Howard County, Missouri Surname List
Howard County, Missouri Surname List
P - Z
usgenweb missouri

Contact Person
PADGETT Anne Siler ([email protected])
Gene Taylor Waters ([email protected])
PAGE Linda Manning ([email protected])
Sharon Foree ([email protected])
Sally Everding ([email protected])
Bob Long ([email protected])
PALMATORY Brewer ([email protected])
PALMER Shirley Kays ([email protected])
PATRICK Alice Fluegge ([email protected]) see website
PATTERSON Caperon ([email protected])
Edwin B. Humphreys ([email protected])
Kathy Lencki ([email protected])
PAUL [email protected]
PAYNE Judith Weeks Ancell ([email protected])
PAYTON Leota Fruit ([email protected])
PEACHER Susan A. Allen ([email protected]) see website
Bobbi Slagle ([email protected])
PEARL Don Allen ([email protected])
PEARSON [email protected]
Judith Weeks Ancell ([email protected])
Mary McCune ([email protected])
PEMBERTON Pat Wheat ([email protected])
Teresa Chase ([email protected])
Mary Branham ([email protected])
PERKINS [email protected]
PERRY [email protected]
PERSINGER Pat Lorentzen ([email protected])
PFANMILLER Henry A. Mounts ([email protected])
PICKARD Flossie Morgan Owens ([email protected])
PIERCY Janice Elliott ([email protected])
PITNEY [email protected]
PITTMAN Jackie Sites ([email protected])
PIXLEY Sandi Pixley ([email protected])
POOL Alice Henson ([email protected])
PROFFIT Gary Babler ([email protected])
PUGH Sharlee Birge ([email protected])
PULLIAM Beverly Gardner ([email protected])
Judith Weeks Ancell ([email protected])
QUILLAN Shaun Dunston ([email protected])
QUILLIN Shaun Dunston ([email protected])
RAMSEY Jolene Dodge ([email protected])
RAWLINS Vivian Creeden ([email protected])
Nancy Waite ([email protected])
RAY Patrick Dolan ([email protected])
Chuck Edmonds ([email protected])
John Allen ([email protected])
Dave Heinz ([email protected])
REDICK Ken Milburn ([email protected])
REED Patricia Shoemaker ([email protected])
Ted Hitt ([email protected])
REEVES Joan Reeves ([email protected])
RENNOLDS Linda Manning ([email protected])
REYNOLDS Lynne Downing ([email protected])
Avanell Jackson Hutton
Ted Hitt ([email protected])
Nancy Kimmel ([email protected])
Linda Manning ([email protected])
RICHARDS Rita Warren ([email protected])
Roberta Lewis ([email protected])
RICHARDSON Charlotte Coats ([email protected])
ROBB [email protected]
Avanell Jackson Hutton
Lynn Bernhard ([email protected])
Gene Taylor Waters ([email protected])
ROBERTS Cindy Colley ([email protected])
Robert Neeson ([email protected])
Janice Elliott ([email protected])
ROBINSON Susan R. ([email protected])
Judy Brown Rasmussen ([email protected])
Judith Weeks Ancell ([email protected])
ROHRER Susan Hunter ([email protected])
ROSEBERRY Betty Collier ([email protected])
Rowena McAfee ([email protected])
Gene Taylor Waters ([email protected])
ROWLAND Jean Heck ([email protected])
[email protected]
RUCKER Sally Tomson (stomson98003 at
RUNYON Sharon Foree ([email protected])
SAMUEL Frances Trimble ([email protected])
SAMUELS [email protected]
SANDERS Susan Croyle ([email protected])
SANFORD Richard Johnson ([email protected])
SCHINDHELM Robert Shindhelm ([email protected])
SCOTT Pat Bales ([email protected])
SCOTTEN Patricia Smith ([email protected])
SCRITCHFIELD Beverly Diefenderfer ([email protected])
Loren Smith ([email protected])
SCRUTCHFIELD Beverly Diefenderfer ([email protected])
Loren Smith ([email protected])
Aleita Huguenin ([email protected])
SEARCY [email protected]
SEARS Susan Hunter ([email protected])
SEBOLT [email protected]
SEBREE Judith Weeks Ancell ([email protected])
SETTLE Nancy Kessler ([email protected])
SHACKELFORD [email protected]
SHELTON Doris Moore Artrip ([email protected])
SHEPSARD Buck Lyons ([email protected])

