. (F.)		Morris Jordan			Murray Thomas
Murrell Mary E.			Messick G. W.			Mason J. P. (F.)
Moore J. H. (F.)		Martin W. T.			Morrison A. C.
Moore John P. (F.)		Messick Gent. (F.)		Morrison Allen
Moore G. B. (F.)		Messick James (C.)		Matthews W. J. (F.)
Moore James M. (F.) Capt.	Messick William (C.)		Matthews D. C.
August 5, 1862			Manley Sam. N.			Matthews J. H. (F.)
Moore G. W. (F.)		Mahurin Sam			Matthews Rufus
Moore J. W.			Morris G. W.			Matthews B. R.
Moore G. H. (M.)		Morris G. A.			Marsh F. M. (F.)
Moore Andrew			Mahurin B. C.			Marsh H. J. (F.)
Moore Henderson		        Motley A. J.			Miller J. D.
Moore William, Jr. (F.)		Motley Edwin (C.)		Martin J. R. (F.)
Moore John			Martin Joel (F.)		Mullins William
Moore Andrew, Jr.		Maxwell W. G.			Marsh Thomas B. (F.)
Moore Joseph			Marler Henry			Melton S. N. (F.)
McAndrew Joseph		        Montgomery Clark (F.)		Meador T.
McNatt L. B.			Montgomery J. K. (F.)		Munday John H. (H. G.)
McNatt M. G.			Montgomery W. A. (F.)		Matthews William
McNatt G. S.			Montgomery S. H. (F.)		Matthews W. M.
McNatt Addison (F.)		Montgomery A. C. (F.)		Matthews James (F.)
McNatt W. H.			Murray Jerry			Matthews B.
McNatt A. C. (F.)		Mitchell Isaac			Matthews Madison
McNatt John C.			Mullins John			Munday W. W. (F.)
McNatt A. R. (F.)		Maness J. F.			May Paul
McNatt J. J. (F.)		Morgan Andrew			Mason D. W. (F.)
McNatt M. J.			Mullins Napoleon		Miller Thomson
McKinley Peter			Morgan William L. (F.)		Manning G. W. (F.)
McKinley P. F. (M.)		Morris James M.			Maness G. W. 
McCaslin David			Mullins Leroy			Morrow Robert
McCaslin John W.		Means James			Marsh William
McDaniel Clark			Mullins Robert R.		Millery J. M.
McCoy J. W.			Millsaps G. S. (F.)		Murray T.
McReynolds Robert (F.)		Manning James			Mitchell James M.
McReynolds J. C.		Manning S. R.			Miller R. H.
McCoy Jackson			Medlin E. W. (F.)		Marshall W. T.
McCray Thomas			Miller Allen			Moran A. C.
McCray C. T.			Mayberry Jacob			Moyers A. J.
McCraw G. R.			Mills J. B. (F.)		Murphy R. M. (F.)
McFall M. A.			Meadors Pell (C.)		Miller Thomas
McCray James			Marbutt John (M.)		Mallard Jamison
McGhee W. J.			Morris J. W. (M.)		Merrick James
McGehee Isaac			Moody W. A. (M.)		Mann O. P. (F.)
McGehee John			Moody Whit.			Maxwell D. A.
Page 77
Miller James W.			Pendergraft W. M.		Phariss James
Miller J. S.			Patton J. W. (M.)		Phariss Samuel M.
Miller W. E.			Porter David			Price William C. (F.)
Mahan B. T.			Page R. A.			Patton Robert
Matthews Henry C.		Pratt Lewis			Patton R. C.
Neece John			Phariss Robert (F.)		Parker John
Neece Ellis			Parker L. C.			Pallett S. P.
Neece Harrison (F.)		Pratt Jonathan			Phillips Miles (H. G.)
Neece William M. (F.)		Pilkenton John (M.)	        Pointdexter J. S. (F.)
Neece J. E. (F.)		Price J. B.			Qualls R. A.
Neece H. H. (F.)		Patton S. E.			Quigley William B.
Neece W. B. (F.)		Patton N. A. (C.)		Roberton Thomas
Neece J. C., Jr. (F.)		Pritchard Stephen	        Robertson William M.
Nichols Jonathan		Pannell T. J.		        Robertson J. B.
Nichols Thomas			Parker J. W.	                Robertson Thomas P. (F.)
