Excerpts from "A Vivid Life Sketch" Published in the Johnson County Star, 23 June l9ll. Squire John Newton, who died thirteen years ago, told this interesting story of his early life and Indian warfare. John Newton, better known to old Warrensburgers as "Squire" Newton was one of the early settlers of Johnson County, moving here in l838. He lived to the ripe old age of 87 years, dying in l898. This interview was done just one year before his death. "I have never belonged to any church, although my choice is the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, of which I have been a regular attendant. I have never used intoxicants of any kind nor tobacco in any form...I am a democrat. I voted for Andrew Jackson...I knew Davy Crockett well...I also knew Col Bowie, of bowie knife fame. "I never felt any sorrow over the loss of my slaves; slavery was wrong. I was not in favor of the war (l86l-5) although, having two sons in the Confederate army, my sympathies were with them. I do not consider that Jeff Davis was a great statesman; he was wrong." John mentions his grandfather, Isaac Newton, Revolutionary War soldier who died of measles while in the service. His father Abraham also served in the Revolution when he was about l6 and he later received a pension. John's mother's maiden name was Dicy Vann, d/o John Jefferson Vann. Squire Newton was named John Jefferson after him, but he dropped the Jefferson. As far as he knows his ancestors all lived in NC where he was born in Duplin County l8 March, l8ll. In l8l5 the family (John and younger brother Hillary with his parents and grandfather Vann moved west. They settled in Anderson County, Tenn for a short time and then lived in Muhlenberg County, Ky until he was l2 or l5 years of age and then decided to move back to Tennessee. They bought a farm in Henry County. After John became of age and left his parents, they returned to their farm in Kentucky where they died. In the spring of l832 John enlisted in the Black Hawk War. (There is a long description of his war experiences). "I now receive a pension of $8.00 per month for my services in that war." "I married my first wife in l834. In the Autumn of l836 I moved to Gasconade county, Missouri, and bought a farm...In l839 I moved to Johnson County, Missouri, where I have lived ever since, either in the county or in the city of Warrensburg." This information is available in the Johnson County Historical Society, Warrensburg Lynda Smith lssmithsearcher@hotmail.com