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Col. James J. Searcy

Camp 1923

Member Survey

Please know that I understand many may not be able to serve on committees or participate in activities for various reasons to include lack, time or health issues. You are still a vital part of the Camp, I would like for you to fill out the Survey.

Survey Items:


1. To long _____ To Short _____ About Right _____


What type programs __________________________________________

Would you be willing to serve on the Program Committee?

Yes_____ No_____

Camp Web Site

Please rate as to ease of navigation (1 low to-5 high) _____

Ways to improve navigation____________________________________

Please rate Content (1-5) _____

Ways to improve content ______________________________________


Please rate Content (1-5) _____

Ways to improve content _______________________________________

How often _____Monthly _____ Other

Camp Activities

Are you interested in activities? What type would you like? _________


Would you be willing to serve on the Activity Committee?

Yes_____ No_____


Need your ideas ______________________________________________

Would you be willing to serve on the Recruitment Committee?

Yes_____ No_____

.Would you be interested in attending recruitment and/or exposure events such as: Higginsville Memorial Ceremony, Mountain Man event in Ashland, UDC Stone dedication in Cooper County, and others that may come alone such as the Salute to Veterans Parade.

What other committees do you believe are needed? ____________________


General Comments & Thoughts__