Newman S. C.			Pruitt A. J. (H. G.)	        Robertson John
Noss Christ			Pruitt E. H. (F.)		Robinson E. B.
Nelson Martin			Pruitt Lamon (F.)		Ryker Jared
Nance Otway			Pruitt Edward (F.)		Ryker J. A. (F.)
Nance John			Pruitt Dallas (F.)		Ryker J. A. (F.)
Neal William			Pruitt Moses			Rogers, John J.
Neal B. A.			Pruitt James (F.)		Rogers Casswell
Nichols Benj.			Potter Hastin		        Richardson J. P.
Nichols Neb.			Paxton John (C.)		Rogers William
Nichols John			Poland Joseph (F.)		Rickman Y. B. (M.)
Nicholas John			Pogue Cyrus			Rickman John
Nicholas Albert			Pearson John			Rea James M.
Nicholson P. J.			Parker J. M.			Reed Daniel
Newman Z. T. (F.)		Pryor William			Reed John
Newman M. J.			Pryor T. J.			Reed James
Norton P. E.			Pryor D. J.			Ruckman Luke
Newman C. C. (F.)		Pennington Wesley (F.)		Ruckman Samuel
Nichols Stephen			Pennington James		Ruckman William
Nicholas R. R. (F.)		Paxton B. F. (F.)		Ruckman Joseph
Nicholas R. B. Jr. (F.)		Paxton James (C.)		Roler Joseph
Owens A. C.			Paxton Robert			Roler Andrew
Owens W. D.			Paxton Thomson			Roler William
Owens George			Petty William I. (F.)		Roler Patrick
Owens Nathan			Pennington Daniel		Ragan Edward (F.)
Owens J. J.			Pennington Timothy		Read R. T. (F.)
Osburn J. P.			Pigg Paul (F.)			Rowlett Ewing (M.)
Ogle John			Paris W. M. (F.)		Runnegar S. E. (F.)
Overstreet W. H.		Phariss Ransom (F.)	        Rutherford F. Z.
Overton H. B. (F.)		Province O. P.		        Rutherford F. L. (F.)
O�Neil J. S.			Pilkenton S. (F.)		Rogers John
Oyer W. H.			Pilkenton Henry			Roberts James
O�Kelly Francis			Patterson Still.		Roberts T. J.
O�Kelly Charles			Phariss A. L.		        Richardson J. W.
Oliver E. F. (F.)		Pennington William	        Richardson E. H.
Orr George A. (F.)		Poland Reuben			Randolph Jerry (Col.)
Orr Paul, Jr.			Pool D. J.			Rucker Elliott
Orr Paul			Price John H.			Rucker James
Osburn Abner			Palmer C.			Rickman Thomas
Osburn C.			Palmer B. A. (F.)	        Ruark Josiah (F.)
Orr William			Powers Samuel J.	        Rosencrans John
Phelps Breton			Price J. C.			Roberts E. S.
Pee Lewis			Pace Jonathan (C.)		Roberts S. E. (F.)
Phelps Davidson			Phillips Ananias		Roberts W. F. (F.)
Pendleton W. M. (F.)		Perkins Ballard			Ruark William J. (F.)
Pendleton J. M.			Price George T. (C.)		Rickman William (F.)
Pendleton G. W. (F.)		Pennington W. C.		Ramsay E.
Pendleton N. C.			Pilkenton Henry (F.)		Ramsay W. W. (F.)
Pendleton John			Price Joseph			Roll James (F.)
Pritchett S. S.			Pettit James			Roll W. D.
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Roll Jesse			Stakely George			Snow Thomas
Rickman N. W. (F.)		Strawn William			Snow John
Randolph G. W.			Strawn William C. (F.)		Snow Martin (F.)
Rench Peter			Strawn John P.			Swatzell P. M.
Rinker G. W. (E. O.)		Smith Samuel (F.)		Stephen Lieut. R. (F.)
Richardson B. W. W.		Smith John			Stockton William (F.)
Roe J. N.			Smith Alex			Stockton Thomas (F.)
Richardson B. F.		Smith Levi (F.)			Swoop Isaac
Roberson Walter (est.)		Smith W. H. (F.)		Samuels Edward M.
