Howard County MOGenWeb
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Howard County Populated Places and Locales

The information for the list below came from the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS). If you are interested in seeing the location of one of the populated places listed below, you can search their site for them, then click on the place name. The coordinates and elevation of the town will appear. Select the "GNIS in Google Map" link on the right hand of the screen. Other types of maps can be viewed by selecting the other mapping services available to the right of the screen. To go to that GNIS site, click here.

Populated Places Latitude Longitude USGS 7.5' Map
Armstrong 391611N 0924204W Armstrong
Boonesboro 390437N 0925029W Franklin
Bunker Hill 391305N 0923150W Burton
Burton 391253N 0923643W Burton
Estill 390254N 0924439W New Franklin
Fayette 390845N 0924101W Fayette
Franklin 390042N 0924511W Franklin
Glasgow 391338N 0925047W Glasgow
Hilldale 390347N 0923340W Hilldale
Landmark (historical) 390647N 0923101W Hilldale
Lisbon 390623N 0925422W Arrow Rock
New Franklin 390102N 0924414W New Franklin
Petersburg 390330N 0925335W Arrow Rock
Punkin Center 391203N 0923032W Burton
Roanoke 391901N 0924119W Armstrong
Sebree 390737N 0923151W Burton
Steinmetz 391406N 0924527W Glasgow

If you are interested in seeing one of these locales on a map, you can search the GNIS for it, then click on the locale name. The coordinates and elevation of the locale will appear. Select the "GNIS in Google Map" link on the right hand of the screen. Other types of maps can be viewed by selecting the other mapping services available to the right of the screen. To go to that GNIS site, click here.

Locale Name Latitude Longitude USGS 7.5' Map
Bluffport 391103N 0925232W Saline City
Buckharts (historical) 390430N 0924335W New Franklin
Elkgrove UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Unknown
Hardemans Garden (historical) UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Billingsville
Jackman Mills UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Unknown
Kingsbury (historical) 385912N 0924521W Billingsville
Mount Leonine UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Arrow Rock
North Side UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Unknown
Pungree (historical) UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Unknown
Rosalee (historical) 390030N 0924005W New Franklin
Talbot (historical) 390540N 0924210W New Franklin
Whites Store (historical) 390005N 0923540W Hilldale
Wilson School 391502N 0922927W Renick

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� 2001 by Sherryl Barger for the Howard County MOGenWeb Project

This page was last updated on January 5, 2001.