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Col, James J. Searcy
Camp #1923
Sons of Confederate Veterans
Columbia, Missouri

Next Meeting
Sept. 15, 2010

September 1, 2010



Fellow Confederates,

With August and its intense heat behind us, we can look forward to a lovely fall and outdoor activities.

I would like to thank the Camp for electing me Commander for another year. Next year we will turn the reins over to another. I hope to continue to serve as Webmaster, and devote most of my time to my passion, Confederate Graves.

During the coming year there are several goals I would like to set for the Camp:
(1. Increase membership by at least 40 percent.
(2. Increase monthly attendance and participation in ideas for activities.
(3. Set a minimum of five stones on unmarked Confederate graves.
(4. Color Guard participating in the Columbia Memorial Day parade.
(5. Quarterly activities most of which would include families i.e. picnics, black powder shoots, and such.

In the last week or so a great amount of new information has been placed on the �Member Information & Stuff � area of the Camp Web Site. A great deal more needs to be added. Those of you that have not added your Confederate ancestor information and/or some biographical data on your self, please email it to me so I can put it on. Ancestor pictures are most desired. Look over the web pages and you will get an idea of things to send. You can make a difference; this Web Site can not be �the best it can be� without YOU.

The �Graves� area is beginning to really shape up and is growing every day. At this time, there are 36 Cemeteries listed with over 250 Confederate Veterans. Of those 250, there are grave photos currently on 120 Veteran pages. Biographical information on each Veteran has been collected and will be added after all the photos are on-line. I figure at least another 200 hours of work before that is finished. The data will mostly be another 150 + hours.

Our Web Site is very important for maintaining good Camp communication and extremely important for recruiting and making known the principles of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. It is necessary for each of us to continually spread our web address to all we know.

Yours in the �Cause�.

Loren .


My fellow compatriots-----While reading through the latest issue of "Civil War Times", a magazine purporting to deal with the War, I found a cover notation, followed by an internal article that wants us all to just finally admit that the cause for the War was slavery.

After I calmed down a bit and took another blood pressure pill, I realized that this is probably the biggest and most favorite attack area of revisionist "historians". It allows the illusion of northern good versus southern evil and unfortunately, once established in the mind of hapless children in schools and uninformed adults, shreds credibility of any individual or group with a different view.

I won't waste time here preaching to the choir----we all know the truth. What I will do is point out the EXCELLENT article in the Sept./Oct. issue of Confederate Veteran entitled, "Why The War Was Not About Slavery" by Donald Livingston, Ph.D and Professor of Philosophy at Emory University AND a member of SCV. Please-----read it carefully and then, read it again and again, if necessary---until the basic and firm ideas are deeply rooted in your mind and gut. Use this as ammunition and BE PREPARED to defend the truth whenever you can.

We are up against a well-entrenched distortion-machine that has been running a long, long time----BUT----just as Holy Scripture assures that THE Truth will set us free, so then will THE truth about our noble Cause set the spirits of our ancestors free from the vilification and downright lies hurled at them across time. Stand firm my friends and defend the Cause! DEO VINDICE Mark

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Camp #1923 Meeting
Sept. 15

Proposed Amendment to the Camp By-Laws
Battle Ground Signs for County Roads
Black Powder Shoot at Finger Lakes
Mt. Zion Memorial Stone still a problem.
Heitage Festival planning.

Heritage Festival
Sept 18 & 19

The M.Graham Clark Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution, and the Union Tiger Camp will join us in adjoining booths. My idea is the more uniforms the more attraction, BUT---- the more Gray is a must.

Fall Festival
Holt Summit
Oct 9
10 AM - 4 PM

We have committed to this event. Hopefully, we will have large Camp turnout and the Brigade will join us.



Cemetery List