Riseley Hannah			Shipman Jacob L.		Samuels G. W.
Roper William T. (F.)		Stokes Hilery (M.)		Sudberry W. T.
Roe Benjamin			Sullivan Garnett		Shelton Mose H.
Rose Isaac			Shurley E. W. (F.)		Shelton Gideon T. (C.)
Ruark Eliza			Stankerd A. J.			Shelton C. R. (C.)
Read Joseph N.			Schooling W. F.			Smith Benjamin
Roe Samuel (est.)		Stark Festus			Spillman William H. (F.)
Rickman John S.			Samples Leburn			Sidner Edward
Sullivan W. C.			Shipman C. T.			Stemmons J. S. (est.)
Shipman M. C.			Strother J. W.			Smith Thomas
Stacey E. J.			Starky H. W.			Sample J. T.
Seburn Cornelius (F.)		Scott V. A. (F.)		Still J. J.
Sullivan Preston		Scott S. H.			Smith John T.
Sullivan W. C.			Stotts Green C. (F.)		Stone Benjamin (C.)
Sullivan Eppy			Stott W. C. (F.)		Simms W. M. (F.)
Sullivan Joseph			Stott Benjamin (F.)		Seward Theophilus
Stewart J. H.			Sparks Jo. P. (F.)		Shinkles L. M.
Smith E. B.			Smith Benjamin D. (F.)		Stringer C. A. (F.)
Springer W. M.			Smith Absalom			Teague G. W.
Stover Jacob			Smith Samuel		        Tillottson W. D. (H.G.M.)
Smith Sanford (F.)		Smith R. F.		        Tomlinson J. B. (M.)
Smith James			Skeen T. B.			Thurmon Preston
Smith J. P.			Shults Robert (C. F. )		Thomas N. S.
Sartin W. B. (F.)		Speakman Samuel T. (F.)		Thomas D. F.
Shelton D. J.			Stuart John			Thomas J. E.
Shelton W. C. (F.)		Stephenson David		Taylor George
Stotts James A.			Shults Philip			Tipton R. J. (F.)
Shipman Daniel			Sedgwick Joseph		        Thackston B. S.
Smith J. W. (F.)		Stewart J. M.		        Thackston Ben. F. (F.)
Samuels Edmund			Stewart George (F.)		Trimble G. C.
Stover Ward			Stockton S. A.			Trimble T. D.
Spillman J. J. (F.)		Seburn Bradford			Trimble A. J. (F.)
Seely Charles			Springer J. D.			Trimble Josiah (F.)
Stribbling Francis		Springer E. W. (F.)		Tarter Ephraim
Spillman N. C. (H. G.)		Stroud William C. (F.)		Tarter Andrew (F.)
Schooling Gilbert (F.)		Stroud L. (F.)			Treat James M.
Schooling G. F. (F.)		Stroud Anderson (F.)		Taylor James
Smith Pleasant (F.)		Stotts George C.		Tate Major B. (F.)
Seifres T. T.			Stotts T. M. (F.)		Tarter Levi H. (M.)
Stark J. W.			Stotts George W. (F.)		Tarter Alvin (F.)
Snead William L. (F.)		Stollons E. A.			Tarter Willis (F.)
Still J. R.			Samuels Bradford (F.)		Toney George T., Jr.
Smith G. W.			Stephens Samuel			Taylor Thomas (F.)
Smith W. A. (F.)		Shepherd A. C.			Taylor John (F.)
Smith H. F. (F.)		Simmons J. M.			Taylor W. H.
Smith Henry			Spence C. G.			Taylor Joseph (F.)
Smith Jesse (F.)		Stahl Benjamin (F.)		Taylor R. B.
Smith Abram			Seburn G. M. D.			Terrill A. H.
Smith George (F.)		Samuel T. B. (F.)		Terrill Joseph (F.)
Shipman David (H. G.)		Shipman James W. (F.)		Truitt Thomas H. (F.)
Samuel J. F.			Samples Jacob (C.)		Truitt J. R.
Saunders G. F.			Schooling J. L.			Tripp Murrell
Stephens B. A. (F.)		Stoggsdill Josiah		Tripp Joseph
Sutton W. C. (H. G.)		Simons Solomon			Thompson G. W.
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Turk B. K			Woods John B.			White George
Tolivar John, Sr.		Woods Lisley			Ward R. M.