[email protected]
Cheryl Freeman ([email protected])

SHINDHELM Robert Shindhelm ([email protected])
SHINKLE Debbie Wilcox ([email protected])
SHIPE Doug Shipe ([email protected])
SHIPLEY G. W. Shipley, Jr. ([email protected])
Warren Kelly ([email protected])
SHIPP Doug Shipe ([email protected])
Ed Susank ([email protected])
SHOCKLEY [email protected]
SHOEMAKER [email protected]
SHOWERS [email protected]
SHUMAKER [email protected]
SILVEY [email protected]
SIMMONS Gerald Pierce ([email protected])
SIMMS Judith Weeks Ancell ([email protected])
SIMPSON Pat Bales ([email protected])
SIMS Judith Weeks Ancell ([email protected])
SKILLMAN Bobbi Slagle ([email protected])
SLAGLE Bobbi Slagle ([email protected])
SMALLWOOD Nora Eden ([email protected])
SMITH Hazel Rasar ([email protected])
Marianna Touchstone Demko ([email protected])
Beverly Gardner ([email protected])
Caperon ([email protected])
Pat Bales ([email protected])
Jolene Dodge ([email protected])
Glenda Amick Wolfe ([email protected])
Nora Eden ([email protected])
SMOTHERS Bobbi Slagle ([email protected])
SNAVELY Ed Susank ([email protected])
Connie Cameron ([email protected])
SNELL Gerald Pierce ([email protected])
Jerry Snell ([email protected])
SNODDY Randi Richardson ([email protected])
Leota Fruit ([email protected])
SPILLMAN Doug Shipe ([email protected])
SPIVA Tom Spoonamore ([email protected])
SPOONAMORE Tom Spoonamore ([email protected])
SPOONEMORE Tom Spoonamore ([email protected])
SPOONMORE Tom Spoonamore ([email protected])
SPRY Patty ([email protected])
ST. CLAIR Jim St. Clair ([email protected])
STACEY [email protected]
STACY [email protected]
STANDIFORD [email protected]
Fred Bradley ([email protected])
STANDLEY Nancy Sauers ([email protected])
STANLEY Nancy Sauers ([email protected])
STAPLES Val Hurd ([email protected])
STAPLETON [email protected]
STAPP Robert Shindhelm ([email protected])
Brad Taylor ([email protected])
[email protected]
STEELE Beverly Gardner ([email protected])
STEINMETZ Leslie ([email protected])
STEMMONS [email protected]
Ed Susank ([email protected])
STERNE [email protected]
STINSON Alice Henson ([email protected])
Linda Brown ([email protected])
STREET [email protected]
STONE Cindy Colley ([email protected])
STRANGE Judith Weeks Ancell ([email protected])
STUCK Terri Carlson ([email protected])
SUNDERLAND Joseph Sunderland ([email protected])
SWEARINGEN Vivian Creeden ([email protected])
Nora Eden ([email protected])
Jo Tipton ([email protected])
SWETNAM Gerald Pierce ([email protected])
Roy Lockhart ([email protected])
SWINNEY William Swinney Morgan ([email protected])
SWITZER Susan Croyle ([email protected])
SWOPE Beverly Gardner ([email protected])
SYME Judith Weeks Ancell ([email protected])
TALBOT Nancy MacDonald ([email protected])
TARWATER Jean Heck ([email protected])
TAYLOR Jennifer Gray ([email protected])
Ted Hitt ([email protected])
Kay Taylor ([email protected])
TEETER Tammy Sturn ([email protected])
TERRILL Bob Long ([email protected])
THOMAS [email protected]
THOMPSON Carolyn Gibbons ([email protected])
[email protected]
Evelyn Chester ([email protected])
THORNHILL Sara Tanke ([email protected])
THURMAN Judy Parsons ([email protected])
George Thurman ([email protected])
TINDALL Teresa Pasley ([email protected])
TIPPETT Don L. Jones ([email protected])
[email protected]
TITUS Dennis Stephens ([email protected])
Brewer ([email protected])
TODD Joann Lucas Conrad ([email protected])
[email protected]
[email protected]
TOLSON Ted Hitt ([email protected])
TRAMEL(L) Tonja Cunningham ([email protected])
TREADWAY Alvin Jordan ([email protected])
TRIBBLE Judith Weeks Ancell ([email protected])
TUCKER Pauline Phelps ([email protected]) see website

