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Col, James J. Searcy
Camp #1923
Sons of Confederate Veterans
Columbia, Missouri

Next Meeting
Nov. 17, 2010

November 9, 2010




Fellow Confederates,

The Holidays are rapidly approaching and so begins the 150th Anniversary of the Fight for Southern Independence. It is time for us to decide what part the Camp will take in the forthcoming events and how each one of us will commit to playing a part in these events.

Jenifer Flink, BCHS Executive Director and Curator, has asked for an encampment during April. I must say that my efforts at this time have been most disappointing. I would welcome any suggestions the membership might come up with. We need the exposure.

The Northern slant has been preached too long. With public attention focused on the War, a great opportunity exists for the Sons of Confederate Veterans to present its true history. It is time we corrected the record. None of us will ever see such an opportunity during our lives again. I truly believe that the health of the Sons of Confederate Veterans as a viable voice depends on our actions now and in the next 5 years.

It is not enough to come together once a month, recite the 'Salute to the First National', and talk among ourselves. It is time to spread our talk, ideas, and our beliefs outside of the Camp. We need to recruit in order for the Camp and SCV to remain a viable organisation in the years ahead. We know what we must do; it is time to do it and grab the opportunity. Action is needed on the part of each of us.

With the current waves of unrest washing the dust off the Constitution and spreading the belief in States Rights to the North, it is time for us to do as our ancestors did in the 1860s. 'Rally Around the Flag'. It is the duty of all True Sons of the Confederacy, the duty of all True Americans to fight for our beliefs and fight for our Country. Beat the Drum, wave the Flag, and shout 'God Bless America'.




Mark Stuart

I really like November. In it, we celebrate Veteran's Day and Thanksgiving. As we sit around our tables this year and enjoy the bountiful harvest so graciously placed before us, let us bow our heads and remember those who sacrificed so much so that we may enjoy the freedoms granted to us via blood and tears. Our brave Confederate ancestors stood and fought powers determined to take and then destroy their very way of life. They endured scorching summer heat and tick-infested woods and still, they marched. They slept outside in cold driving rain and still, they marched. They felt the sting of bitter, wind-driven snow---dressed in tatters and often barefoot and still, they marched. This, they did for us and they did it with set teeth and grim determination. Do we not owe them this same level of commitment!!?? Do we not owe them our total energies and talents to keep their struggles alive?

We've much to be thankful for but all of it came at a dear price. Freedom is not free and as Thomas Jefferson once said: "Sometimes, the roots of the Tree of Liberty must be nourished with the blood of patriots." The 150th Anniversary of our ancestors' struggles is coming----let's be ready to march and show the same grit and determination in presenting and defending the TRUTH about that time and always, always remember------DEO VINDICE (God will vindicate) Mark

Thoughts from
the Chaplain

Father Richard W. Rudd is an Anglican Catholic priest and Chaplain of the Hughes Camp. He writes the Chaplain's Corner which appears monthly in the Hughes Camp newsletter.

Many of our Camp members attended the Annual Missouri Brigade Reunion and the Higginsville Confederate Memorial Day where Father Rudd gave the opening prayers. His short payers preceded by explanations go to the heart of the events and are inspirational. (see Chaplain's Corner)


Camp #1923 Meeting
Nov. 17



Cemetery List