Tracy Charles			Woods Joshua			Welda George W. (F.)
Toney John (C.)			Watson James		        Willbanks William (F.)
Tate Taylor (F.)		Waller Hiram (M.)	        Willbanks J. M.
Underwood F. L. (F.)		Williamson L. A.		White G. L. (F.)
Underwood J. B. (F.)		Wallace G. W. (F.)		White Samuel B.
Underwood Samuel		Wooten H. C.			Walker John
Vinyard Silas			Wooten G. W.			Waller H. P.
Wilks Jesse M.			Wooten T. C. (F.)		Weldon Thomas F.
Wheat J. B. (F.)		Wooten W. S. (F.)		Wear Robert
Wheat Nathaniel			Wooten A. T. (F.)		West Isaac J.
Wolf W. H.			Wossen Thomas (F.)		West J. J.
Whitney Tolbert			Wilhelms Levi			West Granville
Wise Stephen			Wossen D. H.		        Wilkinson James
Wheat John S.			White James M.			Walshe John
Wheat David			White John (F.)			Whaley S. B.
Wise J. W.			White D. E. (F.)		Walshe B. F.
Williams J. H. (F.)		Wade W. H. (M.)			Wear Oscar (F.)
Williams C. A. (F.)		Wallis Warren			Withers Martin (est.)
Williams W. H.			Wilks William R. (F.)		Woods John H. (F.)
Williams A. P. (C.)		Wilks H. W. (F.)		Windle Abram
Williams M. L. (F.)		Wilks R. S. (M.)		Winters Joshua (C.)
Williams W. T.			White A. A. B. (F.)		Winters Aaron (C.)
Williams Jesse A. (F.)		Wossen J. E.			White Thomas
Williams Leonard (F.)		Wossen J. E. M.		        Williamson Jesse
Williams S. G. (F.)		Wossen John M.		        Williamson G. W. (M.)
Williams J. L.			Whaley John L. (F.)		Wear P. M. (F.)
Williams James M.		Waltrip James			Wear J. G. (C.)
Williams Elbert			Withers T. P. (F.)		Wear C. T. (M.)
Williams J. P. (F.)		Withers Andrew			Wear P. M., Jr. (F.)
Williams Harrison		Withers S. D. (F.)		Whaley Seth
Williams James (F.)		Withers John			Whaley T. R.
Williams R. H.			Whaley R. J.			Whaley W. W.
Williams William J.		Whaley T. K. (F.)		Whaley Henry S. (F.)
Williams F. C.			Wormington E. E.		Whaley T. A. (F.)
Williams H. F.			Wormington J. H.		Wear N. J.
Williams John			Wormington R. E.		Warren T.
Williams W. J. (F.)		Wholder Benjamin		Warren Cyrus
Williams S. E. (F.)		Whaley L. B.			Warren Martin
Williams Absalom		Wheeler Fontinroy R. (F.)	Warren Jason
Whinery W. C. (F.)		Webb L. B.			Wilkins G. H. (est.)
Whinery A. J.			White Albert			Wolf Henry
Whinery L. B.			White William S.		Wilson T. L.
Woods Joseph B.			West Issac (M.)			Wann William
Wise James			Whaley J. D. (F.)		Wheder W. D.
Wilks R. A. H.			Whaley S. M. (M.)		Warren Manning
Wilks John C.			Wilks Amos			Worsham W. B. (F.)
Wheat A. R. (F.)		Wilks Abner			Worsham H. S. (F.)
Whann William B.		Wilson John			Worsham Denis
Woods George (C.)		Wilson Dr. Andrew		Yoachum J. H.
Wardlow James			Wilson Henry			Yoachum Benjamin
Woods William			Wilson James			Young Alfred
Woods W. H.			Wilson Marshall (F.)		Young James H. (F.)
Woods W. L.			Wilson Ben			Young J. W.
Woods R. S.			Wilson Peter			Young Henry
Woods Harris (C.)		Wilson J. S.			Young Anderson A. (F.)
Woods D. C.			Wilson D. F.		        Youngblood J.
Woods Lewis			Wilson William H.		Younger Dr. W. H. H.
Woods Abram			Waldron C. P. (F.)		Zinn G. W.
Woods Joseph B.			White William C. (F.)	
Woods Page (H. G.)		White F. M. (F.)