Jack Chipley ([email protected])
Alan Wood ([email protected])

TURNER Nancy Kessler ([email protected])
Bobbi Slagle ([email protected])
Patti Bates ([email protected])
Judith Weeks Ancell ([email protected])
Cheryl Freeman ([email protected])
TYER Gene Tyer ([email protected])
UNDERWOOD Diane Ollar ([email protected])
VANESLER Susan Croyle ([email protected])
VANLANDINGHAM Sherryl Barger ([email protected])
VENABLE Mina Chittum ([email protected])
VIA Bob Long ([email protected])
VICTOR Nancy Kessler ([email protected])
WACHTER Susan Hunter ([email protected])
WAINSCOTT Ted Hitt ([email protected])
Linda Manning ([email protected])
WALDEN [email protected]
WALKER Ted Hitt ([email protected])
Linda Manning ([email protected])
Judith Weeks Ancell ([email protected])
WALKUP Betty Collier ([email protected])
Gerald Pierce ([email protected])
WALLER Willora Glee Krapf ([email protected])
WALSH Jim Stinson ([email protected])
WARD [email protected]
Rita Warren ([email protected])
Nancy Brown ([email protected])
Georgia Herhold ([email protected])
WARE Rowena McAfee ([email protected])
P.B. Sherrill ([email protected])
WARMOTH Sharon Foree ([email protected])
WARREN Don Allen ([email protected])
WASSON Candace Conradt ([email protected]>)
WATERS George Thurman ([email protected])
WATKINS Dave Heinz ([email protected])
WATSON Sue Stalder ([email protected])
Judith Weeks Ancell ([email protected])
WAYLAND Nancy Cardellicchio ([email protected])
Caperon ([email protected])
Mary McCune ([email protected])
WEATHERFORD Norma Warwick ([email protected])
WEBB Peggy Woolfork([email protected])
WELL Brad Taylor ([email protected])
WELLS Barbara Winfield ([email protected])
Doris Moore Artrip ([email protected])
WESTBAY Rowena McAfee ([email protected])
WESTON Eva Weston ([email protected])
WHITE Susan Miller ([email protected])
Alice Henson ([email protected])
Ron White ([email protected])
Judith Weeks Ancell ([email protected])
Linda Brown ([email protected])
WHITTEN Glenda Amick Wolfe ([email protected])
WIGGINS Harriet Murphy Awapara ([email protected])
WILDS Beverly Gardner ([email protected])
Barbara Koch ([email protected])
WILES Beverly Gardner ([email protected])
WILEY Gene Taylor Waters ([email protected])
WILHOIT Terri Carlson ([email protected])
WILKERSON Karen Boggs ([email protected])
Beverly Spencer ([email protected])
WILLIAMS Carolyn Gibbons ([email protected])
Shaun Dunston ([email protected])
Ed Susank ([email protected])
Sally Everding ([email protected])
WILLIAMSON [email protected]
WILLS Mary Wertin ([email protected])
WILSON Karen Levin ([email protected])
Bobbi Slagle ([email protected])
WINKLEPLECK Debbie Stevens ([email protected])
WINN Ted Hitt ([email protected])
Sharon Foree ([email protected])
WISDOM Pat Bales ([email protected])
WITHERS Don Allen ([email protected])
Susan Hunter ([email protected])
Mary Smith ([email protected])
WITT Lorene Fort ([email protected])
WOLFE Susan Robinson ([email protected])
WOOD Craig Beeman ([email protected])
WOODS Shirley Kays ([email protected])
Andrea Wieland ([email protected])
Harold Kerr ([email protected])
WOODWARD Fae Jacobs ([email protected])
WRIGHT Sheila Williamson ([email protected])
WYATT Eula Caruthers ([email protected])
YAEGER Mary Beasley ([email protected])
YANCEY Dennis Yancey ([email protected])
YOWELL Leota ([email protected])

Send comments to Sherry Raleigh-Adams, Howard County MOGenWeb Coordinator

To enter your surnames, go back to Howard County, Missouri Surnames List

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� 1996-2005 by the Howard County MOGenWeb Project

This page last updated on January 4, 2010.