Letter 33

Letter 33 - April 17, 1943

(a transcription of the letter appears below the images)

Sullivan mo
april. 17 1943

Local Board.

I am a close nabor of the Griffith Family and I no that them quins (this word is probably supposed to be twins) boys is not doing a thing but loafing around and lets their Dad do the plowing and their is One of the Caldwellls boy to that ant at work I think if the other young men had to go these boys ought to to for it is not more then right for it is a war that have got to be wone and I think if they ant doing any thing they ought to go even if they are quins (again probably twins) and they have got a married boy with one child and he is like the others wont work if they stay out of the army I think you ought to see that they go to work Their names is Willard, and Hillard and Ames Griffith. I see that the others boys around here is at work except the Griffith & Marvin Caldwell, Why they keep then out it is not because they needed them it is because they hated to seen them go. I no a man around here needs his boys to work but they had to go so I dont think that These boy ought to stay out just because their family narsses them I am just a rell Amercian and think you are to so why not make every body do their part we will never win the war like this.

Just Another American

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