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Operations in Lawrence County.--Gen. Sigel, in his retreat from Carthage July 5, 1861, reached Mount Vernon on the 6th, and remained there until the 8th. In the battle he lost thirteen killed and thirty-one wounded. The first halt east of Carthage was made at Alex. Smith�s house. The Fourth United States Regiment Cavalry arrived at Mount Vernon July 7 following, to reinforce Gen. Sigel, but left the day after.

On October 25, 1861, Maj. Zagonyi attacked Lieut.-Col. Lee Cloud�s Confederates near Springfield, on the Mount Vernon road, with heavy loss; but with the result of driving Cloud westward to Price�s camp, then at Neosho.

D. W. Cortvere, who followed the secessionists from November 14, 1861, when he left Sarcoxie, together with 900 men of Gen. Rain�s division, informed Federal Col. Osterhaus, on November 26, that McBride, Rains, Clarkson and Price, commanding about 14,000 men, had a line whose right rested at Stockton and left extended to Nevada City.

On November 26, 1861, Confederate Maj.-Gen. Sterling Price issued an address to the people of Missouri, dated at Marshall, Mo., that day, calling for 50,000 men. He advises his friends to leave their property at home. �What if it be taken--all taken?� says this patriot, �we have $200,000,000 worth of Northern means in Missouri, which cannot be removed. When we are once free the State will indemnify every citizen who may have lost a dollar by adhesion to the cause of his country. We shall have our property, or its value, with interest. But, in the name of God and the attributes of manhood, let me appeal to you by considerations infinitely higher than money! Are we a generation of driveling, sniveling, degraded slaves? or, are we men who dare assert and maintain the rights which cannot be surrendered, and defend those principles of everlasting rectitude, pure and high and sacred, like God, their author? Be yours the office to choose between the glory of a free country and the bondage of your children! I will never see the chains fastened upon my country. I will ask for six and one-half feet of Missouri soil in which to repose; but will not live to see my people enslaved. Ah! do I hear your shouts? Is that your war cry which echoes throughout the land? Are you coming? Fifty thousand men! Mis-

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souri shall move to victory with the tread of a giant! Com on, my brave boys, 50,000 heroic, gallant, unconquerable Southern men! We await your coming.�

The �Rebel Flag Episode� caused the expedition of February 18 and 19 to Mount Vernon. Lieut-Col. James K. Mills, on learning that Price�s troops had entered the town, sent Capt. Mudgett with thirty men to capture them. They took the flag and five prisoners, and left the Union flag flying over the courthouse.

John M. Richardson, of the Mounted Rangers, left Springfield for Mount Vernon February 22, 1862, with forty-one rangers; the next morning arrived at Gullette�s farm, eight miles below Mount Vernon, where they met Capt. Mudgett�s command. It was at once determined that Richardson should scout toward Pea Ridge. Near Bell�s farm they found the Confederates, and there Sergt. Butcher brought on a running battle which was continued for three miles. Three secessionists, who were engaged in robbing John Gullet�s house of boots and shoes on the 19th, were made prisoners. On the 24th he sent Sergt. Butcher to destroy Pennington�s and Mallard�s still-houses on Stall�s Creek, north of Mount Vernon. Bill Pennington joined Richardson�s command, and was subsequently killed at Neosho. T. C. Wooten worked at John Gullette�s house, and the next night the Bomtem Company returned, and were going to hang Wooten and George Baugh.

The Fourth Cavalry, Missouri State Militia, entered Southwest Missouri in May, 1862; defeated Coffee at Stockton in August, and in September, 1862, returned to Mount Vernon, after pushing Coffee out of the State. On September 30, 1862, this command, then in Brown�s brigade, moved to Newtonia to cover the retreat of Salomon. Subsequently it formed part of Totten�s division, and was the first to enter Fayetteville in October, 1862.

In 1862 almost all the negroes in the four southwestern counties were released from slavery by the Federal troops. A few old slaves and colored orphans were allowed to remain with their masters� families.

Lieut.-Col. Ratliff commanded at Neosho and Pineville, near which place Maj. Miller attacked Maj. Russell�s Confederates,

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on June 21, 1862, and dispersed them. On June 27 Gen. Salomon was ordered to dispatch the Second Indian Home Guard, then at Neosho, across Spring River to scour Eastern Kansas, leaving the Second Ohio Regiment at Neosho. At this time Mount Vernon was held by the Fourth Missouri Infantry, and Cassville by the Third Missouri Infanty {sic}, three companies, and Second Wisconsin Cavalry and three guns of the Peoria Battery. On June 28 Salomon�s command forded the river Neosho, at Hudson�s Crossing, beyond which 150 white men fired on them.

In August, 1862, the governors of Louisiana, Texas and Arkansas, in convention at Tyler, Tex., resolved that the invasion of Missouri was necessary to procure subsistence. Following this resolution 25,000 Texans were moved north. On August 28 Rains was at Sarcoxie with 2,000 men.

In July, 1862, C. F. Jackson, governor of Missouri (?); F. R. Lubbock, of Texas; T. O. Moore, of Louisiana, and H. M. Rector, of Arkansas, held a caucus, the result of which was a letter to Confederate President Davis, dated July 28. On September 28, a letter signed by Jefferson Davis himself, assured them that no effort for the relief of the trans-Mississippi fellow citizens would be spared, and thanked them for their devotion to the cause. On August 1, 1862, Coffee�s 1,000 men passed through Marionville, Lawrence County, and at night arrived at Nield with 500 men.

On August 17, 1862, a scout from Coffee�s camp, at the mouth of the Little Osage, stated that Coffee, Hancock, Pointdexter, Quantrill, Tracy and Taylor were there, with about 3,000 men, waiting for 1,000 more men from the North. Blunt was threatening them in the rear, but they expected Rains up from Newton County to relieve them. Gen. Brown says of their recruits and troops: �They are in a constant state of alarm, prepared to run and not to fight, and more afraid of the �Feds� than they are of the devil.� On August 23 Col. Wright was ordered to Mount Vernon, with a prospect of another move to Cassville. It appears that on that day he had followed Coffee to Pineville, and returned to Neosho to meet Gen. Blunt coming from Carthage.

The affair at Locust Grove, near Grand Saline, occurred July 3, 1862. The Federal force was between 200 and 300. The

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enemy lost in killed 100, and 100 prisoners, including Col. Clarkson, while Col. Wear�s loss was two private troops and Asst.-Sur. Holladay, shot by mistake.

Capt. John Toney�s Confederate company of seventy horsemen entered Mount Vernon about 1 P.M. on September 19, 1862. Part of Maj. Pleasant M. Wear�s Battalion of enrolled militia, and one company of the Fourteenth Missouri Cavalry, hearing of their approach, withdrew to the bush to await their arrival, but before an attack could be made Capt. Toney ordered a retreat. Pursuit resulted in the killing of five and the wounding of many in his command, while the Federals had only one man wounded. This pursuit was led by Col. John D. Allen.

The presence of Federal jurisdiction, in what is now the Eighteenth Senatorial District of Missouri, may be said to have been unfelt from the fall of 1861 until the Elkhorn battle, and even until Gen. J. M. Schofield was granted command of Southwest Missouri, September 26, 1862. At that time he had at Springfield 4,800 infantry, 5,600 cavalry and sixteen guns, or a force of 10,800. Of this force 2,500 were guards over railroad and supplies between Springfield and Rolla. It is true that Gen. Brown had one brigade of cavalry and two brigades of Blunt�s command, under Gen. Salomon and Col. Wear, at Sarcoxie, but at this time the Confederate forces held the country around Newtonia. On September 27 Gen. Blunt�s whole command was placed subject to Gen. Schofield�s orders, and ordered by him to Sarcoxie. The latter also organized a division of 6,000 men, including Brown�s brigade, and sent it forward under Gen. Totten, September 30. On this very day a small force was sent forward by Salomon from Sarcoxie, to reconnoiter Oliver�s Prairie, which was discovered by the Confederates, and severely punished before Salomon�s whole command appeared. At sunset, Salomon was pressed back by the Confederate cavalry, but at the moment when the Federal troops were most sorely pressed Capt. Murphy�s Battery, supported by Col. Hall�s 1,500 Missouri cavalry, checked the advance, and covered the beaten Salomon�s retreat. The troops actually engaged were 4,500 Federals and one battery, against 6,000 or 7,000 Confederates, of eleven cavalry regiments and one battery. Hearing of this opening scene in

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actual warfare within Newton County, Gen. Blunt�s troops pushed forward from Fort Scott, and on the evening of October 2 Gen. Scholfield arrived at camp, five miles east of Sarcoxie, and estimated his force at 10,000.

A messenger and negro boy were arrested in Lawrence County October 14, 1862, with dispatches from Cockrell to Hindman. On that same date Schofield reported Rains with 4,000 infantry and eight guns at Cross Hollows, with Cooper, Coffee and Shelby between that point and the Nation, forage scarce around Pineville and Newtonia, but plenty around Cassville and Keetsville. Col. Jo. O. Shelby, commanding a brigade of Confederate States cavalry, reported to Gen. John S. Marmaduke, October 27, 1862, as follows: �I started from Little Rock about July 25, joined Col. J. V. Cockrell, and on the 27th proceeded to Newtonia, skirmished with Maj. Hubbard�s Federals, retired to Lone Jack, where Cockrell attacked and defeated Foster�s Federals; my squad proceeded forty miles further up, and made public my commission from Hindman to raise a regiment. I raised this regiment, and on the 18th of August traveled south in the rear of the Federals, who were pursuing Cockrell, until twelve miles northeast of Carthage, where we met the Sixth Kansas Cavalry and portion of Wisconsin Infantry, under Col. Cloud. For three house we fought and drove them back. Made our way to Arkansas, but were soon ordered to join Cols. Hays and Coffee on Elkhorn Creek. On September 9 Hindman threw the three regiments together, with myself in command, and ordered us to Camp Kearney, six miles south of Newtonia. While there we attacked the Federals at Newtonia, driving them ten miles (but lost Col. Hays). We moved to Newtonia. A few days later we routed a part of Col. Phillip�s brigade, near Carthage. Had two skirmishes at Mount Vernon, driving their pickets in, and on one occasion driving their forces ten miles from the town. During this time we were forty miles in advance of Gen. Rains, scouting from Cassville eighteen miles west to Scott�s Mills. On the 27th we were joined by Col. Cooper, who took command; on the 30th defeated Gen. Salomon at Newtonia; on October 3 they drove us from Newtonia, and we retreated to Mudtown. The brigade on September 9 was 2,319 strong.�

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On November 16, 1862, Gen. Schofield ordered five companies of the enrolled militia of Polk County to Stockton, and four companies of the Lawrence and Greene Counties Militia to Bower�s Mills, while Col. Phillips� Seventh Missouri Infantry was placed over Newton, McDonald, Barton, Vernon and Jasper Counties. On November 20, 1862, eight companies of the Seventh Missouri Infantry held Newtonia; the first battalion of the Fourteenth Missouri Cavalry, and a detachment of the First Arkansas Cavalry held Cassville.

In the convention of February 28, 1861, this district was represented by M. H. Ritchey, R. W. Crawford, and A. S. Harbin. J. R. Chenault, of Jasper, with McDowell and Gravelly, represented Jasper, Dade and other counties. The Gamble resolutions were adopted with some amendments, and the real work of holding Missouri within the Union was begun. Gov. Jackson, Lieut.-Gov. Thomas C. Reynolds, and Secretary of State Benjamin F. Massey, with the whole Legislature of 1860, were sent adrift by this convention. In October the lopping-off process was continued until it might be said the convention administered the State, county and municipal governments of Missouri. On June 15, 1863, Claudius P. Walker, of McDonald County, and M. H. Ritchey, of Newton County, were members of the newly elected Legislature.

Jesse Gocher, in 1861, was justice of Vineyard Township. He held very strong secession ideas, and when R. H. Landrum, who was then constable, suggested that a man holding such opinions should resign, the old �Squire exclaimed: �The principle of secession was far above any oath to support the constitution of the State or of the United States.�

R. B. Taylor, of Lawrence County, one of the members of Claib Jackson�s Legislature at Neosho, died near Mount Vernon in December, 1883.

In February, 1862, a Confederate foraging company was sent out by Price, McCullouch and McIntosh to take all subsistence. Around Verona and other towns they took everything. Later under �Hawkeye� Livingstone, they attacked the house of Thomas Marsh, where James W. Davis and W. N. Davis had come from their hiding-place to supper. There were Hardy J. and Joshua

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Marsh. When these men saw the rebels coming they fled, but were captured. Hardy J. Marsh was strung up to an apple tree, but let down before dead. Subsequently the two Marsh boys and W. N. Davis were tied in a bunch, and made to travel in that form half way to Mount Vernon, where they were released from the bonds and taken on in charge. The day following these men were given the work of killing hogs at the Craft farm, east of Mt. Vernon.

On the authority of Rev. A. A. Young, it must be stated that Gen. Ben. McCulloch ordered the destruction of all produce along the route of his retreat in 1861-62.

On April 18, 1863, Capt. Robert�s men started at 6 A.M. to scout from Bower�s Mill to Dale�s Mill. One-half mile below Sly�s Mill they captured one horse, also Mrs. L. Meaders, the wife of Wright Meaders, and Pell Meadows, a wounded bushwhacker. [T. E. Roberts� report.] This man, it is said, the scout shot and killed.

In 1860 Miles Phillips voted for Lincoln.

In November, 1864, Lawrence gave Thomas C. Fletcher 785 votes, and Thomas L. Price none, for governor.

Dr. Hawker, of Mount Vernon, was surgeon of the Second Arkansas Cavalry. On returning from Springfield, in 1864, W. S. McConnell, who accompanied him to Cassville, asked him how he was going to vote. He responded, �For Lincoln, or nobody, as there are fifty chances in 100 of losing one�s life by voting otherwise.�

The delegates to the State Constitutional Convention, held at St. Louis, January 6, 1865, included Archibald Gilbert, of Mount Vernon, and Joel M. Grammer of Cassville. On January 11 this body adopted the ordinance abolishing slavery in Missouri, and one hedging the ballot-box with evidences of the loyalty of voters were adopted.

In November, 1864, a petition from tax payers, and signed by Capt. W. B. Allen, Lieut. D. T. J. Colley and Lieut. S. R. Allen of Company D (six months�) United States Volunteer Infantry, was presented to the Court, asking that the order appropriating $20 bounty to six months� men in the United States service be rescinded. The Court granted the petition.

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Lawrence County furnished 368 men to the Union service prior to December 19, 1864, being 187 over quota, and gave four men under the call of December 19, 1864.

About the time �Hawkeye� Livingstone�s men descended on the Marsh and Davis settlement, they captured Levi A. Gibson, of the Fourteenth Missouri State Militia, and carried him, with their three former prisoners, to the Roper�s mill, on Turnback, where they camped. That night Levi Gibson escaped through a crack in the read of the barn, but his three less fortunate neighbors were carried to the old Wilson Creek camp. Later the Marsh brothers and W. N. Davis escaped from the Confederate camp, on Crane Creek, February 17, 1862, and returned home. Col. Allen states that after the Wilson Creek affair, Livingstone made a strong Union speech at Mount Vernon, but soon after organized his battalion of �Bloody Spikes.�

Ephraim Gaither was killed near Bower�s Mill, in 1861, by Capt. Musgrove�s men. Caswell T. Wear and another member were with Gaither, but the two escaped, Caswell�s ride for life being one of the stirring incidents of the war.

Company A and M of the Fifteenth Regiment, when garrisoning Stockton, defended the court-house against the �Bloody Spikes.� At this time Livingstone was killed.

Peter Hoshaw died in the winter of 1861-62, and Stephen Hoshaw was killed on Spring River, near the Lemaster (Guthrie) Mill, by a band of guerrillas under Hyde Johnson.

George S. Millsaps was wounded by bushwackers south of Peirce City. O. P. Mann died at Jefferson barracks in 1862. John White, a Federal soldier, was killed during a skirmish. Alvin P. Williams was killed near Chesapeake by a Federal scout. Samuel Cotter was war postmaster at Mount Vernon. William R. Davis was killed near Phelps in 1862, by bushwhackers. His wife was also killed, both at their home. Thomas Carey, also known as �Paddy Carey,� an Irishman, died during the war.

T. W. Davis was captured by John Toney during his raid on Mount Vernon. Later, when the Federal pursuers appeared, Davis broke for the ranks of his friends, and though a strict Methodist, cried out, �Give them hell, boys.�

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John Brite, a confederate, was killed at Saline, Ark. Capt. Breeden served, it is said, in a Missouri regiment. Confederate Capt. B. Stone was killed near Pea Ridge, by Oscar Wear. Eli Bray tells a story that while creeping through the bush to spy out the enemy�s movements, he ran his head against a rebel spy. Capt. U. P. Johnson, of the Twenty-fourth Missouri Volunteer Infantry, was killed on Red River. Alex. McKenzie was killed at his home near Bower�s Mill, about the close of the war. George Woods was killed in the Confederate service.

Asa Wormington was killed in 1865 or 1866, on the charge of having served the Confederacy in the bush. Among the crimes attributed was roasting old man Whittington�s feet, in Barry County, to extract some information. J. H. Hunter, a Federal, was killed in Arkansas. George Baugh was killed by the Anderson guerrillas in Saline. Zach. Ball, a Federal bugler, strained his eyes fulfilling his duties. James Gillock was killed by John Ham, in Madison County, Ark., while crossing King�s River.

The county did not suffer as much as her neighbors during the war. A strong Union feeling existed here, and a strong physical force gave effect to this feeling; yet, as President Lincoln stated, there were several parties here in 1861-62. At that time there were men here who wanted the Union with but not without slavery; men who wanted the Union without but not with slavery; men who wanted the Union with or without; but preferred it with; and men who wanted the Union with or without, but preferred it without.

From March 9, 1862, until the close of the war, Lawrence County was in the hands of the Federals, and with the exception of its southern settlements, referred to by the late Rev. A. A. Young in the history of the churches, suffered little in comparison with the adjoining counties.

Reunion.--The Mexican Veteran Reunion at Bower�s Mills, on May, 1887, was attended by fifteen soldiers of that war: William M. Weaver, Third Missouri Cavalry; W. H. Rush, First Missouri Cavalry; G. W. Campbell, Second Illinois Cavalry; S. D. Wisner, First Pennsylvania; H. L. Shaffer, First Miss.; Henry Zellers, First Missouri Cavalry; John T. Carns, Illinois Infantry; M. R. Nevins, Fifth Indiana Infantry; M. French, First Illinois Infantry; Joseph Mahony, First United States Dragoons; G. W. Hawkins, First Illinois; G. W. Stotts, Fourth Kentucky Infantry; Joel R. Smith, A. Comstock, and George Messick.

John H. Lee and A. P. Elkins, J. Pavery, Wash. Stotts, P. P. Brickey (deceased), R. S. Hillhouse and Joshua Woods (deceased).

John H. Lee was granted a pension of $8 per month in January, 1887.

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